The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3934 The United Fleet was frustrated

At this time, an encirclement and suppression battle is going on on Tiangang Star...

The target of the encirclement and suppression war is the remaining poisonous forces on Tiangang Star. Since the last time the poisonous forces were defeated and disintegrated on the three battlefields in the central part of Tiangang Star, the battle of various tribes in Tiangang to encircle and suppress the remaining poisonous forces has begun vigorously!

Because after that war, everyone knew that poisonous elements were the biggest threat to the planet, whether they were from the righteous or the demonic tribes. Even if there was only one person left, they could cause great damage to the tribe. Therefore, to eradicate evil, no matter how high the price is, we must eliminate them all...

As a result, the righteous and demonic races completely abandoned their prejudices and began to unite to deal with the poisonous forces. Each race sent experts and strong soldiers to form a joint fleet. As long as poisonous forces were found wherever they appeared, the local races would fight against them with all their strength. In addition, the combined fleet will be immediately notified to encircle and suppress them, which makes the remaining poisonous elements miserable...

On the one hand, the poisonous forces have not taken root deeply in Tiangang Planet, and the larvae they have cultivated have not yet reached the level of becoming poisonous warriors. Letting them go out to fight at this time is tantamount to death. On the other hand, with the high-level officials such as Shi Du and Simba Heading to the Tailao star collectively, the poisonous forces on the Tiangang star became leaderless. Moreover, since the Yuguan clan and the Zhouguan clan had their own evil intentions, it was impossible for the two sides to cooperate sincerely, and they might even plot against each other secretly, so the two The people of the clan soon separated completely and each resisted.

In the beginning, both tribes were still able to fight with the Tiangang tribes. The poisonous forces hid in the dark and were good at sneaking attacks. This caused the Tiangang tribes to suffer heavy losses, but this also deepened the understanding of each tribe and knew that If the poisonous forces are not cleaned up, I am afraid that they will not be able to live a good life. Therefore, all tribes have spent all their money to buy a large number of weapons and equipment from the Xingyun Palace, and even high-level flying castles. For the Tiangang tribes, although they have spent almost all their money some time ago, fortunately, they have the Tiangang Treasure Star under them. As long as they are willing to work hard to discover it, another batch of wealth will soon be generated, which can be said to be endless...

Moreover, Xiaoxing is proficient in business, and of course he knows not to catch all the swamps, so he can always leave some living money for various races for turnover. For example, he does not accept cash from these races, but lets them exchange land for goods, so this part Cash remains in the hands of all ethnic groups. With this part of living money, the economic activities of all ethnic groups can operate. Only in this way can we ensure that new money is constantly generated in the market and the financial resources of all ethnic groups can continue to grow. …

With the continuous addition of weapons and equipment of all races, the fleet's combat effectiveness is also constantly improving. First of all, casualties have been greatly reduced, because the anti-virus equipment is extremely effective, protecting the soldiers extremely tightly and making them invulnerable to all poisons. When playing against Poison Man, you no longer need to be afraid of Poison Man's poison attacks. This can be said to be very important!

This is equivalent to destroying the Poison Man's greatest skill. Then the Poison Man's remaining combat power appears to be extremely limited. The combat power of the soldiers of all races is enough to suppress the Poison Man who has lost the poison attack ability, so the situation of the war is reversed. , it has become that all races are constantly chasing poisonous people, constantly compressing their living and activity space,

Compress, compress again…

The two remnants of the poisonous forces finally felt what it was like to live in constant fear. They discovered that although the Tiangang Star was large, there seemed to be no place to hide. No matter where they were hiding, as long as there were some clues, they would soon be in trouble. It will attract a large number of Tiangang soldiers to come and kill them, and those Tiangang soldiers who were not taken seriously by him before have suddenly become extremely powerful, because they are not afraid of his poisonous attack at all, even if they are killed by him. After all the poisons were beaten out, they still attacked and killed them without fear. This made the poisonous people feel that this world seemed unreal. Could it be that all their poisons were ineffective? impossible?

But facts speak louder than words. The Tiangang soldiers are really not afraid of the poisonous attack of the poisonous people. This forces the poisonous people to use their rather limited personal combat power to fight with them with real swords and guns. But the results prove that this kind of attack Law is not the strong point of the poisonous forces at all. When encountering those Tiangang soldiers who have been tempered for thousands of times, they appear to be extremely weak. They often begin to collapse soon after they engage in battle, and their former majesty is gone...

By the time the poisonous people reacted to the fact that the strength of both sides had reversed, they had been hunted to pieces by the Tiangang clans, and their numbers had decreased sharply. Only a dozen small forces were left running around in a state of embarrassment...

One thing that has a greater impact on the poisonous people is that Shi Du, Simba and other high-level officials collectively went to the Tailuo planet. This made it impossible for them to gather their strength and unify their actions, and they had to fall into the predicament of fighting alone, which could easily be compared with others. The organized Tiangang tribes carried out various defeats.

