The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4117 Fragile Space

"Wo..." A Gu couldn't help but scream, his eyes widened, staring at Ling Daozi in disbelief...

The look on his face was quite struggling, reflecting the immense struggle in his heart. Should he tell the truth?

Ling Daozi is from the Xingyun Palace. The Xingyun Palace has huge interests in this starry sky. He definitely doesn't want chaos to happen here. Therefore, he definitely doesn't want to see Doro Shu and himself escaping, because this means that Now that the combined army has no worries, it is very likely to launch a war as originally planned to seize the Tiangang Treasure Star.

From this point of view, I definitely cannot tell the truth, otherwise as long as Ling Daozi spreads this information, there will be no chance for me and Doro Shu to escape.

However, what he never expected was that Ling Daozi could actually read minds, a magical Taoist method. In other words, Ling Daozi had most likely already understood his plan with Doro Technique. If he didn't think of a way to do it, If he is stable, he may spread this information at any time. Judging from the current situation, it is necessary for him to tell the truth and find a way to let him keep this secret for himself...

Of course, a better way is to control Ling Daozi yourself, so that you can solve this hidden danger!

However, the possibility that A Gu knows this method is almost zero!

Because I can't see the depth of Ling Daozi's cultivation, the extent of his realm, and what kind of skills Ling Daozi is proficient in. It can be said that everything about Ling Daozi is completely confusing to me. In this situation How can it be controlled under such circumstances?

Maybe he can try his luck. Maybe Ling Daozi is not as powerful as he thought. After all, he is so young. Even if he started practicing from the womb, he would not be able to surpass himself. However, in the world of cultivation, victory or defeat must not depend on practice. Comparing the length of time, for extremely talented people, time is definitely not an insurmountable obstacle. Aguma has a deep understanding of this, but...

He still wanted to give it a try, because Ling Daozi was too young. Can such a little kid really beat him?

As long as he can be restrained, this hidden danger can be eliminated, and he and Doro Shu still have the possibility of escaping. This temptation is so great that A Gu finally made up his mind to take the risk!

"Really? I really want to know how magical your Taoism is. Can you tell me what I'm thinking about now?" As A Gu said, he had already started to make moves against such a super powerful person like him. Technically speaking, of course, you don't need to punch or kick like ordinary people. That is really too low-level. In this short moment, this side hall has been completely controlled by A Gu's power, and it can also make the outside world... No one can see what is going on inside...

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Senior's risky actions cannot reflect the magic of mind reading..."

"But why?" A Gu said "surprisingly", and at the same time his face changed slightly, because he found that when he was trying to catch Ling Daozi, he actually found that Ling Daozi in front of him was "missing"!

"What's going on?!" A Gu screamed in his heart!

Ling Daozi is clearly right in front of him and still talking to him, so why can't his force field catch him? !

Moreover, both his own consciousness and the force field lost their target at this moment. Except for some palace furnishings, the rest of the consciousness force field was completely blank. Where is Ling Daozi?

This state of being unable to use his strength made A Gu feel confused, and his face turned red from holding back...

"Hey, senior wants to catch me so obviously, so he must have a very special plan that he doesn't want me to reveal. This plan is already revealed without me having to explain it. Do you still need me to use mind reading to interpret it?" Xiaoxing teased. .

"This... you might as well tell me and let me hear it..." A Gu said with a cold face.

Xiaoxing shook her head and said, "It would be pointless to say it! However, I can say something else..."

"Others? Do you think I still have the heart to listen to you talking about boring things now?" A Gu desperately searched for Ling Daozi's whereabouts.

While humming.

"Boring things? That's right. Senior is now fully focused on how to catch me, and must have no interest in other things..." Xiaoxing laughed.

"What?!, you, you...where are you?!" A Gu's face changed drastically and he screamed.

"Senior, what you said is strange. I am right in front of you and you still ask me where I am. Is there something wrong with senior's eyes?"

"There's nothing wrong with the eyes... but why have you disappeared from my consciousness? Is this situation more magical than your so-called mind-reading ability?" A Gu said incredulously.

Xiaoxing smiled proudly after hearing this: "It seems that senior can't find me, but even if you can find me, you can't catch me. If you don't believe me, you can try!"

