The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4215 I have taken action

“Boom, boom, boom—swish, swish—kill, kill, kill—”

"Jiejiejiejie—ho ho ho—kill, kill, kill—"

This battle between the monks and the ghosts was extremely fierce. The blood of the monks and the black blood of the ghosts splashed in the air. Sword energy flowed across the sky. Ghost shadows flickered. Broken limbs and broken arms could be seen from time to time. Strange screams and screams of killing were heard. The sound of bombings reached the ears, making the viewers tense, dumbfounded, and trembling...

Even a brave and aggressive race like the giant elephant tribe was still frightened by this fierce battle!

This is actually related to the fact that they have never fought against the ghost tribe. The gloomy and cruel ghosts have a great visual and psychological impact on them, and it is difficult to face them easily. However, the giant elephant tribe has never been afraid of fighting. They responded After coming here, everyone was thinking about how they would deal with such a ghost team...

But those senior officials were more concerned about Dingfan’s soul and the situation of the Ghost King and Shi Xin...

Where is the teacher's letter at this time?

This guy saw that the formation was broken before and was worried that he would be targeted by the Ghost King, so he quickly put a puppet clone to fight outside. What you need to know is that the puppet clone is extremely valuable, and it is impossible to have it with Shi Xin's wealth. Yes, but the ancestor he relied on, Wu Ya, gave him support and gave him one. It was the right time to use it now.

And his own body was secretly hidden, but what he didn't expect was that the Ghost King ignored him after coming in, but chased after the soul, and then they disappeared into the blue light one after another. !

When Shixin saw both the spirit and the ghost king entering the blue light formation, he couldn't help but sneer on his face. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have made a mistake, that is, he did not have to fight with his life to resist, because these ghosts were Everyone seems to want to rush into the secret realm to grab the treasure, and as far as he knows, this layer of blue light formation is extremely unfriendly to monks. Many people will have some bad feelings after entering. This feeling cannot be explained. , but it is definitely not a good thing, and as it deepens, the monk will feel more and more pressure until he can no longer hold on and quits. He has seen this kind of situation many times, and even he himself has tried it secretly Several times he returned without success, so he estimated that the Ghost King and the soul would also encounter the same dilemma after entering the blue light array...

Why is it said to be an estimate? This is because the ghost king and the soul are not real monks, so Shixin is not 100% sure about what will happen to them in the blue light array. Under such circumstances, Shixin is very curious, and he feels that this is A good opportunity to kill the ghost king, so he left the puppet to continue leading the guards to fight the ghosts on the outside, while he quietly followed in...

For Shi Xin, it is not just as simple as it seems on the surface that he spent a lot of money to obtain such a lucrative position as the guard captain. On the contrary, he has his own purpose. This purpose is the same as most people, which is to find out what is going on in the secret realm. , if you can make a big fortune, then you can earn everything back!

Moreover, he has another reason to go in and explore, that is, entering the secret realm to explore is actually a family mission for him. This mission was secretly confessed and supported by his ancestor Wu Ya!

If not, how could Shi Wuya give Shi Xin a puppet clone?

Shixin has accumulated some experience after entering the blue light array many times, and spent money to configure some treasures to resist the pressure of the blue light array. At this time, he was fully armed and invisible and flying in the formation, which seemed quite relaxed, but the ghost king's cultivation Although he was much taller than him, he didn't expect that the blue light array was so powerful, so he felt a little strenuous as he flew. Even the range of his spiritual consciousness was greatly reduced, and he didn't realize that Shi Xin was following behind...

What the Ghost King didn't expect was that it was so difficult for him to fly, but the soul in front seemed to be relaxed and at ease. It didn't even consume much soul power. It looked no different from when it entered the formation. What was going on?

However, the stronger the spirit appears, the greater its attraction to the Ghost King. Therefore, seeing the spirit so easily, the Ghost King becomes more determined to capture it.

What made him even more unexpected was that while this ray of divine soul was flying, another point of light appeared next to it, but it was a ray of divine soul! ! !

"Wow! They actually belong to the same person?!!!" The Ghost King had sharp eyes and quickly discovered this.

From his point of view, this new ray of divine energy seemed to be even more powerful. If he could devour it as well, then it would be a sure thing for him to advance!


The Ghost King smiled, his heart became fierce, his speed increased again, and he pounced towards the two light spots...


The Ghost King suddenly screamed, because he found that although his speed had increased, the two light spots in front seemed to realize that he was approaching, so their speed suddenly increased a bit, always keeping in line with him. A certain distance, and it was this distance that made it impossible for him to use those ghost spells to catch them, which made the Ghost King feel extremely depressed!

Unexpectedly, the majestic ghost king could not even capture two strands of his soul. Wouldn’t it make people laugh out loud if he said this? !

