The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3977 Zhiyong and the Copybook

Under the power of the big black hole, everyone will feel insignificant, even a powerful black hole clan like Yelusha, especially when he returns here after being away for many days, this feeling is enhanced by the contrast. Becoming more intense…

In fact, if it weren't for the life forms like them that were born in the black hole, and the advanced spacecraft built by highly developed civilizations, other things might not be able to come here at all, and the event horizon area outside would be powerfully affected by the black hole. The power tore it into pieces and turned into a state of dispersion!

The so-called free ions are free-swimming material ions. These ions are generally formed by the separation of various materials under huge pressure and tearing force. Due to different materials, the sizes of various ions are also larger. The difference, some are less than one-tenth of a nanometer, and some are more than one nanometer, but overall they are extremely small. Ordinary people can't notice it at all. They can only feel the ocean of light formed by matter here. This sea of ​​light is much purer and more beautiful than ordinary nebulae. Every time Yelusha sees such a dreamlike scene, he is filled with emotion and marvels at the creation of nature...

With his ability, he is also unable to detect the material ions contained in the sea of ​​light, nor can he draw useful energy from it. In his knowledge system, he simply understands this sea of ​​light as the halo of a black hole, just like most people. Planets all have halos, but the halos of those planets are too weak, and many of them cannot even be detected by the people on those planets. They are incomparable to the halos of black holes...

At this moment, he was extremely far away from the sea of ​​light and began to approach the black hole world!

When he came here, a familiar feeling hit his face. Yelusha relied on his instinctive reaction to skillfully control the spacecraft, avoid some energy anomalies, and move towards the central world...

The reason why we should avoid those places with abnormal energy is because even the Black Hole Clan themselves have not found out the details of these places. Some people boldly entered to investigate, but after entering, there was no news, and their life and death were unknown!

There are a large number of such places in black holes, which makes the black hole tribesmen intimidated, and awe of black holes arises in their hearts...

They know that black holes, like dragons, must have their reverse scales, and no one is allowed to touch them casually. Once someone dares to touch them, they will pay the price!

Yelusha flew familiarly, and soon contacted the central world and got the instruction signal from them. In this way, he could completely leave it to the weapon spirit to control. Before, he had to control it personally because of the weapon of the spacecraft. The spirit cannot receive the signal from the central world in that area at all, just like a person is blind. If it is allowed to control, it can only operate according to the originally accumulated data. However, the situation inside the black hole sometimes changes greatly, so it is extremely difficult to control it. A flight accident may occur...

He closed his eyes and rested for a while, then received a notification from the spirit spirit that the spacecraft had docked in the port and arrived at his clan's old village!

Laozhai is the center of the Tiangang Black Hole Clan. This is a huge continent in the Black Hole World. There are countless lives and all kinds of lives. In addition to the Black Hole Clan itself, there are countless other races. These races are more or less destroyed. They are marked by the black hole, which is reflected in their star roots and bodies, but they have not reached the level of talent of the black hole clan. Therefore, generally speaking, they are all vassals of the black hole clan. It can almost be said that they were born for The black hole clan serves…

Of course, it is not that there are no talents with excellent talents born in other races, but the number is very small. After these people stand out, they will be accepted by the Black Hole Clan and become their new blood!

This situation is a bit like the relationship between the world of cultivation and the mortal world. People with spiritual roots born in the mortal world will be selected and cultivated by the sects of the world of cultivation, and integrated into the world of cultivation as fresh blood...

The black hole world is an extremely vast world. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a small universe. This is also its peculiarity.

You must know that if observed and measured from the outside, the absolute size of a black hole is not large.

Except for super black holes, because super black holes will be so big that you can't imagine, maybe larger than several galaxies. However, the absolute size of some ordinary large black holes may not be much larger than a large city on the Tiangang star. In this way A black hole, it is unimaginable that there is a small universe inside it!

It can be said that a large black hole is like a huge space stone, with an internal space like a small universe, thus providing an energy-rich space world for a large number of life forms, allowing them to thrive here and live endlessly...

As a member of the Elders Council of the Tiangang Black Hole Clan, Yelusha has a high status, but he is only a middle-level elder. He went out on a mission this time and had to report to the Council of Elders when he came back, so he quickly found the supervisory elder of his clan. Jiyoung…

Zhiyong was looking at a piece of calligraphy. When he noticed Yelusha's arrival, he raised his head and said with a smile, "Shadi is back?"

"You're back! What are you doing, brother Zhi?" Yelusha asked.

"What do you think of this calligraphy?" Zhiyong asked, pointing to the calligraphy on the table.

