The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3534 The Essence of the Golden Mean

Xiaoxing looked at this scene with gloating, her heart was so happy!

Such a result can be said to be Cai Lang's own fault. In the final analysis, it is because he is not open-minded enough, treats others sincerely enough, and cannot understand people and do their best.

As a ruler, a boss, if he is always suspicious of his subordinates and is afraid that they will replace him and harm him, then the consequences will most likely develop in this direction.

You know, human nature is quite sensitive and difficult to test. Some people often like to design some words or events to test whether a person likes themselves, whether they are honest, whether they are empathic, whether they are greedy for money, etc., but they Failure to take into account the particularity of human nature often leads to self-defeation. Not only is the test inaccurate, but it also makes the testee disgusted or hurt...

For example, if Cai Lang just now did not test whether Hong Jian wanted to be the Great Star Master, but instead hid this suspicion in his heart, treated each other with sincerity, gradually observed in the future, and slowly digested it with facts. Otherwise, things would not have developed to the current ending. On the other hand, although Hong Jian noticed that Cai Lang was suspicious of him, he did not test Cai Lang. Instead, he acted according to his usual character, hoping to This dispels Cai Lang's suspicion. This approach is of course feasible.

However, after Cai Lang made the test, his suspicion was made public between the two, forcing Hong Jian to make a new choice. The final outcome was that he chose to compromise and decided to leave the Gourmet Star Group and go to Start a business elsewhere, hoping to create a civilized world of your own!

Cai Lang's test results proved that his suspicion was wrong, which made him extremely regretful. Unfortunately, it was too late, because there is almost no regret medicine in this world, unless he can reverse time. But, what you need to know is that they Now living in a super divine object like the Space Flying Fortress, Hong Jian's cultivation level is also higher than his. Such environmental conditions make the reversal of time require a huge price, not to mention Cai Lang's way of time is not Gaoming, so there is no way to do this.

Losing a right-hand man like Hong Jian was a huge loss and a huge lesson for Cai Lang.

If he could collect as much evidence as possible before the test and get accurate information from the side, then there might not be such a thing as a test, and Hong Jian would not have left the Gourmet Star Group...

The collection of evidence mentioned here can actually be boiled down to the word "sincerity". To deal with things with sincerity, we must emphasize evidence and despise subjective conjecture. The so-called facts speak louder than words, this is the truth.

In Xiaoxing's view, the most important thing in interactions between people is the word "sincerity". When dealing with things, we should also pay attention to the principle of "sincerity". If we can't treat people and things with sincerity, then we should treat people with sincerity. It is impossible to be confidant at all times and make true friends and lovers. It is impossible to be impartial and maintain fairness, justice and openness in dealing with things, and these will inevitably lead to the deterioration of the relationship between them. Disharmony, and subsequent conflicts and resentments.

However, in real life, many people believe in the so-called golden mean when it comes to people and things. It should be noted that the golden mean here is the golden mean after being misinterpreted and misunderstood by them, rather than the real golden mean. The original meaning contained in the golden mean.

These people don’t know whether they don’t understand or deliberately misinterpret it. They have developed the golden mean into their principles of life, which is to be smooth, have both sides, talk to others and tell ghosts, no one will be offended, and they can take advantage of them wherever they go. There are some advantages. This kind of principle of life has made quite a number of people really prosperous, especially in the officialdom, which has developed this mode of moderation to the extreme!

It can be seen that the most important point in the so-called golden mean of these people is "virtual", or "fake". They are pragmatic rather than pragmatic, and they are pragmatic rather than pragmatic. They never do practical things, nor do they sincerely do things. The first thing to consider is not to offend anyone, and to coax everyone into submission.

They are very satisfied with themselves. What makes them most proud is that this way of playing will also bring them great benefits. Not only will their official positions be promoted faster than those who work diligently and do practical things, but there will also be less money to be made. Fish less…

It seems that these people's sleek and opportunistic principles of life are really invincible...


If a force is filled with a large number of such people, will this force still have a future?

No one is doing real things, and the internal affairs are full of intrigues and hypocrisy. This kind of mutual strife alone is enough to destroy this force, so how can the eggs be completed after the nest is overturned?

In addition, what these people don’t know is that once their hypocritical nature is discovered, it is almost impossible for them to be trusted again!

