The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3832 Ye Pengfei’s understanding

"Director, there's good news!!!" Gan Ping burst into Ye Pengfei's camp with excitement.

Ye Pengfei was feeling depressed. He couldn't help but raise his head when he heard Gan Ping's cry. Seeing Gan Ping's happy face, he quickly asked: "What's the good news?"

"Da Si, I found some good things on the Xingyun Palace website that can improve the combat power of mortals!" Gan Ping shouted.

"Xingyun Palace? Improve mortal combat power?!" Ye Pengfei grasped these two words keenly and couldn't help but feel refreshed!

The reputation of Xingyun Palace has spread throughout Tiangang Star. Its products are extremely cost-effective. Although similar products are much more expensive than others, users agree that if they use Xingyun Palace products regularly, they will be better off in the long run. On the contrary, it is the one with the lowest cost and the best effect, so as long as the financial ability allows, people's first choice when purchasing is the product of Xingyun Palace.

Ye Pengfei did not expect that the Xingyun Palace even contained items that could improve the combat power of mortals, because in his impression, the Xingyun Palace sold products from the cultivation world, and they were all high-end products. No matter what category the product was, as soon as it appeared, They will immediately occupy the top end of that category, so it was extremely strange for him to say that Xingyun Palace would have products for mortals, and it was something he had never thought of before.

Gan Ping quickly told Ye Pengfei about his discovery. For Gan Ping, he also discovered it by accident, because the products of the Xingyun Palace category are hidden in an extremely hidden location, and the products in this location must be Generally speaking, individuals will not go there to search for large transactions.

Since mortals rarely go to the Xingyun Palace to buy things, because no matter how cheap the things there are, it is difficult for them to afford them. The money used by mortals is also different from that of cultivators, so it is impossible for mortals to see good things targeting them. Things, and since cultivators mostly buy them individually, they almost never see this category.

A while ago, various races initiated a lot of large-scale transactions, but what they purchased were all cultivation items, and no one would buy products aimed at mortals.

If Gan Ping hadn't wandered around the website with a mission, it would have been impossible to see it.

However, when he discovered it, he couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised after looking carefully. He didn't expect those products to be really surprising. Just by looking at the introduction, he knew they were quite powerful. Looking at the product demonstration above, Gan Ping was immediately sure These products are exactly what Ye Pengfei and himself need most now!

If you let yourself think about these products, you will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse, because you don’t have the creativity and ability at all. But now the Xingyun Palace has helped them think about it and made all the products. As long as they have money, they can Own it now!

"Da Si, if you want to take a nap, someone will give you a pillow. If these products are brought over and used and equipped by these mortals, it won't take long. I'm afraid the combat power of the mortal team will be really not low!" Gan Ping said happily.

Ye Pengfei looked at these products carefully and thought about each one carefully. He was extremely shocked. After hearing Gan Ping's words, he sighed: "Xingyun Palace is so powerful! If mortals use their products to strengthen, Equipped with their products, they can even have enough lethality against cultivators. If those middle and low-level cultivators despise mortals, the consequences will be extremely serious..."

Gan Ping nodded heavily and said: "Yes, I have also estimated that if the strongest mortal uses the best strengthening products and is equipped with the most suitable and advanced equipment, his combat power can even kill Lost a Nascent Soul cultivator!!!"

Ye Pengfei's face changed drastically when he heard this, and his hands were trembling...

His mind was spinning and he asked: "Did you really estimate it?!"

"That's true! And that doesn't include the most high-end mortal combat equipment in the Xingyun Palace. Their price is comparable to the high-end treasures in the cultivation world, no less. I'm afraid the lethality of those products will be extremely terrifying! Maybe even the gods The above high-level cultivators can all pose a threat, and in addition..."

"What else?!"

“There are many products here that are suitable for group battles.

If a group of mortals were equipped with their products and trained to fight according to their group battle design, the effect would be even more powerful than that of a cultivation team! "Gan Ping exclaimed.

"How is that possible?!" Ye Pengfei was completely uneasy!

