The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3937 Universe Star Root

This is the first time Tong Yi, Si Qingyan, Yu Qier and others have heard about the Black Hole tribe. Before that, they thought that the Tiangang Star tribes were the top races in the universe!

Of course, since they were taught a lesson by a poisonous person recently, their self-righteous understanding has been slightly restrained, and they finally understand that there is a world outside the world, and there are people outside the world. However, with the help of the Xingyun Palace, they have They successfully defeated the Poisoners and are currently circling and suppressing the remnants of the Poisoners around the world. This has made the pride in their hearts begin to return!

But before they could be happy for long, they heard about such a terrifying race as the Black Hole tribe...

The reason why they are scary is that in the Tiangang Galaxy, it seems that the Tiangang Clan is dominating everything from the outside, but behind all this, the Tiangang Black Hole Clan is controlling the situation behind the scenes, while on the Tailao Star, the Tailao Clan is controlling everything. The Lao Black Hole Clan controls the Tai Lao Galaxy, which means that the real king races in these two starry skies are not the Tiangang Clan and the Tai Lao Clan, but the two Black Hole Clan hidden behind the scenes!

Behind him stands such a powerful and terrifying race, but he has never heard of it. No matter who such a thing happens to, he will have a horrible feeling of sweat on his back, because it is like he is a puppet on the stage. , but the strings on your body are controlled by the people behind you. Live if they want you to live, or die if they want you to die. You can only play a puppet on the stage...

What makes Tong Yi, Si Qingyan and Yu Qier even more frightened is that the Tiangang Black Hole Clan and the Tailao Black Hole Clan are now in trouble, because the more powerful Jianyang and Sishui Black Hole Clan are coming from this pan-starry sky. The other side came over, and their goal was also to stare at the Tiangang Treasure Star, hoping to control the starry sky on this side and get the coveted Treasure Star at the same time! ! !

Everyone knows that when gods fight, ordinary people suffer. What’s more, people like myself live on the Tiangang Star. They will definitely be the first people to suffer...

Now, Tong Yi and others finally know why Ling Daozi said that they are like sitting on the crater of a volcano. In their opinion, they are not just sitting on the crater of a volcano? It's almost like falling into hell...

"Xiao Ling, where did you get this information? Is it correct?" Tong Yi reacted and asked urgently.

"Yes, even the two Black Hole Clan here may not know such secret information. How did you learn about it?" Si Qingyan asked with her eyes widened.

They said this because they all had a sense of luck in their hearts, hoping that what Ling Daozi said was not true, because this information was really terrible. If they weren't the top people on this planet, their mental endurance would be beyond the limit. Strong, I am afraid that others may be frightened to death after hearing this news...

Xiaoxing didn't know what they were thinking, so he smiled and said: "Our Xingyun Palace's business has already spread all over this starry sky.

We have contacts and business dealings with countless planetary civilizations, and the information can be said to be extremely well-informed. For example, the information about Jianyang and the Sishui Black Hole Tribe was learned from a Black Hole Tribe who came to this starry sky to do business. It can be said to be extremely conclusive! You should no longer take any chances, but cheer up and face this reality bravely! "

"This..." The three of them were startled and couldn't help but look at each other...

Tong Yi sighed: "Xiao Ling, if this news is true, what else can we do? As you said, we are as weak and incompetent as ants in front of the Black Hole tribe, with no ability to protect ourselves at all. Even if There is nowhere to escape even if we want to. Should we abandon the treasure star under our feet and run somewhere else now? The clansmen will not let us do this before they see the Black Hole clansmen, but when they see the Black Hole clansmen When it actually appears, it will be impossible to escape!”

Si Qingyan sighed and said: "The commander-in-chief is right. Before a disaster strikes, people will always be lucky and cannot just abandon their families and leave here. And if the clan members are unwilling to leave, how can we do it first?" Escape? Even if you die, you will die with them..."

Yu Qier, who was on the side, was the slowest to come to her senses. At this time, she interrupted: "Can you please stop talking about death all the time? It sounds so scary! Anyway, the Black Hole tribe hasn't started fighting yet, and we still have some good days. Yes, let’s just pretend they don’t exist and have fun! Why don’t we ignore those poisonous people and go to the Xingyun Palace to have fun, maybe Xiaoling and the others can protect us!”

"This..." Tong Yi and Si Qingyan looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. There must be many people who think like Yu Qier. Who doesn't like to enjoy themselves in time? But if a race wants long-term peace and prosperity, can it rely on carpe diem?

