The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3461 Widening the gap

The modification competition between the two sides is in full swing. Although the Xingma Fleet is ahead in the modification speed, this does not mean that the competition is won, because after the modification, you must also study the Taoist magic films. Only by understanding it can you be comfortable. Control new parts and exert your due combat power.

In addition, the people of the Star Horse Fleet had no idea that there was something fishy hidden in the batch of parts they got. They also didn't know that the Galaxy Fleet had already gotten real high-end parts and was still competing with itself for speed.

Therefore, the two sides seem to be competing, but that is not the case at all. The reason why the Star Horse Fleet is eager to refit is entirely to increase its combat power quickly so that it can overwhelm the Galaxy Fleet and other fleets and carry out plunder in the Milky Way. , make a fortune, but the Galaxy Fleet is aiming at the opponent's progress and exerting pressure on itself, trying to overtake the opponent in speed and overwhelm the opponent in combat power to prevent any accidents from happening.

Both sides soon entered the research stage of Taoism simple films. At this stage, the Galaxy Fleet began to shorten and overtake the opponent!

The main reason is not only that the strength of the remaining core fleets is higher than that of the Star Horse Fleet, but also because of the help of the five delivery boys.

In particular, the elder who took the lead was extremely knowledgeable in Taoism. Under his guidance, each fleet understood the Taoism diagrams very quickly, and it didn't take long for them to be able to control the new parts!

Although I don’t know much about the core principles of new parts, being able to control them freely is the first and most important step. Otherwise, if the thing you buy won’t be used, wouldn’t it be just like waste?

On the Star Horse Fleet side, the speed is much slower. By the time they start to be able to perform some simple controls through their own exploration, the Galaxy Fleet side has already entered the actual combat training stage!

This new Galaxy Fleet is composed of five core fleets, namely the Nine-Star Scepter Fleet of the Quanzhu Group, the Wumeng Black God Fleet, the Tonglin Indian Fleet, the Ximo Maya Fleet and the Kaifang Heber Fleet.

After this round of comprehensive upgrades of the five fleets, all the ships have almost completely changed compared to the original ones. Each one is shining with aura and amazing momentum!

It is much stronger than those ships in the last information about the Blue Wolf Clan fleet. Of course, this mainly refers to the momentum exuded by the spacecraft. Naturally, it is still incomparable in terms of size and ship design.

Why does the momentum of the ship change so drastically after just replacing one, two or several new parts?

I'm afraid many people are confused about this, but they can't understand the reason behind it.

Li Yun and Xiao Xing didn't bother to explain to them, because if they really had to explain, there would be too many truths involved, and those people would never be able to finish them.

However, one thing that can be briefly mentioned is that the new parts have the same and different functions, but no matter which new part they are, they all contain the micro-nano robot team developed by Xiaoxing!

These small robots can do a lot of things. They can repair and upgrade all the components of the entire spacecraft according to the instructions of the component spirit, and the energy they use is the native particle energy carried by the Juling Cloud!

Just a few native particles, or even just one native particle, is enough to increase the energy level of the entire spacecraft countless times. This is the main reason for its dramatic increase in momentum.

This native particle is like the perpetual energy source of the entire spacecraft. It can continuously provide energy for these small nano-robots, allowing them to perform various tasks according to instructions, thereby continuously increasing the level of the entire spacecraft. …

In other words, the energy of primary particles mainly serves new components and small nano-robots, but because its energy can spread throughout the entire spacecraft, it greatly increases the momentum of the spacecraft, making them look particularly different.

Moreover, when the quality of all original parts of the spacecraft has been improved, and with the blessing of native particle energy, the capabilities that these original parts can exert are much higher than before.

Thus improving performance and combat effectiveness...

In addition, if the spacecraft is damaged, this small nano-robot team can quickly repair it, which means that the spacecraft has good self-recovery capabilities, which is also one of the main signs of the increase in the level of the spacecraft.

With the blessing of native particle energy and a fleet of small nano-robots, it has become a reality for these ships to surpass those of the Wolf fleet!

It can be said that if the current Galaxy Fleet encounters the Blue Wolf Clan Fleet, there is no need to worry about being unable to defeat them.

Of course, this is not necessarily the case in actual combat.

Although the level of the battleships exceeds that of the opponent, this is only superior to them in terms of hardware. In terms of software, the Galaxy Fleet is still far behind, because the people of the Galaxy Fleet are still unable to freely use new components, let alone use tactics. Come and deal with the opponent. If you fight against the Blue Wolf Fleet like this, you will definitely lose...

