The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4103 How to crack it

Zhu Ruoji, Li Chan, Gao Xiang, Wang Shishen, Zeng Bu and others were all extremely shocked by Xiao Kai's statement. They did not expect that they would also be customized beings, but they themselves were clearly customized at the beginning of the construction of Xingyun Castle. The existing life forms are human life forms that have moved in from alien planets. How could they be customized by Xiaokai if they are not the new life forms in the fortress?

I just heard Xiao Kai chuckle and say: "You may have misunderstood what I said about life customization!"

"Oh?!" Everyone was startled.

Xiao Kai continued: "We, the Lord of the Castle, and Xiao Ling are both people who respect nature and are in awe of life. We will never affect the nature of life. We interfere when they are still in the gestation period and make them become what we want." The person you want!"

"Then how did you customize it?" Li Chan asked urgently.

"Of course my customization is done the day after tomorrow. When each life is born, it is not a blank sheet of paper, because they carry the genes of their ancestors, which is the main source of their nature. I can't influence it, but at the beginning of life, it is actually a very important period in everyone's life. During this period, life's ability to receive is extremely strong. You can receive almost anything you teach. If you pass various methods at this time, By inspiring and guiding them in this way, it is possible for their little lives to have a shadow of talent in advance. As they grow, I will continue to strengthen this Taoism through other means, and ultimately guide them. They embark on such a path. Of course, it would be better if they could develop other Taoist meanings! Therefore, the so-called life customization is actually an acquired initiative of enlightenment and guidance, which mainly uses the initial inspiration of life. It’s the golden age of teaching!” Xiao Kai said.

"So that's it..." Everyone was stunned after hearing this, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Xiaokai's customization is not artificially interfering with the life process as he imagined, and he will not make an ethical mistake. Otherwise, this problem is really a bit of a headache...

In fact, even if this is the case, these people present will not question Xiao Kai's actions. After all, Xiao Kai must have done this under the orders of Li Yun. The purpose is of course for the Star Fortune Castle to develop and grow better. No matter how unscrupulous you are to achieve this goal, I am afraid that everyone will not have any objections...

You know, many times, people will accuse others of immoral behavior from the highest point of morality, but if the matter is brought to themselves, they will automatically ignore it, or take its immorality to the extreme. To measure at a low level…

But now that they know what Xiao Kai did, everyone has truly let go of their psychological baggage and can finally speak freely, chat and laugh...

Gao Xiang, who looked like a scholar, asked with a smile: "Xiao Kai, then why did you say that we were also customized by you? Aren't we all moved into the castle from an alien planet? Then we must have missed the golden period of enlightenment and guidance. ah?"

Xiao Kai said: "People have different natures, different talents, different physiques, and different personalities. Of course, their plasticity is also different! Otherwise, why do many people become famous when they are young, but there are also many people who are late bloomers? People like you Human beings are geniuses among geniuses, and they are extremely malleable. As long as I give you a little guidance, it is possible to spontaneously develop in one or several fields. Maybe you can recall whether there was a certain field in your past life. Do you suddenly feel some kind of sudden revelation all the time? Or do you suddenly discover something that appears in the environment while you are deep in thought and are greatly inspired? Not all of these encounters are related to me, but there must be certain factors in them. It has something to do with me, so I’m just giving you a little guidance, hoping it can be helpful to you. You don’t have to care too much or have high hopes. After all, the most important thing in the study of Taoism is personal talent and hard work..."

"Wo..." Everyone's eyes were shining when they heard this, and their mood became extremely excited!

After hearing what Xiaokai said, all of them could immediately recall the important moments they had experienced in the past.

Only then did they realize that the reason why they were able to achieve a major breakthrough at that time was due to Xiao Kai's help, and Xiao Kai's help was ultimately Li Yun's help. Unexpectedly, the castle master was actually there. He helped himself in a flash, but he didn't wake up until now...

"Fortmaster, I want to thank you for your help!" Gao Xiang said sincerely.

"Fortmaster, I will always keep your help in my heart..." Li Chan said.

"Actually, I had doubts for a long time, because everything was too coincidental..." Zhu Ruoji thought.

"Haha, Lord, do you need to say thank you for your help? Anyway, I accepted it happily!" Wang Shishen said with a smile.

"That's right! This is what the castle master should do!" Zeng Bu agreed in a rough voice.

"Giggle... Although what you two said is good, there are not so many things that should be taken for granted in this world. Since I helped you, Xiaokai, you should at least say thank you to me, right?" Xiaokai smiled sweetly. said one voice.

