The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3681 Similar approach but similar approach

When Tong Yi heard Ling Daozi's words, countless questions went through his head instantly...

He found that there was something in Ling Daozi's words, which seemed to remind him of something. In addition, when he heard Ling Daozi compare this galaxy war to a big show, and he was just an actor in the big show, he suddenly felt a little sad...

A majestic clan leader and military god turned into an actor for people to watch. How far apart is this?

Well, this is just a metaphor. Tong Yi doesn't want to argue anymore, because he is very keenly aware of the people mentioned in Ling Daozi's words. Among them, he knows Yan Wei, because Yan Wei is his greatest His opponent is the chief of the Tailao tribe. Although the two sides have not formally met, they have been close friends for a long time. However, Ling Daozi also mentioned Duoduo, Shi Du and Simba. Who are they? !

Tong Yi knew that to be mentioned by Ling Daozi and compared with himself and Yan Wei, they must not be ordinary people, but people who are basically the same level as himself, and may even be higher than him, but such a person Why do I know nothing? What does their appearance have to do with this war? What role did they play in this drama?

Tong Yi suddenly realized that with Ling Daozi's powerful ability, he must be able to obtain much more information than himself, so he noticed the existence of these three people, and these three people must be involved in this big drama, that is, This war is related, who are they? How influential are they?

No, this issue must be understood clearly!

Because these three people should be the three key actors in this drama!

Tong Yi took a deep breath and said: "Xiao Ling, I don't want to interfere with your business now! You can do whatever you want to make a fortune. As long as you don't do anything detrimental to Tiangang Star, I will never interfere with you again. Any method, but can you tell me, who are those three people, Duoduo, Shi Du and Simba?! What have they done?! What roles do they play in this drama?!"

"Hehe, first of all, you can't take care of my affairs. If you do, it will only do great harm to you, without any benefit! A chess player of your level will not make such a bad move, right? Secondly, these three People are indeed the three key actors in this drama as you think, but if I told you, I'm afraid this drama will come to an end soon. Do you think I would do such a boring thing?" Xiaoxing laughed. road.

"You...what do you want to say? No matter what conditions you put forward, as long as we can afford it, I can pay it to you!" Tong Yi said helplessly. He admitted that what Ling Daozi said was reasonable, and he would definitely not If you make such a bad move, aren't you looking for death?

However, if Ling Daozi really didn't tell him and just wanted to watch the excitement from the sidelines, wouldn't it mean that Tiangang Star's current situation is extremely passive?

Because these three important actors themselves knew nothing about it,

How else can this battle be fought? !

"Are you telling the truth?! No matter what the conditions are?!" Xiaoxing teased.

"Yes, no matter what the conditions are, of course, the premise is that we can afford it..." Tong Yi said with certainty.

"Haha, do you just believe what I say? What if I randomly named other characters?" Xiao Xing said happily.

"This..." Tong Yi was startled and was speechless...

Think about it carefully, yes, why do you believe Ling Daozi's words so much? This kid is very naughty, and I can't see through it. He is most likely playing a trick on me...

But what if what he said was true?

If you think what he said is not true, you may not need to pay him anything and you can preserve Tiangang Xing's face. But if what he said is true, you have missed this opportunity to obtain valuable information, and you may lose money in the end. It will be a thousand times the price paid to him...

At this point, Tong Yi, as the clan leader and military god, still had a clear idea. He thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: "No matter what, I still choose to believe it! Please make some conditions!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that the patriarch would value what I said so much. Don't you know that I love money? Aren't you afraid that I, the lion, will open my mouth?"

"Don't be afraid! Of course, the premise is that we can afford it..." Tong Yi said decisively.

"Please, even if you can afford it, the prerequisite is whether I am willing to tell you, right? As I said just now, I just want to watch a big show now. I don't want this big show to be invisible because of my own reasons. You have to know There are many people waiting to see, so, clan leader, you better not let me lead you astray, just do what you have always wanted to do, I am still busy here, bye..." Xiaoxing hummed.

"Bye bye?" Tong Yi was startled when he heard this. He didn't know what Ling Daozi meant. Did he want to worship him? This is impossible. When has this kid ever worshiped himself? Now he has reduced himself to an actor, almost calling himself a fool. However, listening to his conversation with Ye Pengfei, he has already described himself as a reckless man, so the difference is not too big...