What makes these poisonous people even more desperate is that there has been no response to the distress messages they sent to Shi Du and Simba so far. It seems that they have been abandoned by the poisonous people's top management!

Of course, what they didn't know was that all the messages sent out had been collected by the dragnet set by Xiaoxing, and the inquiry messages sent by Shi Du and Simba were naturally collected and did not fall into their hands.

Under such circumstances, some of the powerful poisoners among the remaining people simply chose to sneak away quietly and go to Tailuo Star to find the poisonous organization. This made the remaining poisonous people even worse in combat effectiveness and could only hide around and remain anonymous. Hoping not to be discovered…

These poisonous people actually tried to escape from the Tiangang Star, but due to their low level of cultivation, they were unable to find the loopholes in the formation. Therefore, they were unable to break through the cloud formation above and had to continue to face the situation of being continuously hunted. As the situation developed, these poisonous people gradually gathered to warm each other up, and now they have become more than a dozen small forces that continue to fight...

In the process of fighting, these people finally discovered the secret of the soaring strength of the various tribes in Tiangang. It turned out that behind each tribe was the support of the Xingyun Palace, and each tribe could purchase various products in the Xingyun Palace's online mall. weapons, equipment and anti-virus drugs, and the Xingyun Palace is also responsible for door-to-door delivery, which makes the poisoners so angry that they vomit blood!

You really don’t bully people like this!

This is the face of Xingyun Palace that is nakedly attacking drug-related forces...

Some poisonous people suddenly thought, since Xingyun Palace sells equipment and medicine to restrain oneself, does it sell anything to restrain Tiangang's various tribes?

They went to ask the customer service staff of the online mall, and the result surprised them because the customer service staff did not treat them differently. Instead, after carefully understanding their needs, they said that it could be done, but it would take longer. Long, the required items are also more expensive.

So what plan does Xingyun Palace provide?

Since the poison people's poison attacks are now limited and they lack battleships, they need to rely more on their own cultivation to duel with the opponent. Under such circumstances, it is enough to quickly increase their personal combat power by purchasing some weapons and equipment. Become the main way to solve problems.

The poisonous people couldn't help but be ecstatic when they heard this, and quickly ordered a large number of weapons and equipment from the Xingyun Palace. Arm everyone to the teeth…

At this time, one of the Tiangang combined fleets was fighting against one of the poisonous forces. It turned out that the poisonous forces on the opposite side seemed to have undergone considerable changes!

Because this poisonous force suddenly has several high-end spaceships. The appearance of this spaceship is a little different from the one he bought from the Xingyun Palace, but its performance seems not to be much different. The firepower is quite fierce and the strength of the protective shield is It was also very big, and it actually blocked his own side's attack!

"Sister, what's going on?!!!" Yu Qier, the leader of the White Fox clan, shouted in surprise.

Standing next to her was Si Qingyan, the leader of the Luanfeng tribe. She stared closely at the poisonous people's spaceship, with a look of disbelief on her face. It seemed that something had changed in this poisonous people's force, and they actually improved their combat capabilities. The equipment and combat effectiveness are much more powerful than before, so they must not be underestimated!

Si Qingyan reacted and said quickly: "Report this information to the commander-in-chief quickly!"

"Okay!" Yu Qier sighed and quickly called Tong Yi through the Internet...

The fleet in the vicinity of the United Fleet is composed of the Luanfeng Clan and the White Fox Clan. Because they despise their opponents, they do not bring many warships, and their strength is not too strong. Of course, if they are placed in the front, this strength It was enough to wipe out this poisonous force, but now it was different. The confrontation between the two sides at the fleet level was almost evenly matched. Therefore, Si Qingyan made urgent arrangements to mobilize another fleet, but of course this would take a certain amount of time...

The Poison side was obviously well prepared for this battle. The battleships they placed for frontal resistance were only part of the battleships. They also arranged assault teams on both sides. Although these assault teams did not have high-end warships, they still used the traditional small battleships of the Poison people. Their victory was that they were flexible and fast, and they attacked from both sides very suddenly. They disrupted the deployment of the combined fleet and soon fell into a melee!

"Not good!!!" Seeing the chaos ahead, Si Qingyan finally panicked!

While she desperately called for the warships in front to withdraw, she used the warships at the rear to cover them as they left the battlefield...

However, after this round of fighting, almost all the warships of the United Fleet were defeated. Fortunately, the products of Xingyun Palace were good. Although they were passively beaten, the protection of the shield was extremely strong and they were not defeated, so no warships were defeated. Naturally, there were no casualties in the shooting down. However, due to the large impact, injuries were unavoidable. When Tong Yi saw this scene, he was shocked by the situation in front of him!

"What happened?!" Tong Yi asked urgently.

"Commander, it's not good..."

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