The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3500 Super Spirit Pomelo

Ping He asked urgently: "Xiao Ling, where did you get this wine?"

"How is it? Does it taste good?" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Of course! This is the best wine I have ever drunk. Can I call it pomelo wine?" Ping He asked.

"Lingyou wine? Do you think this wine is brewed with pomelo?" Xiaoxing asked.

"I do think this wine is most likely made from pomelo! Otherwise, where would the unique pomelo flavor in the wine come from?" Ping He said.

"Hehe, can't it be brewed with other wine ingredients and have a similar taste to Lingyou?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Unlikely!" Ping He said loudly.

"But why?"

"Because the flavor of pomelo in this wine belongs to the same aroma type as the latest super pomelo I cultivated. Before that, no wine on the market could have this aroma type, but..."

"But what?"

"Although the aroma of this wine belongs to the same family as my Super Spirit Pomelo, it is much more advanced in terms of precision, purity, thickness, etc. Maybe someone cultivated this variety before me and used it. Come and make wine... Oh my god, why didn't I think of this idea?! If we use pomelo to make wine, then we can make more money!" Ping He said excitedly.

Ates, who was beside him, became very uneasy and asked: "Xiao Ling, is this wine really made from pomelo?"

"That's right, haven't you all tasted it?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Wow!!!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard it!

This news opened their minds one by one, because they had never thought of using pomelo to make wine before. They only sold the fruit for external sales, and made money from the fruit. Since the fruit is a primary product, its added value is naturally impossible. too high.

However, if the spirit pomelo is brewed into spirit pomelo wine, and it can reach the level of the wine just drank, then it will be sold at a high price, and its added value will also increase exponentially. This is more money than just selling the fruit. Much more!

Everyone present still has this common sense. Generally speaking, after processing, additional value is added to the product. If it can also open up a reputation, the income can naturally increase exponentially, especially selling liquids, compared with selling The profit in kind is much higher.

For example, those who sell spiritual water, spiritual drinks, spiritual oils, spiritual wines, spiritual teas...their profits will be higher than those selling raw materials made into liquids. Sometimes, their added value can reach thousands. Ten thousand times!

"That's it! It seems that our Guanxi tribe can also try to brew pomelo wine. I believe we can brew such high-quality wine!" Artus said excitedly.

Hearing this, Pinghe sighed: "Clan Chief, there is no problem in brewing Lingyou wine, but it is almost impossible to brew a fine wine like Xiaoling!"

"But why?!" Artus was startled and asked quickly.

"Although the aroma of this wine is similar to the new variety of Super Spirit Pomelo I cultivated, its level is much higher. I just estimated that if the aroma of my Super Spirit Pomelo reaches this level If so, it will take at least one hundred thousand generations of improvements and changes before it can be finally cultivated!" Ping He said in astonishment.

"What?!!!" Everyone was shocked!

What is the concept of one hundred thousand generations?

This does not just refer to one hundred thousand years, but refers to the evolution of a variety in continuous improvement. Each improvement can be counted as a generation, but this generation must refer to the situation when the improved effect is stable, that is to say, The improved excellent properties must be maintained in the next generation of varieties. Only with such stability can this improvement be considered a success.

If you make an improvement to this breed and get better results in this generation than before, but if you make another improvement to this generation, the good results before are gone, which means that all the previous efforts have been wasted. !

Then, if you want to achieve a stable improvement effect, you must spend a certain amount of time to let it grow in cycles for many years. After many years of careful care,

Only this improvement effect can become the inherent characteristics of this variety, and on this basis, the next step of improvement can be carried out.

Of course, for some talented people, they may also have ways to greatly shorten this time. For example, they can make improvements in several aspects at the same time, and then maintain their effects in the subsequent stable period. This can Shorten several cycles and save time.

However, there is often a problem in doing this, that is, the adaptability of the plant is overestimated. Maybe the plant has such development potential, but if you try to make many improvements to it at the same time, it is very likely to destroy it. Instead of nurturing it…

This is like a person practicing physical training. If you are anxious and want all parts to grow quickly, and then perform all-round training all day long without giving the body parts time to rest and recover, then it is very likely that the person will be The practice is useless, or the effect is extremely poor.