Yelusha took a look at it and pondered: "This character... looks like the characters of the Tiangang tribe. How come Brother Zhi thought of writing it in their characters?"

Zhiyong couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "I asked you to see how the calligraphy of this post is, but you can identify where the characters come from! Why doesn't Shadi study the art of calligraphy?"

"Haha, I have never been very keen on calligraphy. However, although I don't like it, I can still feel that this post is quite extraordinary. It seems to be better than Brother Zhi's previous works. I really want to congratulate Zhi. Brother, I think you must have succeeded in cultivation!" Yelusha complimented.

Zhiyong looked a little embarrassed when he heard this and said, "Do you think this post should be better? Tell me, what's so good about it?"

"This...I can't tell you the specifics, but when I read this post, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by its momentum. I could feel the huge atmosphere contained in it, and the emotions in my chest couldn't help but fluctuate with the momentum of the words. It seems that I can see the majestic spirit of the author when he wrote this post. The mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the starry sky is bright. Why not travel around the world and explore to the end of the starry sky... Oh my God..." Yelusha said more and more. I was so excited that my whole body was attracted by this copybook, and I almost jumped into the words...

Fortunately, Zhiyong was prepared, pulled him out, and slapped him on the face a few times, finally making Yelusha wake up!

"Ah?! What happened just now?!" Yelusha came to his senses and asked in shock.

Zhiyong sighed: "You were almost captured by this post just now. If I hadn't pulled you back, I'm afraid you would have gone in to meet them!"

"Them? Who are they?" Yelusha asked in surprise.

"Of course, those people who were watching this post in front were accidentally sucked in, and they still refuse to come out. They seem to be completely immersed in the Taoist realm of this post... Among these people are several clan elders, and Many core disciples don’t know what to do now!” Zhiyong sighed.

"What? This happened?!" Yelusha shouted in disbelief.

Zhiyong waved his hand, and a light curtain appeared in the space. The picture on the light screen immediately attracted Yelusha. There were countless characters surging in this picture, repeating themselves endlessly...

In the middle area of ​​these characters, there are about a hundred people sitting there, all with their eyes closed and concentrating, muttering something in their mouths, as if they are experiencing a certain Taoist realm, because on their heads, words will burst out from time to time. One or two characters come out. Obviously, these characters are exactly what they are comprehending...

"Brother Ba? Brother Shi? Brother Suo? Brother Ying?!!!" Yelusha yelled several times, dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, these senior elders of the clan had entered the Tao realm of this post...

He suddenly came to his senses and asked curiously: "Brother Zhi, isn't this the post you wrote? Why do you say you don't know what to do?"

"Hey, would it be so troublesome if I wrote it? Of course it wasn't written by me, and I can't write such calligraphy! Now Brother Ba, Brother Ying, and the others are trapped in the calligraphy and cannot come out. They have been watching for thousands of years. The meeting is getting closer, and we still have a lot of preparation tasks that have not been completed, so we are just waiting for them to come out, and now..." Zhiyong said helplessly.

"Ten Thousand Years Meeting? Oh my god..." Upon hearing this, Yelusha couldn't help but understand completely!

He said incredulously: "Brother Zhi, isn't he the master of calligraphy in this clan? Who else can write a post that even you can't enter?"

"Brother Sha, please stop praising me as your brother! I feel inferior in front of this post!" Zhiyong sighed.

"What? Who wrote this? Has another peerless genius been born in this clan?!" Yelusha said in shock.

"It is true that he is a genius, but this person is not from our clan. This is because Elder Ba got this post while he was on a mission. I don't know who wrote it, but..."

"But what?"

"Well, looking at the signature, according to the Tiangang clan's writing, it means it was written by Ling Daozi!" Zhiyong said, pointing to the signature.

"Ling Daozi?!" Yelusha was startled and quickly looked at the signature place carefully. Sure enough, he saw the words "Ling Daozi Shu" written there!

"Wo!!! Ling Daozi?!!!" Yelusha yelled, opening his mouth so wide that he could fit an ostrich egg into it!

Zhiyong looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Does Brother Sha know this Ling Daozi?"

"This... I actually know a person named Ling Daozi!" Yelusha said.

Zhiyong perked up after hearing this and asked quickly: "Really? Where is this person? Can Shadi introduce him to him?"

"Although I know Ling Daozi, I have never met him! This person should be on the Tiangang Star. He has a friend named Liu Feng. I know Ling Daozi through Liu Feng. It is said that this person is quite extraordinary, and …”

"And what?!"

…To be continued

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