The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3549 Let’s take advantage of the cool weather first

"This..." Li Yun was startled...

After pondering for a while, he couldn't help but sigh: "This possibility is really not small! Although there are some problems with the test of this power, for example, since you agree that competitors can take items at will, you judge competitors based on whether they take them. The advantages and disadvantages of this are not very reasonable in the first place, but from another perspective, they will definitely think that they are doing it right, because the small is the big. Although this action of taking is small, but at some point But it can be magnified infinitely, and it may affect the image and reputation of the power. Therefore, although it is somewhat unfair, it is difficult to argue with... This example illustrates exactly the impact of environmental and economic conditions on a person's habits, and the impact on a person's habits. The ability to resist temptation has nothing to do with the quality of the person. This is indeed something that a child from a poor family cannot learn through studying hard for ten years. You must know that for these children from a poor family, taking these items and dedicating them to their parents is a very important thing. Fulfilling filial piety may be a deep-rooted idea in their hearts..."

Little They have very little travel, a relatively narrow vision, and a very small or even non-existent network of contacts... These greatly limit the space and height of their future development. When it comes to contacts, a descendant of a family can come into contact with far more high-level figures. Children from poor families will have more opportunities to hear some insights, which will have a great impact on their future lives. It is said that listening to your words is worth ten years of reading! For example, this time The elders of the Guanxi tribe brought all the younger generations of their family to the Space Flying Fortress. As a result, they got an opportunity to learn Taoism from the spirit body of Xiaonu. Such an opportunity would have great impact on other poor families on the Guanxi planet. For the younger generation, it is very little, almost none, and the gap between them may widen greatly because of this..."

Li Yun sighed: "That's true... What we just talked about was the comparison and competition between people. If we generalize from this, it will become a competition between races, and a competition between forces. The situation will be similar. Yes, a force that has been inherited for a long time always has a deeper foundation than a new force. Its advantages may not be reflected for a while, but it is very likely that it can be reincarnated and reach a higher level inadvertently. , for those new forces who lack foundation and have too little support, the effort and hardship required to stand out in the fierce competition is huge. Their failure rate is too high, and they are often prone to die midway..."

Little Without these advantages, the development space left for new forces is actually extremely limited. How easy is it for new forces to break out of the cracks between thousands of troops? Even if they succeed for the time being, it is very likely that they will fail due to their lack of background. When encountering a crisis, they quickly cannot hold on and fail. However, some competitors with the backing of the old forces can become stronger after overcoming the crisis. They can even take advantage of the failure of the new forces to lower their prices. Acquire or directly snatch them and make them your own, thereby expanding your competitive advantage..."

"Well said! So how can the new forces break through the encirclement and interception of the old forces?" Li Yun asked.

"This... Sir, do you remember the issue of the Tree of Taoism that we discussed before?" Xiaoxing said.


"Xiao Nu feels that if new forces want to break through the cage set by the old forces, the best way is to innovate and find a new track! Just like the tree of Taoism, if you keep following the path of others' Taoism, you will follow suit. Then you can only keep walking behind others and be suppressed by others. No matter how far you go, you look up and there may be more and more people in front of you! It is difficult to get ahead in this way, so what should the new forces do? What? For those who have small goals, you can develop some new Tao intentions on this road of Taoism and have your own unique Taoism. Even if these Taoisms are discovered by others, because you have more Taoism, , then when facing competitors, you will have more tricks than others, and your winning rate will naturally be higher. And for those with great ambitions, your eyes may not be looking upwards, but should be looking downwards, towards others. From a local perspective, what does this mean? It means that you have to fundamentally dig out the essence of Taoism, fertilize it, and strengthen it, so that your tree of Taoism can become more luxuriant. If you go further, then it will be another Find good land to plant a new tree and grow it vigorously. As long as the conditions are good and you work hard enough, you have a greater chance of surpassing the original tree of Taoism and suppressing all competitors on the road!" Xiaoxing said .

