The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3475 Hong Arrow

Cai Lang was dumbfounded by Hong Jian's discovery. He seemed to have only begun to have a true understanding of the famous Weili Group today, but this understanding came too late...

"So it seems that Zangxin asked Hadaway to help him rob Lake of No Return, while he himself led the other four warships to leave here. Could it be because of other important matters?" Cai Lang asked suspiciously.

"It's not clear what other important things are, because I only got this information in the memories of those people, and Zangxin also told them that if they can't conquer the Lake of No Return, they should evacuate immediately to avoid being captured by the fleet of our Food Star Group. , Obviously Zangxin knows how powerful our main fleet is... In addition, he has a special order for those people..." Hong Jian said.

"What order?"

"No matter what the outcome of robbing the Lake of No Return, Hardaway will eventually be thrown away and left to fend for himself!"

"Is that so?!" Cai Lang screamed when he heard this!

Hong Jian nodded and said: "It can be seen from this order that Zangxin no longer wants to use Hadaway, a big killer, and he wants to take sole control of the Willy Group..."

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, there was internal strife in the Willy Group... However, this is not considered internal strife, but the so-called boss was directly abandoned. This situation is really unimaginable. Could there be some people in it who are not like us? What about the inside story that you don’t know?” Cai Lang pondered.

"What the Star Master said makes sense! What we have seen are just some appearances, at most a little bit of the inside story. The things involved may be very deep. This has to make us vigilant..." Hong Jian thought.

"Oh? What should we be wary of?" Cai Lang was startled and asked quickly.

"Star Lord, think about it, this person Zangxin must be extremely resourceful. He was able to control the entire Weili Group for a long time and coaxed Hadaway into submission. He only followed his plan and was manipulated in the stock market. From the palm of his hand, it can be seen that he is extremely smart and capable! But this time, his approach was obviously to abandon Hadaway, and also planted a charge of robbing the forces of Wugui Lake on his head. In my opinion, he will soon Will spread the news to sever all relations between the Willy Group and Hadaway, and blame Hadaway for everything the Willy Group has done in the past. In this way, the Willy Group can preserve its reputation, and Hadawi Wei Ze has since become a dead person in the galaxy..." Hong Jian analyzed.

"Those who are tied to death? What do you mean..." Cai Langhu asked.

"This is an Internet saying that I saw recently on the Internet. It means that this person may not be dead yet, but there is not much difference from being dead..."

"But why?"

"For example, although Hardaway is not dead now, he has been secretly accused of a major crime.

And this is just the beginning. Then, Zangxin will definitely put more charges on Hadaway. In this way, can Hadaway still walk in the galaxy? No matter where he goes, everyone will definitely avoid him. No one will receive him, no one will ask him to do anything, and no one will become his disciple, because he may even be able to support himself. If he is no longer alive, there will even be victims who will attack him in groups. Someone who upholds morality will come forward to punish him to punish evil and promote good. Even if Hardaway is released by us, he will become a street ghost in the galaxy. Rat, everyone shouted to beat him, and finally he had no choice but to die in a foreign country... What is the big difference between this state and death? " Hong Jian said eloquently.

"It's true... This hidden intention is too insidious and powerful. It kills people invisibly..." Cai Lang sighed.

"So, should we continue to hold Hardaway now, or let him go?" Hong Jian asked.

"This... we haven't seen how Zang Xin moves yet. What if he doesn't operate like this? Will he frame us in turn?" Cai Lang was a little afraid of Zang Xin now and couldn't help but worry.

"Star Lord does not need to worry about this. After all, it is a fact that Hardaway robbed Lake of No Return. We have recorded the scene. In addition, there are people from Lake of No Return who can testify, so Hardaway cannot escape this crime. of…"

"Okay! So what do you think we should do?"

"Actually, I guess he is just waiting for our reaction before he will continue to take action. If we suppress this matter, he will not take any action for a while, but if we make this matter public Everyone, then he can just release the news, sever all ties with Hadaway, and put all the blame on him!" Hong Jian analyzed.

"It makes sense! So, should we announce this news?" Cai Lang asked.

"Sooner or later, this news will be leaked. After all, our people may also leak this information. People in Wugui Lake have also seen it. If they upload the picture of the battleship's attack to the Internet, someone may be able to tell that this battleship belongs to the U.S. military." It belongs to the profit group. In addition, even if the two groups of us do not leak the news, I am afraid that Zangxin himself will take the initiative to leak the news..."

