The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3568 Cooperation and Research

"I..." An Daoqi's breath was stuck in his throat, and his face turned red...

When Qiu Ximu and others saw An Daoqi's appearance, they couldn't help but suddenly realized that what Guan Xin said was true!

These people have never been to the scene, so it is difficult to tell the authenticity based on hearsay. However, Guanxin was at the scene at the time. With his level, he can certainly find many problems. Therefore, the information Xiaoliu typed should be credible. .

In other words, An Daoqi is really sick, and his condition is serious, but he cannot control and cure it. The problem is serious...

They soon thought of their hidden illness, which only they knew, and they knew in their hearts that An Daoqi's condition must be similar to their own. Now that his illness was true, wouldn't they be the same?

Xiaoliu said before that An Daoqi's illness was in the fifth level of hell, so he should be in a level below hell. This was troublesome, because that level was beyond his perception. No wonder he was unaware of its deterioration. …

At the thought of this, everyone couldn't help but tremble secretly...

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, you can go back!" Guan Xin said loudly.

"Wait a minute!" Qiu Ximu said anxiously.

"Brother Qiu, what do you have to say?" Guan Xin asked.

"This... City Lord, after analyzing the recent epidemic situation in the city, I feel that it is necessary to hold a grand blessing ceremony to drive away evil spirits and protect all people!" Qiu Ximu said.

"Exorcism again? Do you think that the epidemic in the city is caused by the invasion of evil spirits?" Guan Xin teased.

"Ah? The city lord clearly knows that my clan's spell has already given instructions. The epidemic is caused by the invasion of external evils and punishment from heaven. We are worried about the suffering of all people, so we go on stage to pray for the common people and share the worries of the world. This is sincere Where!!!" Qiu Ximu said excitedly.

"What a person who prays for the common people and shares the world's worries... With these two words of yours, it would be unjustifiable if this city lord doesn't support you!" Guan Xin said loudly.

"Thank you City Lord!!!" Qiu Ximu and others shouted in surprise.

"You guys go back and prepare quickly. When the high platform is completed, you will be invited to go on stage to pray!" Guan Xin said loudly.

"Yes!!!" Everyone responded in unison.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, everyone gathered in the An Daoqi Palace. They all had doubts in their hearts and it was impossible to leave without asking questions...

Qiu Ximu said: "We just went to the city lord's mansion with two tasks. One was to persuade the city lord to stay away from those five people, but it turned out that Brother An was refuted by the city lord and couldn't do it. The other was to hold a blessing ceremony. It seems that it was accomplished! The city lord doesn’t completely believe what Xiaoliu says, but he also supports our proposal!”

"Yes, thanks to Brother Qiu for bringing it up in time, otherwise we would have been almost confused!" Yidejiu praised.

Bao Qubing on the side snorted: "Brother An, you should tell the truth now, right? Stop telling us that the illness pointed out by Xiaoliu is false. The Lord of the City was at the scene at the time. You can deceive others. You can’t fool him!”

"This... everyone, it's not that I deliberately concealed it, but I really can't tell the truth from the false, because the condition under hell that Xiaoliu said is really beyond my ability to detect, but..." An Daoqi pondered.

"But what?!" Bao Qubing asked.

"The marks are indeed a symptom that I can detect, but the symptoms are hidden deep inside the body and ordinary people cannot detect them.

Even I only discovered these scars by chance recently. Of course I was quite shocked when I discovered these scars. Thinking that they might be related to the epidemic, I quickly tried to find a way to treat them, but the scars always come and go and recur. It made me a little uneasy...That day outside the city, Xiaoliu suddenly brought up this matter and pointed out that there were eighteen levels of hell under the scars. I was a little confused at the time..." An Daoqi sighed.

"So, Brother An's condition is indeed true?" Bao Qubing asked in surprise.

"That's right! But I just discovered it not long ago and haven't had time to properly treat it. Right now, I just want to control the disease first and then slowly eradicate it..."

"Slowly eradicate it? Brother An, some people say that your condition is on the fifth level of hell. We can't detect the condition under hell. I'm afraid it's even more impossible to eradicate it, right?" Bao Qubing teased. .

"That's not necessarily the case! Now that we know that this disease will develop to hell, there is a direction to follow. I am not shying away from anything here. I am willing to announce my condition. I hope you can study with me and see. Can we find a way to restrain it? I believe that with the medical power of so many of us, it should be possible to solve this problem!" An Daoqi said loudly.

"This..." Everyone was startled when they heard this and couldn't help but look at each other.

