When Zhang Tian and Li Jie heard this, they couldn't wrap their heads around it and didn't understand what Li Yun meant.

"I just heard what the two seniors said, and I already know what happened!" Li Yun continued.

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details!" Zhang Tian said anxiously.

"The change in Tianjie Fang City happened more than two years ago. You must have been caught by the people from Tiandu Mountain at that time and locked up in this dungeon. Maybe you don't know that there was a year-long gap between Tiandu Mountain and Xiayang Gate. A war broke out many years ago, and both sides suffered casualties. I am afraid these people are the Xia Yang Clan disciples who were captured by Tiandu Mountain during the war."

"What?! More than two years ago? A big war?!" The two were dumbfounded and trembling with excitement.

Unexpectedly, I have been imprisoned here for more than two years and I am not dead yet!

"That's right! The Star Reaching Competition has just ended. The Kongkong Pirates took advantage of the sects gathered to compete and the emptiness in the sects to carry out plunder. Not only this Tiandu Mountain, but also your Xia Yang Sect, the losses were extremely heavy." Li Yun sighed.

"Empty air thief empty air thief!"

Zhang Tian and Li Jie were extremely excited when they heard the name Kong Kong Pirates. They remembered that they were being teased by Kong Kong Pirates at that time, and their losses were immeasurable.

"Do you know what kind of dungeon this is?" Li Yun asked.

"Can this wise nephew tell me?!" Zhang Tian asked urgently.

"This is under the Baihua Peak of Tiandu Mountain. The formation here is an invisible cage formation. The purpose is to tie you down and let the flower roots draw blood and nourish the Nalanda flower above. This spiritual flower comes from the ocean. , it is necessary to suck the spiritual blood of the monks to grow the extremely beautiful spiritual flowers. At this moment, flowers are in full bloom and there are thousands of tourists, but who can know that under the spiritual flowers, there is such a miserable scene? "

Zhang Tian and Li Jie trembled all over after hearing this, their skins swelled with goosebumps, and their faces were miserable!

There were waves of severe pain from the flower roots that were drawing blood from their bodies. The two of them felt that not only their bodies were bleeding, but their hearts were also bleeding. Their whole bodies were about to be drained to pieces.

"Nephew Li Yunxian, save me!!!" Zhang Tian hissed, the fat on his body shaking non-stop.

"My good nephew rescued us, and there will be a generous reward!!!" Li Jie's voice burst out from between his teeth, and it was a little unclear.

"Seniors, please don't be surprised. The younger generation hates Tiandu Mountain's cruel practices the most. Fortunately, I know this flower and its ability to suck people's spiritual blood, so I made some preparations and sneaked in to save people. Unexpectedly, two people turned out to be... A senior and other brothers from the Xia Yang Sect are here. We might as well save them all. But "

"But what?!" the two asked anxiously.

"However, when you go out, don't say that I saved you, otherwise, Tiandu Mountain will definitely cause trouble for me in the future!"

"No problem! My nephew, don't worry!" the two said anxiously.

"Well, everyone else is unconscious, so that's no problem. However, if you know about this, you may inadvertently tell it in the future. How about you all swear an oath to keep this matter in your stomach? Li Yun asked.

"no problem!"

Without thinking, the two of them immediately swore an oath to never reveal any information about Li Yun.

"Okay, this junior is relieved!" Li Yun said with a smile.

This poisonous oath is extremely effective in Xuanling Continent, and no one dares to violate it.

He immediately took action, put the others into the spirit beast bag, and took two more people to Baihua Peak and hid them.

"Senior, look, here is the Baihua Peak above the dungeon. These flowers are the Landa flowers. Without the underground spiritual blood supply, they will slowly wither in the near future." Li Yun pointed at the spiritual flowers all over the mountain. .

"Nalanda flower Nalanda flower!"

The two of them were gnashing their teeth, wanting to rush out and beat them all to pieces.

"Seniors, please be patient! Wait until I get the robes before I can take you out!" Li Yun advised.

"My nephew's robes don't matter. Can you take us out of the formation first?!" Zhang Tian said anxiously.

He is now seriously injured and has no cultivation level to protect himself.

It's so important to escape that you don't even care about what kind of robe you're wearing.

"Yes! Nephew, please escape quickly. We can seize the robes outside." Li Jie agreed.

The two of them were naked, so weak that they hugged each other tightly, shivering in the wind.

"Senior, don't be anxious. Now Tiandu Mountain has been attacked by air pirates. The casualties are huge. People coming and going will be strictly investigated. I will have to find an opportunity to take you out."

"I see! Why don't you put us into the spirit beast bag so we can find a chance to sneak out," Zhang Tian said in a deep voice.

"Senior agrees that this is the best thing to do. Junior was just afraid of wronging you, so he didn't put you in." Li Yun said with a smile.

"It's okay! My nephew, just treat us as spiritual beasts!" Li Jie said harshly.

"It is better to obey orders than to be respectful!"

Li Yun waved his sleeves and put the two of them into the spirit beast bag, finally showing a proud smile on his face.

The purpose of bringing these two people out was naturally to let them understand the situation and where they were. Otherwise, this life-saving move would be in vain.

He went to a warehouse in Tiandu Mountain to get a large number of robes, then got out of the formation and stopped on a small island in the distance.

