The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3688 Tong Yi’s 3 plans

Of course, in order to obtain this silver-class fleet, the Tiangang Clan military had to spend almost as much money as could be used to build a gold-class fleet. This made Guan Qizhi feel a little sad. The combat power of a gold fleet was equivalent to The combat power of ten silver fleets of the same grade. For example, one high-grade gold fleet is equivalent to the combat power of ten high-grade silver fleets. This is equivalent to the Tiangang military spending nine times more money to bid for this silver fleet. It is indeed Blood loss!

So Guan Qizhi could only hope in his heart that there would be some unexpected gains after spending such a huge price, otherwise he would really be in a loss!

It can be said that the Tiangang tribe's military bid for this foreign fleet was entirely out of strategic considerations, and the amount of money was put second. This is still different from the position and starting point of other ethnic groups in Tiangang Star.

After all, the Tiangang tribe has great wealth and strength, and firmly occupies the position of the first race on the Tiangang planet. They can do things more as they please, and their perspective and perspective on problems are also different from other races.

Tong Yi saw the bidding results in the special space and shook his head helplessly. He knew that in this bidding, all participants were losers, and the only winner was Wanzhen Pavilion, or to be more precise. It's Ling Daozi!

Ling Daozi's launch of such a fleet for auction at this time is completely in tune with the psychology of the Tiangang military. If only one or two spaceships are launched, then the Tiangang military can wait and idle, but a fleet as a whole is launched Once he comes out, the Tiangang Clan military will not be able to let him go!

Because this is immediate combat power, as long as you get it, it means an increase in combat power. It is much more vivid and useful than the money placed in the account. If you ignore it, if something unexpected happens in the future, this matter will definitely be dealt with. People use it as a handle and are used to make articles.

Therefore, when Guan Qizhi learned this information, he immediately discussed with Tong Yi and decided early on to take action. However, they did not expect that the final transaction price would be so high, nor did they expect that at the auction There are actually forces who want to take over this entire fleet, and are pushing the price all the way up!

Since this was an auction at Wanzhen Pavilion, and those VIP spaces had no way of knowing who was among them, Tong Yi and Guan Qizhi had no choice but to grit their teeth and shout until the other party gave up...

Tong Yi is not without doubts in his heart. Could this be the result of Ling Daozi's manipulation?

Could the person who had been bidding with Guan Qizhi be arranged by Wanzhen Pavilion? Use this to deliberately bid with the Tiangang Clan military to raise the auction price?

However, Tong Yi thought about it and realized that this possibility was almost zero, because the people participating in the bidding had made crazy moves in the front and collected many auction items, and the momentum in the back was completely determined to win, which was different from the previous ones. The crazy state is exactly the same!

If this is a trick done by Wanzhen Pavilion itself, then how to explain the previous bidding behaviors?

Wanzhen Pavilion won't be afraid that the auction items will fall into the hands of others and will take all of them by itself, right? With Ling Daozi’s money-obsessed nature,

He won't do this kind of loss-making business...

In addition, this kind of behind-the-scenes operation is despised by many businesses. Once it is discovered, the reputation will be ruined. Generally speaking, no one will do this. With Ling Daozi's level, it is impossible for him to do this. There is no need to do this. Based on Tong Yi's understanding of Ling Daozi, it will be a matter of time for Ling Daozi to become the richest man in the Tiangang clan. Even if he becomes the richest man in the entire Tiangang planet, it is probably not too far away...

As his contact with Ling Daozi increased, his understanding of Ling Daozi also gradually increased. Now he understood that the so-called extraterrestrial objects introduced by Ling Daozi were actually very likely to come from the power of Ling Daozi. hand.

But since it has not been possible to find out where the force of Ling Daozi is so far? How did it develop? What products do you have? And through what channels to open up the market, etc., so Tong Yi simply cannot find out the details of Ling Daozi's power...

But Tong Yi believed in his own judgment, and it was proven last time. On the day of the robe auction, Ling Daozi told others that those robes were unique, but when he asked him for it, Ling Daozi said yes. Immediately tailor-made for him. It can be seen that Ling Daozi has a huge power. This power can not only design and refine many unprecedented products, but also refine an advanced fleet!

For a force that can do this, it cannot be described as just a big force. Even if it is called a super force, it is not an exaggeration at all!

Not many forces can build high-end spaceships and battleships, and even fewer can build fleets!

In the Tiangang tribe, building high-end spaceships and battleships is also a matter for the entire race. Only by gathering the power of countless forces can we form such a powerful production line. However, it seems that Ling Daozi's force can match the sum of countless forces. This is what really shocked Tong Yi!