"This..." Wang Shishen and Zeng Bu looked at each other and said in unison: "Thank you, Xiaokai!"

"You guys are so good..."

"Ah?!" The two of them were stunned, and their faces turned extremely red!

"Haha, hahahahaha..." Everyone was amused by this scene and laughed so hard...

Compared to the joyful atmosphere in the monitoring space on Naxisay, the atmosphere in the mothership cabin of the small fleet returning to the United Army was quite serious. Everyone was stunned after hearing what Basiba said. Got it!

They did not expect that their return to the United Army was actually a narrow escape. Xingyun Palace deliberately saved face for people like them and did not arrest them. Otherwise, they would probably become prisoners of Xingyun Palace like the six fleets at this moment. , then all face will really be lost!

"Eighth Brother, are you sure what this person said is true?" Subotai asked in shock.

Pa Siba stroked his beard and muttered: "I believe everything I heard should be true! The voice of the person speaking was extremely confident, as if everything would come true as long as he gave the order. The voice was extremely childish. , he must be very young, and he is probably a popular figure in the Xingyun Palace!"

"Liu Feng?! Are you sure?!" Subotai asked urgently.

"It's basically certain! Because although the time was short, my communication with him involved countless fields, many of which I couldn't understand, but he tried his best to speak extremely simply and clearly, so that I could understand it a little bit. What he said, so to be honest, through communicating with him, I have a better understanding of distorted time and space, and the eternal world!" Pa Siba sighed.

"What?! You mean Liufeng explained the problem of these two dimensions to you?" Subotai said in surprise.


"Then wouldn't it make us better understand these two space worlds and be more confident in deciphering them?" Subotai said loudly.

Pa Siba looked at him as if he were an idiot and hummed: "If someone dares to tell the secret of the space world, he is sure that it will not be exposed, isn't it?"

"This..." Subotai was startled, his face turned red, and he was speechless...

Everyone looked at each other in shock. They didn't expect that such a thing would happen. Liufeng actually told his opponent all his secrets. Is he really not afraid that if others find out, the secret will no longer be a secret?

Basiba continued: "Liu Feng not only explained to me the basic conditions of distorted time and space and the eternal world, but also told me how to decipher them..."


"You even said this?!!!" Everyone was dumbfounded...

"That's right! But after I listened to what he said about the simplest way to crack it, I knew it was impossible for us to do it!" Pa Siba sighed.

Upon hearing this, Subotai asked anxiously: "What cracking method is he talking about?!"

Ba Siba said: "For distorted time and space, only one person who has reached the third level on the Time Avenue and one person who has reached the fourth level on the Space Avenue can jointly find its entrance and exit, and thus find the things hidden in it. Tiangang Treasure Star!"

"Wo!!!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air...

Although levels three and four may not sound very high, the key issue is that they must be avenues!

Oh my gosh!

What are the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space?

To what extent does Taoism have to reach to be considered the Great Way of Time and the Great Way of Space?

"What about the eternal world?" Wen Yuan asked from the side.

"As for the eternal world, it requires a person who has reached level four on the Avenue of Time to be able to..."

"Level 4?!" Everyone was shocked!

Wen Yuan was surprised and asked: "I wonder what level Brother Eight has reached in the way of time and space?"

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at Pa Siba closely, hoping to hear the result they wanted to hear...

Pa Siba stroked his beard and said with a sneer: "Don't expect too much from me! Speaking of the way of time and space, I have indeed studied it myself, but whether I have reached the avenue of time and space is even up to me. I still haven’t figured it out, let alone how many levels it is! Later, I thought about it myself. With my Taoist will, I still can’t see the flaw in distorting time and space and the eternal world, and I am still confused. This shows that I may not have reached the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space. Even if I have, it may only be at the initial level! As the name suggests, the Avenue must be no small matter. Even raising it by half a level or one level must be extremely difficult. I am afraid it will take a long time. of time and endless energy!”

"Then... I wonder who else among us can reach such a level?" Subotai said hesitantly.

Dou Mo said from the side: "Commander, even Eighth Brother can't reach it, is it possible for others?"

Upon hearing this, Ba Siba waved his hands and said, "Brother Dou's words are wrong. I believe there is such a talent in our clan, but it is not in the army at the moment, but in this cave. It can be said that water from afar cannot save those close by." Fire, if we want people to pass this information on, I don’t know how long it will take to summon them..."

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