Many things in this world are reciprocal. If you treat others with falsehoods, after they are discovered, others will also treat you with falsehoods, return evil for evil, revenge with hatred, blood for blood... This kind of thing happens too often. Too much…

So, what is the true golden mean?

The most important thing in the Doctrine of the Mean is the word "sincerity"!

Only by treating people with sincerity and doing things with sincerity can we be impartial and fair. This is the essence of the true golden mean.

This kind of principle of doing things can make people feel confident when they win, and be convinced when they lose. It can make good people praised, make people who are wronged clear, make good friends, and reduce a lot of groundless hatred and resentment...

Little Emperor Li Shimin, who established great achievements in the first half of his life, became increasingly sluggish in his middle age. Not only did he desperately take various strange pills in pursuit of immortality, but he also ended up swallowing metal-rich poisons. Maru died young in his prime, and his style of doing things was completely opposite to that in the first half of his life!

It can be said that what he did in the years before his death was to allow his country to be smoothly taken over by his more mediocre son. However, this son had always been weak and in poor health, which made him Worried, he decided to clear all obstacles for him before his death. As a result, a large number of powerful officials and generals suffered. Many people were killed, dismissed, and exiled...

In particular, the original team members who created the prosperous age with him were mercilessly attacked one after another. Finally, half a day before his death, he also adopted a method to deal with the last uneasy character, the British Duke. , ordered him to leave Beijing immediately after accepting the imperial edict and go to a local post, and people watched him closely. If the British Duke did not leave Beijing, or if he refused, he would be beheaded. If the British Duke really accepted the demotion and went to a local post, it would mean that he If there is no rebellious heart, then the new emperor can recall and reuse him after he succeeds to the throne. In this way, the new emperor can also gain the loyalty of the British Duke...

Of course, this method of disposal was also a test. The purpose of the test was to see whether the British Duke was loyal to the royal family. The British Duke did see through Li Shimin's intentions. After accepting the imperial edict, he didn't even return home. He immediately rode on horseback to take office alone. the road…

However, when a person is suspected by the people who follow him in life and death and has to leave Beijing alone to go to a local official position, you can imagine the worry, fear, loneliness and helplessness along the way!

It was this experience that made the British public understand the ruthlessness and hypocrisy of the emperor. For the sake of their country, they could kill anyone until they were alone...

Later events also proved the fact that people who treat others falsely will be treated falsely. The seeds of revenge were already planted in the heart of the British prince. When he was recalled by the new emperor, he was indeed reused. However, the new emperor Later, his power was gradually eroded by his wife, so that in the end, even the country was taken away by his wife, becoming the only queen in the history of this civilization, and the Tang Dynasty was also changed to the Zhou Dynasty. In this process, the British princess was the one who added fuel to the flames. It has nothing to do with it. It was precisely because of his strong support for the Queen's series of administrative measures that the Queen's power became more and more powerful, and finally reached the level of supremacy!

It's ridiculous that Li Shimin spent a lot of effort to find a permanent kingdom for his descendants, but in the blink of an eye, the kingdom changed hands and everything came to nothing...

"You two seniors have something to talk about, but now that the space pirates have escaped and the cloud formation has been put away by me, the rest is your own business!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This..." The two of them were stunned upon hearing this. Unexpectedly, while they were just talking, all the space pirates escaped!

The two people quickly looked at the picture coming from the light screen and found that the previous cloud formation had indeed disappeared!

The food constellation has returned to its former glory, but the vitality on the planet has lost a lot. This is of course because a large number of people have been moved into the space castle, leaving only other life forms on the planet.

The two of them looked at the two inner space worlds in the flying castle, and saw that the star citizens inside were already very excited. Seeing the space pirates fleeing, everyone was roaring, jumping, and venting. The fright and uneasiness I have experienced these days...

"Very good!!!"

"The damn space pirates have finally been driven away!"

"To be precise, they escaped on their own..."

"Yes, they have been bombing for more than a month. They must have reached the end of their strength and have no strength anymore, right?"

"Haha, it's been blasting for so long. Not to mention your strength, even the shells should be almost gone, right?"

"Yes, could this be the main reason for their escape?"

"It should be! This is a good opportunity for us to hunt down. Why didn't the Star Master give the order?"

"Exactly! It would be a shame not to take the opportunity to pursue him!"

"The space pirates should all have escaped from outer space now..."

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