The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3942 Tong Yi’s anxiety

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Tong Yi said: "Now Tiangang Star is in the midst of internal and external troubles, and new crises may arise at any time. If you leave, we may not be able to cope with this situation..."

Xiaoxing listened happily and said: "Ah, Chief, you think too highly of me! At my young age, how can I compare to you old people and foxes? Tiangang Star has developed for so many years, and its Destiny will not be maintained by a little kid like me, but will be supported by countless powerful people! What's more, our Xingyun Palace has only risen in the past two years. The foundation is not stable, the branches are not flourishing, and What ability does it have to protect Tiangang Star? In the final analysis, the safety of Tiangang Star still depends on super powerful people like the leader of the Xiang clan and the two masters, and of course the clan leaders like Si Qingyan and Yu Qier. You are the top people standing on this planet, the shining pearls on the top of the tower, illuminating and warming the hearts of all Tiangang people, and now is the time for you to use your intelligence and powerful abilities..."

When Tong Yi heard this, he felt that all the words in his heart were stuck in Ling Daozi's throat. He felt terribly uncomfortable and his face turned a little pale. In his opinion, what Ling Daozi said was completely ironic and he must refute them all. Come and listen to what is in his heart!

In fact, he has felt deeply about the current crisis of Tiangang Star, and has had in-depth discussions with Xiao Gang. The conclusion is that without the help of Xingyun Palace, Tiangang Star may really be finished this time!

Even though the strength of the Tiangang clan has increased several times after receiving such sharp tools as mortal transformation, they are still too weak to imagine when facing those powerful aliens and the mysterious and terrifying Black Hole clan members...

Not to mention anything else, the invasion of the poisonous forces alone almost wiped out all the leaders of the Tiangang clans. If the Xingyun Palace had not taken action in time and came up with their god-level antidote to help detoxify, I am afraid that the Tiangang clans would now be The clan has been in trouble for a long time, maybe the poisonous people have succeeded in their evil plot and started to control and enslave people of all clans!

Thinking about this makes people scared. Even Lian Yi had no idea that the seemingly extremely powerful Tiangang clan was actually so fragile. The emergence of a god-level poison was enough to completely destroy this clan!

Even though this crisis seems to have passed now, Tong Yi knows that this crisis is still there, because the poisonous people are still on Tiangang Star. They should still have god-level poisons on hand, and maybe they are still secretly cultivating them. If there is no star The existence of Yun Palace, as long as they take action again, the Tiangang tribes will face this terrible crisis again. You must know that so far, the Tiangang tribes have no ability to develop god-level antidotes. Those so-called miracle doctors in everyone's mind, Now they are all devoted to the Xingyun Palace physician team to practice hard, but unfortunately I heard that the results are very little and the progress is slow. It is not that the Xingyun Palace refuses to teach, but that the level of them and the Xingyun Palace physician team is too different. Many of the medical principles they put forward are simply incomprehensible...

Even Dongfang Bai, the recognized medical genius on that planet, acted like a novice in front of the team of doctors in Xingyun Palace. He couldn't understand many principles and almost had to learn them all over again...

The crisis facing Tiangang Star now is not just poisonous people. According to the information provided by Ling Daozi, after the Tailao Black Hole Clan deliberately spread the news about the location of the treasure star, Tiangang Treasure Star has now become a hot spot in the starry sky, with countless aliens. Strong men are coming in a steady stream. Some of them are still on the way, some have just arrived, and some have secretly built a global network to prepare for the arrival of their regular armies. What's more, they are already approaching with a large army!

For example, Tong Yi now knows that the beautiful girl Duoduo who sneaked into Tiangang Planet with Yan Wei last time is actually the leader of an alien race, the Naxi Sai tribe, and the Naxi Sai tribe has already created many things in this starry sky. The space base, their space fleet has been formed here and can be dispatched to attack targets at any time.

Everyone knew about his situation, but he still relied on Ling Daozi to tell him about it.

This shows how incompetent the Tiangang tribes are!

Tong Yi shudders every time he thinks about this. On the one hand, he blames himself extremely. He feels that it is the incompetence of his so-called high-level elites that has led to the current extremely passive situation. On the other hand, he is extremely eager. You can quickly improve the strength of your clan so that you can defend yourself, protect your clansmen, and even save the precious homeland of Tiangang Star when a crisis strikes...


From the process of developing the god-level antidote, Tong Yi and Xiao Gang have clearly realized that there is a huge gap between the Tiangang tribes and the powerful people from the outer planets. This gap is not a problem of god-level poisons, but a problem of god-level poisons. It’s all-round!

