The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3477 The tangled Artus

However, from Zangxin's point of view, even if the son and daughter could escape from the plantation formation, they would not be able to escape from Planet Willy. There was of course a reason for this.

Because the cultivation realm of those who enter the plantation will be locked, and the spiritual vein system cannot function normally for a long time, the cultivation realm itself cannot be maintained, and will continue to decline, and may even threaten life safety.

Therefore, the Weili Group will check these coolies every once in a while. If they find that their condition is not good, they will release their spiritual veins and let them recover for a while before locking them to prevent them from really dying.

Naturally, the children of Ates cannot escape such a fate. After being in such a state for so many years, they must be extremely weak. I am afraid they are no better than a mortal. Therefore, even if they have a way to escape from the formation, It's impossible to escape very far, let alone leave this planet Willy!

Thinking of this, Zangxin couldn't help but calm down, and immediately ordered the whole world to search for these two people. There will be many rewards...

For a time, the people on Planet Willi were crazy with joy. Finding these two coolies who were almost like mortals could actually receive heavy rewards. Many people gave up their main jobs and joined the search for people one after another...

Seeing this scene, the couple hiding in the special space shivered and finally realized how lucky they were!

Of course, this special space belongs to one of Xiaoxing's spiritual bodies, that is, the delivery boy who delivers high-end parts.

After receiving the instructions from his body, he immediately entered the plantation and rescued the two people. At first, the two people could not believe that this sudden young man could rescue themselves from this terrible prison. They thought it was something performed by the Willy Group. However, when they saw Fujino coming to arrest them with a large group of people, the two knew that they couldn't do anything without gambling on their fate, so they agreed to escape and were received by Xiaoxing in a special space.

The two of them hid in a special space and saw with their own eyes the horrific scenes of Fujino and others searching for people. They also heard with their own ears what Zang Xin said to Fujino, and finally understood how dangerous the situation outside was...

If he doesn't escape this time and is caught by Zangxin, his father Artus will be thrown into great passivity. The wealth that Guanxi Xing finally accumulated to buy the space flying fortress is very likely to fall into the trap. If you hide your heart, your sin will be great!

If he didn't want to bear such a big sin, he had to die to avoid becoming a hostage in Zang Xin's hands. However, without his knowledge, Zang Xin treated him well and deliciously, and the two of them How could it be possible to know that there was such a sinister conspiracy behind such a good thing?

Therefore, it is definitely impossible for the two of them to commit suicide, and it is impossible for the father to watch his children being killed by hidden intentions. In the end, I am afraid that he can only spend money to eliminate the disaster...

"Xiao Ling, thank you for saving my life!!!" Monet, Artes' son, said excitedly.

"My concubine's life is not important, but if I harm my father and Guanxi Xing because of this, then my concubine's sin will be too great... I will never forget the kindness of the young master in saving each other!!!" Ate Si's daughter Linna burst into tears and choked with sobs.

"Hey, you two seniors don't need to do this. I let you watch and listen here just to let you know the truth of the matter. Now you won't worry about being abducted by me, right?" Xiaoxing teased.

When Monet heard this, he quickly said: "Don't dare! It's just that the situation is dangerous right now. Can we really escape from Planet Weili?"

"If it's too difficult, Master, just let us die and bring our ashes to father. Over the years, the two of us have become like humans and ghosts, and we have no shame to go back. See him..." Lina cried.

Xiaoxing sighed secretly when he heard this. It seemed that Lina had been tortured by her life as a prisoner and had lost all her will. She just wanted to die. There is no greater sorrow than death. For a cultivator, especially a woman, Such a life as a prisoner is really worse than death. It is hard to say whether I can still practice cultivation well...

He took out two pills and said, "You don't have to worry about leaving.

In my eyes, this Weili star is just a place where I can come and go freely. Your most important task now is to recover well so that you can be in a better condition to see your father. I have unlocked the spiritual power lock for you, but because your spiritual veins have been locked for too long, the damage is quite serious, so it is not appropriate to replenish it immediately, but to restore it gradually. These are two energy pills. Take one for each person first, and recover your energy first before talking. "

When Monet and Linna heard this, they couldn't help but thank them profusely, and then they took the energy pill...

The two were quickly taken away from the Willy Planet by Xiaoxing's spirit body and went to the Phantom Planet.

