The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4205 Tianbi Smells

"That's right! Do you think that the Star Alliance can't get out of the light? Such a huge organization has so many affairs every day, and each transaction requires a certain cost. If there is no income, can it still operate?" Tianyin said .

Bo Shi nodded and said: "What the patriarch said makes sense! The number of patrol guards in various places is staggering, and each guard must be equipped with weapons and energy. The consumption is immeasurable. If there is no progress, then the Star Alliance should have done it long ago. collapsed!"

"Well, guard patrols are only one of the main tasks of the Star Alliance. Others include opening shipping routes, building communication networks, suppressing unrest in various places, rescuing races in distress, exploring unknown star areas, etc. It is absolutely impossible to do so many tasks without money. , so the Star Alliance has also come up with many ways to make money, and the Star Alliance markets all over the place are now an important way for them to make money... However, these have nothing to do with us for the time being..." Tianyin sighed.

Tianwu said sharply: "Hmph, I think the Star Alliance is just trying to make money and get red, so people like Shi Xin and Shi De took advantage of the loopholes to get in, and they also used the power granted by the Star Alliance to persecute us! I don't know what the big deal is. After the clan leader receives our distress letter, will he go directly to the Star Alliance headquarters to expose these two thieves?"

Tianyin nodded and said confidently: "That's for sure! I sent this message before we entered the secret realm. It described the entire incident in detail. After receiving it, the patriarch will definitely plead our grievances and plead for mercy. of!"

"But, even if the Star Alliance is willing to let us go, how can we know the exact news from the outside world now that we are in a secret realm?" Tianwu asked.

Tianyin was startled and sighed: "Well... don't think so much about it now. We will always have the opportunity to go out again in the future!"

"Clan leader, we are almost running out of spiritual items!!!" A voice came, and Tianyin and the others were stunned for a moment!

Unexpectedly, the batch of spiritual objects sent in as he spoke was about to be used up again. It was simply a bottomless pit...

The faces of the four of them were all frightened and ugly. At this devouring speed, it won't take long for the Tissot to have problems. By then, not to mention entering the secret realm, even this blue light formation will not be able to get out!

There was no other way. They wanted to save lives first, so the four of them gritted their teeth and took out a batch of spiritual objects and sent them over...

Bo Shi said: "Clan Chief, what if we use up all the spiritual objects in our hands and haven't reached the secret realm yet?!"

"This..." Tianyin and the others were stunned when they heard this, and they all felt bad!

If this trend continues, it is really possible. How big is the Yunhe Secret Realm? Why did it take so long to fly without even being able to pass through the protective formation area?

Is there something that has been overlooked?

At the thought of this, the four of them started to panic...

After all, they are all old foxes in the universe and have experienced a lot. When they thought of this possibility, countless bad thoughts suddenly came to their minds. For example, since this is a protective formation, is it possible for them to do this on their own? In fact, it just keeps wandering around in the formation? Or maybe the so-called secret realm is actually made of such blue light, and there is no so-called inner world at all? If the secret realm is not dangerous, then why does the Covenant prohibit people from entering so strictly?

After all, the original intention of the Star Alliance was to protect the various star races in the universe and avoid possible risks in order to survive and develop smoothly. Therefore, the Star Alliance may prohibit people from entering out of good intentions, not for their own domination. The benefits of the secret realm…

"Could we really be trapped in the secret formation?!" Bo Shi's face changed drastically and he said in a trembling voice.

Tianyin pondered for a moment and said: "Probably not! When our ancestors passed down this diamond shuttle, they said that this shuttle can take us into the secret realm for a chance of survival..."

"But she has never come in before! No one knows what is going on in the secret realm..." Bo Shi said.

"Look at the route that Zuan Tisuo will take after it comes in!" Tianyin said loudly.

"This..." Bo Shi and the other three looked at each other, stunned!

The four of them didn’t react until now.

This is the Tissot, not the spacecraft that I controlled before. Since entering the Tissot, I haven't figured out how to control it. I just let it fly on its own...

"Clan leader, how did you let it fly into the secret realm before?!" Bo Shiqi said.

"I...don't even remember! I just remember...that I started the spaceship to crash into the teacher's letter, and at the same time sent out the distress letter, and then entered the Tissot...and then it started automatically and flew into the secret realm!!!" Tianyin recalled. , said in shock.

"What?! You mean it starts automatically?!!!" Bo Shi and others shouted in disbelief.

"Should...right?" Tianyin said uncertainly.

At this time, a voice suddenly came and said: "You don't have to think about it! I started and controlled the Tissot!"


