The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 421 2 tails

readx(); Li Yun smiled secretly when he heard this. Ji Gao said this, of course, to pull their elders to pull the banner and prevent Lei Xiang from having any plans with him.

"That's it. It seems that this news may be true..."

"Li Yun, I wonder if you will come with us to have a look?" Cai'er asked.

"I'm not very interested in this kind of treasure hunting, so I won't go. It takes a long time to leave the sect this time, and I plan to go back early." Li Yun said.

"Li Yun, sister Cai'er really wants you to go with her..." Xue Feifei said with a sweet smile.

"Yes, Li Yun, just go with us!" Hua Lei helped.

"Haha, you two sisters don't need to talk anymore. I want to go shopping with Brother Lei and then return to the sect. There will be many opportunities for us to meet in the future."

"You? Huh..." Cai'er pouted again.

Ji Gao was secretly happy. It seemed that Li Yun and Lei Xiang really would not go to that tomb, which was a big plus for him.

He quickly toasted to Li Yun and Lei Xiang.

After leaving Yuanfang Restaurant, Li Yun accompanied Lei Xiang to stroll around the market.

"Brother Yun, you really don't want to go to that tomb?" Lei Xiang asked.

"I really don't want to." Li Yun said firmly.

"This makes me a little confused. When other people hear that there is a treasure, they are eager to get it as soon as possible. Why do you look so unmoved?"

"Haha, although the treasure is good, it is not that easy to get. News like this arouses enthusiasm in all directions as soon as it comes out, and it obviously hides a huge danger..."

"Oh? You really think so?"

"I hope my judgment is wrong. However, I have experienced similar things. This matter is most likely a conspiracy."

"Then why didn't you talk to those young men just now? It seems that Cai'er still has a good impression of you... Do you have the heart to put her in danger?"

"Brother, you are joking! Cai'er and I have only met each other a few times, and we are still young, so we don't have the problem you mentioned. As for why we didn't tell Ji Gao and others, there are two reasons."

"Oh? Why don't you talk and listen."

"First, Ji Gao and others are superstitious about the information from Tianji Palace and believe that the information from Tianji Palace is basically reliable and credible. If I tell them that this information is false, his first reaction is not to thank me for reminding him. , but thought that my purpose was to dissuade them so that they could get the treasure themselves. Rather than doing this, it would be better not to say anything."

"Not bad...what about second place?"

"This is an opportunity to practice, and these people are the descendants of those powerful people. The powerful people will naturally follow and protect them. Although they told Ji Gao and others that they would go to the tomb in a few days, in fact But they are already following closely behind, so even if I don't tell them, their danger is very small." Li Yun said with a smile. dudu1();

"Haha! Brother Yun's guess is correct. Behind this group of teenagers, there is indeed a group of people with high cultivation levels. I think they all have cultivation levels of Nascent Soul and above." Lei Xiang praised with a smile.

"It turns out that the eldest brother has discovered it a long time ago, but he came to ask the younger brother why. Do you want to see the younger brother make a fool of himself?"

"No, I don't know why those people were hiding behind. But after listening to your analysis, I realized that they were here to act as bodyguards for these teenagers." Lei Xiang explained.

"That's it. I really envy these geniuses. Their pay is so high. They even have bodyguards to secretly protect them during their training..."

"Haha, when it comes to geniuses, which one of them can compare with you? You can knock them all down with one hand. It's ridiculous that those teenagers actually have a sense of superiority in front of you. They are really blind, and they are like a greenhouse. Flowers, little frogs at the bottom of the well!”

"Brother is ridiculous! No matter how powerful I am, little brother, I can never reach this level."

"I said you can, you can! Now I finally understand why you can cause catastrophe as soon as you enter the foundation building. Just your unique and ultimate perfect Taoist platform can explain everything!" Lei Xiang sighed, with an expression on his face. There seems to be some hidden thought in it,

There was excitement in his eyes.

", this matter is an absolute secret of the younger brother. Don't tell anyone else." Li Yun knew that Lei Xiang had finally discovered this, so he had to warn him.

"Don't worry, Brother Yun! By the way, speaking of the information from Tianji Palace, why don't you trust the information released by Tianji Palace? You know, they are very authoritative in this regard."

Li Yun said: "Of course most of their information is credible. However, things in this world are full of surprises and change all the time. If they want to make everything credible, even if they spend hundreds or a thousand times more manpower, material and financial resources to Even after research, I couldn’t do it. My younger brother once secretly manipulated and set up a situation and asked Daxia Jidian to help me send out a false news, which resulted in a war between the two sects..."

Lei Xiang was dumbfounded when he heard this, his mind was racing, and he said after a long while: "I didn't expect that at such a young age, Brother Yun would not only have amazing cultivation, but also be so thoughtful in his thinking. I really admire Brother Wei!"

The two walked as they talked, and when they came to the center of the city, Lei Xiang saw a treasure appraisal hall and reacted: "I have to exchange for this spiritual stone, otherwise it will be really difficult to move forward."

"Brother really doesn't have spirit stones on his body?" Li Yunqi asked.

"Hey, I just finished my mission elsewhere and received a letter from Lei Dong when I returned to my family. I rushed here immediately without any preparation at all."