A better approach is that you can focus on exercising one or two parts a day, but you must do it alternately, so that you can give the parts you exercised the day or two before enough time to rest and recover. Don’t underestimate it. During this period of time, the body parts are actually growing during this period of time, rather than being idle.

For a talented grower, he can find ways to shorten the stable period of the plant as much as possible, but this step is difficult to skip. After all, the life cycle of plants is much slower than that of animals. You must Only by respecting their life patterns can you cultivate varieties that satisfy you...

These elders are all geniuses in planting, but their genius is less than that of Pinghe, so they all understand the meaning behind the one hundred thousand generations that Pinghe just said. If the stable period of an improvement takes ten years, If it reaches fifty years, then the time required for one hundred thousand generations of improvement will reach one million to fifty million years!

This is an estimate under the best circumstances, but in reality, it is almost impossible to achieve such an effect because the success rate of improvement is very low. For geniuses like the elders, the success rate of improvement can generally reach 30%. Above, this is very high!

Ping He's improvement success rate is close to 40% so far, which is the highest among the Guanxi tribe. This is why he is known as a super genius.

If an improvement fails, it means that the previous ten to fifty years have been wasted, and everything has to be started again. This process is frustrating, but there is nothing you can do about it. After all, plants are natural life, not like ordinary treasures. , can be determined by your level of Taoism.

Therefore, one million years is only the most ideal time. In fact, if you want to get the aroma level in that glass of wine, the time must be infinitely close to 50 million years. Thinking about such a long time will make people extremely collapse. …

The elders present were not familiar with this type of fragrance, and of course they could not calculate the time required to obtain the type of fragrance like Ping He did. At this time, everyone was shocked when they heard Ping He's estimate!

"Xiaoping, is this impossible?"

"After 50 million years of evolution of a fragrance type, can you really be sure that it is the fragrance type you cultivated?"

"Perhaps someone else has already had this flavor and cultivated it for countless years before brewing such a pomelo bar?"

"In my opinion, could this be an influx from an outer galaxy? I have never heard of any race in our galaxy that is more powerful than our Guanxi tribe in cultivating spiritual pomelo..."

"It makes sense!"

Ping He shook his head and asked with some confusion: "Xiao Ling, where did you buy this wine?"

"I did get it from an alien galaxy race!" Xiaoxing said, almost laughing in her heart!

In fact, the raw material of this wine is taken from the super pomelo recently cultivated by Pinghe. Xiaoxing secretly obtained its seeds during the last delivery, and then cultivated them in Tianyun World. With his ability, It didn't take long for this super spirit pomelo to be cultivated into a high-end fruit. This high-end fruit is based on the fruit level in the Tianyun world. Therefore, it is many times higher than the so-called super spirit pomelo cultivated by Ping He!

Xiaoxing also used this high-end pomelo to brew pomelo wine, which was highly praised by Li Yun. She felt so proud that she couldn't help but show it off. Of course, this also had a purpose, which was to remind These Guanxi people can work hard on making wine. After all, selling wine is much more profitable than selling fruits.

"This... is impossible..." Hearing this, Ping He couldn't believe his ears.

"But why?" Xiao Xing asked curiously.

"You don't know, but the reason why I can confirm that the aroma of this wine is consistent with the aroma of my super pomelo is because there are ten basic aroma factors in this aroma, all of which are taken from my innate Brings the aroma factor!”

"What?!!!" Everyone was shocked when they heard it!

I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Even Xiaoxing was a little confused when he heard it. No wonder Ping He was able to confirm that the fragrance types of the two are the same. It turns out that such a thing exists!

Just listen to Ping He continue: "My talent has a fragrance factor. According to my mother, when she gave birth to me, the fragrance was so full in the room that it almost made people faint! As I grew up, these The aroma factor sinks into the body, and I need to slowly discover it after cultivating and improving my realm. Over the years, I have successfully cultivated several varieties. It is the aroma factor in the body that makes ordinary pomelo become sweet and delicious. Popular! But those varieties only contain one of my aroma factors. Although the super pomelo is still under trial cultivation, it contains ten aroma factors in my body, so I believe it will definitely It can become a super spirit pomelo and bring huge wealth to our Guanxi tribe..."

"Oh my God..." The people present were in an uproar...

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