"Who are you?!!!" the four asked in unison.

"Humph, I am your ancestor! The owner of this diamond shuttle, Dingfan!" the voice said in an astonishing way.

"Oh my God!!! Are you... Brahma Ancestor?!!!" The four of them were shocked and knelt down quickly and said.

Dajia said in shock: "Brother Brahma...haven't you already...died?"

"Death?! You unworthy descendant, how dare you curse this fairy like this?! I beg to be beaten!" Dingfan said angrily, and with a "pop", a palm print was printed on Dajia's right cheek.

Dajia was a little dizzy from the slap, and shouted: "Don't I just say whatever comes to my mind?"

"Hmph, if I hadn't known that you were such a fool, I would have beaten you to death!" Dingfan said coldly.

"Ah?! Patriarch Brahma, are you really still alive?! This is a great thing, now we are saved!" Dajia reacted and shouted excitedly.

"Yes! Ancestor, please help us!" Tianyin, Tianwu and Bo Shi also reacted and shouted in unison.

"Save you? I want to, but it's a pity..."

"What a pity?!" The four of them were shocked!

"Even I am not sure now! The natural protective formation of this secret realm is extremely powerful. It seems real but not real, looks like an illusion but is not an illusion. It is unreal and real, true and false. There is no way to follow it..." Ding Fan sighed.

"What?! Ancestor Brahma is saying...are we really trapped in this formation?!" Tianyin trembled.

"This is indeed the case so far! I have used my clan's Heavenly Nose to smell smells to the extreme, but I still can't smell the presence of cultivation civilization. This also makes me unable to determine the direction of progress, and..."

"And what?!"

"When we get here, even if I smell the scent of cultivation civilization, I can't tell whether it comes from the secret realm or from outside the secret realm. If we follow the smell and go to the outer starry sky again, we will be in big trouble. !" Dingfan said.

"Oh my god..." The four of them exclaimed, secretly saying that it was not good.

Unexpectedly, even our ancestors have lost their way. Now we are really in trouble! Looking at the speed at which this blue light consumes the energy of the Tissot, I'm afraid it won't be long before another spiritual object is added...

Tianyin thought: "Ancestor Brahma, the atmosphere of civilization inside and outside the secret realm should be different, right? We are quite familiar with the atmosphere from the outside world. If the atmosphere we smell now is unfamiliar, it should come from within..."

"Well, what you said makes sense! But this area should belong to the internal and external intersection zone. Both internal and external breaths may appear here, so it is extremely difficult to judge. In addition, the biggest problem is that there is no breath now. None, we have no way of judging at all, which is why I am confused now..." Dingfan said.

"Could this formation be able to isolate the breath?" Tianyin asked curiously.

"Isolation is not enough. You can see that the spiritual power outside is huge, and the pressure on Tiansuo is also great. The reason why I can't smell the breath of civilization is that this area can transform and assimilate the internal and external breath to form its own A unique sphere of influence! In this way, we can't find a way out by relying on breath alone, but there should be other better ways to position ourselves!" Dingfan said.

"So that's it..." Tianyin and others couldn't help but suddenly realized, and their mood sank a lot!

You must know that for the giant elephant tribe, the method of smelling smells with the Tianbi is their best locating method. No matter how far away they are, as long as they smell a few odor molecules, they can follow the smell to find it. , it can be said that this move is the life-saving magic weapon of the giant elephant tribe, and many ethnic groups rely on this move to survive.

But now that this Taoist method has lost its use, is there any good way to help him find the secret civilization?

Tianyin suddenly remembered his previous method and said: "Brahma Ancestor, can you call out the route we have taken before?"

"The previous route? That was useless! Because this void looks the same everywhere. I don't even know if I have been flying forward. It is very likely that I am walking in a circle here. It is also possible that it has been in a certain corner of the formation, and there is nothing to locate here..." Dingfan said.

"Is that so?!" Tian Wu, Bo Shi and Da Jia were almost dumbfounded...

Fortunately, Tianyin was able to become the new clan leader and was extremely smart. She calmed down and thought: "Brother Brahma, don't be anxious! Since there is no positioning here, how about we artificially position it? "

"Artificial positioning?!" Dingfan was startled.

"Yes, we will set up markers at regular intervals on the route we fly, so that we can know whether we have passed there before, and we will not take repeated routes..." Tianyin said.

"Ah, good! Xiaoyin's brain is really useful. It's a pity that I didn't think of this trick before and wasted so many spiritual objects!" Dingfan said in surprise.

"Spiritual objects? We still have some on hand, I don't know if they are enough..."


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