The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3573 2 old people fall ill

"So that's it..." Fairy Meiping and others were stunned after hearing this. It seems that brothers Xiaoliu and Xiaoling are not in a hurry at all. In their eyes, this starry sky is a testing ground. People like themselves, and Chi The Dragon Star Territory, the Blue Bird Star Territory, other star territories, the Tiangang Clan, the core race of the opponent's galaxy, and the King of Corpse Poison are all just pawns in this testing ground.

Several people were extremely interested in Li Yun and Xiaoxing's plan and quickly discussed it with them...

Nearly two hundred people gathered in the corner of Doctor An's palace. These people were all well-known medical practitioners in Akao City. At the suggestion of Doctor An last time, these people decided to work together to develop a method to cure the epidemic. law in order to preserve the pharmaceutical market under its control.

They knew that they were under a lot of pressure now. Although Xiaoliu and Xiaoling were very young, their medical skills should not be underestimated. This was evident from the fact that they were the first to point out that the condition had progressed to a level below hell.

Although there are many people like me who claim to be miraculous doctors, none of them can point this out, and none of them can show the conditions below hell. It is obvious that he has fallen behind in terms of medical skills!

Speaking of which, it is really embarrassing for people like me. After working hard for so many years to study medicine, the result is not as good as two infant-level teenagers. There is simply no place to put their face.

Even the city lord has turned to them and built a new medical center for them in a prime location. This shows that the city lord no longer has confidence and trust in people like him, and the attitude of the city lord will undoubtedly affect the people inside and outside the city. You only need to look at the long queues outside the new medical center before it is built to know what the people are thinking.

It is conceivable that once the new medical center is completed, many of his former patients are likely to switch to the new hospital. This pressure will hang over their heads and it will be really uncomfortable.

These two hundred people were divided into dozens of groups, and each group focused on a topic. In addition to the analysis of the current epidemic situation, these topics also included the study of drugs. The purpose was to prescribe the right medicine and cure the disease!

Everyone's confidence is still very strong. After all, these people here are all masters. Each of them has been immersed in medicine for at least tens of thousands of years. If everyone's medical experience is added up, the time is quite terrifying. If you can't defeat those two teenagers in this way, then just find a rope and hang yourself...

Doctor An, Qiu Ximu, Yidejiu and Bao Qubing formed a separate team. After assigning tasks to each team, they had to follow up on the research progress of each team at any time. Once a breakthrough was made, the results would be reported immediately. Share it with other groups so that everyone can conduct further research on a new basis.

Not to mention, everyone’s contribution to the epidemic is high. After intensive research, this group of people has really gained a lot, and their understanding of the current epidemic has improved by leaps and bounds!

Previously, most people could only identify lesions on the second blood and spirit veins, but now they can detect lesions that reach deep into the bones and bone marrow, which is what Li Yun called the fifth level of disease!

It has to be said that the Red Dragon tribe is a relatively advanced race in the universe, and their achievements in medicine are correspondingly very high. Among the civilizations of those races that Li Yun and Xiaoxing passed in front of them, many people with medical knowledge have even the blood and spirit veins. It is difficult to find the lesions everywhere, and we have always been in ignorance, and we don’t even pay attention to these lesions. However, this group of medical people from the Chilong tribe discovered very early that these lesions were problematic and must be implemented. Healing and control, this shows that their overall level is much higher than that of the medical people of the previous races.

Moreover, miracle doctors like An Daoqi and Qiu Ximu,

They can also find lesions as deep as the fifth layer. Although they cannot find every lesion, they are precious.

Now, through their sharing and guidance, others are beginning to realize these subtle changes deep within the body, and it can be said that they have benefited a lot!

An Daoqi and the others were actually very heartbroken, because they knew that after sharing their medical experience, they actually cultivated a pack of wolves, which would later work with their own tigers to grab food. However, There is no way, my medical skills seem to have hit the ceiling, and I can't even detect the conditions below hell pointed out by the two teenagers. It will definitely not work under this situation, so I can only rely on collective strength to achieve a breakthrough.

In addition, they are still somewhat sure. After all, this disease is not all epidemic. As a miracle doctor, his level is there. He has a very high level of understanding and treatment of any disease. The experience and knowledge he has shared with this group of people It is limited to the epidemic, and other things are of course kept secret. What I hope now is that everyone can achieve a breakthrough in the epidemic. It is best to break through to a level below hell immediately, so that I can achieve the goal with those two teenagers. Confronted...

This will of course take a certain amount of time. According to the current progress, the situation is already excellent. As more and more people reach the fifth level, there will always be someone who can take a step further, right?

The four of them felt quite relieved when they saw the current situation, but another problem they were about to face was the blessing ceremony.

"Brother An, the blessing ceremony will be in three days. What do you think?" Qiu Ximu asked.

