The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3566 The Origin of the Epidemic

"The city lord's words are good!" Li Yun praised.

Niugulu said from the side: "Brother Xiaoliu, what about my disease? After taking the medicine, I feel much better. I don’t need to take supplements!"

"The general's condition is mild and it only takes half a year to recover..."

"Half a year? That's great! I went to see Dr. An Shen. He always said that I'm not sick, but I clearly feel like something is wrong all over. I must be sick. I'm fine now, and I can recover in half a year!" Niguru said excitedly.

"Despite this, the general should not be too happy because this disease will reoccur again and again. If you don't pay attention, the old disease will relapse and it will be difficult to eradicate!" Li Yun sighed.

"What?!" Niugulu and Guanxin screamed when they heard this, and their faces turned pale!

"Isn't it said in the aristocratic spell? Demons and monsters are endless in the world. Heaven and earth reincarnate and punishments are endless... As long as there are evil things in this world, no one can guarantee that the punishments of heaven and earth will stop. Therefore, the epidemic of the aristocrats is very serious. It’s difficult to eradicate..." Li Yun said.

"Oh my God, what can we do?!" Guanxin exclaimed.

"There is only one way..." Li Yun said.

"Is there a way?! What way?!!!" Guanxin said in surprise.

"As long as you leave this world, punishment will naturally not fall on you again!" Li Yun said.

"Leave here? You mean... let's leave Akao City?!"

"No, how can this small world of Red Tail City affect the entire Red Dragon Clan? The world I am talking about is the Red Dragon Star Territory. Only by leaving this Star Territory can we completely get rid of the influence of this world. , then the epidemic can naturally be completely controlled!" Li Yun said.

"This... We, the Red Dragon Clan, have lived here for generations and have thrived for countless years. How can we just leave? Besides, where can we go? The universe is vast and unfathomable. It is not easy to find a life star field where we can live and work in peace and contentment. ?" Guan Xin sighed.

Li Yun nodded and said: "What the city lord said is true. However, if we don't leave here, the epidemic will become more and more severe, and eventually everyone will be buried here. It's better to leave as soon as possible. Although the universe is unfathomable, , but because of this, as long as you look carefully, it is not too difficult to find a place to stay..."

"Oh my god, you mean...if we don't leave, everyone will eventually die here?!" Guanxin said in shock.


"But can't you heal us?"

"We can cure this disease,

But if you don’t leave, sooner or later you will be infected by the epidemic and get sick again, because the root of the disease is in this world, rooted in everything in the world, and it is difficult to completely eliminate it. In the final analysis, the nobility is still in the process of development. It has offended the rules of heaven and earth, causing the rules of heaven and earth here to develop in a direction that is not conducive to your survival, and with your power, it is impossible to change the rules of heaven and earth..." Li Yun said.

"The rules of heaven and earth? I wonder which rules of heaven and earth we have offended? Our clan has always respected heaven and earth, so we should not offend them?" Guan Xin said in surprise.

"What the city lord said about respecting heaven and earth is that after the nobles evolved into red dragons, they were constantly punished by the fulfillment of spells, so they felt awe and worshiped heaven and earth. However, before the nobles evolved into red dragons, Before, due to ignorance, what I did in order to survive did exceed the scope allowed by the rules of heaven and earth..."

"Is that so?!" Guan Xin said in shock.

Fairies Niugulu, Batie, Shaomai and Meiping who were standing next to them also looked at Li Yun in shock. They had never heard of what Li Yun said...

"Sir, I wonder if my clan has done something that angered the world before?!" Ba Tie asked urgently.

Li Yun did not answer, but opened a light curtain and started playing...

Everyone watched closely, and their thoughts quickly followed the picture back to the ancient and ignorant times. At that time, the Red Dragon tribe was still a weak insect tribe on the origin planet. They were the targets of many ferocious beasts. In order to seek for To survive, they have to hide here and there, run around, and struggle to survive. Because of this, this Zerg people have a strong desire to evolve. As long as they can make themselves stronger, they are willing to try it. In order to make themselves stronger After being strengthened, they have almost reached the point of using any means at all costs. The novelty and weirdness of these methods made Ba Tie and others stunned and laughed out loud!

But gradually they stopped laughing, because as the plot unfolded, their methods became more and more cruel and unreasonable. Many of the methods were used on the basis of killing other races. The strength is grafted onto themselves, and sometimes they can't stand it due to mutual rejection issues, but in order to become stronger, everyone grits their teeth and holds on...