Quan Bing and others also realized this. They were still self-aware of the stupidity and backwardness of people like themselves. After all, when they picked up those Taoist slips, they discovered that the words and images in the slips all recognized themselves. , but I don’t know them. It can be said that I am blind and dark under the lamp. In short, I am completely confused!

Quan Bing immediately ordered that everyone must seek advice from the five delivery boys, and must devote themselves wholeheartedly to research and application, without wasting any time...

Shui Xin, Tali, Yang Cuo, Zhuan Lun and Zhuan Shan suddenly became popular. Everyone was surrounded by countless people, and they almost couldn't even move...

Fortunately, the five leaders, Quan Bing, Peng Yi, Qi Tong Na, La Gong and Fei Yu, were all by their side, so that the situation could be eased and the teaching operation could continue.

This teaching process must be combined with actual combat training to enable the soldiers to learn faster and master more freely. Therefore, these five fleets quickly entered the stage of combining learning and practice. Everyone's research enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high, and it feels like every The day is progressing rapidly, and every moment is wonderful!

It is extremely rare to achieve such a state of selfless research. It is a bit like a state of enlightenment. Everyone can get a lot of benefits more or less in this state. The longer the time, the more benefits, and the continuous Being in this state for so many days is like finding a treasure for them, and they make great fortunes one by one!

In comparison, the Xingma Fleet seemed a bit miserable, because when they studied the Taoist films, they found that they couldn't understand them at all, even the leaders Chen Xing, Jing Jia, Mark and Baidu were the same. .

If the leaders like them are like this, the people below are even worse. They rely entirely on trial and error, and slowly master it through constant trial and error...

It’s not that these Taoist skills are fake, they are indeed real, but they are indeed very advanced. With these people’s Taoist skills, it is difficult to master them in a short time.

So why do other races that buy high-end parts have so much less of a problem with this?

The reason is that other races have delivery boys to guide them, so they have fewer opportunities to make mistakes and can get started in a shorter period of time.

But the Star Horse Fleet is different. These high-end parts are snatched from them. Naturally, there is no delivery boy to provide on-site guidance, so you have to cross the river by feeling the stones by yourself at every step. The difference here is sometimes really big. unimaginable…

For example, when the Star Horse Fleet was making mistakes, some spaceships would suddenly fire a cannonball, causing countless damage!

Sometimes, just by pressing a certain control button, the entire spacecraft suddenly flies up, and in a blink of an eye, it flies out of the planet where it was temporarily parked. It has never come back yet...

There were also several ship collisions. As a result, Chenxing ordered all ships to be far apart to avoid further collisions.

After several similar horrific incidents, everyone looked at these ships with a look of awe on their faces, feeling that they were like monsters and completely out of their control...

Seeing this situation, Chenxing was extremely helpless. He didn't expect that things would develop to such an extent. However, he could still understand the truth.

It's like asking a child to swing a sledgehammer. He often doesn't swing it well and ends up smashing his own foot. He's lucky not to hit his head!

The civilized state of people like myself is lower than that of the Canglang tribe, but now they have to use components that are higher than them. This is not a normal thing, so this kind of terrorist incident is inevitable.

But Jing Jia and others did not understand, and they even began to doubt whether these Taoist magic films were fake.

"Boss, I see that the Taoist skills written on the slips are all messy things. Could it be that they were deliberately mistaken?" Jing Jia asked.

"Yeah, I really can't believe what I saw above. I obviously felt that I wanted to expand the surveillance range, but I just pressed it and a cannonball was fired. It's really scary!" Mark shouted.

"There must be something wrong! We may have been deceived by a hacker trading platform!" Baidu echoed loudly.

Chenxing glared at the three of them fiercely and said: "There is no way the Taoist sketches can be wrong! I have seen these sketches when I was in the Galaxy Fleet, but I just didn't think about it carefully. There is no way that the hacker trading platform will go anywhere Lie to the Galactic Fleet?"

"Oh, boss, why didn't you just learn it casually? Now we have to figure it out for ourselves!" Mark shouted.

"How unreasonable?! I had too many things to pay attention to at that time, so how could I have time to learn from the delivery boy? Didn't I tell you to learn? It's better for you to be lazy one by one. Now you're going to suffer, right?! "Chenxing shouted loudly.

"This..." When the three of them heard this, they couldn't help but look embarrassed, because they were really lazy at the time, because the things on these Taoist magic tablets were really not something they could study. After listening to it for a while, they wanted to doze off. How can I have the time and perseverance to continue studying it?

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