Of course not, there must be someone who makes sacrifices for the survival and development of the race, doing things first and enjoying them last, otherwise this race will definitely be over soon...

If Yu Qier were from the Tiangang Clan or the Luanfeng Clan, she would definitely be reprimanded by Tong Yi and Si Qingyan for saying such words, but she was the leader of the White Fox Clan, and they had nothing to do with her, so naturally they would not be able to reprimand her. But it is impossible to agree with her. After all, the two sides have different views...

Seeing that the two of them didn't take her words seriously, Yu Qier couldn't help but smile and said: "I know that you have a high level of thinking, are willing to sacrifice yourself for others, want to protect your tribe, and also protect Tiangang Star, but have you ever thought about it? Black Hole Clan members Even if you stretch out a finger and crush you to death, even if you risk your life to fight with them, can you survive? You are not called brave and fearless, but you are stupid and reckless. You want to die on your own and want to save the people. If you don’t succeed, you will lose your life in vain. Is it useful? Is it worth it? Huh?!”

"This..." Tong Yi and Si Qingyan were startled again, but they were speechless...

What Yu Qier said is very realistic. If you want to save your tribe, you need to have that ability. If you don't have this ability but want to do it forcefully, the final result will be just to lose your life in vain as Yu Qier said...

The two of them looked at Ling Daozi helplessly. Judging from the current situation, the only thing they could think of was to turn to Ling Daozi again. When facing such a major disaster, they could only place their fate on a cosmic baby-level person. This is an extremely helpless and unimaginable thing for a character...

In addition, there is something that Tong Yi is not willing to believe, that is, what Ling Daozi said is that a strong person like him who has transcended the realm will be as weak as an ant in front of the Black Hole tribe. How is this possible?

As one of the few masters on the Tiangang Star, he didn't want to believe it anyway, so he said: "Xiao Ling, are you sure the Black Hole tribe is really that strong? Even I can't defeat many of them?"

Little The reason why the Black Hole people are strong is not because of how hard they practice, how high their understanding is, or how strong their Taoism is, but because of their talent!"

"Talent?!" The three of them were startled.

"Yes, it is talent. The god-level star roots that you think are extremely rare are just the beginning for them. A large number of them have your god-level star roots when they are born, and there are many more. Those with higher talents have universe-level star roots that you have never imagined. Think about it, from such a high starting point, and after an extremely long period of practice and enlightenment, even a pig will be stronger than you, right?" Star said.

"Oh my God!!!" The three of them exclaimed, finally realizing...

It turns out that I was far behind in the starting point of talent. The cultivation and realm that I have gained through hard work for such a long time were achieved by others as soon as they were born. Some people even surpassed them by far. How can this compare? !

"Universe star root? What kind of star root is that?!" Tong Yi asked quickly.

"The universe-level star root is actually a name I gave specifically to the star roots of the black hole tribesmen. This kind of star root is not much different from the god-level star root, but a small number of black hole tribesmen have an extra small star root. Whirlpool!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Little whirlpool? What's the use of that?" Tong Yi asked in surprise.

"That's a huge effect! This small vortex means that this black hole tribe member has been gifted by the black hole where he is, and has gained some of the black hole's abilities!" Xiaoxing explained.

"Oh?!!!" The three people's eyes widened when they heard this, and they were really envious of this kind of universe-level star root...

"I have told you just now that the greatest ability of a black hole is to pull in interstellar matter, tear it into pieces and devour it, turning waste into treasure. And the black hole ability corresponding to this small vortex is to devour!"

"Swallow?!" The three of them suddenly realized!

"Yes, the way of swallowing is one of the great avenues of the universe. You may think that it is not just swallowing. Many people do it, but the so-called swallowing you have seen is nothing at all. The swallowing of black holes is the most powerful thing in this universe. Even if it is as powerful as the Tiangang Treasure Star, it will be torn to pieces by a super-large black hole and become one of its nutrients!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"Oh my God..." The three of them took a breath of cold air. They simply couldn't imagine such a scene...

"If the Tiangang Baoxing encounters a super black hole, then it will be easily swallowed by it like a piece of bread, without even a belch... Therefore, those who have gained the ability to partially devour the black hole will use the method of devour. It’s extremely powerful. If you encounter such a black hole tribesman, you must be careful to beware of their move. Even if they don’t really swallow you up, this move will cause you to be in chaos and you will be defeated if you don’t attack!" Xiaoxing said again.

"Is there no way to defend?" Tong Yi asked unwillingly.

"It's not impossible. Our Xingyun Palace will launch a baby next, which can allow you to protect yourself from this attack without being affected..."

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