The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 372 The Demon Tribe’s Plan

"Well, in this case, the competition will probably be extremely fierce. I wonder who else might stand out?" Li Yunqi said.

"In addition to Yingji, Yang Qian and Gu Buyi, there are also Qi Ren and Peng Fei from Tiezhi Mountain, Zhou Nan and Shen Rujun from Yin Yue Valley, Jiang Ying from Star Sword Sect, Zhong Hua and Gong Cheng from Xia Yang Clan, worshipers Xiong Zhuang and Ding Liu from the Stone Sect, Su Heng from the Tiandu Mountain, Tao Quan from the Divine Artifact Pavilion, Zhang Ben from the Flame Spear, Jiang Lang from the Tiandao Sect, Luo Kuang from the Five Talisman Sect... Of course, not including the Qingyuan Sect disciples."

"It seems that there are quite a lot of people. Hua Ping from Tianji Palace is quite busy..."

"That's right. This competition happens to be held right under his nose, so he can naturally observe it carefully. However, his idea of ​​observing you will definitely come to nothing."

"Haha, I just want to watch the fun."

"Master, those advanced version of all-round suits need to be familiar to the players before they can perform well in the competition..." said.

"This...actually there is no need to give high-level suits at all. Just use the low-level versions of the suits like everyone else." Li Yun muttered.

"But why?"

"Giving high-level suits can easily make them develop a mentality of dependence and neglect their own cultivation. Moreover, according to my opinion, Qingyuan Sect does not need to achieve any good results at all. It only needs to be average and not be deprived of resources."

"Oh? Don't you want the Qingyuan Sect to become famous in the Star Reaching Competition?"

"Haha, becoming famous in a competition of this level has almost no meaning for the Qingyuan Sect. With the current strength of the Qingyuan Sect, it is enough to dominate Daxia. These disciples, if they wear high-end suits, can almost sweep away all the other disciples. Disciple of the sect.”

"What the master said is true. However, you don't care about the name. Tu Zhenzi and the others care about it very much. Even Ming Kongzi is very worried about it..."

"Well, their vision is too narrow. They just want to dominate this small place in Daxia. Little do they know that Qi Shi is waiting for this opportunity to make a fortune, and even those demon clans seem to be ready to make a move!"

His consciousness swept across several light curtains to the side, and he saw a dozen demon clan leaders discussing in secret on the horizon.

Among them was Kun Qiang, the leader of the Black Bat clan who was repelled by the Qingyuan Sect with a crystal cannon last time.

In addition, Li Yun has already known about the other demon clans through the network of spiritual consciousness.

In addition to Heishan and others from the Xianghu tribe who were imprisoned in the space stone by him, there were also Ao Gu from the Silver-winged Wolf tribe, Ona from the Flying Leopard tribe, Qing Kui from the Heavenly Bee tribe, and Lan Xi from the Golden-backed Bear tribe. , Chi Hun of the mountain ape tribe...

The cultivation level of these demon clan leaders is almost all above the demon school level, which is equivalent to the cultivation level of human Nascent Soul and above, and their strength is extraordinary.

After these people led their demon clan team into Daxia, they searched almost every corner of Daxia's cultivation world, but found nothing. They found no trace of the eggs of the Sky-Swallowing Douchi.

On the contrary, they provoked many conflicts throughout Daxia, fighting against the human immortals, and even fighting among themselves, resulting in heavy losses.

Due to the extremely harmful nature of the Heavenly Bee Clan, they were also vigorously suppressed by the Great Zhou Cultivation Patrol. Now there are only a small number of Heavenly Bee clans led by a demon school Qingkui.

Now, these demon clan finally realized that they could not continue like this, so they got together to discuss countermeasures.

Kun Qiang, who has the highest level of cultivation and is a junior demon master, is the leader among this group of people. He said loudly: "Everyone, the eggs of the Sky-Swallowing Touhou must have been obtained by someone from a certain human race's immortal sect, otherwise it would be impossible to find them until now. No. Everyone, hurry up and think of a way to get it back into the hands of our demon clan?"

"Hmph, we must first decide how to divide it up after we get it. Otherwise, wouldn't everyone's work be in vain?" Ao Gu said.


"That makes sense!"

"Let's settle it first!"

Others echoed.

Qing Kui said loudly: "The Tiantian Double belongs to our clan's demon general Kui Ya, and it should be returned to its original owner. However, in view of the current situation, we do not force it, but at least half of it should be returned to our clan!"

"That's impossible! There isn't much in the first place. If you take half of it, how will the others share it?!" Kun Qiang immediately retorted.

These people quarreled for a while, and finally decided on the share ratio, and the topic quickly turned to how to find it.

"I have a plan to get the human immortals who have the eggs of the Sky-Swallowing Insect to donate them automatically!" Ao Gu said with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh? I wonder if Brother Ao has any clever ideas?!" Kun Qiang asked urgently.

"According to the information, half a month later, the human race will hold a star-catching competition in Longyefang City in western Daxia. Each sect will send elite disciples to participate in the competition. By then, as long as we capture all these elite disciples and use them as hostages, we can also Are you afraid they won’t hand it over obediently?”

"This... is indeed a good plan!" Kun Qiang thought for a moment and praised.

"No! Longyefang City has the background of Yuanfangzhai and Tianlaiyuan. If we attack directly, we may offend them." Chi Hun said.

