The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3525: Is the Big Star Lord crazy?

William's face turned red and white due to Lan Kong's words, but he still bit the bullet and said: "Grand Military Advisor, of course I know that you have lofty ambitions and vision, but right now we don't even have a full stomach, so we can't You're hungry and you give all the good things to others, right? Isn't this too depressing?"

"Yes, strategist, we are originally space pirates. We don't have any lofty goals. We just want to steal some property and live a good life!"

"Besides, the property we rob is also very important. Without the property, how can we support those talents?"

"Yes, those people are just consuming but not producing. They are talents. Who knows if they will be able to create something valuable in the future?"

"If the base is bigger and the talents are more talented, won't we be able to support them even through robbery?"

"So they're actually robbing us?!"

"It's very possible...will they become parasite-like existences?"

"Oh my god..."

These people's words made Lan Kong's expression worse and worse. In the end, he couldn't bear it any longer and shouted loudly: "You people are all short-sighted. You only know how to get by without any sense of crisis. There is no enterprising spirit! Let me tell you, in today's universe, the situation is changing, power disputes, and crises are everywhere. If you want to survive and develop in such a situation, it is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat! You can only see the Kamikaze fleet in front of you. If you are so complacent, how do you know whether even a weak race will be able to easily defeat us in the future? Without accumulating strength, how can we talk about the future? How can there be output without investment? Even if you want to rob, you must first Do you have strong ships and cannons? If you spend all the looted property or hoard it to no use, then what's the point? Look at other people's hacking platforms and the civilization standing behind them. They Maybe they were space pirates like us before, but now they no longer have to be space pirates. All they have to do is sell the high-grade goods they have made, which is better than the years of hard work we have worked for! Everyone If you only think about your own debauchery but are unwilling to work hard to build our kamikaze base civilization, then please go ahead! A few more of you will not be too much, and a few of you will be too few. What we want are allies with lofty ambitions. , not just a playboy who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun!!!"

"This..." When William and others heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned and looked at each other...

Johnson saw something bad and quickly said: "Oh, military advisor, you are so powerful that you don't have to argue with these idiots. We all listen to you and will definitely support your ambitious plan!"

Shazuo laughed and said: "Haha, without the strategist, there would be no kamikaze fleet and kamikaze base like ours. From now on, we must act according to the strategist's plan. Who dares not to listen and act recklessly? I am the first I won’t agree!”

"Listen to the military advisor!"

"Firmly support the military division!"

"Listen to the military advisor,

Take the path of a military advisor! "

"Whoever dares not to listen should leave immediately. We are ashamed to be together!"

"Yes, these people have greatly lowered everyone's quality. They are black sheep. When fighting, they will probably only smash, smash and loot. If they don't obey orders, they will definitely cause trouble!"

"That's right..."

Everyone tried to persuade them, but Lan Kong's expression finally improved after hearing this. He waved his feather fan and said, "Okay, all you rats should go back and think about your past behind closed doors! Now that the banquet is over, let's start our pre-war discussion!"

"Yes! Military Advisor!!!" Everyone responded in unison.

Soon, a high-level pre-war discussion began in this hall...

At the same time, in the Food Star Cluster, a planetary high-level meeting was also going on. After hearing Cai Lang's words, Hong Jian asked in surprise: "Big Star Lord, you mean, you want to personally control the space flying fortress?!"

"That's right! Not only that, except for the two forces of Wugui Lake and Wusong Lake, all the people from the other stars will move into the castle!" Cai Lang said solemnly.

"What?!!!" Everyone was shocked when they heard it!

"No! Absolutely not possible!!!" Hong Jian said urgently.

"Why not?" Cai Lang asked.

"Star Lord! You have never controlled a space flying fortress. So many complex commands cannot be mastered in a short time! I have studied with many soldiers for several months, and I am still stuck at the initial stage. How can I master it in a short time? The combat power that can be exerted is extremely limited!" Hong Jian said.

"Oh? What if I can master it?" Cai Lang said.

"Star Lord, although you are extremely powerful, it will probably take a very long time to control the flying castle freely!" Hong Jian responded.

Jiang Wei, as the star master of Spoon Star, was naturally also in the meeting. At this time, he couldn't help but said: "Brother Cai, the control of the space flying castle is extremely complicated. I stayed in the control space for a while and almost fainted. I can’t figure out where it is, you’ve never even entered it before, how could you be able to control it all at once?”

