The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3786 Binding the Astrology Palace

The person who flew in was Dongfang Bai, the leader of the team responsible for developing the god-level antidote. He was wearing a white robe, with flowing hair and a slight mustache. He looked very young, but his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he looked a little bad and slightly anxious. , came to him and said, "Chief, are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Yao Ye said.

"Is everything really okay?! I heard that you bought the god-level antidote. Is this true?" Dongfang Bai asked loudly.

"Absolutely true!"

"Where's the antidote? Where is it?! Show me quickly!!!" Dongfang Bai said eagerly.

"We have already taken them all! The poisonous spirit broke out just now and we almost died, so as soon as the antidote was delivered, we took it immediately to detoxify. Look at them..." Yaoye said.

When Dongfang Bai heard this, he quickly went to check on those who were poisoned. After checking, a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face!

It can be said that he has suffered inhuman suffering in the past few days. The process of developing antidotes some time ago was quite smooth, and the development of poison-eating drugs was relatively smooth. Although some drugs continued to die along the way, overall, the survival rate was There are also a lot of medicines that have come down, and their potency has been greatly improved, which makes him more and more confident.

Unexpectedly, after devouring a batch of new poisons shipped from the territory controlled by the demonic forces a few days ago, all these drugs suddenly became sluggish. After struggling in the end, they all died, and the drug development process was forced to a complete halt. Come down…

The entire medical research team has been severely hit, their confidence has been thwarted, and they are about to lose the courage to even start over...

Dongfang Bai chose to shut himself up and think about his mistakes. Just as he was constantly reviewing the mistakes he had made during the research process, he suddenly heard that a god-level antidote had appeared, and the clan leader had already placed an order for it. Dongfang Bai hurried out and ran away. Come out to ask Yaoye...

Now he looked into the inner world of the poisoned people. He was extremely shocked at first, because he found that the internal organs of these people were completely black, and there were black gas coming out. He had never seen this kind of thing before, but then he was even more shocked. , because he found that although the situation in their internal world was extremely bad, it seemed to be slowly improving. There was a medicinal power in their bodies that was slowly increasing. Wherever the medicinal power went, the black energy shrank and the black color of the organs also appeared. It slowly fades away, as if this medicinal power is fighting against the poison and gradually gaining the upper hand!

Yaoye asked from the side: "How are they?"

Dongfang Bai nodded and said: "Yes! But why did the poison in their bodies suddenly attack so violently? These poisons were hidden before, and it was difficult to find them..."

"Poison spirit! What the master doesn't know is that after these poisons enter the human body, they will give birth to poison spirits. After the poison spirits are born, these poisons will be controlled by them, making it impossible for us to detect them, and the poison spirits are still there. It has been monitoring the poisoned person and the surrounding situation, and sending information to those poisonous beings!" Yaoye said.

"That's how it is?!" Dongfang Bai's face turned really pale...

"Yes! The reason why the poison in our body suddenly broke out this time is because the poisonous spirit in my body heard my conversation with Tong Yi and the customer service man of Xingyun Palace, and learned that there is a god-level antidote in Xingyun Palace Appeared, so this poisonous spirit sent this information. Not only the poisonous spirits in other people's bodies knew about it, but also a dozen poisonous beings lurking in the city also gathered to take action against us! If it weren't for the customer service man The reminder, and the Iron Seal responsible for delivery from the Xingyun Palace arrived in time, I am afraid that we will all have a narrow escape from these crazy poisonous spirits this time!" Yaoye sighed.

Dongfang Bai finally knew how dangerous what had just happened was. He never thought that those poisons would actually breed poisonous spirits in the body, and this poisonous spirit could also become a tool for the poisonous forces to monitor the poisoned people. At the same time, it also had the ability to With such terrifying combat power, even a powerful person like Yao Ye could hardly withstand it!

But think about it, even a physically strong person will be in agony if some parasitic things are constantly pounding in his body, let alone such a terrifying poisonous spirit?

The human body is inherently delicate inside.

Being invaded is equivalent to being taken over by others, because when you want to deal with foreign objects, you must also deal with your own organs and meridians. These organs and meridians usually need to be carefully protected. How can you withstand this? How about struggling like crazy?

Therefore, it is not that those poisonous spirits are extremely powerful, but that the person who was poisoned first lost the initiative in this matter and had his lifeline controlled by others. This is the tragic fate of the host. If there is no antidote, then This fate is almost doomed...

Yaoye handed the jade box containing the god-level antidote to Dongfang Bai and said, "This box also contains the instructions and precautions for using the god-level antidote. You can take a look. It also mentioned that if there is no solution, Medicine, even if we kill a poisonous spirit, as long as the poisonous substances in the body are not eliminated, after a period of time, these poisonous substances will give birth to new poisonous spirits, which is simply an endless stream. This is the terrifying thing about those god-level poisons! "

"Oh my god..." Dongfang Bai screamed, dumbfounded!

