The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4090 Ask Liufeng

Sure enough, just as Li Yun expected, one of the fleets that arrived early stopped when it approached the outer space of Tiangang Baoxing, found a floating island in space to station for a while, and soon dispatched a small forward fleet directly. Flying away like a treasure star...

It is said to be a small fleet, but in fact it is an extremely terrifying high-level fleet for the forces on Tiangang Bao Planet. If this so-called small fleet really comes to the planet, I am afraid it will be crushed by it wherever it goes. However, no force can stop it!

However, the people on the Tiangang Treasure Star did not have the "blessing" to see such a fleet from an advanced civilization appearing in front of their eyes, because this fleet disappeared directly after entering the range of the Qingcage Formation, as if it had never Nothing has ever happened before...

Since even he didn't know when this fleet disappeared, and because the fleet's flight was unobstructed and without any abnormalities, it seemed to still be heading towards the treasure star, so of course the people on the ship would not issue any warning, so that outsiders would The main fleet stationed in space has no idea what happened to it and is still waiting for information to be sent back...

Subsequently, the other five fleets of the Sishui Black Hole Clan also arrived one after another. They approached the Tiangang Treasure Star from five angles, and none of them knew the situation of the other five fleets. This is basically the general style of these interstellar commercial fleets. , they all put themselves first. As long as they live well and get benefits, they don’t care whether others are flooded or the earth is falling apart!

Only when they encounter problems, they may think of the existence of friendly forces...

Similarly, the operations of these five fleets are basically the same, and their forward fleets have all disappeared into the cage-clearing formation!

At this time, in the capital city of the Tiangang Clan on Baoxing, the clan leader Tong Yi had already received the message. The person who sent him the message was the Iron Seal, the leader in charge of the Xingyun Palace here...

When Tong Yi heard Tie Yin's message through light and shadow, he was shocked!

He never expected that the black hole tribe of those advanced civilizations would form a joint army and come to Tiangang Treasure Star to rob the gems!

What makes him even more incredible is that the six forces in this joint army are stationed in outer space at the moment, and their forward fleet has already come to Baoxing...

"Xiaotie, what should we do?! How can we resist the Black Hole Clan's fleet?! Let alone the fleet, we can't even do anything about the Duo Luo Shu who came last time!" Tong Yi exclaimed.

"Haha, clan leader, there is no need to panic! If you don't see it for yourself, is there a Black Hole clan fleet in the sky now?" Tie Yin laughed.

" turns out that Xiao Tie is here to tease me!" Tong Yi breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but blame.

"Hey, hey, the clan leader has misunderstood me! This is absolutely true and not just a lie!" Tie Yin said quickly.

"That's so? Then where are the Black Hole Clan fleets you mentioned now? What should we do?!" Tong Yi asked urgently, his heart twitching again.

"Clan leader, don't worry! They have been wiped out by our Xingyun Palace's formation!" Tie Yin said proudly.

"Your formation? Is it the formation set up by Master Fan?!" Tong Yi said in surprise.

"Master Fan? Oh, you're talking about Fan Chunren, Xiao Fan, right?"

"Yes, that's him! Isn't he a formation master? Last time he helped the Naxisai tribe defeat the Zhouguan tribe's super poisonous formation..." Tong Yi said.

"No, no, although Xiao Fan is very powerful, he has no way to deal with the Black Hole Clan's fleet. Now he is sitting next to me in a daze watching the formation set up by our fortress master..." Tie Yin said with a smile.

"Your castle master?! Who is it?! Is it that Xiaoliu, Liufeng?!" Tong Yi came to his senses and asked urgently.

"Yes, it's Liufeng! Our castle master has already set up a large formation on Tiangang Baoxing to prevent alien forces from directly attacking Baoxing. Now their vanguard fleets have all been captured, and their fleets stationed in outer space have The main fleet has not even received the message..." Tie Yin said loudly.

"Wow..." Tong Yi couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard this, completely losing his composure!

The large formation set up by Liufeng was able to seize all six Black Hole Clan's forward fleets without making a move.

What formation is this? How is it done? When did Liufeng set up the formation on Baoxing? Why didn't I, or anyone else on the treasure star, find out?

Thinking of this, Tong Yi quickly used his spiritual consciousness to observe the starry sky outside, but found nothing. The starry sky he saw was no different from usual. Where was the formation? Where is the formation? !

The most conspicuous thing outside Baoxing is actually the cloud and mist formation that all races have put in place. Under the cover of this vast cloud and mist, the starlight outside is actually extremely dim. Stars can only be seen in places where the cloud and mist are relatively weak. Little bits of brilliance penetrated, while other places were filled with endless mist...

"Could it be that the formation set up by your fortress master is outside our cloud and mist formation?" Tong Yi asked.