"Huh, that's just because you are stupid, but it doesn't mean that I am the same as you!" Cai Lang said coldly.

"What?! You...are you too conceited? Not only do you have to control it yourself, but you also move all the five-star people into it. Isn't this a waste of human life? If something goes wrong with the Flying Castle, wouldn't everyone have to follow? Are you in trouble together?!" Jiang Wei said loudly.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Cai Lang. Everyone thought that the Big Star Lord was crazy? Otherwise, how could such an incredible decision be made?

"Haha, hahahahaha... You all think I can't control the Space Flying Fortress, right? Then I will control it by myself today to show you!" Cai Lang looked up to the sky and laughed.

"This..." Everyone was startled and couldn't help but look at each other...

Hong Jian stood up after hearing this and said: "Since the Great Star Master said this, let the Great Star Master give it a try. If the Great Star Master can really control the flying castle, then we will act according to the Great Star Master's decision. Otherwise, we will act according to ours." How is the defense strategy going?”

"No problem!" Everyone responded in unison.

This meeting ended not long after it started!

The Great Star Lord Cai Lang quickly walked out of the towering Star Palace and looked at the spectacular planet scene in front of him, feeling extremely emotional!

Such a busy planet, a beautiful planet, and a wealthy planet will eventually attract people's covetous attention. If you are unable to defend yourself, you will sooner or later fall into the prey of others...

How could I lose such awareness?

From the moment he ascended to the position of the Great Star Lord, his ambitions also dissipated, and even his due vigilance was gradually weakened. He thought that this was his country, a country that could last for thousands of generations. country…

However, now I know that this colorful world is just a piece of tempting fat. I almost became its victim. It confused my eyes, body, and mind, and continued to fall...

From a high-ranking hero, he gradually transformed into a hermit pursuing a tortoise-like life. Such a huge change is so incredible now that I think about it! Even I can’t believe it!

Of course, according to Ling Daozi, this change is not without its merits. For example, it gives him a trace of vitality, and allows him to unknowingly resolve a lot of the amazing murderous aura he has accumulated over the years. This can be said to be a good thing, but , if this is his goal, then he should not continue to stay in the position of the great star lord, but should give up his position early, because, as the great star lord, the first duty is to protect the normal life of all star citizens. , so that they can live and work in peace and contentment and enjoy the wonderful fruits of civilization. The crisis faced by the Food Star Group today is precisely due to its long-term dereliction of duty.

This is an important reason why Cai Lang cannot forgive himself. In his opinion, if he can do well enough in the position of the Great Star Lord, with the amazing financial resources of the Food Star Cluster, how can he not create a powerful team? What about the powerful fleet?

If this is the case, why should we be afraid of space pirates?

Even if this space pirate fleet is unprecedentedly powerful, if the fleet of the Food Star Group is famous, it will not become their primary target for robbery so quickly. After all, they themselves have to weigh the strength comparison between the two sides to see if they will The gain outweighs the loss…

It is precisely because the Gourmet Star Group is rich enough and has insufficient defense strength that it is targeted by this powerful joint fleet of space pirates, and the crisis ensues...

Now, it's time to atone for your sins!

Cai Lang took a deep breath and looked into the distance. Suddenly his eyes lit up. He saw a bright spot appearing, growing from small to large, coming quickly, "swiping" and stopping above the Star Palace, slowly turning...

Galaxy Space Flying Castle! ! !

The wind driven by the flying castle was extremely strong, blowing Cai Lang, who was standing on the star palace, almost to the point of falling, and was in a state of embarrassment. This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, and they couldn't help but sigh secretly in their hearts. It seems that the big star master is really He was so anxious that he actually wanted to control the flying castle by himself because his skills had declined so much. He even wanted everyone to die with him...

At this time, a beam of light suddenly shot out from below the flying castle. After shaking for a few times, it finally aimed at Cai Lang who fell to the ground. He was sucked up with a "whoosh" and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Cai Lang finally opened his eyes in a trance and found himself in a strange and bizarre space. There were flickering lights everywhere, countless light curtains, and various unnamed facilities. Some facilities are as big as boulders, and some are as small as dust. And this is just on the surface. No one knows what else is hidden behind these facilities...

He looked around blankly and found that he was about to get dizzy. At this time, a figure appeared in front of him. When he looked closely, he found that it was Hong Jian!

"Brother Hong?!" Cai Lang shouted excitedly. The two had not met directly for a long time. Unexpectedly, they would meet again in the flying castle...

"Big Star Lord!"

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