The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3635 3 space bases

Li Yun nodded, and he wholeheartedly agreed with what Xiaoxing said. The Tiangang and Tailao tribes have always been among the more advanced racial civilizations in the universe. Before the Yuguan and Zhouguan tribes had developed to their current level, they He was already high up, looking down at the backward racial civilizations in these two galaxies.

Now the Yuguan Clan and Zhouguan Clan in these two galaxies have finally evolved to a position close to their strength, but they have only caught up, and there is still a long way to go before surpassing them. According to this situation, these two poisonous Humanoid races should not have the ambition to compete for hegemony, but even toads will covet the white swan. As long as there is a chance, they will not give up their dreams, or ambitions, and they also have their own unique characteristics. The advantage is that they can sneak into the living body quietly to absorb the essence, destroy the opponent's internal organs, meridians, bones, etc. Once they succeed, they will still be in considerable trouble.

In addition, they also have a powerful ability, which is the summoning ability. They can continuously summon similar poisonous life forms from a distance and integrate them into their bodies. The more they integrate, the stronger they will become. This is also true. It is the innate ability of poisonous beings deduced by Li Yun and Xiaoxing in the past.

During their deduction process, it can be found that if all the Yuguan clan members or Zhouguan clan members in the entire universe merge into two people, then the cultivation level of these two people can reach the peak state of the universe, and even the Lord of the universe will have a hard time matching it. !

Of course, this is only an ideal state and is unlikely to occur in reality, because the universe is too vast and it is extremely difficult to summon all poisonous molecules. This involves a problem of information transmission, although poisonous molecules are almost non-existent. They are everywhere, but the chance of existing in a vacuum zone is very small. They are mainly concentrated in places where life flourishes, and information is relayed between them. At this point, it is difficult to compare with those made by Xiaoxing. Advanced network, because this advanced network is truly everywhere!

Therefore, when the superpower of the Yuguan tribe wants to use the summoning technique, his instructions need to be continuously relayed through the poisonous molecules around him. If there is a vacuum zone where there are very few poisonous molecules, then the information may be Interruption or taking a long time to transmit, this is a great limitation for that powerful man, because at most he can only summon those tribesmen in an area near him to come over and fuse, what kind of combat power can he achieve in the end? The status depends entirely on the number of clan members around him.

And if you want to call people from other tribes to participate, this involves setting conditions with the foreign tribes. Not only will the two parties definitely bargain, but they may not be assured of integrating. Who knows whether the other party will secretly do something.

If there is a fusion of multiple races, it means that these races are likely to be branches of an upper-level race, and the person who uses the summoning technique is the superpower of that upper-level race, so there is no bargaining situation.

In short, the summoning and fusion technique between these two poisonous molecules is not that simple, so it is difficult to have the super power comparable to the Lord of the Universe that appeared in Li Yun and Xiaoxing's deduction.

It is precisely because the two of them know the abilities of the Yuguan Clan and the Zhouguan Clan that they will not make some small mistakes. For example, when Xiaoxing captured those Yuguan Clan members in the Sky God Flying Fortress, they took advantage of the situation. When they were not prepared, they used clear cages to surround them and then isolate them one by one to prevent them from all merging into one person. If the more than 10,000 Yuguan tribe members were to fuse into one person, their combat effectiveness and destructive power would be greatly reduced. It's still extremely impressive, I'm afraid that the God's Flying Castle will be greatly damaged.

However, even so, it is impossible for this Yuguan tribesman who has integrated more than 10,000 people to break through the siege of Qinglong.

Because the energy used to clear the cage is the ultimate energy molecule of the universe, poles, whether they are positive poles or dark poles, are beyond the ability of this Yuguan tribesman to understand and deal with.

But with their unique abilities, they can compete with the Tiangang and Tailao tribes for hegemony. They even thought that once they control the Tiangang and Tailao galaxies, they will develop further south and conquer the Milky Way star. Controlled together, forming a triangular starry sky!

It's a pity that these two poisonous races have not noticed the existence of the Naxisai force so far, let alone the existence of a sixth force in this starry sky, which is Li Yun and Xiaoxing. power.

"Actually, if we move away all the planets and life forms near the core planet, it will also limit the strength of the Yuguan Clan and the Zhouguan Clan, because we have created a vacuum zone here and there are very few poisonous molecules. They It's equivalent to being isolated!" Li Yun analyzed.