After not hearing Ling Daozi speak for a long time, Tong Yi realized that "bye" most likely meant "goodbye". This kid actually ignored him and went to the auction. Didn't he know that he felt sorry for those three people? How important is personal information?

"Ling Daozi, come back to me quickly!!!" Tong Yi yelled.

"What's wrong? Didn't you see that the auction of robes has set another record?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"Record? You know money, money, money! No matter how much money you have, it's just a number, it means nothing!" Tong Yi said angrily.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the patriarch could say such philosophical words! However, for me, the more money, the better. As long as the money is earned through my intelligence, it is meaningful, because I can experience endless happiness from it. ! This is just like you like killing people, you like watching life wither like flowers in front of you, you like watching those low-level beings crawling in front of you and begging for mercy, you like the pleasure of looking down on all living beings from above, you like hands You like the intense satisfaction brought by tearing apart the enemy. You like blood and bones to fill your dry heart. You like those cries before death to fill your empty soul... You enjoy it endlessly on the battlefield. The more the better, isn't it precisely because killing can give you Does it bring such strong excitement and pleasure? So my making money is the same as your killing, so don’t tell anyone..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"You... I kill people not because I like it, not for the pursuit of pleasure, but to protect the Tiangang Star and the Tiangang Clan!" Tong Yi retorted.

"Don't give yourself these high-sounding reasons! Maybe you really killed people in the first place to protect your race. You thought you were just, so you killed without any scruples and moved forward bravely! But, after you killed a thousand people After 10,000 people, 100,000 people, one million people, 10 million people or even 100 million people, do you really think you are still fighting for justice? If you don’t like killing, can you always insist on doing this? Is it okay? When you entered the battlefield bravely, you may still be an ignorant and passionate young man, but after you walked through the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, your heart has been hardened, your blood has been cold, and your The soul has withered, and there is no mercy in your eyes... Human life has become a number in your eyes, without any meaning!" Xiaoxing said coldly.

"This..." Tong Yi was startled, and his whole body froze!

Ling Daozi's words were like a sword piercing his body, making him really feel a trace of pain spreading in his body...

Could he really be a murderer?

Could it be that my heart has become hardened, my blood has become cold, and my soul has died?

If this were true, wouldn't he now be a walking zombie without any meaning in life?


Tong Yi suddenly felt that his mind was a little lost, not good! ! !

He quickly forced himself to concentrate and drove out Ling Daozi's words. He knew that Ling Daozi's words were not trivial. If it were not him, but someone else, he would have been defeated by him by now!

Awesome, so awesome!

A powerful person like him could almost collapse with words alone. What else could he not do?

Tong Yi didn't dare to talk to Ling Daozi anymore, nor did he dare to watch any auctions. At this moment, he concentrated on starting a small retreat to avoid being led astray by Ling Daozi...

"Small, if you dare to flirt with me casually, I'll make you miserable and end it on your own..." Xiaoxing smiled proudly, but she stopped attacking Tong Yi and turned her mind back to the auction.

At this time, the auction of robes continued to set off waves of frenzy, and new auction records were set again and again. Of course, those who could obtain the robes were almost all people sitting in the VIP space, and the people in the hall could only join in. Join in the fun and watch with dumbfounded eyes what is happening in front of you...

Since the VIP spaces are all confidential, no one knows who owns those robes in the end, but there are several voices that ring frequently and are still remembered by people. Although these voices have been changed, the male or female voices are different. The sound can still be heard, and people found that one of the female voices screamed very frequently and got a lot of robes. Many beautiful robes fell into this person's hands.

Others fell into the other voices. It can be seen that these people are not short of money, and they are well prepared for bidding this time, otherwise they would not be able to carry so much money with them...

Xiaoxing was secretly happy. Of course he knew who these people were. He mentioned to Tong Yi that the four people Yan Wei, Duoduo, Shi Du and Simba were not without purpose, because this time they are all here!

If I reveal this news to Tong Yi, I am afraid that no matter how well-prepared they are, they will not be able to escape from Tiangang Star. Then this galaxy war will probably end without any problem. Of course, it may also evolve into the other extreme, that is, Tiangang Team can easily Slaughter all the races on Tailao Star...

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