The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3931 Escape first?

"I wonder what kind of danger it will be?!" Zhu Ruoji asked.

"This starry sky will completely collapse, and the power of space collapse will also cause all four black holes to collapse! All life and matter will probably return to nothingness..." Li Yun said slowly.

"Oh my God!!!" Several people's expressions changed greatly after hearing this, and they screamed...

The terrifying scene described by Li Yun made them shudder. They did not expect that just the addition of two large black holes would make the starry sky unbearable. No wonder Li Yun said that he underestimated the power of large black holes...

Zhu Ruoji took a breath and asked: "Palace Master, are large black holes really so terrifying? How does this process happen?"

"Large black holes are one of the top celestial bodies in the universe. Of course, above them, there are even more terrifying super black holes, super black holes that we can't imagine, and quasars. Generally speaking, quasars are... A top-level celestial body formed by a supermassive black hole or a super black hole as its main body! For such a celestial body, its own power is enough to form a relatively independent pan-starry sky. For example, the Jianyang black hole forms such a relatively independent sky around it. Independent interstellar space, this independent space is also the core of our pan-stellar sky. The stars and matter around it are bound by it and move around it. Since this process has been formed for a long time, there are already connections between them. A relatively stable space force balance has been formed, so that independent space is stable and peaceful, but... as long as the Jianyang black hole moves and leaves its inherent orbit, changes will follow..." Li Yun said.

"What kind of changes will there be?" Zhu Ruoji asked extremely nervously.

"The power of interstellar space along the way has actually formed its own power balance relationship. This balance relationship is adapted to the fewer stars and interstellar matter along the way. But if the Jianyang black hole suddenly breaks through, due to its huge mass and traction, and also Carrying a large number of star clusters together, the balanced relationship in the starry sky along the way will appear extremely fragile in front of it, and will be destroyed in one fell swoop! Everything in the starry sky will become chaotic, and this broken space force will in turn It will have terrible destructive power on the Jianyang black hole, especially for the large number of stars it carries, it will definitely be a terrible disaster..."

"Wo..." Everyone was frightened when they heard it, and they couldn't imagine what the starry sky would look like at that time...

"So, let's not talk about whether the Jianyang black hole will come to the starry sky here. In fact, as soon as it leaves its original orbit, the pan-starry sky will start to become chaotic!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"So, it's impossible for the Jianyang Black Hole body to come to our side. At most, it's just the Jianyang and Sishui Black Hole tribesmen..." Zhu Ruoji suddenly said, feeling greatly relieved!

Of course Wang Yi, Xiong Bing, An Dai and Xing Ling felt relieved.

As long as the bodies of the Jianyang black hole and the Sishui black hole don't come over, the threat will be greatly reduced!

Li Yun smiled and said: "The Black Hole can't get through, but the Black Hole Clan is also a big threat. Do you think the Tiangang Black Hole Clan can defeat them?"

"Palace Master, the Tiangang Black Hole Clan can't do it, but don't we still have our Xingyun Palace?" Xiong Bing said loudly.

"Our Xingyun Palace will not participate in the war..."

"This... with our secret help, it shouldn't be a problem, right?" Xiong Bing was startled and then said.

"It also depends on whether the Tiangang Black Hole Clan cooperates. If they are unable to resist and do not accept our help, the result will be self-evident..." Li Yun teased.

Zhu Ruoji couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words: "The Black Hole clan members are relatively arrogant. If Senior Yelu hadn't discovered how powerful our Palace Master was during the conversation with the Palace Master, his attitude would never have changed into what he did later. It's conceivable that he That clan leader is even more arrogant, and he probably won’t accept our help until the critical moment!”

"Are you saying that what our palace master just said was in vain? They won't let Xiao Ling go with them?" Wang Yi said.

"It's very possible that they will either not go, or they will go by themselves, but they will not let our people follow to help." Zhu Ruoji analyzed.

"Oh?!" Wang Yi and others were startled.

Zhu Ruoji continued: "The Tiangang Black Hole Clan has its own information system. Although the information Yelusha got from us is shocking, it may not be believed by them. After all, there are two Black Hole Clan Tiangang and Tailao. The banquet has been going on for a long time, and it is unlikely that it will be interrupted suddenly because of an unconfirmed information. Moreover, with the arrogant personalities of Ladu and other high-level Black Hole clan members, it may also confirm what our palace master said, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, preferring to travel to the tiger mountains. This sentence is because they look down on the Thai Black Hole tribe at all!"

"That makes sense... Then why did you just say that they might not go?" Wang Yi asked.