In fact, Bao Qubing, Yidejiu and Qiu Ximu also had ulterior motives, because they had discovered the marks on their bodies a long time ago, and they were also unable to control and remove them. If it was not An Daoqi who was outside the city that day, but An Daoqi. If it was one of them, then it would be them who fainted on the spot, so An Daoqi was just one of them unlucky ones.

Now, An Daoqi proposed that everyone work together to study the method of restraining the spots. This is exactly what they want. As long as they can develop a method to restrain the spots, it will not only be beneficial to An Daoqi, but also a great thing for themselves!

Qiu Ximu nodded and said: "Brother An, this is a very good idea! Together we can definitely control this disease!"

"Even Xiaoliu and Xiaoling can be cured, but I don't believe we can't cure them!" Bao Qubing said loudly.

"That makes sense! No matter what, we cannot let the two of them dominate our market in Chiwei City!" Yidejiu agreed.

"That's right..." Others agreed one after another...

They soon began to cooperate under the leadership of An Daoqi and others to conduct intensive research on the lesions. Such a move was absolutely unprecedented in the history of Red Tail City, and even the first time in the Red Dragon Clan.

In the past, every medical practitioner kept their medical knowledge tightly for fear of being stolen by others, especially the prescriptions they developed themselves, which they regarded as treasures and would never reveal even half of them. They will not easily prescribe prescriptions to others, and even if necessary, they will deliberately write the words on the prescriptions in an extremely sloppy manner, making it difficult for people to recognize them. Even if they look at it after a while, they may not be able to recognize themselves at the time. What words are written...

However, this time, these medical people actually put aside their prejudices and conducted intensive research on the lesions discovered by An Daoqi. They all spoke freely and eloquently. This situation is really surprising!

Of course, it is difficult for outsiders to understand, but for these insiders, it seems to be quite tacit understanding. No one has any objections to this, because they themselves know their own affairs. As medical experts, they have discovered themselves long ago. I also have similar lesions on my body, and I can't cure them either. At this time, I have already felt uneasy. It just happens that there is such an opportunity to use the power of others to study the solution. This is definitely a dream, if you can study it If any results are produced, the problem will be solved...

The news that Akao Castle was going to build the largest prayer platform in history soon spread throughout the city. Countless people invested in this huge project, making Akao Castle show some vitality and vitality, unlike in the past. The lifeless look is completely different.

In addition, the new medical center outside the city lord's palace is also being built, and countless people are queuing up here to wait for treatment. The entire Akao City seems to be alive, with people coming and going in various places, making it very lively...

Li Yun and the other five stayed in Shaomai's mansion, but they felt at ease. Although Shaomai had not been here for many years, the place was maintained almost as it was before. Moreover, Guanxin sent people to deliver all the daily necessities. No need to even go out.

Fairy Meiping looked at the picture on the light screen and said suspiciously: "Sir, do you think An Daoqi and others can cure that spot?"

"If they can continue their research as they are now, it will be possible to cure this disease..." Li Yun nodded.

"Oh? So, can they also cure the spell epidemic?" Fairy Meiping asked in surprise.

"Of course not!" Li Yun shook his head.

"But why?"

"I just said that they can cure the lesions, but I didn't say that they can cure the conditions under the lesions. The lesions you see now are just caused by the virus's deep damage to the main organs of the human body, and they are also caused by Andao. It is still unknown whether Qi and others can be cured by the limit of their medical skills. Even if they are cured, it will only cure the fifth level of their bodies, but below the level of hell, they cannot reach it. If you can't even detect the condition, how can you cure it?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"So that's it..." Meiping suddenly realized...

Shaomai asked from the side: "Sir, can you cure the epidemic among the people in the city?"

"Cure them is just a trivial matter. The most important thing at the moment is to force out the King of Corpse Poison. Only by capturing him can we get rid of the consequences of the epidemic, so as to avoid relapse soon after being cured..." Li Yun said .

"Young Master, are you saying that the King of Corpse Poison is the evil thing mentioned in the spell? After getting rid of them, will the epidemic in our Crimson Dragon Clan be eliminated?" Shaomai asked.

"No, the king of corpse poison is formed based on the mutation and evolution of corpse poison molecules, but they are not all corpse poison molecules, and they cannot control all corpse poison molecules, even if we get rid of all corpse poison molecules King, mutated corpse poison molecules still exist and develop in this world. It can be said that all living beings must accept the fact that they must coexist with corpse poison molecules and virus molecules for a long time, because corpse poison molecules in this world Molecules and virus molecules will not be completely extinct. Even if a batch is temporarily eliminated, as long as life decays, new corpse poison molecules and virus molecules will be produced, and they will continue to evolve..."

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