"My Lord is right! If the Yuguan and Zhouguan people we captured are summoned by them, their strength will really soar. This plan has actually been in their plan for a long time, but now it has been What we destroyed..." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"So their current strength is actually limited, which may change their original plan..."

"Sir, are you saying that they have to find a way to improve their strength?"

"Yes, after the summoning and fusion technique was restricted, their strength was weakened. Without strength, they are not qualified to be fishermen, so they will definitely make some changes recently, such as trying to sneak into more Tiangang and Tailao tribes. To absorb the essence in the body, of course, their targets should be the middle and low-level tribesmen, and they should be ready to abscond at any time to avoid being noticed by the high-level tribesmen..." Li Yun said.

"What if we let them be exposed in advance?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Exposed in advance? Do you want them to fight the Tiangang and Tailao tribe first?"

"Yes, in this case, the galaxy war may be extended for a while..." Xiaoxing said.

"Do you think it would be better to prolong the galaxy war, or to eliminate it invisible?" Li Yun thought.

"This...don't you want to watch the show?" Xiaoxing asked anxiously.

"Although the show is good to watch, I always feel that the price is too high. After all, if a war breaks out, countless planets will suffer. Even if we clear out all the star fields near the core planet, collisions will still occur in those star fields outside. So The amount is too large for us to save..." Li Yun sighed.

Xiaoxing didn't want to miss the good show and said quickly: "Sir, the galaxy war is nothing on the large scale of the universe. What's more, these two galaxies themselves are not very big. They can only be said to be two miniature galaxies. They The result of collision and fusion will not be terrible, and the fusion of galaxies will always happen every once in a while. If we want to stop it every time, sooner or later we will be discovered by the Lord of the Universe..."

Li Yun thought for a while after hearing this, and Xiaoxing was right. He could not prevent so many galaxy wars, and the fusion of galaxies is actually a trend in the evolution of the universe. There is a rule that two miniature galaxies can form after merging with each other. A small galaxy can form a medium-sized galaxy after the small galaxies merge with each other. If this continues, it can completely form a super-large galaxy. Many super-large galaxies in the universe currently come from this way.

If he continues to prevent this fusion trend, it will be tantamount to declaring war on the Lord of the Universe. Such a result is certainly not what he wants now.

"Well, in that case, there is no need for us to expose the existence of the Yuguan Clan and the Zhouguan Clan in advance. Let's just sit on the sidelines and watch the tigers fight! By the way, the Naxi Sai Clan should also have flying castles hiding nearby, or Just what kind of base was built..." Li Yun analyzed.

Seeing that Li Yun didn't want to stop the war, Xiaoxing couldn't help but feel overjoyed and said: "This is inevitable, but of course their base and flying fortress will not be known to the Tailao tribe, so what they obtained on Tailao planet This is not revealed in the information, but we should be able to find it through our advanced network. At least someone on the Naxi tribe on Tailao Planet should know about it!"

"It makes sense. They should be able to communicate with the people at their base or the flying castle. The people at the base also use them to control the Tailao people remotely." Li Yun agreed.

"This information... Hehe, Xiaonu can sort it out right away!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Xiaoxing to extract the information about the communication between the Naxisai people on Tailao Planet and their base. When the two of them took a look, they found that the exchange of information between them was quite frequent, almost every few days. There will be information exchange. However, in order not to be discovered by the Tailao people, they did not use the network on the Tailao galaxy, but used their own information communication method. This method was to invest huge sums of money to create an independent The communication line, as a special line for communication between the two parties, is extremely long, and their capabilities cannot reach the level of Xiaoxing Advanced Network, so the transmission of information cannot achieve the effect of instant communication, and the round trip time takes several days. This is why they The reason why messages can only be sent and received every few days.

"Sir, the space base of the Naxi Sai tribe has been found! There are actually three of them!"

Xiaoxing proudly displayed the light curtain, marking the locations of the three space bases.

Li Yun took a look and found that these three space bases formed three points of an equilateral triangle on three planes with Tiangang Bao Star and Tai Lao Star respectively, and a larger equilateral triangle was formed between them. In this way This approach is easy to understand. It not only helps them send troops to both sides, but also forms a broad information network between them, which greatly improves the speed of information transmission and can also achieve monitoring effects.

"It seems that these three space bases have been around for a long time, but the Tiangang tribe and the Tailao tribe still don't know anything about it..."

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