The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3851 Yan Wei’s troubles

( ) After Duoduo and the others left the Xingyun Restaurant, they immediately started preparing non-stop. First, they ordered all the people here, brought all kinds of weapons and equipment, and then sent messages to various strongholds secretly set up on Tailao Planet. , requiring them to prepare for war immediately. The enemy was of course the poisonous forces targeting them. Finally, they left the Xingyun Palace and headed for the capital of Tai Lao, with the purpose of finding Yan Wei to discuss cooperation...

Yan Wei was a bit anxious during this period, because the forces of righteousness were retreating steadily on the front line. Not to mention the loss of land, the number of casualties was increasing day by day. Especially the people lying down due to poisoning were lying all over the treatment space, which was spectacular and eye-catching. The heart is so blocked that due to the increasing shortage of antidote drugs, the toxicity can no longer be suppressed, and deaths from poisonous attacks have begun to occur. This has a huge impact on the Righteous Alliance, especially on the psychological level, because Many soldiers have already developed fear and dare not face the attack of those poisonous people. This battle will be difficult to fight!

Under such circumstances, the senior elders headed by Yan Wei should have appeared on the front line, taking the lead and leading the soldiers to fight against the enemy. However, Yan Wei received a warning from the stars in advance and knew that those high-level poisonous people were searching for them. , to use terrible god-level poison on them. Once poisoned, the consequences would be disastrous, so they did not appear in the front line, but hid in the rear and protected them tightly.

This approach cannot be said to be wrong, because judging from the development of the war, the top leaders of many other races have been tricked and have to hide for treatment and detoxification. However, the Tailao people at least have no worries in this regard and still maintain their high-end The deterrent power of the team has made the poisonous people always cautious when dealing with the Tailao clan team, not daring to approach too closely. However, without high-end combat power for deterrence and command, the team's combat power cannot be fully exerted, which has led to the frontline The battle is constantly losing, and the demonic forces, under the control of the poisonous people, are gradually encroaching on the sphere of influence of the righteous path...

As the leader of the Righteous Alliance, it can be said that Yanwei is to blame for the current bad situation that Righteousness is facing. Seeing the mountains of information sent from all directions, Yanwei feels like his head is as big as a bucket, and he is a little overwhelmed!

Moreover, there are two things that make him feel strange. One is that the star spirits suddenly lost contact, and the other is that the Naxisai tribe who had been helping him before suddenly disappeared. I don’t know where they are now and what they are doing secretly?

Relatively speaking, the loss of contact with the protoss made Yan Wei extremely worried, because he had heard from the protoss that the poisonous forces were also looking for trouble for him, so would the protoss be killed by the poisonous people?

You must know that although the battle between good and evil was quite fierce during this period, the poisonous people did not appear on the front battlefield, but hid in the dark and acted. Shi Du and Simba did not appear either, so Yan Wei had reason to believe that these two It is very likely that people are looking for the star spirit and want to kill him.

If Shi Du and Simba's plan succeeds, it will be a catastrophe for all Tailuo planets, because the protoss is a spiritual pillar of the Tailuo planet. When the protoss dies, this spiritual pillar also falls. Mental breakdown is definitely a killer, which is why Shi Du and Simba have been searching hard for the protoss!

Yan Wei can't contact the stars now,

I don't know what his situation is, so my heart is in a mess. In addition, the Naxi Sai tribe is also hiding in the dark. I don't know what Duoduo is up to. Yan Wei knows that she is a hidden thunder. Sooner or later, It would explode, so he had deliberately alienated Duoduo in the past to guard against the Naxisai tribe's secret attack, so the pressure on his head was even greater...

He was keenly aware that everything seemed to have reached a critical point. If he did not solve these problems and straighten them out, the Tailao planet and the Tailao tribe would be in great danger, and control of the planet would be at risk. If you fall into the hands of poisonous people, or the Naxisai people, whether you are on the righteous path or the devil's path, you will become their slaves and be enslaved and exploited by them. At that time, even your own fate may be What is extremely tragic is that you will either fall into their hands and be enslaved or killed, or you will go far away and wander the stars, becoming a rootless leaf, drifting with the current...

The elders' meeting was in progress, and the senior officials of the Tailao tribe also realized that the situation was not good and were gathering together to discuss countermeasures. Yan Wei was about to join their discussion when he heard Xiaotai say: "Master, Duoduo and her men People are asking to enter the city!”

"Duoduo?! Why did she appear here at this time? What were they doing before?" Yan Wei asked curiously. Duoduo's appearance shocked him, because in his mind, Duoduo and the others must be taking advantage of the current Thai guy. To do their business in this chaotic situation in Xingxing and to take advantage of the chaos to make profits is absolutely detrimental to the Tailao tribe!

So he had already issued an order that during the war, no outsiders were allowed to enter the city, including Duoduo!

