The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3738 Black Hole Clan

In galaxies, there are often medium to large black holes, and the number is far more than just one or a few, but many. Generally speaking, the closer to the center of the galaxy, the higher the size and level of the black holes. When you come to the core of the galaxy, there will be the most advanced black hole in the galaxy. The size and power of this black hole actually determine the size and scope of the galaxy itself.

This is because black holes will continue to attract and swallow matter in the universe. The bigger the black hole is, the stronger the force and the wider the scope of influence, the more matter in the universe it can attract and swallow. The more stars will be formed, the more various interstellar matter and energy regions will be...

Speaking of this, we can actually see a relatively simple criterion, that is, the size of a black hole is directly related to its mass and body size!

This is generally applicable to advanced stars such as the sun, white holes, and pulsars. It is also similar to ordinary planets. The larger the star, the greater the mass, and the higher the level.

However, this refers to the level of the star itself, not the level of the life beings born on the star. In addition to the level of the star itself, the level of the life race is also related to the time of their existence, their development, and whether they have great wisdom. The birth of genius and other aspects are all related,

Sometimes, if one or two super-intelligent geniuses appear in a race, it is possible to achieve a great breakthrough, driving the entire race upwards by a large margin, making the race on this planet more civilized than similar races on large planets. …

This is the charm of wisdom. For a certain technological civilization in the universe before Li Yun and Little Star, wisdom is technology, technology is productivity, and technology is the source of power that promotes the development of civilization. Here, wisdom is mainly invested in technology. Go, and in those civilizations that focus on cultivation, wisdom is mainly invested in the field of cultivation. Great wisdom can often continue to expand on the path of cultivation and develop stronger Tao power, no matter which direction it is. , wisdom plays a huge role in them!

As Li Yun and Xiaoxing studied the white holes of the Milky Way and the black holes of the Tiangang and Tailao galaxies, they became more familiar with this type of advanced race, and their understanding of their civilization continued to deepen.

The situation of the white hole family is different from that of the black hole family, because the white hole itself no longer swallows the matter and energy of the universe. On the contrary, they will also eject some special matter and energy. Black holes and white holes are the opposite. , they will continue to devour the outside material, like a bottomless pit, with an astonishing appetite, but they are not just in and out, sometimes they will also eject some waste materials, but the amount of this ejection is very small and the time is extremely long. .

Interestingly, both black holes and white holes will form an accretion disk around them. This accretion disk is formed of matter and energy molecules, which makes it difficult to distinguish black holes and white holes.

However, in the eyes of advanced stargazers like Li Yun and Xiaoxing,

Of course, you know how to distinguish them. For example, you can tell from the accretion disk of advanced planets. The accretion disk around the black hole is formed by the material it attracts. As long as foreign matter falls within the scope of this accretion disk, it will be easy to distinguish. It is difficult to escape, and sooner or later it will become the food of the black hole. In addition to part of the white hole's accretion disk being foreign matter attracted by its strong gravity, most of it is formed by the material energy ejected from the inside.

The large amount of black stones that Li Yun and Xiaoxing obtained last time were actually ejected from the white hole in the Milky Way. Only high-level stars like white holes can produce such a large amount of black stones, allowing Xiaoxing to build that for the Phantom Group. The cosmic high-energy network becomes possible.

For black holes, attracting foreign matter is an instinctive behavior. They will absorb as much of the cosmic matter they encounter along the way into their bodies. At the same time, they will use their own powerful pulling power to attract some surrounding stars. , including small and medium-sized suns, are gradually pulled within the scope of the accretion disk, and then slowly swallowed and digested.

However, this instinctive devouring behavior is only a way for black holes to replenish their own energy. In addition, the black hole family will also use its powerful abilities to find ways to bring more material energy to the star. After all, the star is powerful. Yes, the benefits to them are obvious.

Therefore, the black hole people are accustomed to collecting various interstellar materials from all over the universe and putting them into the accretion disk of their own star. They know that sooner or later, these materials will enter the black hole's material and energy circulation system. And transform it into useful material energy in your own living environment, such as ores, fertile land, clear water sources, black stones for cultivation, etc.!

It can be said that this behavior pattern of the Black Hole people is also based on instinct. However, generally speaking, they collect some waste materials in the universe and improve their own environmental conditions through recycling and reuse of waste materials. This is actually a very important thing. Good things, just like Li Yun and Xiao Xing like to collect scraps. On the one hand, they can eliminate some cause and effect for the universe and reduce the entropy value. On the other hand, they can bring more benefits to themselves.