"Brother Qiu, what are you looking for?" Doctor An pushed back the question.

Qiu Ximu was startled, but said: "Now the city lord has obviously turned to them. This attitude has affected the people in the city. Even the people outside the city have flocked to the new medical center in the city to queue up. If we don't use this opportunity to restore the people's support, , I’m afraid that when the new medical clinic opens, the business of each of our medical clinics will plummet!"

"Brother Qiu makes sense!" Yidejiu and Bao Qubing agreed.

Qiu Ximu continued: "So, I think we can no longer hide it. We must take out the treasures at the bottom of the box to drive out evil spirits. If we can drive out some evil things during this ceremony, let the people in the city see it with their own eyes. They will They will recognize our medical skills, and people’s hearts will turn towards us again!”

"This..." Several people looked at each other and nodded slightly.

The current situation is here, it is basically a matter of life and death. If you don’t take out the treasure, then it will go moldy...

An Daoqi nodded and said, "I heard that Brother Qiu has a 50,000-year-old peach wood sword. I wonder if I can take it out this time?"

Qiu Ximu hummed when he heard this: "How did Brother An know about it?"

"Haha, there's no need to ask more about Brother Qiu. There is no airtight wall in the world..." An Daoqi said proudly.

"Of course I have to take out this mahogany sword, otherwise I wouldn't propose it! However, my sword alone is definitely not enough. Brother An's evil-proof stick is said to be made from 30,000-year-old nanmu and is extremely hard. Is it time to take it out?" Qiu Ximu teased.

" seems that Brother Qiu knows a lot about me..." An Daoqi said in surprise.

"Haha, each other!" Qiu Ximu laughed while stroking his goatee.

An Daoqi sighed: "In my opinion, brother Yi's ten-thousand-year requiem stone and brother Bao's twenty-thousand-year frightening drum should also be brought out. I don't believe it. With these four treasures coming out together, what evil things can be driven away?" It won’t come out!”

Yidejiu and Bao Qubing looked at each other and couldn't help but agreed: "No problem!"

"Okay! Success or failure depends on this! Let's discuss the coordination issue in detail..."

The four people quickly went to a corner of the hall to discuss secretly...

"Quick! Call the miracle doctor!"

"City Lord! Where is the City Lord? Find him quickly!!!"

In the city lord's mansion, there was a sudden chaos, shouts were loud, and figures were flashing...

The master of the city, Jiang Changli, heard the sound and came in a hurry. Only then did he realize that it was the third elder Conch and the fifth elder Dongfang Yu who had just arrived yesterday and suddenly fell ill!

It seems that the condition of the two of them is quite serious, because yesterday they were still glowing and full of energy, but now they are lying on the bed, rolling and wailing, and their faces are a little thin...

"Third Elder, how could this happen?!" Jiang Changli asked in shock.

"For some reason, my whole body's essence has been consumed rapidly, and my whole body aches. Quick, get the tonic!" Conch struggled and said.

"Yes! Elder, don't worry, I'll get the tonic right away!" Jiang Changli quickly ordered his confidants to get the tonic from the storehouse, and then rushed to another room to see the fifth elder Dongfang Yu. The result was the same, which made him extremely shocked. This is the first time he has encountered such a situation. Generally, conditions such as overdraft of essence occur gradually. People always suffer from the symptoms of the disease unknowingly, and only later realize that they are also sick.

But now two elders actually developed obvious symptoms overnight, which is not in line with common sense.

The tonic was quickly obtained. Jiang Changli fed the two elders with the medicine while leading people to find Dr. An. This was a routine. Although two brothers, Xiao Liu and Xiao Ling, had recently arrived, in Jiang Changli's mind, the first It would be more appropriate to go see Dr. An Shen.

In addition, he also quickly sent a letter to Guan Xin to report the situation...

Doctor An was discussing the blessing ceremony with Qiu Ximu and the others, when he suddenly received the news that two elders fell ill. He did not dare to neglect, and quickly called Qiu Ximu and the others to rush to the city lord's palace.

After arriving here, Doctor An and Qiu Ximu were in charge of the third elder, while Yidejiu and Bao Qubing were in charge of the fifth elder. It turned out that the two had similar illnesses and the onset time was the same, and they were swallowing tonics at this time.

An Daoqi and Qiu Ximu quickly checked the condition of the third elder. They were shocked when they checked!

Because they discovered that the essence in the third elder's body was being consumed almost at a speed visible to the naked eye. If it weren't for the continuous supply of tonics that were swallowed up, he would have almost become a human being now!

"What's going on? Something's wrong..." Qiu Ximu shouted.

The third elder's complexion recovered somewhat after swallowing the tonic, but he was still sweating all over his body. After hearing Qiu Ximu's words, he couldn't help but feel his heart shrink and asked urgently: "What's wrong?!"

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