For example, the crisis encountered before seemed to be that the poisonous people used a god-level poison, causing catastrophe for all tribes in Tiangang. However, through the development process of the god-level antidote, it can be seen that developing a god-level antidote is not only a matter of It's just an antidote. There are too many and complicated aspects of Taoism involved!

If you want to refine a god-level antidote, you must understand countless Taoist ideas, and you must be able to integrate and refine them. You must have the corresponding talents, the corresponding equipment, and the corresponding test conditions. If you don't have anything, you must Creating a divine antidote yourself is simply a joke!

It is said that according to Dongfang Bai's estimation, if the medical people on Tiangang Planet want to refine the god-level antidote themselves, they will have to go through an extremely long process. If everything goes well, it may be possible in one hundred thousand to one million years. Refined...

This statement dealt a huge blow to the leaders of the Tiangang clans, and also made them instantly understand the huge gap between themselves and the alien powerhouses and Xingyun Palace. It would take a long time for such a gap to be smoothed out. This makes people extremely desperate just thinking about it!

Fortunately, what made them feel somewhat at ease was that Xingyun Palace was a force of this star and came from the Tiangang Clan, so it was on their side.

After understanding this, the status of the Xingyun Palace has risen sharply in Tiangang Star, and has been sought after by all ethnic groups to the highest position, because from a simple numerical comparison, it can be deduced that the level of Taoism in the Xingyun Palace has been at least as high as that of all ethnic groups in Tiangang. The development over such a long period of time, from one hundred thousand to more than one million years, is enough to make the Xingyun Palace unimaginably powerful!

The performance of Xingyun Palace during the war also proved this point from the side. No matter it was a demonic person or a poisonous person, their attacks could not break through the protective formation of Xingyun Palace. Zhi's refuge housed countless separated people and avoided many losses for various tribes.

This is also the main reason why various tribes are now competing to invite the Xingyun Palace to settle in their tribe. In their view, as long as the Xingyun Palace exists in their own territory, they have the best refuge. If the foreign enemy is too strong, Then quickly hide in the Xingyun Palace. This will allow our clan to preserve its bloodline and foundation!

Such thoughts are not only held by people of other races, but also by Tong Yi. Moreover, because he has more contact with Ling Daozi and knows more information, his thoughts are much stronger than others.

For example, he now knows that the Naxisai tribe has a space fleet army. Such a group army is extremely powerful. When fighting, it is like an overwhelming force and mercury pouring down the ground. It is definitely not something that his silver fleet and gold fleet can resist.

To put it simply, although the Space Fleet Group Army is composed of many similar silver fleets and gold fleets, they can be kneaded together organically to develop effective tactics of coordinated operations. They can cooperate efficiently regardless of distance or height, and in the end The important thing is that its information communication is extremely developed and smooth, and commanders can make corresponding instructions and dispatch according to instant changes in information. This allows them to grasp every corner of the entire battlefield, grasp the overall situation, and achieve a crushing victory!

A group army of this level is what Tong Yi dreams of having, but to realize such a dream, there are still many aspects of Taoism that require breakthroughs, and these Taoism involve countless talents, resources and experiments. , it is simply impossible to achieve without huge investment and long time, which also makes Tong Yi feel extremely disappointed...

He knew that if the Naxisai tribe came to kill them at this time, the Tiangang tribes would probably have no choice but to flee and would not be their enemies!

The good news is that, according to Ling Daozi, the Naxisai tribe has some problems in its headquarters, and now the beautiful patriarch Duoduo has gone back to solve them, so it is impossible for them to kill them for the time being. However, their group army is still in those space bases God knows when they will suddenly appear above Tiangang Star?

It can be said that the space army of the Naxi Sai tribe has become a sharp sword hanging high over the heads of all Tiangang tribes, and it may fall at any time...

And by that time, if the strength of the Tiangang clans is still as it is now, then it is self-evident what the consequences will be...

Tong Yi knew this very well and was extremely anxious. So after hearing Ling Daozi say that he was leaving Tiangang Star and might not even come back, his heart almost collapsed!

No one knows Ling Daozi's abilities better than him. Although he is the leader of the Tiangang Clan, the God of War, and the God of War, he is nothing compared to Ling Daozi!

It is not difficult to realize this. From the first day when his secret small space was easily broken through by Ling Daozi, Tong Yi has been helpless towards Ling Daozi. All his secrets are not secrets in front of Ling Daozi, and he is facing Xing Daozi. But he knew nothing about everything in Yun Palace. With his intelligence, he was extremely suspicious of Ling Daozi's identity, thinking that he could not be Ling Tianmang's good grandson. Xing Yun Palace was not what it seemed on the surface. The simplicity of…

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