"The Chief doesn't know something. Judging from the introduction of Xingyun Palace, mortals are more suitable for group battles, while cultivators are more suitable for individual battles. I also thought about this issue carefully and found that this is indeed the case, because cultivators generally You have your own cultivation secrets. If you participate in a group battle, your secrets will be known to others, and your strengths and weaknesses will be mastered by others. This is unacceptable to cultivators, because who knows when they participate in it? Are there any potential enemies among the group? Therefore, when cultivators participate in group battles, it is difficult for them to completely let go of themselves, and they will always hide their secrets, especially those killer moves and weaknesses. It is impossible to be exposed. Just think about it, if everyone in a group has evil intentions, how can it be possible to achieve the best results? However, for mortals, this problem is much smaller. After all, mortals have limited abilities. It is limited. Mysterious power is very simple. There is not much to hide. Both parties can basically estimate the strength of their strength as soon as they come into contact. Therefore, mortals can be extremely devoted in group battles, even 100% devoted, and , if it is a mortal versus a cultivator, since the mortal is on the disadvantaged side, they will not have any reservations in the fight. They will definitely attack with all their strength and fight with their lives. Under such circumstances, the chances of the cultivator team's victory are really up. Discount..." Gan Ping analyzed.

When Ye Pengfei heard this, he couldn't help but be convinced. What Gan Ping said was actually inspired by the introduction of Xingyun Palace. As long as Ye Pengfei thought about it for a moment, he could quickly understand that Xingyun Palace seemed to be very important to cultivators and practitioners. The differences between mortals have been studied extremely carefully, otherwise they would not be able to develop so many mortal products.

His heart was pounding, thinking that if mortals in this space world could have such enhanced training and weapons and equipment, wouldn't his military power be greatly increased?

By extension, if all the mortals of the Tiangang Clan can be strengthened and equipped with good equipment, then the overall strength of the Tiangang Clan is unimaginable, and there will be no problem in becoming the overlord of this planet!

Especially among the mortal products of the Xingyun Palace, he also saw spaceships and battleships designed for mortals. In other words, mortals can also have their own aircraft and participate in air combat. In this way, their lethality is almost It is equivalent to a cultivator, because the main test in aerial combat is the performance of the aircraft, and the impact of personal ability is relatively small.

If this is the case, then the entire mortal class is likely to begin to rise and pose a certain threat to the world of cultivation!

What you need to know is that the total population of mortals is a thousand to ten thousand times more than that of cultivators. If the two sides fight, no matter how many mortals die, their number will still far exceed that of cultivators. At this point, cultivators You can't win easily...

Thinking of this, Ye Pengfei finally suddenly realized why he had forgotten so quickly after seeing Liu Feng displaying his mortal abilities. This information was weakened in his memory every day, and he had completely forgotten it in the end. The reason was that God could not tolerate such a situation. If the mortal class really poses a great threat to cultivators, then the order of this world must be rebuilt!

However, Ye Pengfei's memory of the mortal transformation plan has not weakened these days. This is different from when he saw the picture Liu Feng showed before. This is also why Ye Pengfei feels a little strange. Is his mortal transformation plan different from Liu Feng's one? same? !

Are the two really different? Heaven does not allow Liufeng to transform mortals like that, so why does he allow himself to transform them?

Thinking of this, Ye Pengfei was in a daze, and Gan Ping asked curiously: "Da Si, what are you thinking about?"

"Well, I'm thinking that this matter is of great importance. We must report it to Xiao Gang immediately and ask him to inform the clan leader and ask him to make a decision!" Ye Pengfei sighed.

"The clan leader should still be on the front line now, but Xiao Gang may have a way to contact him!" Gan Ping nodded.


Ye Pengfei quickly reported the matter to Xiaogang, and then waited for instructions.

But his transformation of these mortals did not stop. He also got some inspiration from the products sold in Xingyun Palace, that is, through some medicines and training methods, mortals' bodies can become stronger and their profound energy more pure. , so he first let these mortal leaders search for these items by themselves and conduct training under his supervision...

After a period of strengthening, not only the cultivation level of the mortal leaders increased greatly, but those selected later also began to catch up. Since their foundation was better, they quickly showed stronger abilities, not only their fighting ability, but also There has also been a great improvement in group combat. It can be said that Ye Pengfei's training plan has achieved great success!


The more Ye Pengfei comes into contact with and the more he invests, the deeper he understands. Now he finally understands the fundamental difference between his training plan and Liu Feng's transformation operation. That is, no matter how powerful the mortals he trained are, he is still A mortal, but Liufeng's transformation is different. The mortal he transformed has truly transformed into a cultivator. He can control talismans, magic weapons, and spiritual weapons like a monk. He has spiritual power and can also practice high-level bodybuilding. The Dharma is no different from a cultivator!

By the way, he still vaguely remembered that the mortal cultivators transformed by Liufeng were called soul warriors. At that time, Xu Tao and Luo Juan were only at the first level of soul warriors, but they could already do many things that only cultivators can do...

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