However, no matter which race you are in, there will always be some people who just want to mess around, want to seek personal gain, want to get more benefits in a shorter time, etc. After all, wherever there is life, there will be competition, and there will be the weak and the strong. , the strong are respected.

For example, this time Li Yun and Xiaoxing discovered that this is the case with the black hole family hidden in the core of the Tailao Galaxy. Since their civilization level is lower than that of the large black hole hidden in the core of the Tiangang Galaxy, they are collecting the universe In terms of waste, it is much more active than the core black hole of the Tiangang Galaxy!

Moreover, Xiaoxing also discovered that the Thai black hole clan sometimes collects some so-called "waste" that is not waste and puts it into the accretion disk!

In other words, they have violated the rules of behavior that should be followed, and have forcibly captured some good and smoothly running material energy and put it into the "melting pot" of the accretion disk to accelerate the growth of the star. Absorb and grow…

But in terms of Tiangang Black Hole, Xiaoxing has not noticed the occurrence of this situation yet. It can be seen that there are some problems with the character of the Tailao Black Hole Clan. Maybe they want to catch up with the Tiangang Black Hole Clan faster and get more useful information faster. Material energy, so there is some unscrupulousness.

If Li Yun's suspicion becomes reality, then the Tailao Black Hole Clan should be the one who provokes the conflict between the Tiangang Star Spirit and the Tailao Star Spirit!

Why do you say this way?

Because if a war breaks out between two stars, it will cause violent turbulence in the star fields and planets around the two stars, and produce a large amount of interstellar garbage. A considerable part of this garbage will be attracted by the huge pulling force of the black hole and become its food. !

The Tailao Black Hole Clan will not do it themselves, because they do not want to be involved in too much karma. This is also detrimental to them and the planet, because from the way of heaven, the main thing they can involve is the waste in the universe. If they do it themselves, they will suck it. Star matter that moves just right will "foul", but if they do it for others, they can greatly weaken this causal relationship.

Therefore, if the Tailao Black Hole Clan provokes a conflict between the two star spirits, and then releases information about Tiangang Star to attract more forces to pay attention to this starry sky, it may trigger a war, and the huge amount of energy produced after the war will Interstellar matter can be said to be their trophy, the food they want most!

Therefore, the Black Hole Clan has this motive to do this. Li Yun and Xiaoxing have now seen this clearly, so they want to investigate the origins of the conflict between the two stars to determine which Black Hole Clan is behind it. Inside, they are fanning the flames and sowing dissension...

Of course, this is what they are interested in doing. As for the various races on the Tiangang and Tailao planets, since they have not really come into contact with this level so far, they have not considered this aspect, including two The protoss themselves did not realize that the conflict with the other party might just be used by others, starting from a small misunderstanding...

Xiaoxing locked the monitors of the advanced high-energy network on the two black hole families. At the same time, it also put more micro-monitors into the two black holes to learn more secrets of their inner space world. For Xiaoxing, now it is necessary to It is easy to do this. After all, the level of these two black hole stars is not high. In the black hole family, they may not even be considered medium-sized. They can only be called small black holes.

While this monitoring mission was going on, Xiaoxing also started his great career of speculating real estate on Tiangang Star!

However, he soon discovered that it was really difficult to imitate Li Yun's operation on Tailao Star. The reason was the lack of talent!

You must know that the Xingyun Fort led by Li Yun has a large number of talents that they have cultivated for a long time. No matter which field there is a large number of top talents, all kinds of Taoism are available, inexhaustible, and small Xing's Tianyun World brings very few talents. Most of them were recently recruited near Tiangang Star. It can be said that these people have not even had real contact with the Xingyun Castle civilization and have not been well integrated.

Therefore, like Li Yun, it has become a problem to acquire a large amount of land across the planet, create a good supporting environment, and create a reputation to attract passenger traffic!

Although the level of racial civilization near Tiangang Star is still quite high, it is far inferior to the civilization of Xingyun Castle. This makes Xiaoxing feel a sense of collapse, because to cultivate these people, he can make himself It will take a long time to use it smoothly, and the gap between this time makes the gap between myself and Li Yun almost irreparable...

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