The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3508 Cai Lang’s premonition

When Jiang Wei heard this, he patiently recounted what had just happened...

"So that's it. As far as I know, what Xiaobao said is the truth, and what senior said is also the truth. There is nothing wrong with you two!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"What? Are you saying that this little piglet is telling the truth? In other words, the hacker trading platform does not have the protective formations at Wugui Lake and Wusong Lake? Then why do you say that what I said is also the truth? ?" Jiang Wei said in surprise.

Xiaoxing nodded and said: "It is true that the two protective formations are not for sale on the hacker trading platform, so of course it is impossible for Xiaobao to find the corresponding transaction records. But the senior is right, because the delivery boy did That’s what he said. Senior heard it from him and just relayed it, so of course it’s the truth!”

"Oh my God, in that case, could it be that the delivery boy lied to me?" Jiang Wei reacted and couldn't help but panic.

Because if the delivery boy lied, it meant that the two formations could not be purchased from the hacker trading platform, and he and Cai Lang urgently needed it to save their lives. What should I do?

Cai Lang listened anxiously and said loudly: "Xiao Ling, didn't the delivery boy speak clearly? How could it be a lie?"

"It turns out that the Big Star Master is here too! I didn't say that the delivery boy was lying just now. In fact, he was telling the truth!"

"True?! That's great!!!" Cai Lang was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Jiang Wei said: "Since what he said is the truth, then why did the little pig say that the transaction records could not be found?"

"This is because those two formations are not for sale, but for lending. The lender is myself. It is a personal act, so there is no record on the platform. Of course, Xiaobao cannot find it." Xiaoxing smiled.

"What?! Did you lend them those two formations?!!!" Cai Lang and Jiang Wei exclaimed.


"This...this, this, this...Xiao Ling, you must save me!" Cai Lang was so excited that he even stuttered. He knelt down on the ground with a "plop" and saluted Xiaoxing...

Jiang Wei looked on and was dumbfounded. He never thought that in order to save his life, Cai Lang could be so disrespectful of his senior's face and give a big gift to a junior in the world...

This almost made him doubt whether this Cai Lang was real, but judging from his many years of friendship with Cai Lang, this person was certainly Cai Lang, 100% yes!

But today he got to know this good friend and encrypted friend again. Now Cai Lang is completely different from the big star master in his mind before...

Xiaoxing was also slightly startled, but he had actually seen through what kind of person Cai Lang was now, so Cai Lang's move did not surprise him. In his opinion, this was Cai Lang's most natural performance. !

"Senior, there is no need to be polite! With the power of the senior, he could cover the sky with just one hand. In the food constellation, he is aloof and holds great power. When talking and laughing, he can turn his hands to make clouds and turn his hands to make rain, so there is no need for juniors to come. Save you?" Xiaoxing smiled.

"Oh, Xiaoling, what you are talking about is all in the past! I am in great trouble now. I will soon be arrested and thrown into prison. I have gained power and taken in slaves, so that I will have nothing and will die! Now, except for you, I have no way to seek help, and I am at the end of my rope..." Cai Lang cried with snot and tears, which was really touching and touching...

"Is this so? Dare I ask who is so bold? Does he really have such great ability to put you, Big Star Master, in such a situation?!!!" Xiaoxing said "surprised".

"Xiao Ling, you don't know, that Hong Jian, yes, that Hong Jian! That boy used to be diligent, hard-working, and obedient under me. He was extremely kind to me, and even took the initiative to transform into a villain. I threw myself into my arms to show my loyalty, but who knew that he was secretly hiding evil intentions? After staying by my side for a long time, he actually stripped away my power bit by bit. On the surface, he said he was sharing my worries and letting me He has time to do what he likes, but in fact he replaced my slaves with his own people,

As a result, he gradually took control of the overall situation, and by the time I reacted, it was already too late! "Cai Lang cried.

"Oh? Hong Jian? Is that the fleet commander Hong Jian?!" Xiaoxing said "oddly".

"Yes, you must recognize him!"

"Of course I recognize it! It's just that I didn't expect this person to be so evil. In order to seize your kingdom, he would not hesitate to transform himself into your arms, and even retaliate against you, the Great Star Lord. You must know that without your care and "How could he be where he is today? However, the junior still doesn't understand. With the ability of the big star master, can't he still stop Hong Jian?" Xiaoxing said.

"This...well, it's all my fault. Ever since I handed over the power to Hong Jian, I have been playing and singing day and night, having fun and being debauched. My good body has been drained by countless beauties and strong drinks. Er Jing! Now...I am no longer able to protect myself, and there is no way I can stop the torrent of arrows!!!" Cai Lang sighed.

