The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3760 The manipulator behind the scenes

The red-haired burly man was obviously very excited when he talked about what happened back then. He must have been disturbed by the words of those who plotted against him. He never imagined that someone was sitting at home, and disaster came from the sky, far away in another galaxy. Tiangang actually fell in love with him and even sent someone to "invite" him to come over. With his fiery temperament, how could he endure it?

So after those people suddenly left for unknown reasons, he went straight to Tiangang Star angrily, fought all the way to Tiangang's cave, and fought with him for three days and three nights, from the underground to the sky, and then to the interstellar However, in the end, he still lost to Tiangang and could only return home defeated...

Next, Li Yun also asked about the follow-up matters like Xiaoxing. What Tailao Star Spirit said was no different from Tiangang Star Spirit, except that according to what he said, Tiangang Star Spirit kept sending people and fleets to harass Tailao Star's aircraft. With the fleet, the people of Tailao Star became more and more resentful towards Tiangang Star, and finally unanimously demanded a decisive battle with Tiangang Star!

However, since the strength of the Tailao Star clans is generally weaker than that of the Tiangang Star, and the Tiangang Star has been aggressive and pursuing them step by step, they can only ask for help from outside...

Hearing this, Xiaoxing looked at Tiangang and found that his expression was also confused. He didn't expect that things would turn out like this...

With Tiangang's wisdom, he finally realized something after hearing this, and he murmured: "Is it possible that someone is sowing discord, creating conflicts between me and Tai Lao, and intensifying the conflict?!"

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Isn't it obvious?"

"Oh? You think so too?!" Tiangang said in shock.

"You two were attacked by people who didn't know the details almost at the same time. With their ability, they could have taken you down, but they didn't do it. Instead, they humiliated and framed the blame in the other person's name, and then they ran away. They left, and later, they created some contradictions and conflicts, which made the grudge between you two stars deeper and deeper, reaching the point where it is impossible to fight without fighting... This is a conspiracy. If this conspiracy does not succeed, these people will definitely You will think of other ways to create conflicts between the two of you, and eventually reach a situation where you two stars are fighting each other. Who do you think is benefiting from this?" Xiaoxing reminded.

"You're saying that whoever benefits in the end is most likely the manipulator behind the scenes?" Tiangang said suddenly.

"That's right! This is true for many things, but the process and methods are slightly different. Generally speaking, it is difficult for the ultimate beneficiary to escape suspicion. At least they are partly responsible..." Xiaoxing said.

"This... if we talk about a war between two star races, the ultimate beneficiary... Oh my god, is it a poisonous life form?!" Tiangang screamed, and his expression suddenly changed!

In his opinion, this possibility is too great!

Because he had narrowly escaped their path before and almost lost his life.

And now that the poisonous beings have taken control of the demonic forces and are targeting the top leaders of various tribes, this seems like the rhythm of harvesting the fruits...

Xiaoxing said: "Do you think the person who attacked you in the first place was a poisonous life form?"

Tiangang couldn't help but fell into deep thought after hearing this. After a while, he still shook his head and said: "Those people don't seem to be poisonous beings. Their cultivation level seems to be much higher than the poisonous beings I saw. Anyway, I am I can’t tell their specific cultivation levels, and they don’t have the sinister aura of poisonous life forms on them..."

Little "

"I see... Then who are those people? Why didn't they just take me down, but they tried their best to provoke conflicts between me and Tai Lao?" Tiangang asked curiously.

Little What’s the benefit from it?”

After saying that, he handed Tiangang a cup of tea and drank a cup himself...

Upon hearing this, Tiangang muttered: "With various races fighting in a melee and the two stars approaching, not only will all living beings be devastated, but the surrounding star fields and countless planets will also fall into chaos. The two galaxies will undergo a long period of merger and integration process, until finally possible A larger galaxy will be formed. Of course, it is also possible that the two galaxies will lose too many planets and materials, causing the new galaxy to be much smaller than the original one. In short, in this war, no one from the two galaxies will There may be beneficiaries, but they are all victims... Therefore, the beneficiaries can only be outsiders... Oh my God!!!"

He screamed, feeling bad!

Looking through these clues one by one, he found that this matter was full of conspiracy from beginning to end. He and Tai Lao were just pawns in the hands of others, at their mercy. They were really helping others in their fights, but still helping others. Gain, it’s so stupid! So silly! Too stupid!

