The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4146 Who is God?

"No! We must not let the two of them fight!!!" Zhan Feng roared.

"Yes! Absolutely no fighting!!!" Ding Pengfei echoed and shouted. The two finally stood on the same front in the face of such a big right and wrong. Although such a big thing was not their turn to take action at all, it was enough for them to realize that The truth is that in the face of a powerful enemy, if there is still civil strife and disputes, it is tantamount to seeking death...

Tong Yi nodded and said: "The two uncles are right. Fortunately, the Black Hole tribe and the Mammoth tribe should also be able to realize this truth. After all, according to Liu Feng, the Mammoth tribe wanted to take refuge in our pan-starry sky. I guess they also We don’t want to cause too much trouble here, otherwise, if we finish here, they will not be much better, so the key to the matter is how to solve their problems of refuge and foraging..."

"Looking for food?! Not good!!!" Zhan Feng screamed.

Ding Pengfei nodded and said: "Giant beasts like them, I don't know how much food and energy they need to fill their stomachs. By then, many planets may be eaten up by them. What if they take a fancy to our treasure star?" what to do?!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"They won't even eat us, right?"

"I'm afraid our planet will be swallowed up by them in one bite!"

"Those black hole tribesmen might sacrifice low-level planets like us to protect themselves!"

"That makes sense!"

"If we were ourselves, we might do the same thing..."

"It's over, it's really over..."

Some people in the palace were sober-minded and expressed their opinions one after another. They felt that Tiangang Baoxing might really face a terrible natural disaster!

In their opinion, with the terrifying size of the starry sky beast, their appetite must be very huge. Eating the planet may be like eating beans one bite at a time. How can the Gangbao Star protect itself in such a situation?

Tong Yi waved his hands and said: "Everyone, please be quiet! Didn't I just say that? If the sky falls, there will be someone tall to hold it up. It is not our turn to do such a thing. In fact, if the Black Hole Clan really wants to sacrifice us , then there’s nothing we can do about it, don’t we have the ability to move this star away?”


"Then are we just sitting back and waiting for death?"

"We can't move away. Can Liufeng and Xiaoling move away?"

"Don't mention it yet, this possibility is really possible!"


"Do you think Liufeng can hide our treasure star in the twisted space just by controlling it remotely?"

"Yes, we are invisible now!"

"Great! If we are invisible, does that mean the Mammoth Clan can't see us?"

"Logically speaking, that should be the case. Didn't Brother Tong say that the six fleets at Ji Shui Black Hole didn't discover us either?"

"Wow, does this mean we got a blessing in disguise?"

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking about it. Later, they discovered that it was a good thing that the planet suffered a series of disasters. It was very likely that they could avoid the invasion of the giant elephant tribe!

Zhan Feng perked up after hearing this and quickly asked: "Xiao Yi, is this really the case?!"

Tong Yi was also stunned, and after reacting, he said: "Whether this is really the case can only be confirmed after I ask Liu Feng! However, from everyone's analysis, the situation of our treasure star is indeed better than that of other planets. Quite a few, the Tiangang Black Hole Clan is unlikely to sacrifice a great treasure star like ours no matter what. Therefore, as a matter of urgency, our main task is to extinguish the demonic troubles first and keep the star stable, so as not to give Liu Feng and Xiao Ling another chance. Just add to the chaos!"

"That's right! You guys, Demon Xiao Xiao, don't know how much effort Liu Feng and Xiao Ling have put in for the safety of this planet. They are so abominable!" Zhan Feng said fiercely.

Ding Pengfei also hummed: "Xiaoyi said it well! We must attack with all our strength this time to quickly extinguish the demonic troubles, and don't let chaos appear on this planet again! If the trouble is so big that even Liufeng and the Black Hole tribe can't stand it, maybe they will be in trouble in the future Never pay attention to us again! Until then,

Even if we were sacrificed to the giant elephant tribe, we would have nothing to say and no grievances to complain about! "

“Put out the devil!” “Put out the devil!!” “Put out the devil!!!”…

An excited roar suddenly sounded in the hall...

Tong Yi also didn't expect that his speech would have such a good effect. He was really deliberately planting flowers but not blooming, but unintentionally planting willows to create shade. Even Zhan Feng and Ding Pengfei took the initiative to stand together and cooperate wholeheartedly with him to extinguish the evil. They couldn't help feeling Great joy!

He quickly took advantage of the situation and convened a pre-war meeting. Representatives from all parties stopped scheming and devoted themselves to making plans and cooperating fully, making the momentum of the righteous path reach its peak in history...



"The helmsman of Xingyun Palace, Iron Seal, has arrived!"

"Please come quickly!!!"

Everyone looked quickly and saw a figure striding in like a meteor. It was none other than Tie Yin, the helmsman of the Xingyun Palace here!