On the one hand, this is to prevent demons from sneaking in, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent poisonous people from sneaking in and applying poison. Of course, it is also meant to prevent the Naxisai people.

"Their whereabouts in front are unknown, but looking at them, they look like they are facing a powerful enemy. There seem to be traces of fighting on their bodies. It is estimated that there was a fight on the way to our capital..." Xiao Tai said.

"Oh? There was a fight?! How many people were there?" Yan Wei asked urgently.

"There are about a hundred people! The leaders are Duoduo, Heishang, Kunming, and Sindel..."

"More than a hundred people...can't let them in!!!" Yan Wei said loudly.

"Yes!" Xiaotai responded.


"What other instructions does the master have?"

"Let me think about it...Did Duoduo say why he came to the city?" Yan Wei asked.

"She only said that there was something important to discuss! She also said that the master is in extreme danger now, and she wants to protect him!" Xiaotai said.

"What?! This is strange. Could it be that she got some information?" Yan Wei pondered.

Xiaotai said: "Master, I think it's a bit dangerous to let her in. There are dangers outside now, and any outsider is a threat. What if they have some powerful weapons on them that we don't know about? What if it's poison that poisons people?"

"Poison that poisons people? Why do you have such thoughts?" Yan Wei was startled and asked quickly.

"The poisonous people are looking for opportunities to attack us now. Fortunately, we closed the gate in advance and cut off the opportunity for them to come in and poison us. This is why we are still safe and sound until now. But as soon as the city gate opens and a group of people come in, who will Do you know if the poisonous person will find an opportunity to come in? Maybe Duoduo and the others have been poisoned by the poisonous person, and they will bring the poison in as soon as they come in. This must be guarded against. In addition, if they and the poisonous person Are you cooperating?" Xiaotai said.

"Cooperation? How is that possible?!" Yan Wei was startled, and Xiaotai's guess made him immediately alert.

"Master, nothing is impossible in the world of cultivation! Moreover, the Naxisai tribe and the poisonous people are not without the basis for cooperation..."

"How can I see it?"

"They all have the same purpose. They all want to get a piece of the Thai star's pie. They even control this place and turn all the people here into their slaves and hosts. But based on their individual strength, they want to They are unable to control the entire planet, so it is a good choice for them to cooperate at this time!" Xiaotai analyzed.

Yan Wei couldn't help but nod in approval after hearing this: "It makes sense! However, if this happened before the war between good and evil, the possibility would have been higher, but now it is much smaller..."

"Oh? What do adults think?" Xiao Tai asked.

"Before the war between good and evil, although the poisonous people had lurked some power, they lacked unified command and could not form a joint force. So it was a good idea for them to cooperate with the Naxi Sai tribe. But now, the leader of the poisonous people, Shi Du, and Simba came to , and then controlled the demonic forces, and won successively in the war against our righteous forces. With the arrogant personalities of Shi Du and Simba, I am afraid they will not cooperate with people like Duoduo? After all, Duoduo and the others are like this There are about a hundred people, which is at best a small team, not enough to fill their teeth, maybe they are also the targets of poisonous people!" Yan Wei analyzed.

"This... what the master said is correct. What if Duoduo and the others have been controlled by a poisonous person as the adults said?" Xiao Tai raised this question. Although the jump was a bit big, he did not stick to his original guess. I also feel that Shi Du, Simba and Duoduo are less likely to cooperate. Although the civilization represented by the Naxi Sai tribe is extremely high, after all, the power here is too weak and there is no basis for cooperation.

Of course, neither Yan Wei nor Xiao Tai knew that the Naxisai tribe had more than a hundred people on the Tailao planet. The number of people hidden in the strongholds scattered across the Tailao planet alone reached hundreds of thousands. On the space base, each base has hundreds of thousands of soldiers. The combined power of these forces will be so powerful that they can't even imagine!

Even Shi Du and Simba have not discovered their space bases and the hidden strength of the strongholds. Therefore, so far, Shi Du and Simba have not paid attention to the Naxisai tribe at all, but only regard them as a Ordinary races treat them as such, and place them on the righteous front line of cooperation with Yanwei.

"It stands to reason that with Duoduo's level of civilization, they should not be controlled by poisonous people. After all, their medical level is very high. Didn't the Star Spirits talk about it last time? The god-level pills taken by those upgraded demons in the devil's way That's what they provided. By the way, where's that Divine Doctor Xue?" Yan Wei suddenly thought of this.

"There is no Doctor Xue among that group of people!" Xiao Tai said.

"Without him? That would be a bit strange..."

"Master, Duoduo said that the poisonous people are chasing them, and they must be let in quickly, otherwise they will be dead!" Xiaotai said suddenly.

"What?!" Yan Wei screamed, unable to sit still...

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