The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3496 A hidden oath

After Zangxin heard Xiaoxing's words, she was so frightened that she screamed...

Now he was really anxious. He felt that this energy field could explode at any time, and he could be blown to pieces at any time. This sense of urgency made his whole body feel like it was on fire, burning with heat, and his face turned extremely red. It's red, almost turning into the color of pig liver...

“Boom—” “Boom—” “Boom—”

Suddenly, there were violent vibrations in the energy field, and strong energy fluctuations came from nowhere, making the entire fleet seem to be in the sea, swaying and topsy-turvy...

"Boss, it's not good!"

"Save us quickly!!!"


"Boss, a spaceship fell..."

"It's over, it's over..."

When Zangxin heard the sounds coming from the spaceships, he couldn't help but tremble all over and shouted loudly: "Friend, the energy field has exploded! Please rescue me no matter what!"

"Don't worry, this is just the smallest explosion of this special energy field. It's better to have more such explosions, because the energy in the center of the energy field can be continuously released, preventing larger-scale vibrations from erupting. If the calm time lasts for a long time, , then the danger will become greater and greater, because after the energy has been accumulated for a period of time, once it explodes, it will be a huge disaster that no one can stop..." Xiaoxing laughed.

Hearing Xiaoxing's words, Zang Xin's heart suddenly felt as cold as falling into an ice cliff. Unexpectedly, such a shock was only the smallest. In this way, he lost a spaceship, and he still had to pray for such a shock. The more the better, because once it calms down, it means that there will be an irresistible terrible disaster waiting for you in the near future. What the hell is this place? ! ! !

"Friend, don't think I only have this fleet. In fact, I am the boss of the Veli Group. Our group owns the Veli star field and has outlets all over the galaxy. We are doing huge business. I can do whatever you need. I'll satisfy you! Please rescue me no matter what, you won't regret it!" Zang Xin shouted.

Now, he has no other choice but to hold on to this unexpected person and hope that he can save himself from such a desperate situation...

"So you are the boss of the Weili Group. As far as I know, isn't Hadaway the boss of the Weili Group? How come you are such a weak scholar?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Hadaway? How does that kid deserve to be the boss of the Willy Group? I have long ignored him, and last time he went crazy and robbed Wugui Lake alone, which not only ruined the reputation of our Willy Group, but also ruined the reputation of our Willy Group.

Even he himself was caught and imprisoned. This is the fate he deserves! ! ! "Zang Xin said harshly.

"I see... I heard that the Willy Group is doing legitimate business on the surface, but secretly it is doing some shameful underworld business, such as robbing homes, robbing races, plundering planets, and developing its own plantations. Plundering people to work as coolies, and even refining some talented young people into cauldrons to sell for huge profits... Since you are the boss of the Weili Group, these things should be clear to you, right?" Xiaoxing said.

"What?!!!" After hearing Xiaoxing's words, not only the people who were hiding in the Willy Group, but also the people on Guanxi Star screamed...

Some Guanxi tribe elders already feel bad!

Originally they had hoped that their missing grandchildren would have a chance to be rescued, but now after hearing Xiaoxing's words, they already felt that this hope was extremely slim...

When the people on the Zangxin side heard this, they felt that they were originally wearing a sheepskin, but now the sheepskin was violently uncovered, and everything inside was immediately visible. It's clear, there's nowhere to hide...

"These things... were all done by the abominable Hadaway! Yes, that's him! It was Hadaway who led our Willi Group astray and caused a lot of evil, causing us all to suffer along with him. Weili The reputation of the Lee Group was also ruined by him! In order to prevent him from leading us into the abyss, I led my brothers to gradually remove his power, and it was only recently that I completely ousted him!" Zang Xin was shocked. , and quickly put all the blame on Hadaway. This is natural. Anyway, Hadaway is not here now. No matter how much dirty water is poured on him...

"Oh? So... you robbed Guanxi Star many years ago and took away a large number of people. Hadaway was the one who led the people to do this?" Xiaoxing said.

"Robbing Guanxi Star? Of course! Of course it was Hadaway who led his people to do it! At that time, I begged him hard to stop committing crimes, but he insisted on going his own way and led his people to rob. As a result..."

"What's the result?"

"The result...are you from the Guanxi tribe? Why are you so concerned about the affairs of the Guanxi tribe?" Zang Xin suddenly became alert and asked quickly.