"Senior... changes in strength are common in the human world. You must not lose your confidence in cultivation, otherwise it will be difficult to make any progress on the road of cultivation!" Xiaoxing said.

"I...well, I don't have any confidence and ambition in cultivation now! Hong Jian is ambitious and has been eyeing me for a long time. He may take action at any time. How can I still have the leisure to practice? Now, I just want to hurry up Just find a safe place where you can hide with all your slaves and disciples, and live your own paradise-like life without caring about worldly affairs... Who would have expected that now Hong Jian not only has greatly increased his strength, but also has High-end components, high-end spaceships and space flying castles, no matter where I hide, I can't escape his vicious hands! Xiaoling, my only hope now is you! As long as you are willing to lend me one of the protective formations ...Oh no, sell one to me, I will be very grateful! Thank you very much!!!" Cai Lang shouted loudly.

"Senior, do you think that with that protective formation, you can avoid Hongjian's harm?" Xiaoxing asked.

"What? Didn't Brother Jiang say that your formation can block the attack of the Space Flying Fortress? As long as it can be blocked, we can slowly think of other ways..." Cai Lang said anxiously.

"The formation can indeed block the attack of the Space Flying Fortress, but does the senior want to hide in it for the rest of his life and never come out?" Xiaoxing said in surprise.

"This...Xiao Ling, how can I still think of such a long-term thing now? Hong Jian is aggressive right now, and I will be operated on soon. If I don't have that formation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape even this hurdle. , what else can we talk about in the future?" Cai Lang cried, tears rolling down...

When Xiaoxing saw this scene, she was about to burst into laughter. This Cai Lang was so interesting!

If the mystery is not revealed to him, I'm afraid he will be even more ugly and make people laugh...

He said: "Senior Star Master, I have a question, how did you see Hong Jian's ambition?"

"Well...last time I followed Hong Jian to arrest Hadaway who robbed Spoon Star Wugui Lake. Along the way, I saw Hong Jian holding great power and commanding power, and I also saw the tragic end of Hadaway being harmed by his hidden intentions. , I seem to have seen myself in the future. Yes, I will soon become another Hadaway, who will be ridiculed by the world, spurned and insulted by Hong Jian and all other former subordinates, and will also bear a terrible bad reputation. And not to be allowed to live in the world... After thinking about it behind closed doors, I finally figured it out. Without strength and power, I am nothing. I can only be trampled and manipulated by others. Even becoming a puppet depends on people's faces and whether they are the same or not. Agree..." Cai Lang said.

"What the seniors came up with after thinking about it behind closed doors are really criticisms. They should serve as a warning to the world! But what the juniors don't understand is how did the seniors know that Hong Jian will take action against you soon?" Xiaoxing continued to ask.

"This... Although I don't have definite evidence, my hunch has always been accurate. Hong Jian can figure out Zang Xin's conspiracy, proving that these two people should be on the same side. Zang Xin can take Hadaway, the Willy The boss of the group evaded power and induced him to rob the Lake of No Return alone. In the end, he became notorious as a space pirate and was spurned by the forces in the entire galaxy. Of course, Hong Jian can do such a thing. I am now His personal strength is not as good as before, and all the power has been handed over to him. On the surface, I am still the big star master of the food star cluster, but in fact, Hong Jian is the one who truly holds the power of life and death in this star cluster! I regret it, but I regret it It's too late. Now, my safety depends on you, Xiaoling. I hope you can sell that protective formation to me as soon as possible, so that I can find a place to set up the formation as soon as possible, so that I and a group of slaves can hide there. To avoid suffering from the poisonous hands of Hong Jian..." Cai Lang said sadly.

"So, what senior said that Hong Jian will soon attack you is based on your premonition and speculation?" Xiaoxing asked.

"This... it is indeed true, but I said that my premonitions have always been accurate. These days, Hong Jian has monopolized the power and issued orders. He does not report to me for instructions on everything like in the past. Instead, he bypasses me and completely ignores me. On the side, even the high-end items purchased from the hacker trading platform and the training exercises conducted by the fleet, Hong Jian never let me know about it. I didn’t see it until the last time I went to Spoon Star to arrest Hadaway. The terrifying power of that bundle of boats and nets...and..."

"What else?" Xiaoxing teased.

"And...well, I am no longer afraid of being laughed at by a junior like you. In order to please me, Hong Jian would take the initiative to transform and throw himself into my arms from time to time, which made me feel happy, but recently he has been neglecting me. On the side, I don’t come to see me at all, let alone get as close as before..."

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