The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4037 Future Civilization?

For the sake of his own life, in order not to be punished by the clan rules, in order to make a lot of money in the future and continue his unrestrained and romantic dandy life, Duoluoshu decided to fight!

He immediately devoted himself to the design of the racing stadium project plan. Although he was not interested in making money before, because he had always lived a life of clothes and food, not knowing whether he was warm or cold, and he didn't know why there were not many starving ghosts. Jinggui lives a life of eating some minced meat to satisfy his hunger, but now he has felt that the crisis is approaching step by step. Every time the fleet flies forward, it means that the crisis will approach him again. It is so cold that he can't do it unless he fights. …

Duoluoshu racked his brains and began to recall everything he saw, heard, and experienced when he and Boyan went to the Xingyun Palace Mall. Every step, every word, every bit of information was not missed, and everything that could be I immediately burn all the products that come to my mind, trying my best to restore everything I saw, heard, and felt that day...

After a period of recollection, he actually succeeded!

After all, he is a genius with extraordinary memory. He restored almost 50% of the information on the stretch of road he passed. Although it was only about half, the amount of information contained in it was extremely astonishing. Even Doro Shu himself couldn't believe that he could recall so many things...

With these original materials, Doro Shu began to conduct research again, and he was extremely shocked to find that this Xingyun Palace was really terrible!

In just that short stretch of road, the number and categories of products displayed are extremely rich. I am afraid that there will never be another large shopping mall in Jianyang Black Hole that has such a rich range of products!

What if we include the rest?


Duoluo Shu simply didn't dare to think about it anymore, how could it be possible? What exactly is the Xingyun Palace? How can it do this?

Speaking of which, the Jianyang Black Hole is already the largest black hole in the pan-starry sky. It has the most developed civilization and the richness of its products is unimaginable. But when compared with the Xingyun Palace, it is so miserable that the Doro Technique can no longer stand. …

He suddenly discovered that his previously so-called wealthy life, if placed in the life scene provided by the Xingyun Palace, was simply shabby. He would have nothing to ask for, but the Xingyun Palace could fully meet his needs, and some of them The products and services are far beyond what I need. For example, the racing event I am most passionate about, the racing hall alone, far exceeds all my needs. No matter how much I play, I will never be able to play it. Its limit, because the last time he tried his best, he only temporarily reached level 39, but Quan Xiaochan reached level 399. When he observed his breakthrough, he could find that The difficulty of the track is absolutely unbelievable. Quan Xiaochan can easily pass it, but it doesn't mean that he can...

"It's over, it's over, it's over... They are probably going to be all over..." Duoluoshu murmured. At this time, he was thinking of the commercial forces in Jianyang Black Hole. After a long period of development, they have developed their own The product line has an absolute monopoly in its own advantageous field, and has even extended its business to the interstellar world, becoming a huge interstellar business force, but now...

The Xingyun Palace was born!

With Xingyun Palace's super product capabilities, it can almost defeat the commercial forces in those caves with its eyes closed. This is a scene that is completely imaginable in Doro Technique, including A Gu's Rong Bao Xing...

"Uncle A-Gu! Uncle A-Gu!! I want to see Uncle A-Gu!!!" Doro Shu couldn't help roaring again...

After a while, a light curtain popped up, and A Gu appeared on the light curtain and asked: "Xiao Shu, I was just going to ask you, how did things go?"

"Uncle, I have burned a lot of information, but the information pieces on my body have been used up, and there are still many that cannot be burned. Send someone to bring them to me! And..."

"what else?"

"I would like to ask how the business of your Rongbao Bank is going now?"

"Business? Why do you ask this?" A Gu was startled and asked curiously.

"This... forget it,

You will understand when you receive the information piece I sent. In short, if you want to keep Rongbaoxing's business, you must make preparations in advance, otherwise..."

"..." A Gu was a little confused about what Doro Shu said, but he also heard some of the meaning behind the words. It seems that there may be some potential risks in his Rong Bao Xing...

This shocked him. Rongbaoxing was related to the lives and fortunes of everyone in his entire force. If there was any risk, it must be solved immediately, so he immediately contacted Zhiyong and asked him to forward some information pieces to Doro Technique, and sent over the engraved information piece...

Of course, Zhiyong knew about the conversation between the two, but he tried not to eavesdrop, and he did not read the content of the message engraved by Doluo Shu at all. However, he was also curious about what the uncle and nephew had. If there is no end to the conversation, what are they talking about?

