The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3988 Human nature is terrible

Little When you receive a favor from him, he will wonder if you are looking down on him and if you are no longer as good to him as you used to be. Under doubts and because his greed is not satisfied, he will naturally hold a grudge against you. Already…”

Dong Ling was dumbfounded and couldn't say a word. His face was extremely pale and extremely embarrassed...

"Senior, are you okay?" Xiaoxing asked with a smile.

"'s okay. What can happen to me?" Dong Ling sighed.

Xiaoxing teased: "Senior, you have helped many people before, right?"


"And you have helped others many times, right?"

"That's...yes, this is inevitable..." The cave spirit sighed.

"So, when seniors are helping others, they may notice the difference between buckets of rice and stone rice, or the difference between liters of rice and buckets of rice, right?"

"Well, now that I think about it, my understanding of human nature is indeed too little! If I had known this..." Dong Ling had a look of regret on his face and sighed again and again...

Little There are too many, and it is naturally impossible for you to remember how you helped everyone. You have a peer-to-peer relationship, and you have no idea what kind of favor you did to one of them last time, while others are peer-to-peer to you. relationship, so they must remember your last favor very clearly. In this case, the situation I mentioned above will inevitably occur! Of course, not every beneficiary will think so. After all, there are There will be some people who have insight into the world and are grateful. No matter what kind of favor you have done to them, they will continue to appreciate you, worship you, and praise you. Otherwise, how could you have a steady stream of faith? ?”

Dongling couldn't help but perked up when he heard this, and said, "Can you see it?"

"Of course! I also have the power of faith, and there are quite a few..." Xiaoxing said proudly.

Dong Ling stared at Ling Daozi closely and said, "Do you know why I trust you so much?"

"Is it because you saw that I have the power of faith?" Xiaoxing asked.

"That's right! Not only do you have the power of belief, but its scale is much larger than mine. I can also see that these power of belief are not illusory, but real. This is how I dare to join you without any scruples. That’s why we cook hot pot and drink wine!” Dong Ling said.

"Haha, it seems that senior is not a novice in the world of cultivation..."

"Xiao Bai? After all, I am much older than you, right? I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice, and I have crossed more bridges than you have walked..."

"Stop! Stop, stop, stop! Aren't seniors curious about why I have such great power of faith?" Xiaoxing interrupted Dongling's boast...

Dongling stroked his beard and smiled: "Of course I am curious, but I don't need to ask you, because I can see some clues from these thoughts!"

"Oh? What did senior see?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Almost all the characters that appear in your telekinesis do not come from this cave. This shows that you rarely give favors to people in this cave. The reason why there is such a large flow of telekinesis is because of your spiritual consciousness in the outside world. The clone has done a lot of good deeds, and almost none of those characters bear the mark of the cave, which shows that they are beings on the outside planet..." Dong Ling analyzed.

"Wow, senior is really discerning, junior admires him!" Xiaoxing complimented.

"Haha, being able to see this kind of innate aura is nothing, but you are not a natural life form, so why can you also see the aura of my telepathy?" Dongling said proudly.

"Whether you can see the innate aura is not related to whether you are a natural life, but to whether your eyes are wise. Seniors are born with wise eyes, so naturally they are not aware of this problem.

But ordinary people generally don’t have a keen eye, so they make it so mysterious whether they can see spiritual light..." Xiaoxing explained.

The cave spirit was stunned and said suspiciously: "Wisdom eyes? It turns out that my eyes are wisdom eyes. Then why can't ordinary people's eyes see the aura of mind power?"

Xiaoxing said: "This is related to the structure and processing ability of the eyes. Ordinary people's eyes can collect very little effective information, and the processing speed and depth are not enough. Therefore, they will actively ignore a large amount of information and see There are very few things! But the wisdom eyes are different. They can accept external information in a wide range and with deep precision. They can also quickly process and convey it to the brain, so that their owners can see it. Therefore, people with wisdom eyes cannot Being able to see a lot of information that others can't see without too much effort gives them many advantages..."

"I see... What if ordinary people have powerful spiritual consciousness? Can't spiritual consciousness also see a lot of information?"

