The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3480 A hidden plan

But Zang Xin was in an extremely bad mood after it was confirmed that he had lost both Monet and Linna!

The current situation of Weili Group can be said to be extremely difficult, because a large amount of funds have been frozen by the three major financial forces. Without working capital, it is difficult to expand business, and many outlets have begun to suffer losses.

At the headquarters of Weili Star, there was originally a lot of savings, which Zangxin had always controlled. However, after ordering a large number of high-end parts, this savings was completely spent.

From Zangxin's point of view, this money has to be spent, even if you tighten your belt, because the situation in the galaxy is so dangerous now. If others have upgraded fleets but you don't, then just wait. People come to rob. The Weili Group has offended many forces over the years. If those forces are equipped with high-end components, then if the Weili Group does not follow up, the consequences will be extremely serious.

It can be said that the hacker trading platform is so powerful that all forces in the galaxy are driven by it and have no choice but to buy its high-end components!

This scene seems familiar. When Li Yun and Xiaoxing launched high-end jerseys at Qingyuan Gate, those forces had to rush to Qingyuan Gate one by one to buy them, because as long as one force purchased the high-end jerseys, the other forces would Under pressure, we have to join this arms race. If we don't keep up with this trend, we will be defeated in the arms race. If we don't fight, we will be defeated.

No one wants to lose in armaments. As long as they have the ability to purchase, they must follow up, otherwise they will be defeated unjustly. Therefore, even if they are frugal, they must bite the bullet and withstand the pressure. In addition, these forces are very Quickly think of a trick, that is to feed war with war!

The tricks that those forces in the Xuanling World can think of have long been commonplace in the core of the galaxy. Similar situations have not happened here in the history, so various races and forces are familiar with them, and some people have already reacted first. , such as those space pirates who rob races that order high-end parts. They can be said to be experienced in this area, and they are also the most dangerous group of people.

These people understand that their survival lies in their strong combat power. Only if they are stronger than others in combat power can they possibly rob others. Otherwise, they will just deliver food to their doorsteps. Therefore, in the past, these space pirates and adventure organizations would basically rob others. Half of the wealth he gained was spent on the purchase of armaments, or on modifying other people's higher-end components into his own battleships, thereby continuously improving his combat power and ensuring his advanced advantage.

But now, the hacker trading platform has become the birthplace of high-end parts, and even high-end spaceships and space forts are sold as a whole. This makes all space pirates and adventure organizations deeply feel that a crisis is coming!

This is because all the major races have sensed the profound changes brought about by this move. They have donated generously and ordered high-end parts. Some people have even ordered more high-end spaceships and space castles to quickly increase their combat effectiveness. Strive to be the best in this trend!

Space pirates and adventure groups understand,

If the strength of these races increases significantly, then they may in turn attack themselves, because many of them, like the Guanxi tribe, have been plundered by space pirates in the past and suffered heavy losses, but they can happen to be able to do so again. They make a lot of money and have a financial foundation, so as long as they convert these financial resources into combat power, they will pose a great threat to themselves...

As the de facto boss of the Weili Group, Zang Xin is worried about this, because he is worried not only about the Guanxi tribe, but also many other racial forces, which are originally maintained by the Weili Group. The pigs can be robbed and slaughtered as soon as they become fatter. But now these pigs are very likely to take advantage of the decline in the strength of the Weili Group to rise rapidly and in turn launch a crusade against the Weili Group!

In his plan, due to the freezing of funds, the Willy Group has lost the opportunity and is facing many crises in the current galaxy. Therefore, it must first find a way to protect itself. If it doesn't work, it must quickly get the space flying castle, and then Pack up all your belongings and escape the galaxy!

In other words, the Willi Group's strategy has now shifted from the previous offense to defense. On the one hand, it is self-protection. If self-protection is not possible, then on the other hand, it must escape.

In order to protect himself, Zangxin has abandoned Hadaway and charged him with a big crime. He has pinned some of the more obvious sins committed by the Willy Group on him alone, thus making him Willy Group shakes off its negative image.

At present, since the last report was released, the response to Weili Group from various places seems to be within the expected range. No one has launched a denouncement against Weili Group, and business can continue. This shows that people seem to think that Weili Group The Lee Group is also a victim, and was led astray by Hadaway alone!

