The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3748 Quantum Entanglement

The scene in the light and shadow made everyone in Tianyun world stunned. They didn't expect that their body of consciousness would eagerly throw themselves into Liufeng's door as soon as they saw it. But why don't they feel anything yet?

However, they quickly reacted, because Ling Daozi said just now that the body of spiritual consciousness has been completely protected by the Qingcage Formation, so the body of spiritual consciousness here will not be sensed by Heavenly Dao. They can only wait for this formation. When withdrawing, the recognition of the master on Tailao Star will be recognized by the heaven here.

Everyone watched their spiritual bodies participating in the fishing competition organized by Li Yun. Some of them ranked high and received considerable rewards. They were all happy from ear to ear, especially when the fish took the bait. The excitement was uncontrollable, and my mood became as happy as theirs...

After the competitive fishing competition, there was an open-air grilled fish bonfire party. It seemed that the grilled fish tasted very good. Everyone ate it with gusto. They wished they could catch more before and eat it to their heart's content. However, after the grilled fish, there was also roast beef, Grilled lamb, grilled intestines, grilled kidneys, grilled meatballs, grilled prawns, grilled crayfish, grilled mushrooms, grilled vegetables...

The master chefs at Xingyun Castle are no joke. Each of them has his or her own special skills. This barbecue technique alone is very diverse. Basically, any ingredients can be used for barbecue, and it is so delicious that it will make people stop. Can’t come down…

Seeing this scene, even Xiaoxing secretly swallowed his saliva and decided to have a fishing competition and barbecue in Tianyun World immediately. There are also chefs here. Although the number is not as large as that of Xingyun Castle, it is definitely enough. Yes, after all, there are dozens of racial civilizations here, but they are isolated by Xiaoxing.

This event organized by Li Yun was specially prepared for these displaced slaves. No outsiders participated. The purpose was of course not to leak the secrets. Fortunately, it was located in the suburbs and the entire territory was under his control. Even if it caused trouble No matter how powerful it is, it doesn’t matter.

At the end of the event, these consciousness bodies were quickly decoupled. After all, maintaining the consciousness bodies of so many people consumes huge amounts of energy every moment. In this world where energy is money, even if you are wealthy, Xingyun Castle and Tianyun World also don't want to waste too much, because the saved energy can do more big things.

After Xiaoxing transferred the spiritual consciousness bodies in the world of light and shadow and canceled the cage protection, everyone saw changes in the scene on Tailao Star. Some of the spiritual consciousness bodies collapsed in an instant, and some Some persisted for a short while before disappearing, and some persisted for a longer time, even for more than a day, but in the end they still disappeared invisible. Almost all of these spiritual consciousness bodies that persisted for a long time were in the field. It can be seen that the quantum entanglement of the body of spiritual consciousness of people with advanced cultivation can be preserved for a longer period of time.

Moreover, everyone also discovered that although their spiritual body collapsed, some parts of it remained for a long time, until they finally disappeared due to the lack of energy. Master Guoyu quickly asked: "Xiao Ling , what is going on in this situation? Why can some parts be retained for a longer period of time, while others disappear instantly?"

Xiaoxing said: "Quantum entanglement is actually not uniform.

Rather, some are tightly entangled, and some are loosely entangled, that is, the quanta with strong coherence will be more tightly entangled. In fact, you yourself can feel these parts, and they should be the strongest parts of your body. After they have been tempered by you, It has become extremely close and is almost preserved in a solidified state. Even if you are really beaten to pieces, many of these parts will definitely remain. Of course, this refers to your body, and the spiritual consciousness After all, the body is temporarily condensed. No matter how strong the coherence is, it cannot reach the solidified state of your body, so they cannot last long, but they are much stronger than other parts. "

"So that's it..." Everyone was stunned and had a better understanding of the characteristics of quantum entanglement.

Xiaoxing continued: "This is not only true of the human body, but also in nature. Many substances and structures that have been passed down to this day have reached a solidified state precisely because of their super entanglement, so that they can be preserved for a long time. Including the universe in front of us, although it has changed a lot, its basic structure and appearance have been preserved from ancient times to the present. These parts are actually the reason why various elements are most closely entangled. Many high-level treasures you have obtained are actually They also have the characteristics of strong entanglement. Things like this are weakly affected by decoherence and only change slightly in the long river of time. It is precisely because of their existence that this quantum universe has its existence. The basic appearance and characteristics, so if we want this universe to last longer, then we must find ways to increase the degree of quantum entanglement and allow more things solidified by quantum entanglement to appear in this universe..."