He released all these people and said to Zhang Tian and Li Jie: "Two seniors, I'm glad you have lived up to your fate!"

The two looked back and found that this place was really outside the Tiandu Mountain formation, and they couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

"These senior brothers are unconscious, why not put them in spirit beast bags and you can take them back with you?" Li Yun asked.

"This is the best! However, we have no cultivation now and are unable to protect ourselves. It will be very difficult to go back this way," Zhang Tian lamented.

"Seniors, don't be anxious! I just informed the leader of the clan, the ancestor, that he asked the good juniors to do their best and send you two back to Xia Yang Clan," Li Yun said.

"We are so grateful!" Zhang Tian and Li Jie were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

Li Yun threw out a small cloud boat, took the two of them, and headed towards Xia Yangmen.

"Senior, please drink the starry wine brewed below to calm down your shock!"

Li Yun smiled and took out a few bottles of the spiritual version of Xingyun wine and handed them to them.

"Thank you, nephew!"

The two of them drank several bottles in one breath and felt that their spiritual power had increased, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"My dear nephew, can you tell me what happened in Daxia in the past two years?" Zhang Tian asked.

"No problem, junior, please tell me as much as I can."

The three of them chatted happily along the way. After all, these two are Jindan monks who are quite enlightened in cultivation and have their own golden elixir path. In order to thank Li Yun for his life-saving grace, it can be said that they know everything and give careful guidance. .

If Li Yun hadn't stripped them of their treasures long ago, they would definitely have given away a few more.

Yun Zhou's speed was extremely slow, and it took Li Yun about ten days to send them outside the Xia Yangmen formation.

"Senior, this junior will be sent here. You have to go back to recover, so let's say goodbye!" Li Yun saluted.

"My dear nephew, please come with us, we will reward you generously!" Zhang Tian said.

"Senior, this is unnecessary! Besides, the two seniors have sworn an oath not to reveal any information about this junior. If they go in, wouldn't they violate this oath?!"

"This" the two of them were stunned for a moment, and then they remembered this matter.

"See you later!" Li Yun disappeared.

The two looked at each other and had no choice but to turn around and join the battle.

"Junior Brother Zhang! Junior Brother Li!"

When Yang Wenqing saw Zhang Tian and Li Jie suddenly appearing in front of her, she couldn't believe her eyes and screamed wildly.

"Brother, the leader, it's hard to say anything." The two of them were so sad that they burst into tears.

Soon, the entire Xia Yang Sect was in a sensation. The return of the two golden elixirs and a group of disciples made Xia Kurong and Yang Wenqing overjoyed. When they learned that they had escaped from Tiandu Mountain, they were even more moved!

Since Zhang Tian and Li Jie had sworn a poisonous oath and did not reveal any information about Li Yun, how these people escaped and returned became a huge mystery. They only knew that they were rescued.

Xia Kurong and Yang Wenqing were overjoyed, but found that the two of them had become almost useless, requiring the sect to spend a lot of resources to restore their cultivation, and their hatred for Tiandu Mountain increased even more.

Moreover, all those disciples had their spiritual blood extracted from the Nalanda Flower, and almost all of them were disabled. They also needed a lot of resources to treat them. This was also an extremely heavy burden.

The two of them suddenly frowned. You must know that Xia Yangmen had just been ransacked and suffered heavy casualties. Now that such a huge burden was added to them, it was really impossible to live this day.

Just at this time, Feng Qingyuan arrived and brought the resources that Yingji had shared due to its second place in the Star Reaching Competition, solving their urgent need.

Moreover, Yingji was also a contestant hand-picked by Feng Qingyuan to participate in the Moon Reaching Competition five years later. This good news also cheered up the Xia Yang Sect.

In addition, Feng Qingyuan was also completely shocked when he learned the news that Zhang Tian and Li Jie had returned from Tiandu Mountain. He did not expect that Tiandu Mountain would act so viciously and even capture those prisoners of war to be used as fertilizer. Such behavior made people shudder!

Those returning disciples were the best proof. The scars on their bodies were so shocking that Feng Qingyuan had to believe it. Since the rescuers did not want to be named, everyone was guessing who dared to sneak into the dungeons of Tiandu Mountain to rescue people. .

The news of the return of this group of people was confirmed by Feng Qingyuan and officially announced by the Tianji Palace. The major immortal sects in Daxia were in an uproar. A craze against Tiandu Mountain Pass began, leaving Tiandu Mountain in an extremely passive situation.

In the Tiandu Hall, the atmosphere was extremely depressing, and everyone looked gloomy.

"This is unreasonable! Who?! Who is it?! How dare you sneak into the dungeon and frame him!!!" Yang Mingdeng roared and started to take action.

Everyone was as silent as a cicada, shivering.

The dungeon incident not only made the shocking secrets of Tiandu Mountain public, but also confirmed the capture of Zhang Tian and Li Jie in Tiandu Mountain, allowing many immortal sects in Daxia to finally know the cause of the war between the two sects.

Being framed by others, Yang Mingdeng is a mute who eats Coptis chinensis and cannot express his sufferings.

There is no doubt that Tiandu Mountain will become a public enemy in Daxia from now on. It can be said that this incident brought Yang Mingdeng's many years of painstaking efforts to naught.


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