The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 410 Nether Space (2)

"Master's words make sense! In my opinion, this must be the case." Xuandongmu praised.

"Haha, this is just a guess on my part. Now that we have such a good opportunity, we must check it out. We also need to see where those people from the Star Sword Sect have gone? I don't know if they are in danger."

Li Yun rushed into a large pavilion and started searching.

Since it was a brand new thing, he didn't want to miss any corner.

"The Soul Collection Tower?"

These three characters are clearly written on the horizontal plaque of this pavilion. The characters contain a solemn and solemn meaning, which makes people feel solemn and self-disciplined.

"What souls are collected in the Soul Collection Tower?"

Li Yun looked around and found that the interior space was very large, with small pavilions extending layer by layer and row by row, which was simply inexhaustible.

"The human race, the ice race, the thunder race, the wind race, the gold race, the wood race, the water race, the fire race, the earth race, the dark race, and the miscellaneous race"

Li Yun murmured and found that there were countless sub-categories under the big heading of human race, and within each sub-category there were countless sub-categories.

For example, under the mixed human race, there are men and women, as well as infants, children, teenagers, youth, adults, and old people.

Each small category is a huge internal space with countless space locks.

In addition to the human race, there are also the demon race, the demon race, the insect race, the soul race, the mysterious beast, the spirit beast, the underworld beast, the true beast, the divine beast, the blessed beast, and the spirit race.

Almost all kinds of life forms can find their place here, even if it is a grass, a tree, a stone, a mountain, a river, a lake, a sea, swords, guns, swords and sticks, as long as they are If you have spiritual awareness and give birth to life, you can at least enter the spirit race.

If you look carefully at these spaces, some of them are transparent, and you can see crystal jade in them one by one. There is a small soul thread in them, but they seem to be frozen and motionless.

Some jade crystals are empty, as if they are waiting for the arrival of soul threads.

The Miscellaneous Human Clan's pavilion is the widest and is the main body of this soul collecting tower. It can be seen that it also collects the most souls.

The vastness of this area shocked Li Yun.

He observed it carefully for a while and finally discovered something.

With his now extremely powerful spiritual consciousness and his extremely high degree of brain development, he was able to faintly discover that some soul threads had seeped in from nowhere, slowly entering various small classified spaces, and were guided by invisible forces. Lead it into the jade bottle and freeze it.

Under the space, there is a thin layer of crystal clear water surface. This layer of water surface is so cold that the soul silk loses its vitality in it and cannot move.

"Master, this water is the water of the underworld!" Xiaoxing was silent for a long time and finally started to speak.

He has been busy recording scenes. These are extremely precious materials and cannot be let go.

"Water from the Yellow Spring? No wonder the valley above is called Xuanyin Valley, it is extremely cool." Li Yun suddenly realized.

The water of Huangquan is extremely precious, and its properties are extremely cold. One drop can freeze an entire area.

In order to create a good training environment for Yang Qian in the Qinghui Volcano's training cave, Tuzhenzi used a drop of Huangquan water, which soon made the cave's temperature drop drastically, making it suitable for training.

The space here actually uses the rare underworld water to freeze the soul threads. The scale of the work is staggering.

"I don't know where these soul threads come from. They seem to be collected by the formation. Such small soul threads are insignificant to the entire soul, but why are they treasured by this formation?" Li Yun was filled with countless thoughts. Confuse.

"Master, these soul threads seem to be slightly different from the commonly seen souls," Xiaoxing said.

Hearing this, Li Yun quickly sensed these soul threads carefully, and found that they were really unique. They did not come from a single soul or a certain soul, but from a soul species, which was the prototype of a soul species.

The prototype of this kind of soul seed can only be possessed when life is first formed. As life develops, the soul also grows, and the prototype will no longer exist.

"So, could it be that these soul threads were absorbed when the life form was first formed?" Li Yun asked in shock.

If the Soul Collection Tower really exists to absorb soul threads, then the easiest time for it to absorb souls is when life is just born, because life at that time is the most fragile and has no power to fight back. Let it be sucked away!


Thinking of this, Li Yun broke into a cold sweat.

So many lives have had their initial soul threads taken away, and the consequences of this are truly unpredictable!

Moreover, seeing that there is no one in the soul collection building, it can be seen that the task of collecting soul silk is running automatically. This may really be the way of heaven working on its own.

Li Yun suppressed the surprise in his heart and did not interfere with its operation. He carefully studied several small spaces and found that although these space locks were extremely complicated, even more complicated than the space locks in the folding space of Baishi City, he allowed himself to do it. If it can be broken, as long as there is time, there will be no problem in breaking it. He is extremely confident about this.