"Well said! With the ability of spiritual consciousness, you can indeed see many places that the eyes cannot see. However, as the most direct and effective observation organ of life, the eyes have some advantages that spiritual consciousness does not have. For example, it can observe quietly. Without being discovered, it can observe for a long time without feeling tired. It can also capture a large number of instantaneous continuous action pictures, as well as some pictures of three dimensions or above, and the light spots of mind power are precisely things of three dimensions and above, so, Many people cannot detect the existence of light points of telepathy even if they have super spiritual consciousness, but people with discerning eyes can easily capture them..." Xiaoxing said.

Dong Ling listened with great concentration. He found that he could learn new things from Ling Daozi from time to time. These new things covered a wide range and involved many fields. In other words, although Ling Daozi was young, he However, he has extremely superb achievements in many fields. This situation really shocked Dong Ling!

How did Ling Daozi grow up? How could he be involved in so many fields at such a young age? Even if he has a wide range of interests and is constantly dabbling in related fields, it is impossible for him to reach such a profound level?

Dong Ling found that he was like a student in front of Ling Daozi, who could only study and ask questions, but what he could give to Ling Daozi was very, very little, because he found that Ling Daozi knew almost everything about him. …


The more Dong Ling listened, the more guilty he became. His previous aloof attitude had been completely let go, replaced by humility and purity. He no longer dared to regard Ling Daozi as a little baby, but as a Taoist leader. As Ling Daozi said before, there is no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher. Now Ling Daozi is the teacher, and he is the disciple...

"Haha, you've had enough wine and food. Why don't you go out for a walk? Let's see a good show?" Xiaoxing stood up, stretched and smiled.

"Okay, I was just going to take a look, but..."

"But what?"

"Can you take me to find those threatening Devourers first?" Dong Ling asked.

"It seems that senior is still thinking about this matter! Of course there is no problem, but as I said before, this is just a temporary solution, not the root cause. As long as there is life, swallowers will appear sooner or later. What senior has to do is not to find them and destroy them. Fall, but..."

"But what?!" Dong Ling asked urgently.

“Create a good environment to inspire the good side of human nature, and at the same time, through appropriate means, let every living being know subconsciously that devouring others will only bring greater harm to oneself rather than benefit, so that everyone can People who plan to do this have some scruples. Especially when they know this, they may first study how to detoxify corpse poison and reduce or eliminate this damage. In this way, you will be able to find it more easily in the future. It’s more convenient..." Xiaoxing smiled.

Dong Ling's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he thought for a moment and asked, "What if they really study it?"

"Haha, this senior can rest assured. How can there be a real way to resolve this kind of crazy behavior that violates the law of heaven? The zombie poison elements are so powerful that even senior himself cannot resolve them, let alone the people in the cave! No matter how hard they study, these people can't get a solution, and finally have no choice but to give up, because when they study, they can discover the power of corpse poison molecules, and then think about what if such corpse poison molecules invade their bodies. If you make trouble, it’s not hard to imagine what the consequences will be…”

"I see, that's great..." Dong Ling suddenly said.

Xiaoxing continued: "Of course, but this is just an ideal situation. In this world, the reality is always much more complicated and cruel than you imagine. For example, in order to conduct experiments, some people may choose to put some corpse poison molecules into the bodies of test subjects. If we conduct research, then these test subjects may break the jar and take the initiative to devour them. They are artificially created devourers! Also, in reality, there are always people who actively devour others because of hatred, jealousy, pressure, etc. In the short term, the advantages of this approach may outweigh the disadvantages, which is why people are attracted to do it. You must know that many people take it step by step and will not see the long-term disadvantages, but only value the short-term benefits. , and this benefit can allow them to obtain other greater benefits to satisfy their growing desires. These people may also firmly believe that as long as they are strong enough, they can defeat any corpse poison, and as long as they are strong enough, there will be If you have enough strength to obtain a more advanced antidote, you can suppress the corpse poison molecules in your body... Therefore, in reality, it is impossible for you to completely eliminate the Devourer. As long as there are people and the desire, a Devourer may be born. You Our efforts are just to reduce the number of them as much as possible..."

The cave spirit was petrified for a moment, and after reacting, he sighed: "Human nature... is really terrible..."

…To be continued

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