Forget it, these two people seemed to be talking about business anyway, so it was impossible to cause any trouble, because he had already taken control of the whole situation, and with A Gu's cunningness, how could he reveal it in such a semi-public conversation? What amazing information came out...

A Gu was in a daze as he looked at the pile of information pieces that were about to fill up the space in the ship's cabin!

I didn't expect that Doro Technique would work so hard during this period. Such a task would take a long time even if it was done by all the soldiers on the ship, but Doro Technique was done by one person. After all, he is a genius...

After he saw the contents of these information films, A Gu felt a little dizzy and quickly asked someone to bring some refreshing medicine...

The reason why he felt dizzy was not because there were too many information films, but because the above contents had a strong impact on him, especially most of the products, which he had never seen or heard before. As he had imagined, one after another came into his field of vision, like a big river rushing towards him, catching him by surprise...

A Gu took the stimulating medicine, calmed down his mind, and began to study each piece carefully. It didn't take long before he couldn't sit still!

"Gravityless landing pad? All ships are hung on energy walls?"

"A shield that can withstand the third-level impact to the tenth-level impact of starry sky meteorites?"

"A fireball charm that can blow up a small meteorite?"

"A torpedo bomb that can destroy a medium-sized meteorite at a time?"

"A nuclear bomb that can take down a large meteorite at a time?"

"A sword that can cut off the branches of a small space iron tree with one swing?"

"A treasured spear that can penetrate a hundred miles from the surface of a medium-mass planet?"

"A super entertainment center under restricted air conditions?"

"The best star wine I've ever had so far?"

"I heard that there is also a mustard ocean space where people can enjoy the primitive life of fishing, barbecue, and camping..."

"It is said that there are detoxifying pills that can restrain god-level poisons... space flying castles that can exceed the speed of light... and a wide variety of novel daily necessities and military supplies. They can all be purchased on the online mall developed by Xingyun Palace. You can see it, and as long as everyone registers on it, they can place an order in the online mall, and they are responsible for delivering it to their doorstep? No matter how far away it is?!!!"

"Oh my god..." A Gu screamed and stood up!

Just the information displayed in front of him, which was like a small opening statement, already made him tremble with fear and make him feel weak...

That's right, although A Gu didn't see with his own eyes the objects and spaces that Doro Shu saw, heard and felt, he could imagine them with his experience and imagination, and with this imagination, he found that he An extremely bizarre new world seemed to appear in front of me. In this new world, everything was so strange and novel, from a small product to a huge flying castle in space. How could such a new world, which I had never seen or experienced before, suddenly appear before my eyes?

From the description of Duo Luo Shu, A Gu seemed to see a future developed civilization in front of his eyes. This civilization was hidden in the clouds and mist, and it was invisible and incomprehensible to him...

A Gu was both shocked and excited. On the one hand, if what Doro Shu said was true, then now that the Xingyun Palace has settled in the Jianyang Black Cave, it is tantamount to luring the wolf into the hole, truly luring the wolf into the hole! ! !

With Xingyun Palace's super products and the sales and door-to-door delivery services they provide, people in the cave will be attracted by them and go to their online shopping mall to buy products, while other business forces I am afraid that life will be miserable. No wonder Duoluoshu said what he said to himself before. Of course, he is also worried about the future of other business forces in the cave. After all, it is his territory...

What puzzles A Gu is, what did Ba Tulu do? He actually allowed Xingyun Palace to settle in Jianyang Black Hole. Isn't he afraid that the royal family's commercial power will also have problems?

Xingyun Palace definitely looks like it is not an ordinary big force, but an unprecedented super force. Such a force is fully capable of defeating all the commercial forces in the cave. By then, I'm afraid everyone will have to go. Only by relying on the Xingyun Palace can you find a way to survive...

"Yes... attached!!!" A Gu suddenly realized something and couldn't help shouting!

This was why he was shocked but also a little excited, because the appearance of the Xingyun Palace suddenly opened up before his eyes, and a high-level civilized world in the future era appeared!

No matter who can see the future right now, they will feel a sense of sincere joy. After all, they have all had visions. Even if there may be extremely terrible consequences in the future, people will always convince themselves that the future will be as good as it is imagined. It is more beautiful and more attractive, and the world shown to Agoo by the Xingyun Palace is in line with his imagination, because everything is so beautiful and so powerful...

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