The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3991 Where is the cave spirit?

"Could he be waiting for someone here? Wasn't there a flying castle that passed by here yesterday?" the person next to him speculated.

"No, this place is far away from the entrance, and the environment is a bit complicated. It is not a good place to meet people... As for the flying castle, it just stopped in the distance for a while and then passed by. It was obviously a passing aircraft..." Station Chang analyzed.

The person next to him was slightly startled when he heard this, and thought: "That's not necessarily true. Maybe some people like to choose places like this to meet people!"

The webmaster's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he praised: "Hey, what you said this time makes sense. If this person specially chooses this kind of place to meet people, he definitely doesn't want to be known. Maybe that's what he wants to do. A sneaky and shameful business!"

"Haha, the webmaster really hit the nail on the head! Should we report this information?"

"Report it! Of course I have to report it!! I haven't found anything in this inhospitable place for so many days. I finally got some information and of course I have to report it!!!" the webmaster said loudly.

"Okay, I'll report it right away!"

"Hey, wait..."

"What other orders does the station master have?"

"I remembered! It seems that this spaceship just came back from the outside and entered the Tiangang Black Hole a few days ago, and now it is running back and forth here again, and the activities are still very frequent..." the stationmaster thought, while also retrieving the previous information. Look, I compared the before and after, and found that it was indeed the case. This spacecraft had indeed just returned from the outside not long ago...

"Webmaster, what does this mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything! Because we don't have information about this spaceship, we don't know who it belongs to. However, it should belong to an elder. What about the information about the elders of the Tiangang Black Hole Clan we investigated earlier?"

"My subordinates will come out and take a look right away..."

The two quickly checked the information about the elders of the Tiangang Black Hole Clan, and they really found something!

"Stationmaster, based on information comparison, this ship should be Yelusha's vehicle!"

"Yes, it's just that this Yelusha is not an important role in the Tiangang Black Hole Clan. He is just a low-level elder. Looking at his sneaky style of doing things, we can see that he can't accomplish anything big. So we will treat this information as normal. If you find anything during monitoring, please report it..." the webmaster hummed.

"Yes! I will report it immediately!"

How would Yelusa feel if he knew that the head of the monitoring station of the Jianyang tribe had commented on him in this way?

But no matter what, the webmaster's judgment was still wrong, because Yelusha really accomplished a big thing this time. In addition, he also made a major mistake, which was to regard the flying castle brought by Xiaoxing as a passing one. aircraft, and this information was not included in the reported information...

Now, Yelusha is flying around with Ling Daozi in the Tiangang Black Cave, showing him the spectacular beauty and vastness of the Tiangang Black Cave...

Of course, what he didn't know was that Xiaoxing took this opportunity to set up a sophisticated monitoring network in the Tiangang Black Hole. A large amount of unknown information rolled in, which made Xiaoxing's understanding of the Tiangang Black Hole skyrocket, and among them, he was most interested. What is at issue is not the civilized situation of the Tiangang Black Cave Clan and other races, but the current situation of the cave spirits here.

The cave spirit of a black hole is undoubtedly one of the top figures in this universe. However, such figures are not actually threatening, because they are natural beings born naturally in this universe, and they are born with the protection and maintenance of this planet. Generally speaking, they will not leave the star they were born in until the final death of the star, unless there is a major accident in the process, or they really feel bored and run away, but even if they leave, they generally have nothing. Aggression, on the contrary, if they have insight into human nature, they should live their little lives carefully, and it is best not to be discovered by others that they are natural beings, just like Xiaoxing reminds Tai Lao of the cave spirits of black holes, those powerful devourers , their main goal is to target these simple and kind-hearted cave spirits who have no defensive mentality. As long as they swallow the cave spirits first, then dealing with other people will not be a problem!

Because the cave spirit is high above,

So after the black hole entered the level of a large black hole and operated relatively normally, they basically started to let it go and let the various races in the hole compete and develop on their own, because in their eyes, the levels of these races were extremely low. The level of competition is not much different from playing a game. If you interfere, the game will stop immediately, which will be extremely boring, so it is better to ignore it.

Just like the cave spirit of Tai Lao's black hole, he had been bathing in the center of the ice continent for a million years before Xiaoxing found him. He completely turned the interesting bath into an extremely boring and boring thing...

