The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3503 The Incense Road is Difficult

"If we can't study the catalyst, how can we improve the fragrance of pomelo?" Pinghe asked quickly.

"Hehe, your own research method is very good! I think you are already on the threshold of the scent. As long as you work harder, you may be able to step into it. Of course, the scent is broad and profound. You can first focus on the aroma factor that you are good at. Enter the Dao first in the field, and then gradually contact other fields as the Dao improves... As for the other seniors, your talent is not in the way of incense, but in the way of planting. I am afraid that you will have to rely more on Xiaoping when it comes to Lingyou Tixiang. !" Xiaoxing laughed.

"That's it..." Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and felt quite disappointed...

How great would it be if I also had the talent of incense?

You can add flavor to the spirit pomelo any way you want, and you can even cultivate other high-end fruits, but now this patent probably belongs to Heping alone...

Why is God so unfair? It is simply a collection of thousands of favors...

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Ping He with envy and jealousy...

With a sweep of Xiaoxing's consciousness, he naturally saw the current mentality of these people, so he said: "Seniors, please don't think that you have been neglected by God. Even the gift of fragrance has not come to you. In fact, in the entire universe, Within the scope, people with the talent of fragrance are simply rare and almost impossible to meet! Many races with billions of people may not be able to find one, or some of them have this talent but have not been discovered, so they It’s wasted! Generally speaking, the chance of someone having the talent of incense is about one in a billion, and these people need to be discovered and cultivated under good conditions before they can finally enter the incense path and become the best among them. So. , you should feel lucky that your clan has a genius like Ping He. As long as he can finally enter the Xiangdao, it will be your Guanxi clan’s blessing and can create a steady stream of wealth for your Guanxi clan…”

"Wo!!!" Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but get excited...

Artus said loudly: "Xiao Ling is so right! Everyone must provide all possible conditions for Xiao Ping to enter the Xiang Dao in the future, no matter how high the price is, it's okay!"

"The patriarch is right!"

"As long as Xiaoping enters the Xiangdao, we can cultivate better spirit pomelo and make more money!"

"Yes, we didn't know before that studying aroma can also lead to Taoism, and it can also bring such great benefits. Now that we know it, we naturally have to train Xiaoping a lot!"

"I wonder what needs to be done to let Xiaoping enter the Xiangdao?" someone asked.

"Good question!" Xiaoxing praised.

He created a light curtain, which played information on the various stages of advancement of people in the Way of Incense, while saying: "People in the Way of Incense can not only smell fragrance with their noses, but can also perceive the smell of objects through their mouths, tongues, skin, consciousness, etc. , a wise person can judge the source, type, precision, purity, concentration, thickness and other characteristics of the aroma through contact. Therefore, in the early stages of cultivation, one must come into contact with various objects and learn about them. You have to be very familiar with the smells of all the things in the world. This process may be a little boring and difficult, but it is unavoidable in the basic stage! Therefore, it is best for you to find all the things in the world for Xiaoping to understand their smells. This can save him the need to search. The time of these items will speed up his entry into the Tao."

"That makes sense!!!" Artus and the others exclaimed happily.

"As for what happens next, it depends on Xiaoping's efforts and understanding. He can only rely on himself, others can't help!" Xiaoxing continued.

Hearing this, Pinghe said excitedly: "Seniors, don't worry, I will definitely work harder to enter the Xiang Dao as soon as possible and contribute my own small amount to the development of this clan!"

"Haha, I absolutely believe this!"

"I like you!"

"Xiao Ping will concentrate on studying the path of incense next!"

"That's true! Just let us share the rest!"

"That's right..."

Elders, you speak to me,

They were all words spoken from the heart, which made Ping He extremely moved, tears welling up in his eyes, and words could not come out...

Little Keep a good attitude. In fact, you have done very well now. The next step is to see the opportunity..."

Hearing this, Ping He felt relieved and said, "Thank you, Xiao Ling, for your advice! Otherwise, I really thought I had a twin brother or sister in some mysterious civilization!"