"I see. Brother, don't worry, you can keep these spiritual stones for use. If you don't have enough, just ask for them from me." Li Yun took out a spiritual ring and handed it to Lei Xiang.

Lei Xiang sensed it for a moment, and was stunned for a moment, exclaiming in surprise: "So many?!"

"Haha, just think of it as a meeting gift to meet my eldest brother!"


Lei Xiang pondered for a moment, his stars flashed slightly, he gritted his teeth, took out a space stone from the space in his body, and said: "Brother Yun has a greeting gift, doesn't my elder brother not have one? This is the remains I got from killing an evil dragon. I’ll give it to you as a meeting gift!”

"What?! How can this... be done? It's too precious!" Li Yun was stunned, his heart was beating wildly, and he quickly declined.

"Brother Yun, this is nothing. Brother, I like you. Even if you want my parts, I won't be stingy! Take it!" Lei Xiang thrust the space stone into Li Yun's hand.


"Can't Brother Yun still see that I am from the thunder dragon clan?" dudu2();

"This...knows a little bit..."

"Haha, when I advance next time, if you have shed dragon scales or other parts, you can give me whatever you want! This is a rare treasure for you humans!"

"What brother said... is it true?!"

"Of course! These are the dragon scales I shed from my last promotion. I have five pieces left. I might as well give them all to you! It's best to use them as shields!"

Lei Xiang took out another spiritual ring and handed it to Li Yun.

"Thank you, big brother! I really don't know how to thank you!"

"How can you and my brother thank you? Just drink more!"

"no problem!"

After the two exchanged items, their friendship seemed to have sublimated again, and Li Yun was secretly happy.

It wasn't because he got Lei Xiang's treasure, but because Lei Xiang completely believed in him.

Moreover, he found that Lei Xiang was easier to fool than Lei Dong. Lei Dong wanted him to help find Tianleimu. Although the idea was good, he found the wrong person.

With the level of intelligence of Lei Dong, his daughter, and Lei Xiang, if they wanted to fight with him, they would be like naughty boys and wise men. Li Yun could completely play them around.

However, with Li Yun's intelligence, no matter who comes to compete with him on Xuanling Continent, the outcome will probably be similar.

Of course, why Lei Xiang believed in Li Yun so much and became brothers with Li Yun so quickly was not only due to his own considerations, but also to Li Yun himself.

Because he possesses high-quality Heavenly Thunder Roots, possesses the power of Heavenly Thunder Daoyun, and has also been refined into a small Heavenly Thunder Demonic Body. This rich Heavenly Thunder aura makes Lei Xiang naturally feel close to him, thinking that he is the same kind.

"Brother Yun, now that we have the spirit stone, we will part ways for now. Big brother, I have to go do something!"

"Okay! I wish my eldest brother all the best and reunite with me soon!"

"Do you need me to help you get rid of those two tails?" Lei Xiang Nunu asked.

"Haha, brother, just leave with peace of mind, those two tails are just tails, don't take it into consideration in my eyes!"

"Okay! Then I'm leaving! You have to take care of yourself, I will definitely come to you!"

"Bon Voyage!"

Lei Xiang got the spirit stone, said goodbye to Li Yun and left.


Li Yun watched Lei Xiang's figure disappear into the distant sky and continued to wander around the market.

Turning to a remote place, a figure flashed, and two people appeared in front of them. It was Liang Jia and Ma Feng who had been taught a lesson by him in the Yuanfang Restaurant.

"So your name is Li Yun! Where is your eldest brother?" Liang Jiada said loudly.

"Haha, he is right behind you."


The two of them were shocked when they heard this, their faces suddenly turned blue, their whole bodies were shaking slightly, they felt a chill on their backs, and they almost didn't dare to look back.

"Look at how scared you are...I'm just kidding, he's already gone."


Liang Jia was stunned, turned around and finally confirmed that what Li Yun said this time was true. Her red face turned red and she said angrily: "Li Yun, you are such a vulgar country boy, how dare you make such a loud noise in a restaurant." , take action at will, borrow the power of others to show off your power! It seems that if you don’t take care of you, you won’t even know who you are!”

"Oh? So you've been following me all this time just to teach me a lesson?"

"You... know that we have been following you?" Liang Jia was slightly stunned.

"Of course, with your invisibility method, you are just deceiving children."


Liang Jia gritted his teeth, pulled out his sword with a clang, and pointed it at Li Yun.

"Wait a minute!" Li Yun shouted.

"What? Are you scared?!" Liang Jia had a playful look on his face.

"Haha, this is Yuanfang Zhaifang City, and there are guards. Aren't you afraid that doing something here will alarm them?"

"Don't worry, I don't need to disturb them to deal with you!" Liang Jia said coldly.

"However, when I transferred in just now, I had already sent a message to the City Guards. I'm afraid they are almost here now!"


Liang Jia and Ma Baobao looked at each other. They didn't notice Li Yun's little move at all, and they didn't know whether he was bluffing.

"Hmph, who cares about the city guards, even if I kill someone, it's not a big deal!"

Liang Jia roared, and the sword in his hand came out, carrying a fiery red wind, and struck Li Yun!

…(To be continued.)

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