He couldn't believe that there was such a terrifying super power in the Tiangang clan. The key problem was that he didn't know anything about it before!

Even Xiaogang's system couldn't catch any clues...

Tong Yi also felt quite helpless about this situation. Although the Xiaogang system was currently being upgraded, he knew that no matter how much the Xiaogang system's capabilities could be improved, it would be impossible to find out the secrets of the forces behind Ling Daozi, because Ling Daozi said last time that the level of civilization he lives in is many times higher than that of the Tiangang Clan. The Tiangang Clan is still unable to truly break through any neutrinos, but he has already broken through the neutrinos, nanoparticles, and extremes. particles, or even primitive particles!

Tong Yi didn't quite understand what Ling Daozi was talking about, but he could infer from Ling Daozi's semantics that some material particles like this seemed to represent signs of some kind of civilization, and breaking through one level meant that the level of civilization increased by one level. level, if the Tiangang Clan can also break through to the highest primary particle state, it might be very powerful. However, there are at least three major barriers to reach the primary particle state: microns, nanons and poles. As for this Among the three major passes, those smaller ones should also be extremely sad, otherwise Ling Daozi would not have specifically pointed out that the Tiangang Clan failed to break through the neutrino barrier.

"What do these material particles mean?" Tong Yi was thinking secretly...

He thinks this issue is very important and needs to be clarified, because with how powerful Ling Daozi is, the important things he thinks must be very important. Maybe this is also one of the difficulties that the Tiangang Clan needs to really overcome!

As a clan leader, you must turn this information into the wealth of your clan...

He thought for a moment and made three plans. The first was to find a wise man from his clan to decipher the message left by Ling Daozi; the second was to explore the details of the forces behind Ling Daozi and seek opportunities for restraint or cooperation; the third was to join the model team, Unravel the mystery left behind by Ling Daozi...

There is an underground space world on Tiangang Star. The temperature here seems to be slightly higher than other underground spaces. The reason is that above it is a large volcano. Under the volcano, the magma is surging and extremely violent. This magma actually contains a lot of Once the Tiangang Stone factor erupts to the surface and then condenses, new Tiangang Stone crystals will be formed over a period of time.

In fact, there are Tiangang rocks almost everywhere on Tiangang planet, which are formed by underground lava erupting to the surface. These rocks are the hotbeds for the formation of Tiangang rocks, and this kind of rock is also the most common stone on Tiangang planet. The level is equivalent to the gravel on other planets, and it is almost invisible to the Tiangang people.

But if these ordinary stones are moved to other outer planets, they will immediately transform into extremely rare Tiangang gems, with immeasurable value!

However, on Tiangang Star, their precious light has been obscured by the special environmental conditions of Tiangang Star. First, the gravity here is extremely strong, so strong that even the light will be converged; second, the brightness of this planet is compared to the surrounding ones. The planet is much higher, so that the light of these gems is also assimilated, and only the higher quality gems can stand out; third, as time goes by, the Tiangang Bao Star has absorbed countless extraterrestrial substances, and these substances have already entered In the natural cycle of the treasure star, of course it is also mixed with the lava of these Tiangang gems. Over time, there are more and more impurities in the rocks, which also weakens the light of the gem factors to a great extent, making it It looks even bleaker.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Tiangang people, gemstones are just like the spiritual stones on other planets. They are also divided into low-grade, medium-grade, top-grade and top-grade gems. Among the gemstones of the same level, there are white light stones and colorful light stones, and their functions are the same as those of other planets. The value is also distinguished.

Of course, they all know that the bedrock that forms gems is also made of good stone and gravel, which is very useful as a building material. If it is moved to other surrounding planets, it will be a priceless treasure, which is the life of those lower races. A high-end treasure that I also want to snatch!

This also makes them despise those lower races even more. Think about it, we can see the sand everywhere, but you are fighting desperately to fight for it. It is simply unreasonable...

If this idea were to be known to people of other races around, they would definitely be so angry that they would vomit blood. This feeling is like the poor hearing the conversation between the rich, saying what is the use of money? We are so poor that all we have left is money...

Under such a ground, the temperature is naturally much higher, so this underground space is under a tropical climate all year round, with vast oceans, dotted islands, endless tropical rainforests, and rich creatures. Of course, the most attractive thing about the population is the flawless white beach. Beautiful shells can be seen everywhere on the beach. If you are lucky, you can see the lively scene of newly hatched baby turtles swarming towards the sea...

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