"Seniors, please be polite!" Tie Yin said loudly, clasping his fists in a circle and saluting.

"Haha, Xiaotie, I'm just looking for you!" Tong Yi laughed.

Tie Yin smiled and saluted: "I wonder what senior wants to see me for?"

Tong Yi said: "I'm looking for goods from you! I wonder if you have seen the order I asked someone to place?"

Tie Yin smiled and said: "Of course! This time I delivered the goods to my door. I also sent some additional military supplies from this palace. They are all good goods!"

"Wow, really?!"

"Senior, how about you come with me and take a look?"


The crowd gathered around Tie Yin and Tong Yi and rushed outside the palace...

Sure enough, Tie Yin not only brought over the goods on the order, but also gave everyone a big surprise, because the additional weapons and equipment he brought greatly exceeded the order part, and could almost bring everyone on the right path. They are all armed, especially a set of advanced protective equipment, which almost makes the person who wears it an invincible weakling. This is doomed to defeat the devil!

Tie Yin said with a smile: "Everyone must speed up the fight against evil, because this set of protective equipment uses a Taoist intention. It can bring out its protective potential in a short period of time, but after this period of time, other The protective power will go downhill until it is completely useless, so it is best for everyone to get rid of the evil problem within three months!"

"That's so?!" Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that equipment could stimulate their potential in this way. Isn't that the same as how cultivators activate their own potential in a short period of time?

Tong Yi said loudly: "No problem! With such equipment, defeating the devil is just a formality. In my opinion, we can solve the problem within a month!"

"Then I would like to wish you all immediate success and victory! I believe that in the face of absolute strength, the demons are just some fleas. I hope to see you all come to my Xingyun Palace to have fun in a month. !" Tie Yin said loudly.


"See you later!"

"See you later!"

The timely delivery of Iron Seal has shown the attitude and determination of Xingyun Palace, indicating that they also hope that the righteous forces can extinguish the evil as soon as possible. At this time, the attitude of Xingyun Palace is extremely important, because everyone knows that without Xingyun Palace, In the Luck Palace, there is no Tiangang Baoxing. Only by relying on it can the Tiangang Baoxing have hope of survival.

Now that the Xingyun Palace supports the elimination of evil, it means that it is on the side of the right path. This undoubtedly gives everyone spiritual affirmation and support. Next, it depends on how you behave. No matter what, you cannot let the right path go. Losing face and causing more trouble to Liu Feng and Ling Daozi...

Thinking about the big things Liu Feng, Ling Daozi and the others had done, and then thinking about the small thing they were doing now, everyone felt that if they couldn't solve this small evil problem, they would be shameless in seeing people again!

"Representatives of all ethnic groups listen to the order!" Tong Yi shouted loudly.


"According to the pre-war deployment, set off immediately!!!"


Everyone roared together and set off impatiently...

There is no need to elaborate on the battle process. With the equipment of Xingyun Palace, killing demons is like chopping melons and vegetables. What surprised the righteous forces was that there were still some residual poisonous people among the demons. No wonder they dared to do so. Taking the initiative to launch an offensive against the righteous path, it turns out that poisonous people are at work, but this is fine. By the way, the poisonous people will be killed, and the remaining people will be forced to flee quickly. It is a pity that these poisonous people never dreamed of it. Thinking that the starry sky outside the Tiangang Treasure Star had been completely distorted, they fled in panic, and in their panic, they all got lost in these twisted space gaps. In the end, they were all controlled by the formation and sent to the prison of the Tiangang clan...

The evil poison was completely eliminated within a month. Such an achievement was unprecedented in the history of Tiangang Baoxing. Everyone felt like they were in a dream, including the people who suffered from the evil poison.

The Dome-Breaking Demon, the Red Abyss Demon, the Pink Skull Demon and others could not believe that they had lost, and in such a short period of time. Just thinking about it made them feel ashamed...

"Why?!!! Why is this happening?!!!" The Sky-Breaking Demon roared to the sky in the prison, his voice hoarse...

"Why? Even God can't stand it anymore. If you don't lose, who will lose?!" came a voice, it was Tong Yi.

"God?! I don't believe it! I don't believe it!!! If God can't stand it, why did God let us escape from captivity?!!!" the Sky Breaking Demon shouted.

"Haha, if you knew who I was talking about, you wouldn't say that!" Tong Yi sneered.

"Who?! Who are you talking about?!!!" the Skybreaker Demon shouted with his eyes widened.

"Liu Feng!"

"Liu Feng?! Who is Liu Feng?!!!" The Sky Breaking Demon was stunned and asked in shock.

"He is the one who made the starry sky look like this! Do you think he is not God?" Tong Yi said.

"What?! Are you saying that the chaos in the starry sky is caused by man-made things? Is it caused by this flowing wind?"



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