"The reason why you think this is because you don't know much about fragrance before! In fact, the smell factors in this world are not disordered. You will know in the future that many smell factors can be classified and classified. Definitely, that is to say, the aroma factor on your body is also part of the odor factor. Just because it is on you does not mean that it is not on others, so it is not unique to you! According to my statistics, the odor molecules in the universe can It is divided into about 10,000 major categories, each major category has 10,000 medium categories, each middle category has 10,000 small categories, and each small category still has about 10,000 micro categories. ...As for the odor factor under the micro category, it is not within your ability to reach it. In other words, your limit is approximately at the odor factor of the micro category. If you can reach this limit, then you are already a scent master. The high-end is powerful!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my god..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar...

I can't even imagine the limits of fragrance. If a person can remember so many odor factors, how sensitive should his sense of smell, touch and consciousness be? ! ! !

Could it be that he could smell through your robe whether you had taken a good bath? !

Or maybe even though you took a good bath, he can smell that some areas are not clean? !

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel shocked and felt bad. Maybe when they appeared in front of Heping in the future, they must take a good bath first to eliminate all possible odors...

These elders were thinking about such a problem, but Ping He was thinking differently from them. He said anxiously: "Xiao Ling, can you see where my limit is now? Could it be that if I reach the micro category through hard work, I can't Have you gone further?"

Little Not wanting to use time to take it back, he said: "There are very few people in the universe who can distinguish micro-odor factors. From what I know so far, they are no more than one hand! So, if you can reach this level, That’s already standing at the top of the universe! Don’t let yourself become impatient because the goal is too big, as that will be bad for you!”

"That's it!!!" Ping He couldn't help but suddenly realized after hearing this!

"Of course! Do you think the Tao of Incense is a simple Tao? Tell you, that's absolutely not the case. On the contrary, the Tao of Incense is more complex and profound than other Taoisms. Not just anyone can master it easily! If you can reach the middle Smell-like factors can surpass many people! For example, the ten smell factors you picked out from your body actually belong to the large category of factors, which can still be obtained relatively easily in the universe. However, once you enter the middle category, Factors are very rare. You must search for them with your heart, discover them, and categorize them in order to finalize them and become a part of your own Tao! Moreover, what you need to know is that this is only the basic stage of the Tao of Incense. After this stage, you have to try to combine these odor factors to differentiate them into many other subcategories. This number is much more than the odor factors of these large, medium and small categories! For some experts, He can tell from an odor which odor factors are combined and what the proportion of the combination is. If you can reach this stage, then you will become a master!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Wo..." Everyone screamed, everyone was dumbfounded, and their whole bodies were shaking. They were obviously frightened by Xiaoxing's words!

It's so scary!

How strong is a person's ability to do what Xiaoxing just said?

It's amazing how just by smelling a scent you can tell what it is, including its composition and proportions!

Ping He was a little dazed when he heard it, but after he reacted, he was extremely excited. He imagined the heights he could reach in the future and how powerful he would be. Just thinking about it made his blood boil, and his whole body was full of motivation and fighting spirit...

Xiaoxing knows that for young people like Pinghe, if you don’t need to give money or only need to give a small amount of money, and then draw a big pie for them, they will work with high morale as if they were full of chicken blood!

What's more, for a promising young man like Ping He who is both talented and full of ideals, as long as he is given a little goal, he can devote 300% of his energy to working hard...

So he continued with a smile: "Only when you reach this stage can you develop an odor catalyst, because the role of the catalyst is to greatly improve the accuracy, purity and thickness of the odor molecules, etc., so that the quality of the odor factors is greatly improved. Of course, this Generally speaking, improvement can only be maintained for a short period of time. If the time is too long, the effect will slowly disappear. This is somewhat similar to overdrafting the potential of odor factors in advance, so that their potential is stimulated all at once to achieve that level. Short-term effects! But to achieve this, you must have a deep understanding of the characteristics, changes, and potential values ​​of odor factors in order to produce corresponding catalysts that are both effective and efficient. For example, these five catalysts I took out before This catalyst is specially made for your pomelo. If it were replaced by something else, the catalyst ingredients and proportions I would come up with would be different..."

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