"Senior said it well! Those who instigate discord should be outsiders. However, outsiders may also have different levels. It is not as simple as you think..." Xiaoxing said.

Tiangang was stunned and said suspiciously: "Xiao Ling, did you discover something?"

Xiaoxing nodded and said, "Yes, Liu Feng and I have been doing a lot of tracking and research on this matter recently, and finally found out that the manipulator behind this matter is..."

"Who is it?! I must be at odds with him!!!" Tiangang asked urgently.

"Senior is still too angry! It's a pity that the manipulator behind the scenes is not someone you can afford to offend..."

"What? I still have control over this area. If I go all out, I don't believe there will be someone I can't afford to offend!" Tiangang said fiercely.

"Black Hole Clan!" Xiaoxing said bluntly.

"Black Hole Clan?!!!" A look of confusion flashed across Tiangang's face. He had never heard of the Black Hole Clan, let alone understood it. Could it be that the first person who appeared was a Black Hole Clan?

If they are the Black Hole Clan, then the Black Hole Clan is too scary, because their level of cultivation is truly unfathomable. Tiangang still believes that even in his heyday, it is impossible to defeat any of them. One, but they seem to be lower-level people in the Black Hole Clan, because they should be performing tasks, and there must be experts above them...

Xiaoxing said: "The black hole race is a race born in the associated black hole of the galaxy. In fact, they are the real advanced race in the galaxy. Their abilities are extremely powerful, especially their swallowing ability. They will not reject anyone who comes, and they will swallow everything. Degree…"

"They don't reject anyone who comes, and they don't eat anything? Do they belong to the Taotie clan?!" Tiangang said in shock.

"Taotie is just a demo in front of them, incomparable at all! Even if countless planets hit the black hole, they will swallow them one by one, and no matter or energy can escape..." Xiaoxing said.

"This... such a powerful black hole, why have I never seen it before?" Tiangang asked.

"Because black holes are hidden deep in galaxies, and because of the huge force involved, even light cannot escape from them. Without light, outsiders cannot detect them, because when you look past, it is pitch black and empty. And anyone who gets close, as long as it is caught by it and falls within the scope of its accretion disk, will no longer be able to escape, and will only end up being gradually swallowed by it..." Xiaoxing explained.

Tiangang was dumbfounded when he heard this. He couldn't imagine that such a terrifying star existed in the galaxy. The key is that he has lived for such a long time and still doesn't know it at all!

But he had to rely on a young man over a thousand years old to tell him this. Thinking about it, he felt ashamed...

In addition, he has always believed that Tiangang Star is the core of this galaxy, and as the star spirit of Tiangang Star, his own identity and status are the supreme in this galaxy. If he wants to, he can become the supreme ruler of this galaxy. !


Now a black hole star suddenly appears, and there is a group of black hole tribesmen living in it. Many of them are much more powerful than me, and they can easily kill me. In front of them, I am almost like an ant-like existence, and I am still beaten by them. Playing with the palm of his hand, Tiangang's mood at this time was really like an overturned sea, and he was in chaos!

It seems that it is impossible to seek revenge from them...

Tiangang suddenly found Tai Lao in the light and shadow. The red-haired strong man also showed the same expression as himself at this time. Apparently he also learned the truth of the matter from Liufeng and knew that the manipulator behind the matter was actually the Black Hole Clan, and he The difference in strength between them is too great, and there is no hope of revenge...

But he thought of another question and said: "Xiao Ling, since the black hole clan is so powerful and is the controller of this galaxy, why do they want to cause chaos in these two galaxies? Don't they want to maintain the stable development of this galaxy?"

"Good question! In fact, the black hole clan is not monolithic. Just like the clans on Tiangang Star, they all have their own interests and ideas. There are also intrigues and disputes! Even in the same galaxy, , similar battles will also occur between different black hole families, because there is not just one black hole in the same galaxy, but many. However, black holes may be large or small. Only if they exist for a long time will the material and energy cycle be more Only stable black holes can give birth to black hole life, so not every black hole has a black hole family, but as long as a black hole family is born, the black hole will join the black hole family, and there will be conflicts of interest between them. Sometimes, due to various reasons, there will be a fight between black hole families, resulting in two black holes engulfing each other, and eventually a new, larger black hole may appear..."

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