However, the battle between the Black Hole clan that may break out next has a greater relationship with the Dongling, because the battle takes place between different Black Hole clans, which are of extremely high level, and the Jianyang Black Hole clan and the The Sishui Black Hole Clan formed a joint army, and their combat power obviously exceeded that of the Tiangang Black Hole Clan and the Tailao Black Hole Clan. If the battle took place outside the black hole, then the Black Hole Clan of this hole would most likely suffer a defeat and suffer heavy losses. This result would have a great impact on our own. The operation of the world inside the cave will have a huge impact!

This impact should be easily imaginable. Since the black hole tribe is the most powerful race in the cave world, they form the basic order of the world with them as the center. The main activities of other races basically revolve around them. , but once there is a problem with this center, all the problems that are usually hidden will immediately explode, and the world will be in chaos, and under the trend of chaos, the most affected people should be ordinary lives!

Ordinary beings lack the ability to protect themselves, so they can easily become targets of Devourers. Devourers of all races may grow rapidly because of this. When these people become stronger, even the Black Hole tribe will find it difficult to deal with them. When they dare to devour, the world inside the cave becomes a real chaos of demons. Each devourer will do his best to devour others as quickly as possible. While strengthening himself to the greatest extent, he will also avoid being devoured by others. When the Black Hole tribe was still immersed in the grief of failure, they may not have thought that the biggest threat was the original weak races in the cave world. Perhaps there was not even a Black Hole tribe member among the last remaining strong ones. No…

It can be seen from such a chain reaction that once the world inside the cave is in chaos and there is no black hole tribesman to act as the central force to maintain it, the evil thoughts in this world will exceed the good thoughts, thus stimulating the emergence of a large number of devourers in the cave and gradually entering into the devouring process. At this stage, even the cave spirit will feel powerless. At this time, he may not have thought that the targets of those strong men have already been aimed at him...

Judging from the worlds that Li Yun and Xiaoxing's spiritual clones have traveled to, if a world has one or several powerful races that maintain the operation of the world, such a world is generally healthier and more orderly, although there is also competition. , but it is still benign. After all, there are still more good things than evil things.

If there are multiple races in a world with similar strengths and ambitions to dominate the world, the situation will be much more complicated, because the world is in a state of brutal competition and development. It can be said that there are heroes and warlords vying for the throne. Bushy!

Generally speaking, due to extremely fierce competition and various conspiracies and strategies emerging in an endless stream, there is almost no moral bottom line between various racial civilizations, because there is no bottom line at all, and the purpose of competition among all races is to destroy their opponents. Preserve yourself, develop yourself, strengthen yourself!

Either you die or I live!

Even if you are going to die, just take a back seat!

Either way, we must die together!

Such a world is full of evil thoughts, and it can be said to be a hotbed for the birth of Devourers. It will not take long for Devourers to enter the stage of dominance...

As for what level these devourers can reach, it depends on the original civilization development stage of the world. If it is relatively low, then these devourers will not be much stronger, but if it is relatively high, it is possible to reach the level of the universe. The level of a strong man!

Generally speaking, the cultivation realm of planet people can reach the top level of the planet's original development stage, or even be stronger. However, this is only the peak they reached at the beginning. Later, they fell under the influence of toxins. It will gradually go downhill, unless they can find ways to make up for it by devouring other interstellar beings or people on the planet, but this is just to quench their thirst by drinking doves...

This was the case with the first group of planets conquered by Star Fortune Castle. When they first entered Star Fortune Castle, they seemed quite powerful and very threatening in the eyes of other civilizations. However, because they were rough and lacked intelligence, they Coupled with the early effects of toxins in the body, the civilization they built was the slowest in development, and now it is almost the bottom of Star Fortune Castle!

If Li Yun and Xiao Xing hadn't helped them get rid of the toxins and added some manpower from other races, this civilization would have become a joke in Xingyun Castle, but it's almost the same now, because they don't even have a single person. Competitive products cannot be sold. The so-called competitiveness here refers to the competition with other civilizations in the fort. If it is brought to the outside world, it is still good...

It can be seen that this way of relying on devouring others to strengthen oneself is absolutely undesirable. Racial civilization should rely on the power of groups and wisdom to develop to a higher level. In particular, wisdom can be said to have unlimited potential. , as long as it is developed and developed properly, it is possible to create a splendid civilization...

"Huh? Where is the cave spirit?" Xiaoxing was secretly wondering.

After collecting a large amount of information, Xiaoxing found no trace of the cave spirit. The cave where the cave spirit hid itself seemed to have been abandoned for a long time...

…To be continued

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