The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3910 Shengmen

The success of this battle was completely beyond her expectation. It felt like the battle was over with almost no effort on her part!

It is not so much a life and death battle with the Zhou Guan Clan as it is a massacre of the Zhou Guan Clan!

From the beginning of the bombardment to the present, this large poison array collapsed at an unimaginable speed. It was completely inconsistent with its name of a 26-level super array. The rapid collapse of this array caused the power of the array to reverse. It has become a nightmare for poisonous people, and a large number of poisonous people were killed in the formation because of this!

Such a result can be said to have reaped its own consequences. As strong as this formation was before, it is now as powerful as killing them themselves...

There are not many poisonous insect spaceships that can escape from the formation, and most of them are chased and intercepted by our own fleet. Almost no poisonous insect spacecraft can penetrate this large net that has been woven, which has long frightened the poisonous people. With their souls scattered, many people had to use their natural abilities to break into pieces to escape. There was no way to stop these poisonous Naxi Sai people, they could only let them escape. However, those who were lucky and did not use their natural abilities in time to escape The poisonous people may regret it for the rest of their lives, because after being hit hard, even if they are not dead, they will temporarily lose the ability to use their talents to escape due to serious injuries, and they will either be captured or killed...

Duoduo's wonderful eyes were watching the ground closely, and they saw the flood rolling in, spreading upwards from the ground at an extremely fast speed, completely filling the previously unfathomable cliff, turning this place into a There is no problem in calling it an inland sea!

fertile! ! !

This can be said to be the fastest-forming sea she has ever seen!

Moreover, at this time, the sea still seems to have not stopped expanding outwards, and continues to overflow, swallowing up the surrounding large forests, grasslands, and mountains one after another. The sea surface is constantly expanding...

Duoduo knew that the reason why the water was so terrifying was precisely because it carried a huge wave of spiritual power. This wave of spiritual power completely changed the quality of the air here. As long as you smell it, you can smell the trace of it in the air. The sweet smell of silk makes people quite obsessed...

The tide of spiritual power swept away all the poisonous atmosphere that was originally dense here, making the world a new one. Perhaps after this battle, there will be a great explosion of life here, and a large number of lives will gather here, creating a new world. New racial civilization…

This in turn proves the power of a level 26 super formation. It is not that it is not powerful enough, it is just that it was broken, and it was easily broken by a small human race who is less than 5,000 years old. , it can be seen that no matter how powerful the formation is, it must surrender to human wisdom. The power of the formation has its limits, but there is no limit to human wisdom...

Thinking of this,

Duoduo turned her head and looked at Fan Chunren, who had been standing beside her, with a flash of light in her eyes, all filled with extremely obsessed little stars...


It was this little fat man who gave the arrogant Simba a huge defeat. This huge defeat was enough to destroy everything Simba had and wipe out all his countless years of hard work!

Relying on the help of this little fat man, he was able to take revenge without any effort, enhance his military power, and create unparalleled achievements... Oh no, to be precise, this achievement should be created by himself and Fan Chunren together!

But among them, Fan Chunren's contribution should be greater, much greater than himself. At best, he is just a tool he borrowed. He is the one who really plans the strategy and wins the victory thousands of miles away...

"Xiao Fan, you are so amazing! Can you tell me how you defeated that poisonous underground formation space and caused such a huge flood?" Duoduo asked sincerely.

"Haha, I'm not powerful. What's powerful is the power of heaven and earth! As for the underground formation space that defeated Poisonous Man, that must be attributed to the flaw in this formation..." Fan Chunren said with a smile.

"However, such a twenty-sixth-level super formation is shrouded in layers of poisonous mist. Even if there are flaws, it is difficult to see! If it were me, it would be impossible to see through the poisonous mist and hit the formation accurately. The flaw in the law..." Duoduo said.

"Well, you are not an array master, so naturally you cannot discover these clues from the aura of the array. In fact, although the formation of the Zhou Guan Clan is known as the twenty-sixth level array, it is not a fully integrated array. It is made up of many formations. Although their formation masters worked hard to put these formations together, due to their inherent deficiencies, many flaws were left!" Fan Chunren explained.

"But aren't these flaws covered by layers of dark clouds? There are also poisonous fogs..."

"Haha, it is precisely because of these dark clouds and poisonous fog that I can see more clearly! Because in the flaws of these formations, the operation of spiritual power has its own special features, and these special features will pass through the surrounding dark clouds and poisonous fog. It manifests itself through the movement of fog..." Fan Chunren said with a smile.

"That's it..." Duoduo couldn't help but suddenly realized.