Until a certain stage, extremely intelligent people began to appear among the Zerg tribe. They developed a method of complete transformation, which allowed the Zerg tribe to become a dragon tribe and become the strongest people in the world. As soon as this method came out, people immediately gained Support from all the Zerg people as they have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Everyone used this method to transform at the same time, but the process was not smooth, because those wise men did not expect that the process of transforming from an insect into a dragon required too much energy, which was definitely not what their reserves could support. As a result, , most of the Zerg race only achieved part of the transformation process and then stopped. Only a few strong ones were well prepared, and their insect bodies gradually transformed into dragon bodies. The transformation process continued, but at the last moment they found that they still lacked energy. , and at this time, other races in the outside world have long discovered the abnormal behavior of this Zerg. They unite to launch an attack, hoping to take the opportunity to completely eliminate this Zerg to eliminate future troubles!

Those strong men had suffered a lot in the process of transformation, and their minds were hot, with only a trace of sanity remaining. After discovering that there was an invasion from a foreign enemy, they were so anxious that they no longer cared so much, and immediately began to devour their own kind. Accelerating the process of transformation, as a result, many insects that did not transform successfully were swallowed by them. Some people even swallowed their close relatives and friends. The scene was so tragic that it was outrageous...

The transformation of the Zerg race was finally successful. They easily defeated the invading enemies and embarked on the road to becoming strong, until they finally completely unified the Red Dragon Star Territory...

After watching this video message, Ba Tie and others couldn't help but tremble all over, and their whole bodies felt bad!

Guanxin couldn't sit still and almost collapsed on the ground. The fat on his face twitched unconsciously...

They finally understood what Li Yun meant when he said that the Red Dragon clan offended the rules of heaven and earth here. This hidden danger was actually laid down the moment the Zerg clan transformed into the dragon clan, and it has been following the Red Dragon clan ever since...

Devouring close relatives of the same kind, no wonder there is such a terrible epidemic. If the Red Dragon Clan itself was not extremely powerful, I am afraid that it would have been unable to resist and was destroyed by heaven and earth, and it would be impossible to survive until now.

However, judging from the video information, the outbreaks of the Red Dragon Tribe are getting shorter and shorter and more frequent, and now they are breaking out every year. It can be seen that the epidemic has reached its peak, even if the Red Dragon Tribe continues again It's so powerful that it's impossible to withstand it...

"City Lord, Doctor An and others are asking for a meeting!" People outside the palace shouted loudly.

Guan Xin was startled and finally came to his senses. He reluctantly got up and hummed: "No!"

"Yes!" His subordinates responded quickly.

Guanxin turned to Li Yun and said: "Young Master Liu, how did you get this information? I also know a lot about the history of our clan, but I have never seen this information..."

Li Yun nodded and said: "This is normal. The historical records of the nobility only started after the formation of the Red Dragon Clan. Naturally, it is impossible to have the previous history. However, the fact that the nobility does not have records does not mean that other races older than you do not. Records, it is their records that allowed me to understand the prehistoric information of the nobles, and also to understand the roots of your dragon spells! So, in my opinion, it is best for you to leave here, because the roots of the spells are affected by external factors. The influence is taking advantage of the mistakes you have made to evolve and develop in your body, swallowing up the essence of life, making you worse, overwhelmed, and accelerating your deterioration..."

"Oh my God!!!" Guanxin and Niugulu were shocked again when they heard this.

Shaomai said from the side: "The external factors that Young Master mentioned should refer to the King of Viruses, right?"

"Yes! The corpse poison molecules produced by devouring close relatives of the same kind are extremely powerful. They are even better than the outside virus kings. However, in recent years, the outside virus kings have evolved extremely rapidly and are about to catch up with the corpse poison molecules. They are invading Once inside your body, you will start fighting with the corpse poison molecules to compete for your life essence. This change promotes the evolution process of the corpse poison molecules in your body. They begin to become restless and more uncontrollable. Slowly, They have also begun to form new corpse poison kings, which are spread all over the Red Dragon Star Territory. Their numbers are countless. However, as they fight and merge with each other, according to my observation, there are currently close to a thousand in the Red Dragon Star Territory. The King of Corpse Poison is controlled by a Corpse Poison King near Chiwei City!" Li Yun said.

"Wo!!!" Shaomai and others screamed...

Li Yun continued: "The Corpse Poison King is extremely powerful. They can transmit information extremely quickly. Currently, I have blocked this world so that the Corpse Poison King cannot send information to the outside world. Now, it should not be aware of being attacked. I found that because we only appeared for a very short time, we did not carry out large-scale rescue. However, if we practice medicine in the new medical center, the King of Corpse Poison will definitely appear. By then, Akao City may face a crisis. A disaster..."

"What? Can the young master deal with it?" Shaomai asked anxiously.

Xiaoxing said with a smile: "What does it count? In our eyes, it is just a clown. Brother Liu only cares about fewer casualties..."

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