The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3464 The true face of the hidden heart

Hadaway is now on the verge of breaking out. For him, recent events have been too unsatisfactory. The Willy Group has been hit repeatedly. Now the main fleet only has five battleships left, and a large number of spacecraft and personnel have been lost. Even Jerry, the third child, and Snowdin, the fourth child, were trapped on the Guanxi planet, which gave him a bad feeling that the situation was over. At this time, he just wanted to kill a lot and vent his anger...

Zang Xin noticed the signs of Hadaway and quickly advised: "Boss, it's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge! It's not like we haven't experienced greater setbacks before. Don't worry about this failure. We still have to take a long-term view. As long as we will The bases of the two chef kings, Drake and the husband, have been robbed. We will have money to order high-end parts, and the future will be easy! Therefore, we must stay calm now and don't conflict with others to avoid damage. event!"

"Well...well, you go and ask them what they want to do..."

"no problem!"

Zang Xin shook his feather fan and led a few people out of the cabin. He saw early on that the fleet opposite should be the patrol fleet of the Food Star Group, which was a bit surprising.

Because although the Gourmet Constellation had patrol fleets in the past, it was not as active as it is now. It actually came to the outer edge of the constellation to patrol. What is going on?

Did they discover the purpose of their five spaceships? impossible…

You must know that this small Willy fleet came to rob the Spoon Star on a temporary basis. In addition, it was decided to come as quickly as possible, so it was impossible for these patrol fleets to discover their intentions.

Zang calmed down and shouted: "We are from the Willy Group, why do you want to stop me?"

When the other party's patrol fleet saw someone from the other party coming out of the cabin to shout, they also let go of their vigilance and said: "It turns out to be the spaceship of the Willy Group. I wonder what your purpose is here? Who is coming? How many people are there in total? How many ships are there? ?How many days do you plan to stay in this constellation? When will you leave?"

"What?!" Zang Xin was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to ask such random questions. Are they too idle?

The other party seemed to anticipate Zang Xin's reaction, and then said: "This is a new rule of this constellation. All incoming fleets must make such records before entering. Otherwise, please return by yourself. If you want to force your way in, This constellation will definitely give a fierce blow!"

When Zang Xin heard this, he suddenly realized that it seemed that the other party was not targeting his own small fleet, but all foreign fleets. He could understand this, so he said: "That's it! I don't know why the Guixing Group implemented such a new policy." Gui? Could it be that we encountered some external threat? "

"Have you heard of the Blue Fish Fleet?"

"Blue Fish Fleet? Could it be the alien galaxy fleet that came here some time ago to look for people?" Zang Xin said.

"That's right! After the departure of the Blue Fish Fleet, the people in this star group have greatly lost their sense of security. Therefore, they called on the stars to strengthen their precautions, increase their defense power, and protect the safety of the people. Therefore, our patrol fleet also expanded accordingly. Not only did the number of spaceships increase greatly, but also the equipment It has also been greatly improved, and a large number of troops have been deployed on various planets in this constellation!"

"This..." Zang Xin couldn't help but froze when he heard this! I didn't expect that my visit to Spoon Star to rob would be so unsuccessful. It seems that the Food Star Group was stimulated by the last Blue Fish Fleet incident, and they spared no effort to strengthen their defense force. Isn't this causing trouble for themselves?

But I heard the other party continue: "Okay! Please complete the registration as soon as possible. I'll ask you questions, and hurry up! There is a fleet waiting behind you... You have to accept our dedicated personnel to come on board for inspection and verification, and you are not allowed to refuse!"

"No problem!" Zangxin replied helplessly.

The registration was quickly completed, and when the other party saw that this fleet actually belonged to the Willy Group, they became polite, said some soft words to apologize, and then let their small fleet go...

Originally, the other party needed to send people on board to check, but due to the reputation of the Willy Group, this step was omitted. It can be seen that this so-called new rule is just a show and has not been well implemented.

From Zangxin's point of view, if you do things like this, you can't detect any hidden threats at all. If you encounter a truly powerful enemy, how can you stop it with these patrol fleets?

However, after all, the Food Star Group has invested a lot in defense, so there is still trouble. If their fleet also purchases high-end components for a comprehensive upgrade, the trouble will be even greater, which makes Zangxin have to improve. alert.

You must know that the Food Star Cluster has always been extremely wealthy. It is very easy for them to mobilize Daqu÷ge funds to upgrade the spacecraft. Therefore, Zangxin can only hope that they will still have time to complete the upgrade task.