"You don't have to worry about this, because you don't have much time left. Only if you explain this clearly will I consider whether to rescue you. Otherwise, you will just die together in the next big explosion..." Xiaoxing hummed.

"Wo!!!" When the people from the Willy Group heard this, they couldn't help but scream in horror...

"Boss, tell this person quickly!"

"Yes, there is nothing to hide. Tell us quickly so we can be rescued!"

"Boss, if you don't say it, then we will..."

"That's right..." The people in the Weichu fleet were all anxious, and they all agreed...

Listening to the sound of explosions in the distance and feeling the continuous shock waves, these people felt that the god of death was getting closer and closer to them, and the fear in their hearts had reached its peak, and they were almost about to hide. Xin recognized him as the boss. For them, the most important and powerful person at this time was not Zang Xin, but this outsider, because only he could possibly save him...

Zang Xin took a deep breath and thought, he had already guessed that this person was closely related to the Guanxi tribe, but he couldn't be a Guanxi tribe member, because this person's power was beyond the reach of the Guanxi tribe. If the Guanxi tribe owned this person, how could they be robbed by the Weili Group?

Now this person wants to know what happened back then. Although he doesn't know what his specific purpose is, since he wants to know, just tell him that anyway, he can just put all the blame on Hadaway. For himself, it will be helpful. You may get some benefits from this matter, at least if this person really helps you escape from this terrifying special energy field, then everything will be worth it!

Thinking of this, he said loudly: "Back then, Hadaway ignored our obstruction and led a fleet to rob the Guanxi tribe. Because the Guanxi tribe was extremely weak back then, and we had internal agents on the Guanxi planet, we robbed The process was naturally very smooth. Not only did Hadaway robbed a large amount of money, but he also robbed a large number of people..."

"Where did those people go?"

"Those people...most of them were sent to his private plantation by Hardaway, and a small number were sent to various plantations of the group. Because they were afraid that they would gather together to cause trouble, usually after grabbing people, they would They dispersed, which is Hardaway's usual practice..." Zangxin continued.

"You mean, they were all sent to various plantations?" Xiaoxing was also startled when he heard this, and asked quickly.

"That's right! At that time, because our Willi Group was in a period of expansion, we had developed plantations on many planets and were in urgent need of a large number of manpower, so the people we grabbed were sent to the plantations to work as coolies..." Zang Xin said with certainty. .

"Isn't there anyone who has been refined into a cauldron?" Xiaoxing asked emphatically.

"No! I can swear to God! Because the cauldron business only started a long time after the robbery, and it has only developed to a relatively prosperous level. Before that, the people we robbed were all Go work as a coolie!" Zang Xin said.

"So, if the missing people from the Guanxi tribe were not tortured to death in the plantation, they would all be alive now, right?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Indeed! The information of these people should be kept in the group. However, those who were sent to Hadaway's private plantation cannot be tracked. I believe they are still alive. After all, although they are tired in the plantation, they are still alive. If they are tortured to death, the plantation will do no good, right?" Zang Xin said.

"Very good! Now, as long as you swear that what you just said is true, and when you go back, you will hand over all the information about the Guanxi people to us, and return all the imprisoned Guanxi people to us, If you pay another sum of money, I can promise to rescue you..." Xiaoxing said.

"Wow!!!" When everyone in the Willy Group heard this, they shouted excitedly...

"Boss, swear quickly!"

"Yes, aren't they just some Guanxi people? There are a lot of people in our plantation!"

"If it's not enough, grab some more..."

"That's right..."

Hearing the calls from his men, Zang Xin thought about what he had just said and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he immediately made an oath in public...

After he made the oath, Xiaoxing could see that Tiandao did not fully agree with Zangxin, but since the truth content in it exceeded 80%, the oath was still barely established!

Seeing that the oath was established, Zangxin couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief. For him, there was no other way but to win. If he failed, his fate would probably be miserable. But now that the oath has been passed, it seems that he There is still a chance to be rescued...

Those Guanxi tribesmen who had been watching from the side couldn't help cheering when they saw the secret oath passed, hugged into a ball, shouted and jumped, all of them were elated and couldn't help being happy!

Yes, they were all extremely nervous just now, hoping that what they said in their hearts would be true, because this would mean that all their missing tribesmen are alive, which is more important than anything else!

It is indeed not easy to finally achieve the fruition of many years of expectation...

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