The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3734 Green Maple Demon

While the two were talking, Zhan Feng had already separated a spiritual mark, and walked around Tiangang Academy. Finally, he locked the location of the library hall and flew over, and then quietly attached to Tang Shixiong who was checking the information...

"Eh?! This person..." Zhan Feng's expression changed and he screamed!

Guan Zhongshan saw it and asked quickly: "How is it?"

"He is not Tang Shixiong, but..." Zhan Feng pondered.

"Oh my god... who is he?!!!" Guan Zhongshan felt bad. He didn't expect that things were really different. If this person was not Tang Shixiong, then who was he? And where did Tang Shixiong really go?

"Qingfeng Demon!!!" Zhan Feng said loudly. x33 novel first release

"Qing Maple Demon?!!!" Guan Zhongshan's expression changed drastically and he almost fell to the ground...

The Green Maple Demon is one of the top ten famous demons in the magic world. He is extremely good at using poison. He is notorious in Tiangang Star. Even children will cry and stay awake. Just mention that the Green Maple Demon is coming. Will be frightened into silence...

Guan Zhongshan is naturally not a child, but he knows more about the power and destructive power of the Qingfeng Demon and has a deeper understanding. He knows that the Qingfeng Demon is by no means comparable to those big demons who are promoted through elixirs. His combat power is definitely among the top ten in the magic world. Fortunately, when he noticed something was wrong with Tang Shixiong, he did not act impulsively to check on him. Instead, he calmed down and asked Zhan Feng for help. Otherwise, the situation at this time may have been beyond control...

But he still asked worriedly: "Elder, can the Qingfeng Demon discover your divine consciousness mark?"

Zhan Feng did not act arrogant, but said confidently: "Don't worry, my mark of divine consciousness was noticed by Yan Wei, Duoduo, Shi Du, Simba and others before. Now I have learned my lesson. Great efforts have been made to hide the mark of divine consciousness, and it is impossible to detect it with the ability of the Green Maple Demon."

Upon hearing this, Guan Zhongshan said excitedly: "That's great. I wonder what information he went to the Library Hall to inquire about? Does he have any other accomplices?"

"Don't worry, the connection between me and the mark of divine consciousness is not instantaneous, but will be transmitted once in a while. Unless there is an emergency, he will transmit information quickly, but that will greatly consume its energy and cool down the charge. The time will be much longer..." Zhan Feng said.

"So that's it..." Guan Zhongshan suddenly realized and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Now he wished he could keep an eye on the Qingfeng Demon all the time, because he knew that if the Qingfeng Demon really took action, it would be able to kill a large number of students in a relatively short period of time. He died of poisoning. Such a loss is completely unbearable by the college and the Tiangang clan...

Of course Zhan Feng knows this, but he has nothing to do. After all, this is the limit of his ability. Unless he organizes manpower to besiege and capture the Qingfeng Demon now, however, everyone knows how difficult it is to catch these big demons. As long as they If you really want to escape, you are unlikely to be caught, and you may suffer greater losses. After all, Qingfeng's Demonic Poison Skill is very powerful. If you are not careful, you may be hurt by his poison. Therefore, if you want to catch To catch the Green Maple Demon, we must have a foolproof strategy...

After thinking about it, Zhan Feng simply sent a message and called Ding Pengfei over. In addition, he also sent a message to Tong Yi. This matter is definitely a big event. I am afraid that the high-end combat power of the clan must be concentrated to make a successful sniper attack. Qingfeng Demon…

Tong Yi was also shocked when he received the information about Qingfeng Demon from Xiaogang. He didn't expect that Qingfeng Demon actually sneaked into Tiangang Academy, and the original instructor Tang Shixiong probably had a problem too!

"Xiao Gang, do you have any information about Tang Shixiong's soul lamp?" Tong Yi asked.

"Master, wait a moment... Tang Shixiong's soul lamp has not been extinguished, and its condition is not bad, so the lantern keeper did not notice anything abnormal..." Xiao Gang said.

"No abnormality? So the Green Maple Demon did not kill Tang Shixiong, and the Tang Shixiong who appears in the academy is just the Green Maple Demon in disguise?" Tong Yi thought.

"Master's guess must be correct! After all, his purpose is to replace Tang Shixiong in the academy. If Tang Shixiong is killed, the lampkeeper will definitely find out and report it, which will not be beneficial to his next actions!" Xiao Gang agreed.

"Well, it makes sense. Judging from the information sent by Dean Guan, Tang Shixiong returned to the academy not long ago. That period happened to be a critical time when the demons were preparing to attack the capital. After the siege broke out, the academy The teleportation array was destroyed, it seems that the Qingfeng Demon must have done this!" Tong Yi speculated.

"Yes, Qingfeng Demon must have learned the location of the teleportation array from Tang Shixiong. It is extremely easy to destroy it...but..."

"But what?"

"Since Qingfeng Demon has sneaked into the academy, why didn't he just poison and kill people? Isn't his main purpose to kill the geniuses of our Tiangang clan?" Xiao Gang asked curiously.