However, the search for Monet and Lina on Willi is in full swing. However, as time goes by, Zang Xin gradually feels bad. It seems that these two people are very likely to have disappeared. Where will they go? Where will it be hidden? Can you leave Willis?

Due to the huge value of the two people now, Zangxin immediately ordered a complete blockade of Weili Planet, and strictly inspected all departing spaceships to prevent the two from getting out. At the same time, they increased their search efforts, even if they scratched the ground ten miles away. To find the two of them, live or dead, after all, the dead are valuable to Artus...

However, after a period of time, all these measures proved to be in vain. The two people just disappeared out of thin air. They were neither alive nor dead. They just disappeared from that morning, as invisible as air. Without a trace…

He meditated hard and conducted many escape experiments to see how the two mortal prisoners would escape from Planet Veli. As a result, every experiment proved that this was impossible to succeed in any case!

So, how did Monet and Lina escape?

This matter has become a thorn in his heart, making him extremely uncomfortable and almost becoming a demon in his mind. If this matter cannot be resolved, I am afraid he will think about it every day...

In addition, since Artus received the threatening letter from him last time, on one hand he sent Hamilton to take Jerry and Snowdin to various plantations to find his children, and on the other hand he sent envoys to Veli. I want to get them both back through negotiation.

Now, the envoys sent out have finally arrived at Willy Star, but Zangxin no longer has any hostages on hand...

But Zang Xin would naturally not reveal this information. With his cunning, how could he let it slip at this time?

When the envoy asked to see Monet and Lina in person, Zangxin showed them an image of the two working on a plantation to prove that they were indeed in his hands, and then negotiated terms with the envoy to demand a huge amount of wealth. …

Naturally, this information was quickly passed back to Ates by the messenger...

After Artus saw the image and the huge wealth he was secretly asking for, he was completely stunned!

It was a great joy to see the news that his two children were still alive, but he didn't expect that the conditions that followed would turn his joy into sadness, and he suddenly felt bad...

If the money is paid according to the conditions of Zangxin, it will be equivalent to the countless years of hard work of countless people in Guanxi Star being wasted in one day. How can this be worthy of the clan? How to explain to them?

You know, many members of the clan were kidnapped during the robbery by the Willy Group. If I exchanged a huge sum of money for my own children, what about the others?

Shouldn't they be exchanged? In the eyes of their relatives, they are also extremely precious, no less important than their own children, so even if they are the patriarch, they cannot explain all this to them...

However, knowing clearly that one's children are still alive and one has the ability to save them but cannot do so, isn't this suffering?

Artus' whole face became gloomy, he didn't think about food and drink, and he became very thin after a while...

When the young man heard the news, he quickly ran to him and said, "Is the patriarch worried about Uncle Mo and Aunt Lin?"

When Artus heard this, he sighed: "Stop talking! Even if you are willing to help with this matter, I will never agree!"

"But we have money now, so let's exchange them back first! It's impossible for the clansmen to watch you, clan leader, lose weight day by day. If something happens to you again, won't our Guanxi clan be in disaster?" He said peacefully.

"Impossible! I am no longer useless. In fact, I have already decided to resign from the position of clan leader. It is best for you to be the clan leader. I believe that no one in the clan would disagree! The Guanxi clan is in your hands. It will be even more prosperous, I absolutely believe this!" Artus said loudly.

"This... Patriarch, please don't say that. You are now in the prime of life. Of course, you need to take charge of the affairs of the clan. My interest is only in planting spirit pomelo. Other affairs are not my strong point, so the position of clan leader is not suitable." Me, I will never do it!" Ping He said.

"How can that be done? Who should you choose to be the leader of the clan? You are the most talented person in the clan. Everyone obeys you. This clan leader must be you!"

"Oh, Patriarch, everyone has different expertise. If you force him into an inappropriate position, it will harm him instead of helping him! Besides, I'm not here to discuss with you today whether or not you should be the Patriarch. I'm here to persuade you to agree to exchange Uncle Mo and Aunt Lin. In my opinion, money, as long as we work hard to earn it, we can earn it back sooner or later, but if people don't exchange it, they may lose it in the future. You can never change it back!" Ping He said loudly.

"No! Absolutely not! It's impossible for me to watch other tribesmen suffering in their plantations, but only the two of them are replaced. How can I explain this to the tribesmen?"

"It turns out that this is what the clan leader is worried about! Then why don't we talk to Zang Xin again? See if we can bring back all our captured clansmen at such a price?"


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