The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4189 I want to raise the price

Jung, Hu Buwei and others understood that they had to sign the payment agreement now, whether they signed it or not. Who would let their lifeline be completely controlled by others?

Not to mention that the fleet is in the hands of the Xingyun Palace, even my current life is in the hands of the people at the scene. In my current state, any one of these people can kill them several times. !

In addition, they also discovered from the content of the agreement Ji Ying had just signed that Yi Tianxiong did not transfer all the costs of purchasing the formation to them, but only allowed himself to bear the corresponding part. It can be said that this approach is quite Fair, after all, everyone can enjoy the benefits brought by the formation, so of course they have to pay a corresponding price for it. As the six relatively powerful forces, it is also appropriate to pay more money. After all, your own power occupies more resources and needs to protect a larger area. Can you still expect others to pay to protect you?

Unless you move all your belongings and people away from Jishui, it is really unjustifiable not to pay, which will definitely make your power a joke in the eyes of others...

Realizing this, Hu Buwei immediately changed his words: "Haha, Brother Yi didn't make it clear earlier. Since it is such an agreement, I, Lao Hu, think it is fair and reasonable, and of course I will support it! Anyway, let's talk to Xiao Zhang now Sign it too!"

Yi Tianxiong teased: "Very good, you signed this voluntarily, I didn't force you!"

"Aha, brother Yi, please don't speak so clearly! I am also a Ji Shui person anyway, right? Now that Ji Shui is in trouble, of course I have to do my part!" Hu Buwei said with a sneer.

"Brother Hu is so broad-minded, I'm really touched by it. Zhang'er, just sign the agreement with Brother Hu!" Yi Tianxiong snorted.

"Yes! Father!!!" Yi Zhang responded and signed a payment agreement with Hu Buwei.

Now that the two strongest groups among the six major forces have signed payment agreements, the remaining four leaders have seriously lacked confidence in whether they can do whatever they want. After all, they haven't seen the Giant Elephant Clan yet. If there are no Xingyun Palace, the two With the protection of this formation, it is completely uncertain whether he can escape from their giant trunk. If he escapes from his own water without paying the money, he will be swallowed by the giant elephant tribe, and he will die unjustly. !

Just as they had vaguely felt before, after the invasion of the giant elephant clan, Jishui with these two large formations was the safest place in the pan-star sky. Therefore, instead of running away and wandering around, it would be better to stay in Jishui It's more appropriate to be in a black hole, so it's better to sign this payment agreement!

Although you have to pay a lot of money, you might as well think about it on the other hand, why do you usually work so hard to make money? Isn’t it possible to exchange money for life at a critical moment?

To be honest, being able to exchange money for life is already very good. Although many people are extremely rich, they have not encountered the Xingyun Palace, nor can they purchase life-saving tools like two large formations from elsewhere. In the end, they can only They perished together with a lot of money. There is a saying that the saddest thing for a person is that he has not spent all his money when he dies. There is a certain truth to this...

"Xiao Zhang, Aunt Rong has signed with you, too! Although Aunt Rong has no money and recently lost a large sum of money, for the sake of your future country and people, Aunt Rong, I decided to spend all the dowry money. Wuwu... Wuwuwu... Why does Aunt Rong seem to be having a bad time recently? Could it be that she didn't read the almanac when she went out?" Jung complained to himself...

"Don't worry, Aunt Rong! With these two great formations, our water will be as solid as crystal soup, and everyone will be fine. Didn't Xiao Wang say that if we keep the green hills, why don't we worry about not having firewood?" Yi Zhang said on one side Signing with Jung, he smiled.

"You still have the green hills, but you're still worried about not having firewood? Hey, this sentence makes sense when you think about it!"

"That's right! The Jishui Black Cave is our green mountain. As long as this green mountain exists, we won't be afraid of running out of food, right? Aunt Rong is so powerful and has such a strong ability to make money. Are she still afraid of signing this payment agreement?" Yi Zhang Kankan said.

"Hey, Xiao Zhang, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are when you're not a family member.

This company has a big business and the greater its power, the more places it spends money. The money it consumes every day rolls out like running water, but it is not that easy to make it back! If we can only hide in the black hole of Jishui from now on and can't even do business, where will the money come from? Everyone must wait to die? Jung sighed.

Yi Zhang was startled, and felt that what Jung said made sense. If these interstellar business forces could not travel across the interstellar world to do business, then they would indeed not be able to make enough money. What should they do?

He couldn't help but turn to Subotai, with a questioning look in his eyes...

Subotai snorted: "Fairy, you should worry about your life first! If your life is gone, why are you worrying about money and business?"