"I don't know about this! The Lord of the Castle is capable of reaching heaven and earth. Since Tiangang Baoxing is lucky enough to be protected by him, you don't have to worry anymore!" Tie Yin said.

"Through the heavens and the earth?! I seem to remember Xiaoling saying that he is only about the same age as Xiaoling, right?" Tong Yi said suspiciously.

"Haha, the castle master is indeed about the same age as Xiao Ling..."

"Ah?! Then don't you think it's a little premature to describe his power with words like Tong Tian Che Di?" Tong Yi snorted.

Tie Yin was startled, and finally understood the meaning of Tong Yi's words, so he said: "Clan leader, you have never seen our castle master. If you had, you wouldn't say this!"

"Oh? I want to see him... there seems to be a way!" Tong Yi suddenly remembered something and said quickly.

"What? You have a way to see him?! How is it possible? It's difficult for us even to see the castle master!" Tie Yin said in surprise.

"Anyway, I have a way! But this method can't be used often, but now I feel it is necessary to ask him. After all, there are six main fleets of the Black Hole clan in outer space. I don't know if his formation can block it. Stop their attack..." Tong Yi thought.

"This...since you are so worried, then try your method to see if you can see our castle master, and then listen to what he has to say..." Tie Yin nodded.

Tong Yi made up his mind and said: "Yes! This matter is not trivial. If I don't ask him, I really won't worry. Contact him now!!!"

After saying that, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and a small ball of light appeared. It was the calling device that Ling Daozi gave him before leaving!

He only called Ling Daozi once before, knowing that he was dealing with things in Tailao Black Hole and was about to complete the task, so he didn't use it anymore. But now that Tiangang Baoxing suddenly encountered a disaster, it was impossible not to use it, so he found out a ray. The consciousness turned into a little figure of light and shadow and entered the ball of light, shouting loudly: "Liu Feng! Liu Feng!! Liu Feng!!!"

The internal world of the light ball was originally in a state of chaos. Even Yi's light and shadow villain did not know where he was in this world. Just as he was calling at the top of his lungs, a bright spot suddenly appeared somewhere in the world, and gradually became... It became brighter and brighter, blowing away the surrounding Hongmeng Qi, and in this bright light, a group of images appeared. In the image, a dozen people were watching something...

Tong Yi glanced around and found that these people were all from the human race, and they were all young. Compared to himself, they were just extremely tender little meat, but the sight they were looking at shocked him!

"Tiangang Baoxing! Why are they all looking at Tiangang Baoxing?! Oh my god, so many battleships?!!!" Tong Yi was shocked by the sight in front of him!

I saw that there were densely packed ships parked in the space of Tiangang Baoxing. Those ships were extremely high-end at a glance. I am afraid they were the Black Hole Clan warships that Tie Yin mentioned!

Just one of these warships can become a nightmare for all the forces on the Tiangang Treasure Star. Unexpectedly, it is not a matter of one or two ships, but countless ships. I can't even see them all, and I can't even count them. Moreover, the appearance of some of the ships was so powerful and domineering to the extreme, exuding a suffocating aura that made Tong Yi almost breathless...

"Oh my's over, it's over, it's over..." Tong Yi murmured, his whole body was limp and he couldn't stand still...

I am afraid that no one in the Tiangang clan would believe that their clan leader would be frightened like this. You must know that he is the first military god in the history of this clan. He has experienced countless battles. It can be said that he came from the sea of ​​blood in the mountain of corpses. Unexpectedly, at this moment, he was so frightened that he was trembling all over, like a helpless child...

At this time, one person sitting among the dozen or so people turned around, smiled at Tong Yi, and said, "You are the leader of the Tong Yi clan, right?"

"Ah...I...I am Tong Yi! You are..." Tong Yi could no longer breathe and looked like he was about to faint, but after seeing this person's smile, he suddenly felt an indescribable sense of security. It permeated my body, and I suddenly felt strong, and I couldn't help but respond.

"Liu Feng! Aren't you looking for me?" Li Yun smiled.

"Ah?! Liu Feng?! Are you Liu Feng?!!!" Tong Yi became excited when he heard this, and finally remembered his purpose of entering this space world. Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi was right. He and he could be found through this calling device. Liufeng, it’s so amazing!

"It's true! Is the clan leader here for those Black Hole clan fleets on Baoxing?" Li Yun said.

"Black Hole Clan Fleet? Yes, yes, yes, those fleets...where do they come from? There are so many of them and they are so advanced, what can we do?! If our fleet on this planet were to fight against them, I'm afraid we would be powerless..." Tong Yi exclaimed.

"Well, don't worry, Baoxing will be fine. These fleets come from the Sishui Black Hole. This black hole is extremely far away from Baoxing, but for these interstellar business forces, as long as it is profitable, the distance is not a problem. …”

Chapter 4090: Ask Liufeng

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