It seems that I still underestimated those god-level poisons. It was the lack of this kind of awe that made me make such a serious mistake in the front, which led to quick success and quick gain, haste makes waste, and in the end all the poisons were eaten. The medicines all lead to death before they take effect, which is really sad and lamentable...

However, Dongfang Bai quickly thought of a question, that is, the batch of poisons swallowed by the dead poison-eating drugs came from the territory controlled by the demonic forces. Why were they so toxic?

You must know that they have been exposed to and studied those poisons in the past, and they all have ways to deal with them. Logically speaking, nothing will happen if they swallow them. Unless something happens in them, it will lead to the collective demise of the poison-eating drugs!

And when he heard Yao Ye's description of the poisonous spirit, his investigation of the poisoned people, and saw those imprisoned people with poisonous forces, Dongfang Bai instantly figured it out and said loudly: "I understand. Got it!"

"What do you understand?" Yaoye asked curiously.

"That batch of demonic poisons must have been manipulated by the poisonous beings hiding in the city!" Dongfang Bai said.

"Oh?!" Yaoye was shocked!

Dongfang Bai continued: "The news that we used those demonic poisons must have been spread by the poisonous spirits in your bodies. So these poisonous beings lurking in the city got the news and knew how to take action secretly. They only need to attack those demonic poisons." Add some advanced poisons to the poison, and with the ability of the current batch of poison-eating drugs, if you swallow it, you will definitely die!"

"Yes, yes! It's all our fault that we are too ignorant. We don't even know about the existence of poisonous spirits, let alone the poisonous beings that have already sneaked into our city and are waiting for opportunities to take action..." Yaoye sighed.

However, he thought about it again and said happily: "Fortunately, the Xingyun Palace has developed antidote drugs, otherwise I don't know how many masters from all races would have died this time! Looking at their courier spaceships delivering goods everywhere, you can tell that they don't care about poisoned people. Countless!"

"What? In addition to the top ten elders of the Tiangang clan and the senior leaders of this clan, are there people from other clans who were also poisoned?" Dongfang Bai asked in surprise.

"Yes, and there are many!!! What you don't know is that the situation has changed drastically recently. Poisonous forces have become the common enemy of all races in Tiangang Star, including demonic forces, and now they also have to deal with poisonous forces! Therefore, recently The poisonous spirits in the bodies of those who were poisoned are erupting. Without the god-level antidote from the Xingyun Palace, a large number of masters from all races will die, and many other people will become their hosts and be suppressed and suppressed by them. Slavery…”

"This..." Dongfang Bai and other elven masters were stunned!

Yaoye led them back to the capital quickly, while telling them about the recent changes in the situation. Only then did Dongfang Bai and others know what happened recently at Tiangang Academy. At the same time, they also learned that the situation on Tiangang Star was about to change drastically. They will inevitably be involved in a desperate battle with the poisonous forces...

As a famous wise clan on Tiangang Star, the Elf Tribe has gathered countless capable people with lofty ideals. Whether in the eyes of the righteous tribes or the demonic people, the Elf Tribe is a race worthy of respect because they admire wisdom. , is the study of Taoism, and plays more of a neutral role in the conflict between good and evil.

However, because they love peace, the elves are also more inclined to the side of the righteous forces. They became one of the key targets of the demonic forces last time. Of course, there are also reasons why the demonic forces are controlled by poisonous forces. For poisonous forces, As far as human forces are concerned, they hope that Tiangang Star will be as chaotic as possible. Only by muddying up this pool of water can they take advantage of it, so the elves will become their key target.

After this incident, Yao Ye finally figured out the ins and outs of the last attack. It seemed that all this was the result of the joint action of the Tailao tribe and the poisonous forces. Now that the threat of the Tailao tribe has gone away for the time being, the poisonous Such forces have become the common enemy of this clan and all the clans of Tiangang Star. They must be jointly dealt with in order to turn the situation of Tiangang Star into a peaceful one...

Here, he thought of another very important issue, that is, to deal with poisonous forces, antidote drugs are indispensable. This makes Xingyun Palace, which possesses god-level antidote, one of the key factors in this war!

Without the supply of drugs from the Xingyun Palace, the Tiangang clans would have no basis for fighting. If they were poisoned without a cure, not only would they lose their fighting power, but they would not even be safe!

Therefore, all races must tightly bind the Xingyun Palace. Only with their support can they persevere in this extremely cruel battle for survival!

In the same way, for the poisonous forces, if they want to win, they must eliminate the Xingyun Palace and cut off its antidote supply, otherwise they will definitely lose, because their combat power mainly lies in poisoning. Without this advantage, trying to win by fighting is tantamount to asking for fish in a tree...

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