"In that case, let's wait until the game is over before we intercept them!" Ao Gu said fiercely.

"Good plan!"

The leaders of these demon tribes immediately began to discuss secretly.

Li Yun was paying attention to the secret discussions of the leaders of this group of demon clans, and suddenly thought of the group of golden-winged ants that were sent out earlier. Counting the time, they should have almost reached the world of beasts by now.

However, even so, it will still be a long time before they explode and the message is transmitted, and there may be other monsters on the way.

The chaos of the demon clan cannot stop for the time being.

If they were allowed to succeed in this plan, I am afraid that these talented disciples in Daxia would suffer losses.

"Master, why not ask Xuan Dongmu to go out and capture them one by one to search for their souls!" Xiaoxing suggested.

"Haha, these demon clan teams are the best training opponents for the Qingyuan fleet. It would be a waste to catch them like this."

"That's right. But, master, do you want to catch him now or after the competition?"

"Now that they are together, it is not easy to catch them. When they separate to intercept each team after the competition, we will defeat them one by one!"

"Hehe, there will be a good show to watch then!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Not bad. Huh? The sect called me to a meeting? Just let them prepare..."

Li Yun stepped out and headed towards the Qingyuan Hall.

When I came to the hall, I found that the four Jindan Patriarchs and Yiqian Core were there, so I sat down next to Wuyouzi.

When Tuzhenzi saw Li Yun's arrival, everyone gathered together and said, "There is still half a month before the Star Reaching Competition, and we have to start preparing to set off. I don't know if you have any other thoughts about this competition, but feel free to tell me!"

"Master, I wonder who the final candidate of our sect is?" Wu Fengzi asked urgently.

Everyone also looked at Tuzhenzi curiously.

The competition list is related to the honor of each peak, so these people are naturally more concerned about it.

"Well, the list may not be finalized until the last minute, but it will definitely be players within the top 20 on the third list..." Dozhenko pondered.

"Master, why don't you confirm it in advance? This allows the players to practice and compete with peace of mind..." Wu Fengzi asked curiously.

"This matter has been discussed by the four of us. Not confirming it in advance is conducive to confidentiality. In addition, during this period, many players are still in the breakthrough stage. They may break through just before the game. By then, their strength will be greatly increased, and they can compete. Competition!" Dozhenzi explained.

"That makes sense..." Everyone nodded slightly and agreed.

Indeed, for young disciples, sometimes after a breakthrough, their strength is completely different from what it was before, and the variables are extremely variable.

Mu Zhenzi waved his hand, and a light curtain flashed, saying: "This is the list of the top twenty disciples so far. In this competition, these twenty people will be brought there."

When everyone took a look, they found that although the competition among the three rankings was extremely fierce, in the end, the recognized strong ones still squeezed into the top twenty.

Among them, there are Cai Sheng and Dai Jie from Wu Qi Peak, Chen Jian from Wu Qi Peak, Chen Feng from Wu Beast Peak, Lu Zhen and Ye Bo from Wu Fu Peak, Xu Feng from Wu Zhen Peak, and Hua Ru from Wu Hua Peak. Yun, there are also talented disciples such as Zi Qi, Chu Nan, Zhang Xiu, Xianyue, Hua Fan, Ye Mao, etc.

Xianxian is no longer on the list due to well-known reasons.

"Master, it seems that our young disciple's strength has greatly increased, and he will definitely be able to show off his power in this competition!" Wu Caizi complimented.

"Haha! That's right! This time we must go all out to avoid the shame of previous years!" Tuzhenzi laughed.

"Wu Cai, we disciples need the best equipment!" Bizhenzi said with a smile.

"Don't worry, ancestor, the best equipment is of course reserved for our own disciples. This is a major advantage of our Qingyuan Sect." Wu Caizi responded with a smile.

"Yun'er, I remember you said at that time that the all-round suit for sale was the lowest version. I wonder if there is a more advanced version for our participating disciples to equip?" Tuzhenzi asked.

He has been keeping an eye on this matter for a long time, and of course he wanted to ask about it now.

"Ancestor, the leader, there are more advanced suits, but I think they are unnecessary," Li Yun said.

"Oh? But why?" Tuzhenzi was slightly startled.

"Wearing high-end suits will give the opponent an unfair feeling and make him appear weak. In addition, once players have high-end suits, they will relax their vigilance psychologically and give their opponents an opportunity. It will also affect Self-cultivation..."


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

What Li Yun said is very reasonable, but if you look at it purely from the perspective of pursuing results, it is tantamount to damaging your own skills.

You know, in order to achieve good results in the competition, each sect will do everything possible, and they will not let the best equipment be used by the players.

"Yun'er, the competition is extremely fierce. Our opponents will not be grateful for our fair competition attitude. Instead, they will laugh at us for having good things but not using them." Bizhenzi sighed.

"What the ancestor said is reasonable. However, in fact, the disciples feel that our Qingyuan Sect does not need to fight for this false reputation. It is better to let the young disciples go up to compete and regard it as an opportunity for them to practice." Li Yun expressed his position. .

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Li Yun in surprise, wondering why he said this.

However, Li Yun's current position in the Qingyuan Sect is quite unique, and his words are very important, so they have to take them seriously.

……(To be continued.)u

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