The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4140 It’s nothing at all

"But... what if something happens? Such a terrible crisis involves the safety of countless lives in this pan-starry sky. How can I rest assured that such a heavy burden is placed on a young boy like him?!" Tong Yi sighed.

"Senior, don't worry, Xiao Ling is not facing such a crisis alone. Behind him, we have the entire Xingyun Fort supporting him!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Xingyun Castle?!" Tong Yi was startled, because all he heard before was Xingyun Palace, why did Li Yun say it was Xingyun Castle?

Li Yun nodded and said: "Yes, it's Xingyun Castle. We are a small universe independent of other universes. Its time and space nodes are different from yours. Xingyun Palace is just the Xingyun Castle opened in your universe." It’s just a chain organization. Since we were mainly formed after being separated from your universe, we still have feelings for your universe and don’t want to die without saving it. The Xingyun Palace plays such a role. If you If this universe encounters some catastrophic disaster, and we happen to have the ability to save it, then the Starry Palace will take action. Of course, the premise for us to do all this is that it is within our capabilities. If it will affect us If Xingyun Castle itself is in danger, we will re-evaluate the incident to determine whether to carry out rescue..."

"I see... Is the difficulty of Xiao Ling's next mission beyond your capabilities?" Tong Yi asked urgently.

"Well, as I said just now, with Xiaoxing's ability, there are few opponents in your universe, and with the support of the Xingyun Castle civilization behind him, no matter how strong the opponent is, he still has a chance to escape unscathed, so senior No need to worry too much…”

"But..." Tong Yi mumbled.

"Well, if you are really worried, you can come up to our Xingyun Fort, and you can follow Xiaoling's mission throughout the whole process!" Li Yun said.

"What? Can I really do that?!" Tong Yi said in shock.

"What's wrong? By the way, are you worried about the situation of Tiangang Baoxing?" Li Yun asked.

"After all, I am the leader of the Tiangang Clan. There are many affairs in the clan, so it is impossible to leave for too long..."

"That's right. If you have time, just use this calling space. However, don't let others know about Xiao Ling's mission, so as not to cause unnecessary panic..."

"I understand! By the way, I still have something unclear..."

"Senior, please tell me!"

"I saw before that the Tiangang Treasure Star seemed to be protected by a twisted space, but why didn't the people on the star feel it? Will this space affect the Treasure Star?" Tong Yi asked.

"The treasure star is still the same treasure star. Even its position has not changed. It's just that there is an extra twisted space on the periphery. The cloud and mist formation is still the same cloud and mist formation. Therefore, it is normal for people on the star not to feel anything. However, now the treasure star Those stargazing people are very anxious, you'd better go back and explain to them quickly, otherwise they may become anxious!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"I see, I'll take my leave first!"


Tong Yi's mind was in a trance, and when he came to his senses, he found that he had returned to the secret space of Tiangang Palace where he was. Since he had been out for too long, the power of his spiritual consciousness was consumed a lot, so he felt a huge sense of fatigue as soon as he woke up. Come on, I almost fell to the ground with a "plop", but luckily I was protected by the seat...

"Master, what's wrong with you?!" Xiao Gang asked urgently.

"I'm... okay, I'm just a little tired, I just need a rest... Huh?!!!" Tong Yi said feebly, and suddenly screamed!

"Xiao Gang?! Is it you?!"

"It's me, Master!"

I saw that Xiao Gang could transform into a child at this time. He looked lively and cute, and his skin was so tender that it could be broken with a finger. He smiled and said: "Since Xiao Ling taught me the way of life last time, I have practiced diligently, and finally It’s time to transform into a true state of life!”

"Wow!!! Is this your real life state?!!!" Tong Yi was extremely unsettled!

He knows the state of life that Xiao Gang mentioned,

It exists as a real life. It is not just a virtual ball of light and shadow like the previous A Gu's ship spirit bone. As a ball of light and shadow, it is just a tool spirit-like existence, almost identical to the tool it is in. They are inseparable from each other, that is to say, if there is no such battleship, then Xiaogu will lose his place to live and can only shrink within the system space, making it difficult to enter and exit freely. Moreover, his evolution speed is It will also slow down significantly, or even make no progress at all.

However, if a real life state can be formed, it will be completely different. Just like Xiao Gang, even if he loses the system space, he is already an independent life, able to practice and evolve like other people, and continue to develop himself. , and the system space may enter his body and become an inherent ability of him!

It can be said that there is a world of difference between the two. If Xiaogu saw Xiaogang like this, he would probably tremble with envy and lose control...