"Xiao Ling, are you talking about weapon refining?" Wochel asked.

"Tool refining is just one of them. Quantum entanglement is applicable to any Taoism, because this universe itself is a quantum universe. The stronger your Taoism is, of course it means that the related quantum entanglement becomes stronger, then there will be opportunities Preserve it for a long time, so it is not only forging an artifact, but also studying your Taoism, tempering your body, creating a formation, refining a furnace of elixirs, brewing a vat of wine, etc., all in To solve the problem of quantum entanglement coherence, here I can make a comparison. Look at the world of Tiangang Star and the world of Tianyun we are in now. What is the difference in the degree of quantum entanglement?" Xiaoxing asked .

"This... I feel it should be more than ten times higher! Tianyun World is stronger!" Watcher thought.

"Oh? What criteria did you base this on?" Xiaoxing asked appreciatively.

"The concentration of spiritual energy! The spiritual energy breathed here is much richer than the spiritual energy I breathed when I was helping in the Xingyun Palace. In my opinion, it is about ten times higher!" said Wochel.

"This is indeed a good comparison standard, or it is very correct to use the concentration of spiritual energy as the judgment standard, because spiritual energy contains countless basic quanta, and their entanglement is also the most common and lasting phenomenon in the universe. We It is also often found that the spiritual energy in some places is richer and purer than in other places, which means that the degree of quantum entanglement here is higher than elsewhere. For cultivators, if they can understand the quantum If you study entanglement more deeply, it will be very helpful to your own cultivation." Xiaoxing said.

"Xiao Ling, thank you for your advice! I really benefited a lot!" Watcher sighed.

"Hey, it's hard to find a true friend in this world. It's rare to meet someone who likes to listen and can understand, so I'll just say a few words. But if it's playing the piano to a cow, then I'll only talk briefly..." Xiao Xing teased.

"This..." Those around who were confused couldn't help but blush, and were too ashamed to speak...

At this time, after releasing the cage-clearing formation, everyone present immediately sensed the information brought by their divine consciousness body. Through the memory of their divine consciousness body, they experienced everything they had on Tailao Planet. After seeing what they heard and did, of course, they also really felt the charm of Li Yun. Only then did they understand why their spiritual bodies couldn't wait to recognize Li Yun as their master as soon as they saw him.

With the charm and aura that Li Yun displayed, he was definitely the most attractive person they had ever seen. Especially now that the Master-Slave-Master-Servant Agreement was recognized by Heaven, they even regarded Li Yun as the most attractive person in the world. Good sir, so everyone willingly joined his disciples...

Now they are sitting in Tianyun World, feeling the faint will around them, and they can already identify it as Li Yun's will. Under this will, they feel extremely safe and comfortable, no longer like their previous bodies. I felt strange to the guests...

Xiaoxing waved his hand, removed the displacement formation, and said, "Do you know how much energy Tianyun World consumed just now to allow you to meet the adults?"

"How this?" Everyone asked without any idea at all.

"One ten thousandth of the energy of a standard sun!!!" Xiaoxing hummed.

"Wow!!!" Everyone couldn't help but screamed when they heard it!

One ten thousandth of the energy of a sun is such a huge energy tide. I didn’t expect it to disappear in just a moment!

If this energy were replaced by Tiangang gems, wouldn't it be too numerous to count?

"Xiao Ling, the energy level of our spiritual consciousness bodies is not too high, right? Why do we need to consume so much energy? Is it because we are too far away?" Master Guoyu asked in surprise.

"Of course being too far away is one of the reasons, and the other reason is not because of your spiritual body, but because of the cage-clearing formation I have equipped for you. This formation is composed of primary particles, and its level has been It has reached the highest particle level in the universe, so it has also reached a very high level in terms of quantum entanglement. If you want to entangle such a batch of advanced formations at the same time in such a distant place, the energy required is unimaginable, so I I didn’t let your body of consciousness stay there for too long, after all, the matter has been done, and there will be many opportunities for you to see the adults in the future, no matter how long it takes!” Xiaoxing said.

"I see..." Everyone now understood what kind of treasure the cage-clearing formation was!

Unexpectedly, it is actually composed of primary particles, which are the ultimate particles of the universe. No wonder it has such a strong protective ability, which can make its weak spiritual body unaffected by the outside world in an extremely remote place...

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