As soon as he finished speaking, A Gu's consciousness immediately discovered Ling Daozi's whereabouts. He immediately took action. The force field completely locked Ling Daozi's figure, and he immediately caught him!

"Eh?!!!" A Gu screamed again!

"what happened?!"

He found that Ling Daozi was obviously there, but his strength seemed to be grasping the void. The place where he started was a shadow, and he couldn't even lift a corner of Ling Daozi's clothes...

"Spiral inner strength..."

Of course A Gu didn't give up. Since Ling Daozi let him try, he had to use all his strength. At this moment, he used the most powerful spiral strength of the high-end black hole clan in the force field. Moreover, with his ability, he could lock He moved in eight directions and used sixteen spirals of power with his hands to completely cover the void. The powerful force was like a supreme sharp blade, searching and waving in the space. Even if Ling Daozi was not caught, he could still be strangled. Got to be smashed to pieces...

For A Gu now, he has no way out, and he has no choice but to use such a killing move, because he knows whether he can control or destroy Ling Daozi is the key to saving himself and Doro Shu in the current situation...

In the world of cultivation, many things need to be solved by force in the end. In A Gu's view, no matter how smart Ling Daozi is, no matter how talented he is, or how wonderful his Taoism is, as long as he can destroy it, he will never jump again. Can't get up...

A Gu used all his strength, and sixteen spirals of strength crushed the space that trapped Ling Daozi countless times. However, what shocked him was that Ling Daozi's figure was always there, but he just couldn't destroy it. Drop or catch!

"Impossible! This can't be your phantom, because I can completely feel that your figure is alive, vital, and real..." A Gu shouted.

"Of course, I will sit here and wait for you to catch me, but it's a pity that you will never catch me!" Xiaoxing said more and more proudly.

"Oh my god, what is going on? Why is there nothing I can focus on with my strength? And..." A Gu's face suddenly changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth and said.

"And what?" Xiaoxing asked.

"I...why do I pour out a large amount of my power? Is it because it was sucked away by you?!" A Gu asked in shock.

Xiaoxing snorted: "Why should I absorb your power? Your power is just a drop in the bucket to me and is of no use. However, do you know that a place with a large mass will naturally attract the surroundings?"

"I don't know..." A Gu was a little confused.

"For example, the Shangtai Palace where we are located has a strong attraction to a stone on the mountain. If there are no accidents, the stone will hardly go to other places, but will stay here. Nearby... Of course, this metaphor may not be obvious yet. I can put it another way, why do stars gather in the starry sky?"

"Star clusters? There are indeed many clusters of stars in the starry sky..." A Gu nodded.

"The star's mass will be much greater compared to the surrounding dust and gas, and its attraction will be more obvious, attracting the surrounding lighter dust and gas. Over time, these dust and gas will form new ones. stars, they will also attract small stars they encounter when passing by. Over time, the number of stars will become larger and larger, so star clusters gradually appear... This is one of the ways in which star clusters are formed!" Xiaoxing said .

"That's it..." A Gu suddenly said.

Xiaoxing continued: "The situation with energy and star clusters is similar. The quality of high-level energy is much greater than that of low-level energy. If this difference is large, it will form an attraction. The lighter energy will unconsciously flow and gather in the direction of the heavier energy. Just like the energy in you is much lower than the energy in me, so they will flow towards me. , this is not what I did intentionally..."

"What? The energy level in your body is so much higher than mine?! Why can't you feel it normally?!" A Gu shouted in disbelief.

"Hey, do you still need to ask? If I usually release all my energy, wouldn't it cause huge trouble? Just like if you go to a low-level planet, the space state there will be quite different for you. It's fragile, and as long as you use a little force, it may cause terrible accidents such as space fragmentation, so you must restrain your skills and act cautiously, right?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh my mean the Thai black hole is a fragile space for you?!!!" A Gu was completely confused!

"So to speak, look at..."

Xiaoxing raised his right hand, first drew a small circle, and then flicked his fingers gently in the small circle. The small space in the circle suddenly seemed to explode, and instantly turned into countless fragments. These fragments quickly It turned into smaller and finer gravel, until it was completely shattered and could not even be seen by the naked eye. The space in the circle that was intact just now turned into a small black hole under this bomb, which looked like a vast expanse of land. Deep nothingness…

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