In particular, the reaction of the Gourmet Star Group played a certain role in Zang Xin's plan, because their announcement was written exactly according to Zang Xin's intention, describing Hadaway's ferocity and bloodshed at great length, and also It should be noted that the Willy fleet has actually left the Gourmet constellation. It was entirely because Hadaway, in order to vent his personal anger, took a battleship to bombard the Spoon Star, causing chaos in this constellation...

Zangxin didn't know that this was the result of Hong Jian and Cai Lang's intention to establish a good relationship with him. He thought that his clever plan had succeeded, and he felt quite proud.

Seeing that the effect was not bad, Zang Xin calmed down a little. At least he was not in a hurry to escape now. Therefore, his next step was to fully enhance the combat power of the fleet. This is the most urgent and important plan!

Now, the first batch of high-end components have been delivered and installed. One fleet has been fully upgraded and its combat power has soared. This has taken Zangxin's plan a solid step forward.

However, this is not enough in his opinion, because the strength of this fleet can only catch up with the modified combat power of other races. If it cannot have a combat power that is much higher than them, especially in There is a big breakthrough in offensive capabilities, but how can high-risk operations like robbery be carried out?

Besides, other races may have already set their sights on high-end spaceships and space forts, and they may also choose high-end products from space forts. So for the Willy Group, they must grit their teeth and follow up no matter what!

If there is no follow-up, even the escape route may not be feasible in the future...

Looking at the loss of Monet and Lina from this perspective, it seems particularly serious, because they are important bargaining chips for the Willy Group to extort huge sums of money from the Guanxi tribe. Half of the requirements for a high-end space flying castle It's their fault, but they didn't expect that the two of them would mysteriously disappear at this critical moment!

This incident had a big impact on Zang Xin and made him depressed for a short period of time. But he was a very powerful person after all, and he quickly came up with an alternative plan, which was to find two people with Monet and Lina. People who look very similar, and then inject the preserved blood of the two people into their bodies. This will make Artus mistakenly think that his children are in his hands. This can also be used to extort money. main purpose.

He did it as soon as he thought of it, and Zangxin found two ideal candidates on the Weili planet. They were even from the Guanxi tribe, which made him ecstatic!

That's right, only the Guanxi people can make Ates completely believe it. From Zangxin's point of view, God is really helping him!

Therefore, after careful preparation, Zangxin immediately sent a mission to Guanxi Star to negotiate. He himself also hid in the mission in order to make suggestions and take charge of the overall situation...

As for Guanxi Star, after Ping He and Artus agreed, they decided to postpone negotiations with the Weili Group and instead spent their money wisely, ordering the space flying castle first. This step was the right one.

Because they were not well-informed in terms of information, they actually didn’t even know much about some of the recent events in the Weili Group, including Hadaway’s imprisonment, the statement issued by the Weili Group, etc., until they checked it out online when they placed the order. Only then did he discover this information, which made him immediately aware of it. He thought that some changes might have occurred within the Willy Group. There might have been some internal conflict that led to the boss going to rob, but he failed and was arrested. And the group To actually overthrow him and let him take on many sins is such an outrageous thing. This is of course a good thing for the Guanxi tribe.

He immediately found Artus to discuss the possibility...

"Such a thing happened..." Artus was also stunned!

As an old fox who has been practicing for many years, he certainly has an extremely keen sense of smell. From this incident, he can definitely tell what must be happening within the Willy Group!

Especially Zang Xin caught his attention. He remembered that it was Zang Xin who sent the threatening letter last time, and it was Zang Xin who sent the blackmail letter later. It was obvious that Zang Xin was already at odds with the Guanxi tribe!

This person must have a very high status in the Willy Group, and he can tolerate it internally for such a long time, and only now has he overthrown Hadaway in one fell swoop. This shows that he must be an extremely patient and strategic person...

"Patriarch, such a big thing has happened within the Willy Group. Even the boss Hadaway is dead. It should be extremely chaotic now, right?" Ping He said.

"What do you mean..." Artus asked, staring at Pinghe.

"No matter how strong the fortress is, if there is an internal problem, it will become very fragile! If we press the army at this time, can we force them to hand over Uncle Mo and Aunt Lin?" Ping He analyzed.

"No, absolutely not!" Artus quickly denied it.

"But why?"

"You underestimated one person, that is, the one who hides his heart..."

"Hide your heart?!"

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