"Leaking it on your own initiative?" Cai Lang was startled.

"Yes! Now he wants to make a clean break with Hadaway and truly take control of the Willy Group. Before that, he must ruin Hadaway's reputation so that he can pour all the dirty water of the Willy Group on him. If Hadaway is killed, then the Weili Group led by Zangxin will be innocent!" Hong Jian analyzed.

"Wo... well said!!!" Cai Lang praised.

"Hey, so, for us, of course we can't have any friendship with Hadaway, who is about to become a big criminal, let alone cover him up. With the strength and status of the Willy Group, if he recovers his innocence, , then it’s better for us to be on good terms with him rather than be at odds with him. So, in my opinion, we might as well cooperate with each other and announce the news first to see if he will take the opportunity to criticize Hardaway verbally and in writing..." Hong Arrow smiled, his eyes sparkling...

When Cai Lang heard Hong Jian's plan, of course he agreed with it, but with his spiritual consciousness, he also caught the sinister smile in Hong Jian's eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart!

That's right, only someone as insidious as him could see such an insidious plan. Otherwise, why didn't he see it?

It can be seen from this that Hong Jian is also a deeply hidden conspirator. Could he also control the food constellation behind his back?

Thinking of this, Cai Lang couldn't help but be shocked!

He suddenly realized that if Hong Jian was also a person like Zang Xin, then he might really become another Hadaway!

Because now the combat power of the entire food constellation is actually in the hands of Hong Jian. He is only a nominal star master. The real power of life and death is indeed in Hong Jian’s hands. Moreover, externally, Hong Jian He also often represents himself and has close contacts with the top executives of various planets and large groups, and has fierce fights with them. However, as the star owner, he is often left alone and unattended...

Even though the fleet of the Food Star Cluster was fully upgraded this time, Hong Jian actually decided to kill it first and then tell him after the purchase came back that he was too cowardly to be the star owner...

Cai Lang looked at the sick Hadaway in the prison space, and suddenly felt a cold squirt on his back, because he seemed to have seen his possible fate in the future...

Fortunately, the future is still in the future. Cai Lang is now alert. He can still work hard not to become Hardaway's second, but now, he must continue to act as himself that he was unaware of before, echoing Hong Jian's idea, so he said: " This is a great plan! Why don’t we officially announce the news immediately and see how Willy Group will react..."

"Star Master is absolutely right!" Hong Jian praised.

He quickly arranged for someone to announce the news, and immediately it caused a stir!

The entire food constellation is about to explode!

People have condemned the actions of Hadaway and even the Willy Group, demanding that they be responsible for this and pay the due price...

As the news spread rapidly on the Internet, more people knew the news and saw Hadaway in prison and the scene of him bombarding Lake No Return with a battleship. People became angry and joined in the fight. Amid the wave of condemnation from the Willy Group...

As expected by Hong Jian, the Weili Group reacted extremely quickly. After people from the Gourmet Star Group began to know about the incident, they immediately issued an announcement announcing that they would sever all ties with Hadaway and pointed out that robbery Lake of No Return was entirely Hardaway's idea. Those men were coerced by Hadaway, and the reason why Hardaway wanted to rob Lake of No Return was because he had a personal grudge with Drake and wanted to vent it out in this way. The anger in my heart... In addition, Weili Group will never stay out of the matter and is willing to compensate for any losses suffered by Wugui Lake, and deeply apologizes to those who have been hurt, frightened and harassed by this matter...

The content of this announcement is quite detailed, and it is obviously well prepared. The most important point is to pin all the blame on Hadaway alone, and then clean up the Willy Group...

The Hadaway incident was fermenting, and so was the Weili Group's announcement. People in many places saw the two pieces of news almost at the same time. Therefore, there was not much resistance to the Weili Group's outlets in various places, because People have regarded Hadaway as a sinner, consciously or unconsciously, and the Willy Group as a victim...

When Cai Lang saw this result, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!

He has truly seen through people like Zang Xin and Hong Jian!

It is precisely because they are the same type of people that they can tell what kind of moves the other party uses. It is difficult for ordinary people to infer such moves from some simple information. Just like Cai Lang himself, he cannot tell it at all. I can’t even think of it…

"What should I do? What should I do..." Cai Lang locked himself in a secret room, facing the wall and thinking, murmuring...

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