"Poisoning to kill? It's not that easy. Tiangang Academy is one of the most strictly protected places for our clan. It is difficult to poison. Moreover, regardless of the large number of people in the academy, in fact, compared to the space of the academy, In other words, the population distribution is quite scattered and sparse. After all, such a large space could originally accommodate billions of lives and development, but now there are less than three million people practicing in it, and the people have been extremely dispersed to various places far apart. Among the mountains, so even if the Qingfeng Demon is not afraid of being exposed and attacks as soon as he comes, the number of people he can poison is quite limited. Once a poisoning incident occurs, he will be exposed immediately. Think about it, there are two people in the space There are supreme elders, each of whom is stronger than him, as well as Dean Guan and other sword masters. If they seal off the space and catch turtles in an urn, the Green Maple Demon will have no way of escaping..." Tong Yi analyzed.

"But since he dared to sneak in, he should have a way to escape from that space, right?" Xiao Gang said.

"Yes, he must have space treasures such as the Great Teleportation Talisman or the Great Teleportation Talisman on hand, but the premise is that the academy space is not sealed. If he is exposed, then even if he has these treasures, he will not be able to use them when the time comes. You can't escape!" Tong Yi said. ⿴χ33 novels are updated the fastest. Mobile version: んττρs:/м.χ33χs.cΘм/ヽ.

When Xiao Gang heard this, he couldn't help but said excitedly: "So, he has been discovered by us now, can we catch him in the jar?"

Tong Yi smiled and said: "That's not necessarily the case. Do you think it's so easy to seal off the academy space? To be honest, such a large space cannot be sealed at all. Therefore, if you want to truly catch the Green Maple Demon, you must prepare in advance. First Arrange an anti-aircraft formation so that he cannot escape, and then capture him..."

"Master, I understand. The sealed space you just mentioned refers to sealing a local space. It is best to prepare in advance and lure him into it to capture him!" Xiao Gang said.

"Well said! Xiaogang is getting smarter and smarter!" Tong Yi praised.

"Thank you, Master! By the way, Dean Guan and the others just sent another message, saying that the Qingfeng Demon is staying in the library hall and is looking for information about Tiangang Tower. Judging from his appearance, he seems to want to know more about our Tiangang Tower. The secret of the secret realm…”

"Tiangang Tower?" Tong Yi was startled.

This secret realm is just a trial venue prepared for the students of the academy. It is nothing to a transcendent realm demon like Qingfeng Demon. Why does he want to know about Tiangang Tower?

"Master, Tiangang Tower is preparing to start up recently!" Xiao Gang said.

"What? I remember that the last time Tiangang Tower was activated was a hundred years ago, right? Why is it activated again so soon?" Tong Yi asked curiously.

"Tiangang Academy is holding a student competition this time. Anyone who ranks among the top 1,000 in the three student competitions can enter the Tiangang Tower for trials. This is a major reward specially launched this time. It is a great reward for the students. It’s very exciting!” Xiao Gang said.

"So that's it... there are 1,000 students in the third year, so there are 33,000 students in the 33rd year, and they are all talented disciples selected from the best. No wonder the Qingfeng Demon will look up the information of Tiangang Pagoda..." Tong Yi sighed .

He knew that the Qingfeng Demon did not want to poison people on every mountain peak. That would be too inefficient and would easily expose himself. As a big demon, it would be a joke to escape from Tiangang Academy just after causing such damage. , Therefore, what Qingfeng Demon wants to seize is the opportunity like Tiangang Tower!

Indeed, Tiangang Tower is just a secret trial realm for students. For Qingfeng Demon, as long as he knows some basic information about it, he can come and go freely. On the day of trial, he can hide in it and take action. , the lives of those 33,000 genius students will be left in the tower without any explanation. What a terrible blow this will be to Tiangang Academy and the Tiangang Clan?

Only such a record can reflect the value of Qingfeng Demon, and it is also the capital he can show off!

If so many big demons in the past attacked the Tiangang capital and the elves but all failed, and Qingfeng Demon alone achieved such great achievements, then Qingfeng Demon's status among the demonic forces will definitely increase significantly. This may be Qingfeng Demon. The main reason why demons dare to sneak into Tiangang Academy to cause trouble...

Tong Yi couldn't sit still. The destructive power of the Green Maple Demon was simply greater than the twenty-nine big demons that appeared in front of him. Maybe the god-level poison he was poisoned was also related to the Green Maple Demon. It might be What he developed may have been provided to him by Shi Du, Simba and others, but if Shi Du and Simba wanted to provide god-level poisons to the demonic forces, they must have used poison experts like Qingfeng Demon as an intermediary. Only then can both parties reach a consensus!

So, does Qingfeng Demon have an antidote?

If there is, this is still an excellent opportunity to obtain an antidote, which is much faster than Dongfangbai's team developing it.

In the current situation, there is no doubt that the sooner the antidote is obtained, the more beneficial it will be for the righteous forces.

Tong Yi originally planned to ask Ling Daozi for the antidote, but as good news continued to come from the Dongfangbai team, it seemed that the antidote would not be too far away, so he suppressed the urge. After all, Ling Daozi had recently appeared. He has too much strength. If he asks for the antidote again, it will appear that people like him are greedy and extremely incompetent. They have to rely on him for everything. This will make him have no confidence when facing Ling Daozi, and he will even lose his head. Can't lift it up...

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