"Of course, these flaws can be observed through changes in light and shadow, but the key to breaking the formation is to break through its underground formation space, and this depends on the formation breaking guide." Fan Chunren said.

"Guide to breaking the formation? Didn't you come up with this guide to breaking the formation?" Duoduo asked curiously.

"Of course not! This was done by our young master...the formation masters from the Xingyun Palace. They have already given this suggestion, and all I need to do is implement the suggestion on the spot!" Fan Chunren said, He almost wanted to tell Li Yun, but he changed his tune when the words came to his lips...

"Is their suggestion to divert water to break the formation?" Duoduo asked.

"It's not that simple..."

"But what I saw is that simple..." Duoduo said in surprise.

Fan Chunren laughed, shook his head while stroking his short beard, and said: "Of course it's not simple! Even though it has many flaws, this underground formation space is definitely a real super formation. How easy is it to break it?"

"Then how did you do it?"

"Why are the fairies interested in breaking the formation? There are still many things to do right now, right? For example, intercept the poisonous high-level officials, especially Simba, capture the poisonous people who are fleeing in all directions, rescue the property, and prevent the poison from spreading and poisoning the world. ..." Fan Chunren said.

"Gee, haven't you already arranged all these things? I believe that my men will do their best to do what you say. As for how far they can do it, it is not my concern. After all, we can't Have you wiped out all the poisonous people? I don’t know where Simba has fled to!" Duoduo said with a charming smile.

"Don't you want the fairy to drive away the poisonous people?" Fan Chunren asked curiously.

"Kill them all? This sentence doesn't seem likely to come from you. How can a refined and delicate little fat guy like you actually say "kill them all?" Duoduo said.

"Is this strange? After all, poisonous people must be punished by everyone! The existence of a poisonous person may cause a lot of suffering, so killing one is equivalent to saving many people... Of course, this is also true. It's a bit absolute, some poisonous people are not evil enough to deserve to be killed, every life has its own value..." Fan Chunren said.

"Look, your words are a bit conflicting! It means that you don't want to kill them all in your heart. Isn't it right? From my point of view, you are a bit like Liufeng. Everything is calm and nonchalant. Deep down, You want to save people, you want to help people, you have done good things but you don’t want to talk about it, just take your arrangement as an example, I know you don’t want to kill so many people!" Duoduo said.

Fan Chunren was startled and asked, "Why did the fairy say that?"

"Hmph, don't think I can't see it. I just don't want to interfere with your arrangement! You arrange each fleet to intercept, but there will be a blind spot in every direction. This should be called a blind spot in your formation. 'Shengmen' right? If the poisonous people escape from the blind spot, they will not be attacked by our side, so many poisonous people will be able to escape!" Duoduo said.

Hearing this, Fan Chunren took out a square towel and wiped his sweat, and said: "The fairy's eyes are like a burning fire. I really admire you! However, I did not arrange the birth simply to let them escape..."

"Oh? What's the purpose of that?" Duoduo asked curiously.

"Well, this is actually to avoid casualties among nobles, and to protect the local ecology and surrounding life..."

"How do you say this?" Duoduo asked in surprise. In her opinion, the side with the absolute advantage now has no need to leave any survivors and can directly wipe out the other side...

Fan Chunren said: "Fairy, don't underestimate the strength of the Poison Man. The Zhouguan clan is now at its peak. If they really fight for their lives, it is absolutely impossible for the nobles not to suffer casualties, and there may even be a terrible situation where they will all be destroyed." as a result of…"

"Burn together? What's going on?" Duoduo's expression changed and she asked quickly.

"The poisonous people have a trick for a long time. This trick is called Jade Stone Burning Together. The so-called Jade Stone Burning Together means that they will control the spacecraft to directly hit the opponent's ship. Their people will escape first when the spacecraft hits the opponent's ship, and the spaceship will carry them with them. However, a large amount of explosives and poisons will enter the opponent's ship with the explosion and impact, causing terrible damage! But today the poisonous man did not use this trick, which is actually the credit of leaving a living family behind." Fan Chunren said .

"Oh my God..." Duoduo screamed when she heard this, and her face turned pale. She didn't expect the poisonous people to be so vicious and come up with such terrible tricks. They are really a bunch of lunatics! ! ! crazy! Completely crazy! ! !

Fan Chunren continued: "We have left a door for survival. The poisonous people will find that there is hope for escape, and it is relatively easy. Naturally, they will not think of using a desperate method to ram our spaceship. This is also a kind of harm to us. Protection. In addition, if they go crazy, they will massacre and poison on the way to escape, and the impact will be even greater..."

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