"This depends on how much senior Yelu trusts our palace master and his weight in Ladu's eyes. If senior Yelu completely believes the information our palace master said and agrees with the palace master's suggestions, and he is pulling Du's heart is extremely important, so Ladu may believe the information he brought and choose not to participate in this Ten Thousand Years Banquet!" Zhu Ruoji analyzed.

"In your opinion, how likely is this?" Wang Yi asked.

"Well... to be honest, I think the possibility is very small, almost less than 10%!" Zhu Ruoji said.

"What? Less than 10%?!!!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

Xiong Bing said loudly: "It should be more than 10%, right? After all, Yelusha should trust our palace master very much, right? This alone makes it more than 10% possible!"

"Cough...cough..." Zhu Ruoji looked at Xiong Bing speechlessly, coughed a few times, and said: "If he trusts our palace master so much, then he should immediately ask the palace master to call Xiao Ling and take us with him. Senior Flying Castle, should we go with him to see Radu, right?"

"This..." Xiong Bing was stunned, speechless, and his face turned red...

What Zhu Ruoji said was very reasonable. Li Yun had previously told Yelusha about the methods and candidates for helping them, but he was obviously still doubtful and did not propose to see Ling Daozi immediately or take away a person. In fact, from the tone of Li Yun's words, Yelusha should be able to tell that if he made this request, Li Yun would definitely agree!

It can be seen that although Yelusha was shocked by this matter, he was not completely convinced, or even if he completely believed this matter, because of his always arrogant character, he might think that the Tiangang Black Hole Clan should be able to handle this matter. , after all, no one has seen the Jianyang black hole and the Sishui black hole. Are they larger than the Tiangang black hole, but not necessarily advanced? Or maybe Li Yun made a mistake?

In this way, he may think that there is no need to accept help from the Xingyun Palace. This can also be seen from when he later talked about the treasures of the universe of his family, because he had exaggerated the abilities of those so-called treasures. To an unparalleled degree…

Zhu Ruoji continued: "Now that he is leaving alone, he has actually lost contact with us. When someone comes to see us next time, maybe Ladu, Yelusha and others may be trapped in Tailao." In a black hole!"

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar and looked at each other in confusion. They couldn't help but look at Li Yun, wondering what he thought of Zhu Ruoji's analysis...

Li Yun smiled and said: "What Uncle Zhu said makes perfect sense! In fact, after Yelusha left alone, I had already changed my plan..."

"Oh?!" Everyone was stunned again!

Zhu Ruoji quickly asked: "What is the new plan of the Palace Master?"

"The Tiangang Black Hole Tribe refused our help and chose to face the invasion of the other three Black Hole Tribes alone. The results can be imagined, so of course we cannot sit back and watch the tigers fight, because in the end this starry sky will definitely fall into the future. In the hands of a group headed by Jianyang Black Hole, that will definitely affect our layout in this starry sky..." Li Yun said.

"Palace Master, are you saying that we are really going to take action this time?" Xiong Bing couldn't help but ask excitedly after hearing this.

In his opinion, these races are nothing in front of Star Luck Castle. As long as Star Luck Castle really takes action, they will definitely be defeated one by one!

The star spirit on the side felt a little frightened and interrupted: "Xiao Liu, no, absolutely no!"

Li Yun asked: "But why?"

"The Black Hole tribe is extremely powerful. Let's not talk about the powerful ones like Jianyang and Si Shui. Yelusha alone makes me feel a lot of pressure. Sitting next to him, I feel extremely small. If we fight, it is impossible. He is his opponent! And Yelusha is just an elder of the Tiangang Black Hole Clan. They still have so many powerful powers. How can we defeat them? This is a typical fight between gods and gods. The common people will suffer, or should they let those black holes Let the clansmen fight among themselves, we should quickly find a way to leave this starry sky first!" Xingling analyzed.

Xiong Bing, Zhu Ruoji and others looked at each other, feeling extremely speechless...

If the protoss knew the true strength of Xingyun Castle, they would not say such things...

But Li Yun nodded and said: "Senior, what you said makes sense! Once they really fight, the starry sky will be dark and the life will be in charcoal, so it is also a good way to escape first..."

"That's right. Hurry up then. I don't want to stay here anymore, so it's best to leave with you!" Xingling said loudly and stood up.


"What else?" Star Spirit was startled.

"Senior, after we leave, what will happen to the countless lives in the starry sky of Gangang and Tailao? Especially the Tailao stars, they are all the people of our predecessors..." Li Yun reminded.

"This..." Star Spirit was stunned, his face changed, and he turned red, and finally sat down slowly...

It would be unbearable for him to abandon these people and leave alone. There are countless people here who he watched grow up, and fresh faces passed through his mind. How could he let go of them...

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