"That's good! Maybe everyone on the tree of Taoism worked hard and tried their best, and became stronger and stronger, but what they didn't realize was that others had already started over in another place. , and quietly surpassed them all! For everyone on the original tree, the one who defeated them was not the competitors in their own circle, but the competitors from another tree..." Li Yun praised .

"They may even extract all the nutrients from the original tree until it dies naturally... In this way, if the skin is gone, how can the hair be attached? Those old forces will no longer be able to suppress the new forces. The high-quality areas they occupy will The advantages of resources and Taoism no longer exist." Xiaoxing smiled.

Li Yun nodded and said: "This result is extremely tragic, but the process cannot be seen because the two trees grew in different places. Maybe everyone on the original tree did not see the other one." The development of the tree, because they only see the competitors in their own circle and the growth of the tree. From this point of view, when a person is walking on a path of Taoism, he must also think about it from time to time. Take the initiative to pay attention to the development of other Taoist paths, and don't limit yourself and hang yourself on a tree, because when others want to eliminate them, they won't tell them..."

"Sir, in fact, the recent situation is somewhat similar to what we are talking about now!" Xiaoxing said.

"You mean... the Taoist promotion plan we launched?" Li Yun asked.

"Not bad! We use the hacker trading platform to provide high-end goods to the outside world. This can be regarded as another tree of Taoism, or another road of Taoism. Some of the old big forces and old forces did not respond very well to it. Sensitive, because they have always felt that they are very powerful and do not need these messy things and have to spend so much money to buy them. On the contrary, some small and weak forces and new forces react quickly because they are under heavy pressure They had to find ways to survive and develop. Even if there was a slight possibility to improve their combat power, they had to hold on tight. They quickly spent huge sums of money to buy it. They found that our product was very good and could really significantly increase their combat power. , seeing such a result, they increased their purchases, cut down on food and clothing, and purchased higher-end spaceships and flying castles, so their strength began to soar, and finally surpassed those big and old forces..." Xiaoxing said.

"It is indeed a bit similar, but essentially different..." Li Yun smiled.

"Sir, are you saying that they only did this with the help of our power?"

"Yes! As you just said, whether it is starting a new stove or planting another tree of Taoism, the essence is to master the foundation and root soil of the new stove and new tree. Only when they are all your own, can you say those things The new Taoism is our own, and only in this way can we not be controlled by others. Of course, for those small forces and new forces, it is indeed too much to ask them to start over and plant new trees. With their strength, they want to open up a new path It’s too difficult, and the possibility is slim, because they don’t have too many high-quality resources on hand. No matter what they develop, they will be in a difficult situation of being stretched. So in this case, borrowingism may be a good solution. Way!" Li Yun analyzed.

"Hey, it's just a doctrine of using it. Use it first, and then use it to develop new advantages. If you don't use it, it's really unlikely that they can break through the siege..." Xiaoxing said happily.

"Under the original large-scale division of labor system, it was really difficult for small forces and new forces to break through, but we gave them a chance. If they can seize it, there is a possibility of rising! Now it seems that the large-scale division of labor system in the galaxy has There is a tendency to re-evolve. If the big forces and old forces still cling to their own little territory without thinking about progress or change, the result will be that they gradually decline, and in the end they will not even know how they declined. Clearly..." Li Yun said.

"Sir, if the Milky Way continues like this, can it quickly catch up with the Wolf Galaxy and Turia Galaxy?" Xiaoxing asked.

"It is possible in terms of combat power, but if each force is only obsessed with acquiring armaments, but does not develop downward and develop towards the root to seek a breakthrough in Taoism, then it is still just a superficial strength, because they are all controlled by our star destiny. Castle... But the Wolf Galaxy is different from the Turia Galaxy. Their combat power and Taoism were developed by themselves. Even if they were defeated by the fleet of the Milky Way, they only lost to our Star Fortune Castle, not Lost to the people of the Milky Way..." Li Yun smiled.

"Didn't your Lord just say that you should not be too demanding on the new forces? It is too difficult for them to start their own stoves and plant trees, so let them enjoy the shade under our tree of Taoism first..."

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