After coming out of the Soul Collection Tower, Li Yun felt his heart beating wildly. He knew that he had discovered a huge secret, which would most likely involve every life on the Xuanling Continent.

If the original soul seed prototype is taken away from each life at the beginning of its birth, it means that their soul is incomplete and flawed, and this will not only affect their growth, but also may affect their future. The path of cultivation, just imagine, how can a person with an incomplete soul reach the highest level of cultivation?

"Oh my God! What about myself?!"

Li Yun suddenly realized that he was also born on the Xuanling Continent. Was his original soul seed prototype also taken away? !

"Master, you're okay! I've looked carefully and your soul is intact!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? Are you sure?!" Li Yun was stunned.

"Confirmed! This initial soul mark is the backup of the soul seed. It is like the original genetic chain of the previous life. If there is a problem with the soul seed, this initial soul mark can be activated to repair the soul seed. If it were originally If there is this soul mark in the soul of Bee General Kui Ya, he will not eventually perish with the demise of the soul species."

"I see."

"Moreover, this soul mark is closely related to the entire soul. If a life dies, its soul will most likely be drawn by it to form a complete soul." Xiao Xingyu made a shocking judgment.

"If this is true, this Soul Collection Tower has actually exerted control over all life!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Yes. If this is the work of Heaven, then Heaven has indeed achieved complete control over all life. However, it is now powerless against its master."

"I understand!" Li Yun's eyes lit up and he shouted.

"Master, what did you understand?" Xiaoxing was startled.

"Just now when I was in Xuanyin Valley, this suction force was born because of me, and then stopped because I entered Tianyun. Could it be that this formation discovered that I was a person with a complete soul, so it suddenly started to collect me? Come in?!"

"It makes sense! It must be so!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

After some analysis, the two people actually deduced the truth of the matter.

Li Yun understood the whole story and couldn't help but feel relaxed. It seemed that although what happened just now was extremely strange, it still happened for a reason and was not groundless.

He searched areas one by one and found that some were the residences of the Nether Clan, some were their training and entertainment venues, and some were warehouses. There were many items in them, including spiritual herbs, elixirs, talismans, minerals, food, insect eggs, and beasts. Eggs, magic weapons, spiritual weapons, and many other things I don’t know what they are.

These items are naturally the targets of Li Yun's search. They are all the secrets of the Nether Clan. As long as they are studied thoroughly, they will be confident in dealing with them in the future.

However, he didn't want to alert the enemy, so he continued to explore.

When he came to a lake, Li Yun was stunned for an instant!

"Oh my god! This lake is all water from the underworld!"

I saw that the entire lake was like a piece of quiet jade, without a single ripple, as if everything was frozen.

However, there is a kind of spiritual grass growing beside the lake and at the bottom of the lake. It is snow-white and crystal clear, slender and graceful, like a graceful girl, standing proud and strong.

"Ice Soul Grass!!!" Li Yun shouted, feeling that his whole body was not calm anymore.

"Master, that's great! There really is Ice Soul Grass!" Xiaoxing also shouted excitedly.

They have seen records of this kind of spiritual grass, but it is difficult to find it. It is an extremely precious soul-like spiritual grass that is very helpful in cooling the soul, healing soul injuries, and increasing soul power. It is much higher level than the Golden Thread Soul.

Li Yun has always wanted to give Soul Army a try. If it succeeds, then the level of demon crystals that Soul Army can fuse can be larger, and he can even try to fuse demon pills!

In that case, the strength of the Soul Army will definitely rise sharply, and its combat power will be simply immeasurable.

"Unfortunately, the quantity is still too small," Li Yun sighed slightly.

"Master, you see that Ice Soul Grass grows next to or in the water of the underworld. If we create such an environment in Tianyun, Ice Soul Grass can continue to grow."

"It makes sense. Moreover, the water of Huangquan is extremely cold, which can form a balance with the small fire in Tianyun, which is of great benefit to Tianyun space!"

Li Yun was overjoyed, but he couldn't take action too early to avoid accidents. It was not too late to find out the situation here before taking action.

He wandered around and found that there were many unique places here, including the "Soul Release Pond", "Soul Washing Pond", "Soul Summoning Platform", and "Reincarnation Tower". Moreover, the cave he just entered actually had a name, it was called "The Well of the Netherworld".

"Eh? Classics Building?!"

When Li Yun saw the surprise, this was the pavilion he wanted to see most, so he rushed in immediately without thinking.


There are so many classics here, including books, jade slips, skin and bones, and silk.

"Baby! Real baby!"

Li Yun and Xiaoxing shouted at the same time, and they immediately plunged into the sea of ​​books and started reading eagerly.


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