The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3648 Fair Competition

After hearing the Lord God's question, Tong Yi thought for a moment and said, "Could it be that the Tailao tribe is doing something strange?"

"That's right! There are some abnormal celestial phenomena, but these celestial phenomena are quite strange and somewhat invisible..." the Lord God said with a frown.

"Oh? I'm really interested in the stars that the Lord God can't see through..." Tong Yi was startled and couldn't help but say.

But when the Lord raised his hand, a three-dimensional star diagram appeared in the space. The shining Tiangang star in the middle was dazzling, and around the star, there were many more star fields...

Tong Yi glanced at it, suddenly startled slightly, and thought: "Lord God, did you fail to complete this astrological map?"

"Not everything? What do you think is missing?" the Lord God asked.

"There should be the Rose Star Territory here, the Sawtooth Star Territory here, the Gray Wolf Star Territory here... and the Mulan Star Territory here. This place has the Red Dragon Star Territory, the Blue Bird Star Territory, the Spotted Elephant Star Territory, Clouded Leopard Starfield..." Tong Yi quickly reported a list of names.

The Lord God nodded slightly and said, "You remember clearly, but..."

"But what?!" Tong Yi asked urgently.

"Your heart is... uncertain?" The Lord God did not answer directly. Instead, he stared at Tong Yi and said suspiciously.

"'s okay..." Tong Yi was startled and muttered.

"No! I just lost dozens of star fields. With your character, it is impossible to be affected by it, but your emotions seem to be wrong..." the Lord God said.

"This... Lord God sees something wrong with me?" Tong Yi asked directly.

"You...are emotional!" The Lord God suddenly said in surprise.

"Emotional? How is that possible?!" Tong Yi was stunned and quickly denied it.

"We star spirits are the most sensitive to the nature of life. You don't have to deny it. In fact, this is not a bad thing. After all, you have been living alone and you are very lonely. As time goes by, it will make you more callous and ruthless towards the world. , unable to feel warmth and love, turning into an emotionless killing tool..." the Lord God said slowly.

Tong Yi was completely stunned when he heard this!

He suddenly realized that what the Lord God said was right. He had been alone for such a long time, and his personality seemed to have become more withdrawn and arrogant. He was not interested in anything. Apart from studying the art of chess and the way to lead an army in war, he had already lost his mind. No matter how much love there is, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is now a killing tool...

"Have I really become so terrible now?" Tong Yi asked helplessly.

"On this Tiangang Treasure Star, I'm afraid I'm the only one who can say such things to you. If I don't say it, do you think others will tell you the truth?" The Lord God snorted.

"How dare they not tell me the truth?" Tong Yi also snorted.

"Look at you, no matter what the occasion is now, the whole audience will be silent when you appear. You can even hear the sound of the embroidery needle falling. You are the one who speaks your mind at the meeting. How can others dare to say nothing about you? ? Do you think this is appropriate?" the Lord God said.

"That is…"

"what is that?"

"They are all a bunch of idiots! If I didn't control the overall situation, how could they have a good life?" Tong Yi said harshly.

"Really? Then why did I hear that you have failed miserably in the chess game you are best at recently?" the Lord God said coldly.

"This..." Tong Yi was stunned for a moment and was speechless. His face looked quite embarrassed, and even looked a little strange...

The Lord God narrowed his eyes slightly and continued: "Let me think about it, who can make the Tiangang Army God, who kills people like hemp, flows through mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and builds up numerous bones, fall in love? Who would be the person who is moved by his feelings? You? My heart has been dusty for a long time, and my emotions have only been moved recently. There is a very popular person in Tiangang City recently. Who is his name? Ling Daozi? By the way, it is Ling Daozi! This person is only more than a thousand years old, and he is already Reaching the pinnacle of chess, and..."

"And what?"

"Ling Daozi has reached the pinnacle of the Dao in many aspects such as music, painting, alchemy, formations, weapon refining, leadership, astrology, etc.! Ah, I understand, except for him , who can make our famous Tiangang Army God moved by emotion and love?!" the Lord God said.

Tong Yi was completely stunned!

The mouth was opened wide, and the heavy brown face turned into a big red face...

He had no idea that the Lord God would reveal his secrets. Moreover, the information revealed from the Lord God's mouth was so shocking, and he was completely unaware of it. How did the Lord God learn about Ling Daozi's secrets?

"What? Did I tell you right?" the Lord God hummed softly.

Tong Yi murmured for a long time, and finally said: "How do you know that Xiaoling has reached the peak of the Dao in those Dao ideas?"

"You don't need to ask about this! What I want to say to you is that if you really like him, you have to put down your dignity and chase him bravely. If you have the opportunity, you have to be willing to do it. Even if it's seduction, it's no big deal, otherwise , if you don’t take action, I won’t give you another chance!” the Lord God said slowly.