"Impossible! They are just remnant souls. The loss of flying here will only be greater than mine. How can they be so relaxed and able to speed up significantly?" The Ghost King thought in his heart, murmuring in his mouth, thinking about what to do in his mind. How to catch them…

Just when he was at his wits' end, he heard a "swish" sound, which made his whole body tremble. When he turned around, he saw a spiritual light flying towards him quickly, and inserted into his left arm with a "pop"! ! !

Suddenly, black blood spurted out, and the Ghost King felt pain, screamed strangely, and fell down...

"Haha! Hahahahaha——" Shixin, who had been chasing behind him invisibly, revealed his figure and laughed wildly with pride...

Just now, he took advantage of the fact that the Ghost King was focused on those two souls, and hit the Ghost King with his bow and arrow, injuring his left arm and greatly reducing his skill!

Although Shi Xin's cultivation skills are inferior to the Ghost King, firstly, he took advantage of his familiarity with the Blue Light Formation to strengthen equipment protection and reduce the pressure of the formation. Secondly, he just succeeded in the sneak attack and severely damaged the Ghost King, so now he and The strength gap between the ghost kings reversed, and Shi Xin's confidence greatly increased, and he chased after the ghost king in the direction where he fell!

The Ghost King secretly thought that it was not good, but he did not expect that he had underestimated this Star Alliance monk and was unexpectedly attacked by him. If he had known this, he would have killed him when he entered the formation. As a result, he was seriously injured now, and this The blue light array is also extremely weird. I just feel uncomfortable here, as if everything around me is against me. If this continues, I am afraid of disaster. Looking at the two souls flying in front of me, they will soon disappear without a trace. , he could only give up reluctantly, turned around and fled to the outside...

"It's coming, it's coming!!!" The people in the shuttle burst out into cheers...

I saw those two souls flying through the air like lightning, entering the space formation arranged by Ling Daozi, and then suddenly appeared in the Diamond Sky Shuttle. After stopping for a moment, they flew towards the core of the Diamond Sky Shuttle and disappeared. ! ! !

"Brother Brahma, how are you?!!!" everyone asked urgently.

"They are all back! Thank you...Xiao Ling!!!" Dingfan said excitedly. It was very difficult for her to say thank you to others, but at this time she said it naturally, because she I know that the reason why these two souls can come back smoothly is entirely because of Ling Daozi's help!

Originally, it was difficult for the peripheral souls to enter the blue light formation. Even if they entered, they would be suppressed by the pressure of the blue light formation. In the end, they would probably be annihilated due to exhaustion of energy. Fortunately, with the guidance and protection of Ling Daozi, they could This allowed them to escape the pursuit of the Ghost King, and avoid the pressure of the blue light array to kill them, and finally they were successfully recovered by themselves...

For Ling Daozi, Dingfan is only grateful now, because Ling Daozi not only helped her recover the lost soul, but also arranged a new habitat for the tribe. He was even planning with Sha Yao to help This tribe redressed their grievances with the Star Alliance to avoid being punished by the Star Alliance. At the same time, their plan also included how to resolve the life-and-death feud between the Giant Elephant Tribe and the Giant Kun Tribe. It can be said that Ling Daozi is simply a member of the Xina Giant Elephant Tribe. Savior, without his appearance, I am afraid that the situation of the Sina Giant Elephant Clan would be extremely dangerous now...

"Hehe, first of all, congratulations to Fairy Dingfan for recovering his soul! Just now, I wanted to catch Shi Xin by the way, but thinking that he was still needed to lead the people to resist the ghosts outside, this incident happened to make him suffer a lot, so I let him go back first. Yeah..." Xiaoxing smiled.

Dingfan asked: "Shixin attacked the Ghost King just now. If he catches the Ghost King, wouldn't it be a great achievement?"

"This is impossible! On the one hand, the Ghost King's cultivation ability is superior to him. Although he was injured by the arrow, when he comes out of the blue light formation, the Ghost King's combat power will be restored. The most important thing for the teacher is to be with him. If the battle ends in a draw, it is impossible to capture him, but on the other hand..."


"Don't you still have me? As long as I'm here, of course this credit cannot be credited to the teacher, otherwise it may become a weight for him to escape the blame!" Xiaoxing said.

"This...can you take action without going to the scene?" Dingfan asked in surprise.

"Didn't the fairy see that I had already taken action?" Xiaoxing asked.

"What?!" Dingfan, Tianyin and others all screamed with confusion on their faces, because they couldn't tell when Ling Daozi made his move? What kind of trick was done?

Sha Yao's voice sounded: "You didn't pay attention to the battle scene. In fact, Xiao Ling's actions were really clever. I found that some people in the ghost tribe seemed to be controlled by others and were talking desperately to create an atmosphere and encourage the ghost tribe to attack the garrison. The guards launched an attack, and some Kidou warriors who fled the scene came back to join the battle for some reason. In addition, many rescue guards wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but they were approached by the Kidou team again. Soon they Involved in the battle, these Kidou teams were obviously driven away..."


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