He did not reveal Hadaway's arrival in the registration just now. Of course, he wanted to save a hand for subsequent actions so as not to attract the attention of the patrol fleet, because Hadaway's status is still very high in the galaxy. If he heard that Hadaway, the boss of the Willy Group, Wei came here in person, and I believe that Star Master Cai Lang will personally greet him. By then it will be impossible to rob the Spoon Star!

In fact, Zangxin's reputation is not that great. This is related to the fact that he has always been relatively low-key, and it is also a result of his deliberate concealment, because he knows that adventure group strategists like himself have done countless harm to those weird ideas they usually come up with. People, it would be fine if nothing happens to the group, but once something happens, it will definitely lead to death, so he would rather lose his reputation and keep his own integrity.

Therefore, many people in the outside world did not know him, so that the patrolling officers just now did not care about him, and they all spoke carelessly and rudely!

Zangxin and Hadaway took this small Willy fleet and flew towards the food star cluster's main star, the food basket star. This was because they had said they were going to the food basket star when they registered just now, so of course they had to go there first. .

"Boss, the situation is not good!" Zang Xin sighed.

"Humph, just with these patrol fleets? I can defeat them all by myself!" Hadaway said disdainfully.

"Boss, this is not the time to compete with others! We have now reached the point where we can no longer make mistakes. Now that various planets in the food star cluster have these new defense forces, we must take them into account. Moreover, we What we see now is just a patrol fleet. We have no idea what changes have occurred in their main fleet. If all their spaceships have been upgraded, it will pose a great threat to us!" Zang Xin analyzed. .

Hadaway couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this. He beat his bald head with some annoyance and said, "It's all my fault for giving up all the Gourmet Star Cluster stations last time! If they were here, we wouldn't be so passive now. …”

What he said made Zang Xin a little surprised. He didn't expect Hadaway to blame himself now. This is extremely unusual for him. Anyway, such a thing has never happened in the past!

It seems that the recent series of blows have made Hardaway feel depressed and he has begun to learn to reflect on himself...

"Boss, forget it now that it's over! Let's go to the food basket star where we just registered, replenish the ammunition there, and then purchase some other means of attack and protection. At the same time, we will collect the latest information and find the right time. Strike again!" Zang Xin said.

"Do you still want to go to such trouble? It's just robbing the two chef kings..." Hadavich said.

"Don't take it lightly! The two kitchen king forces are both big forces, and they must have a strong foundation. We cannot destroy them casually. There will definitely be a price to pay, so we must be fully prepared. In addition, now the Food Star Group The defense power has been greatly increased. After we take action, we have to consider escaping. If we don't have enough energy bars, we can't even escape. What's the use of grabbing more?" Zang Xin analyzed.

"Okay, go ahead and make arrangements. I have a headache and need to practice for a while first!" Hadaway was so annoyed that he disappeared without a trace...

Seeing this, Zangxin shook his head helplessly. It seemed that the burden of the Willy Group fell on him for the time being, and it was no longer possible to rely on Hadaway to take command.

However, this is nothing to him, because the Willy Group has developed to this point, and the person behind the scenes is actually himself, and Hadaway is just a big killer in his hands!

Everything in the Weili Group is actually in the hands of Zang Xin, including wealth, manpower, information, etc. People in the fleet actually recognize Zang Xin in their hearts, not Hadaway.

Therefore, the recent series of blows have hit Zang's heart more, but he has strong enough psychological endurance, because he knows that the Willy Group still has a foundation. Even if the fleet is completely destroyed, he can still survive in the short term. To make a comeback, he was not too anxious, but went to the Cai Lanxing to replenish his firepower according to the established plan...

However, what he didn't know was that the actions of this small Willy fleet had long been exposed. When Drake and the assassins in the courtyard hall saw their actions, they laughed so much that their stomachs almost hurt!

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"Why are they still going to Basketball Star? Why don't they go to my Lake of No Return quickly?" Drake said loudly.

"What? Do you really want them to go quickly?" the husband teased.

"Aren't you? If they hurry up and fight, can't they quickly taste the power of the cage clearing formation?" Drake said with a smile.

"Haha, don't worry about that. Wouldn't it be boring if they ran out of ammunition after fighting for a while? This guy Zangxin is really thorough in his work. He is a powerful character!" The husband laughed.

"Brother Bo, can't you see it?" Falk interjected from the side.

"What do you see?" The husband was startled.

"The Willi Group is actually in the hands of Zang Xin. This guy hides himself deeply, but he pushes Hadaway to the front and becomes a big knife in his hand. All the murders are attributed to Hadaway. On Wei's head, all the benefits were taken away by Zangxin..."

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