Xiao Gang said: "Yes! I am a real life now! The system is in my brain. No matter where I go, it will not affect my responsibilities. Master, you can rest assured!"

"Great! I didn't expect that Xiao Ling's Taoist skills are so powerful. You can finally become a real life. However, you are still very weak now. It's best not to go out or let other people in the clan know about it to avoid accidents!" Tong Yi was still very calm and said thoughtfully.

Xiao Gang responded quickly: "Okay master, no one else in the clan knows what I am like now!"

"Very good! Has anything happened to the clan recently?"

"Oh Master, there are people outside the palace now, and people are talking a lot. The situation is very chaotic, but I don't dare to wake you up..." Xiao Gang shouted.

"Oh? Are they those stargazers?"

"Eh? How does the master know that they are causing trouble?!" Xiao Gang said in surprise.

Upon hearing this, Tong Yi felt confident and said, "Li Yun told me! Don't be in a hurry, tell me slowly..."

"Yes! Recently, for some reason, those stargazing people have discovered that the starry sky above the cloud formation has changed a lot. Many of the original stars have disappeared, and many more inexplicable stars have emerged, which are different from the original records. It was completely out of line, which made many of the Star Dou-related formations they originally deployed lose their effectiveness and become useless. They were very panicked. They still don’t know what happened. Even Yao Ye was in chaos. formation, because aren't there many demons imprisoned by the elves? Without the blessing of star power, those formations have been downgraded, and many demons have escaped, so he is now organizing people to reinforce the formations and sending people Go to all tribes and ask them to help capture those demons..."

"What demons escaped?" Tong Yi asked calmly.

"The Dome Breaking Demon, Red Abyss Demon and Pink Skull Demon that Xingyun Palace helped us capture last time all escaped, as well as a large number of their subordinates. The rest are weak and disabled people..."

"It turns out it's these three big demons..." Tong Yi snorted.

"Master, you don't seem to be in a hurry at all?" Xiao Gang asked curiously.

"What's the rush?"

"Ah?! Are you not in a hurry? The Dome Breaking Demon is the leader of the Demonic Path. The Red Abyss Demon and the Pink Skull Demon are also extremely powerful demons. Now that they have escaped, they will definitely reorganize the Demonic Path. Maybe it won't take long will come back, coupled with the chaos in the starry sky, the whole world is in potential danger. It seems to be an excellent opportunity for people in the demonic path to rise... The people in the clan are really anxious now. Without your instructions, they will We don’t dare to mobilize the army at will, we can only strengthen the protection strength of various places to avoid being invaded by the devil. What everyone is most worried about now is that they will be defeated by the devil’s people one by one..." Xiao Gang analyzed.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but..."

"But what?" Xiao Gang asked in surprise. He found that the master seemed to have changed a lot after waking up this time, but he couldn't tell what the specific change was...

Tong Yi said: "Don't worry, these demons can't make any waves. Your vision is too low. If you knew what happened, you would know that what happened on our planet is nothing at all!"

"What? It's nothing at all?!!!" Xiaogang was completely speechless, and he was completely confused...

If even things like demonic chaos are not a big deal, then what else can be considered a big deal? !

However, after Xiaogang listened to Tong Yi's account of what he saw and heard after entering the calling space, he finally understood the reason why Tong Yi was so calm. It was indeed that his vision was too low. Tie within the Tiangang Treasure Star, but don’t know what happened outside the star during this period. If the people on the Treasure Star knew what happened outside, I’m afraid they wouldn’t even dare to make a fuss, or even say a word, one by one. They will hide and tremble...

"Master, let's put it this way, can't we just ask people from the Xingyun Palace for help? It's a pity that Xiao Ling is not here now, otherwise with his help, all the devils will be easy!" Xiao Gang said.

"You can't say that. If we ask the Xingyun Palace for help in everything, who will we become?! In the past when there was no Xingyun Palace, couldn't we suppress the devil? We can't After having the Xingyun Palace as a trump card, you can do nothing, right?" Tong Yi said.

"This... what the master said is true! If we do nothing, we will definitely be looked down upon by the people in the Xingyun Palace. The master certainly doesn't want to be looked down upon by Xiao Ling, right?" Xiao Gang said with a smile.

"Of course! We can use Xingyun Palace's products to fight against the devil. As long as we have their high-end products, are we afraid that we won't be able to defeat the devil? The ten Dome-Breaking Demons and Chiyuan Demons have all been dealt with in the same way. !" Tong Yi waved his hand and said proudly.

"Wo... what the master said makes sense! How about I place an order right now? But..."

"But what?"

"Funds in the clan have been tight recently..."

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