"What?!" Tong Yi screamed and looked at the Lord God in shock...

Could it be that the Lord God also likes Ling Daozi? As a star spirit, the main god is also moved, my God! ! !

This is something Tong Yi never expected. He didn't expect that his competitor would be the main god in his mind. What should he do? Do you really want to go with him to snatch Xiao Ling?

"You think it's strange?" the Lord God asked.

"I...really didn't expect..." Tong Yi said bravely.

"There is nothing surprising about this! The Lord God is also a human being, and he also has seven emotions and six desires. For example, I have to decide the outcome with the Thai Lord Lord, because what people fight for is just one breath. That kid offended me, and I must make him pay. Price! As for Xiao Ling, in my eyes he is an extremely special being. When I see him, I feel like I am seeing the most precious treasure in the universe, and I want to hold him tightly in my arms and hold him in the palm of my hand. , hold it in my mouth... Don’t think nonsense, I definitely don’t want to swallow him, but I want to soak up the vitality of his body, which is the most precious, most charming, and most reluctant to part with in the universe..."

"So, you came to my place tonight to declare war on me?" Tong Yi said slowly.

"Declaration of war? What do you mean by this?" The Lord God was startled.

"You saw my love for him, and then you made it clear to me your affection for him. What else are you declaring war on? Maybe you are the Lord God and will not use those despicable methods, so you made the situation clear. You want to start a fair competition with me, right?" Tong Yi said.

"This... you seem to be right to say this, but you didn't pay attention to what I just said. I am the main god of Tiangang Baoxing. No matter how far your Tiangang clan develops, you are all my people. To my people, I He has always been very protective of him, so I can let you take the lead in pursuing him, but if you don't cherish this opportunity, then I'm sorry, I will definitely pursue Xiaoling!" the Lord God said.

Tong Yi's face changed, and he finally said: "No, feelings do not distinguish between the Lord God and his people. Since Lord God you also like Xiao Ling, let us compete fairly!"

"Are you telling the truth?" the Lord God said in surprise.

"Of course! But..."

"But what?"

"Can this competition be put aside after the war with the Tailao tribe? If the two of us are busy with our personal emotional competition, I'm afraid it will have a great impact on this Star Wars!" Tong Yi said.

"It seems that you haven't been dazzled by lust yet. Okay, I promise you! But you can't take advantage of your personal power and status. The first to get closer to the water is to get the moon!" The Lord God hummed.

"Aren't all my affairs in your eyes?" Tong Yi asked.

"Haha, that's good if you know!" the Lord God said proudly.

"Please!" Tong Yi issued an order to exclude guests. This was the first time he had issued an order to exclude guests from the Lord. There was no other way. Anyone who heard these words tonight would not be in a better mood...

"Wait a minute! This is not why I came here tonight, but..." the Lord God said.

When Tong Yi heard this, he thought of the flawed star chart that the Lord God had printed before. He quickly turned his mind back and stared at the star chart. He found that the chart seemed to be a little more perfect now, with more stars appearing. However, , many star fields near the Tiangang Treasure Star still haven't appeared, and I can't help but wonder: "Why don't those star fields be hit?"

"Why do you want to fight? Don't you know it yet?" the Lord God asked.

"What do you know?" Tong Yi was startled.

"Hmph, aren't you all on vacation now? Haven't you even noticed so many strange phenomena happening around you?" the Lord God said coldly.

Tong Yi became a little uneasy when he heard that, but when he thought about the fact that the Lord God had noticed that he was now uneasy, he took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and said: "It is impossible to take a holiday, but because of the last refining The Tiangang Meteor Hammer has used too much manpower, material resources and financial resources. The people transferred from the major military regions really need to recuperate, so only a small number of people are maintaining the operation of the entire system..."

"You, you are still known as the God of War, how could you make such a big mistake? If the Tailao tribe attacks at this time, wouldn't it catch you by surprise?" the Lord God scolded.

"This...According to intelligence, the Tailao tribe is also building a treasure now, and it is impossible to have the power to launch a surprise attack, so I agreed to let the sergeants rest first..." Tong Yi explained.

"Okay, let me just use an analogy. There is nothing wrong with you doing this. After all, you still have plenty of time. However, your monitoring system must be improved, otherwise it will definitely become a hindrance once a war breaks out!"

"Monitoring system? We are always improving..."

"But the speed is too slow! They haven't noticed that the star fields you just mentioned are gone. How can people feel relieved?" the Lord God snorted.

"What?! Those star fields are gone?! When did it happen?!" Tong Yi was shocked!

"It should be something recent. I happened to go out to meet a friend some time ago, and I found out when I came back..."

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