"Ah?! Brother Su is wrong to say that! This wealthy couple's Dharma Ground is a must for cultivation, but wealth still ranks first. Without wealth, how can we practice and do things? This is almost as good as losing our lives!" Rong Ge screamed.

"Haha, the fairy is right, but the fairy doesn't look like a person who is short of money! Those who keep saying that they have no money and how hard it is to make money are often just trying to make a fortune in silence, and only have a small amount of money. A kid like Yi will believe your lies!" Subotai laughed.

"You?! You, you, you... Huh, I don't understand you! After signing the payment agreement this time, I must raise the price! All products must raise the price! Otherwise, I won't be able to survive at all!" Jung said sharply .

Hu Buwei's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he praised: "The fairy is right! The loss this time is too great. It is difficult to fill this big hole without raising the price. It seems that we all have the same idea!"

"Haha, mention it!"

"If I don't raise the price today, I will have to drink from the northwest wind tomorrow!"

"If you want to mention it together, don't blame me for being cruel. If you don't raise the price, I will be finished. Who will they ask for goods from in the future?"

"That's right..."

The five people talked as if no one was watching, and the more they talked, the happier they became. They quickly decided to raise the price together. They knew very well that with the strength of these forces, they could completely control a market, whether it was in Jishui or other markets. They all occupy a considerable market share, but due to competition with each other, prices have been suppressed before, making it difficult to make excess profits. But now the situation has changed. They no longer cut each other's prices, but join forces to raise prices. This is Let the people in the market have no choice. After all, most of the supply is in their hands. If you don't ask for it from them, who can you ask for it?

This is the benefit of monopoly. Generally speaking, the forces that have achieved a monopoly position can obtain excess profits, while other small and medium-sized forces can only eat the leftovers behind them...

Hu Buwei quickly thought that if all five of his forces raised their prices and Ji Ying didn't raise his prices, wouldn't he be in vain?

You must know that Ji Ying is the largest force among the six major forces, and has the most abundant resources. If he does not raise prices, it is very likely that all customers will be snatched into his hands, and the five major forces of his will have no choice but to Giving up the market...

He quickly said: "Brother Ji, what about you? With such a good strategy and such good profits, you don't want to make money, right? How about raising the price with us?"

Ji Ying had been listening for a long time, with a thoughtful expression on his face. At this time, he responded: "Brother Hu is right. It is imperative to raise the price next! If the giant elephant tribe comes in, this Panxingkong It will enter a state of tension, and the cost of transporting resources from various places will increase dramatically. It is impossible not to increase prices!"

"That's right! Brother Ji really hit the mark! Those of us doing business are simply risking our lives to transport resources. Compared with the little money we earn, the price we pay is really too high!" Hu Not for shouting in agreement.

Jung sighed and said: "It seems that the price increase we just mentioned is still too small. It will be so difficult to get goods in the future, and the cost will definitely double. What should we do?!"

Ji Ying said: "Of course it's about cooking and cooking. You can't do a loss-making business! The first priority is to stock up on goods. The giant elephant tribe hasn't come in yet and the goods are not very expensive. Let's stock up on some quickly. I will take it out and sell it slowly later..."

"Wo...Brother Ji really woke up the dreamer with his words! Little sister, I will start stocking up right now! Stocking up!! Stocking up!!!" Jung exclaimed excitedly.

Subotai looked at the six living treasures coldly. Although he looked at Ji Ying with a different eye before, now it seems that as a businessman, Ji Ying's essence will not change. If there are excess profits to be made, he will How could you let it go?

Of course, this is understandable, but...

He sneered in his heart. These six people had just woken up from the eternal space-time formation and had not understood the situation at all. They thought they were the top leaders in the pan-star business, but what was the reality?

Subotai knew very well that the most powerful business force in the pan-starry sky was none other than the Xingyun Palace!

If they take action, Ji Ying and other forces may not even have food to eat!

However, what makes Xingyun Palace convincing is that the products they produce are all the best among the best, and they occupy the high-end market, so they will not have a big impact on the commercial forces below. In other words, what the Xingyun Palace earns is top-notch money, and it is the excess profit among excess. Even if others have no money, they will dream of buying their products one day when they have money, but that depends on whether the Xingyun Palace is willing. Selling it to you, the business is amazing!

"Xiao Wang, since the six of them have signed a payment agreement, please release their fleet!" Subotai said.

Wang Shishen nodded and said: "No problem! Six seniors, please go back to the spaceship just now. Chen Yun will take you to the eternal formation. When the time comes, please lead your respective fleets and leave the starry sky immediately..."


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