The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3459 The power of great wisdom

Mingcheng's words made everyone present feel stunned and couldn't help but get excited!

I didn’t expect the people on the hacker trading platform to be so powerful, they simply kill without blood...

This time, the people of the Star and Horse Fleet were treated like monkeys. They thought they had grabbed a treasure, but who knew that it turned out to be a pile of junk. If they dare to come and attack the Galaxy Fleet, they will definitely deliver food to their door!

Because everyone quickly thought that if the Star Horse Fleet replaced the original parts with these scrap parts, it would mean that they would also lose their original combat power. In this way, even if they did not come to fight the Galaxy Fleet, they would fight Other races may not be able to defeat them. The pit is too big, too steep, and too deep to be fathomed...

"Great! It seems that your hacker trading platform's methods are really clever. I was still worried about the five of them just now! I wonder what means they used to escape?" Zitona praised and asked .

Mingcheng smiled and said: "Thank you for your concern, senior! In fact, the five people seen on the light screen of the Star Horse Fleet were those five robes. There was no one from the beginning to the end, so what they caught was those five robes. Clothes!"

"That's how it is?!" Zitonna and the others screamed!

Because they didn't see through this!

This can only be blamed on the hacker trading platform that did a great job. No one was inside. How could they make a red dot with life characteristics appear on the monitoring light screen of the Star Horse Fleet?

Moreover, the images of the five people are still so lifelike and full of vitality that no one doubts that they are fake...

Nowadays, the monitoring systems on each fleet are quite advanced and are quite sensitive to the identification of life. If it is not a living object, the little red dot that represents the existence of life will not appear. This is already a problem for each fleet. It is extremely familiar. No wonder the Star Horse Fleet has loopholes in this regard.

Mingcheng said proudly: "This is actually a type of high-end equipment, but we don't sell this type of equipment on the platform!"

"Oh my god..." Everyone was in an uproar, and then they discovered that the hacker trading platform had hidden a lot of private goods, and had not put them on the shelves for sale at all.

After understanding this, everyone became more and more in awe of this platform. They felt that it was really full of mystery. They didn't know where so many of their high-end products came from, how many of them were not sold, and their hidden strength. How deep…

But I heard Mingcheng continue: "Now that the five delivery guys have arrived at the Galaxy Base, you should hurry up and pick up the goods!"

"Oh!!!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but get excited!

Immediately followed Quan Bing to the bridge,

Looking into the distance, I saw five figures floating towards me. They were the five guys who delivered the goods last time!

To be precise, it was an older man and four teenagers.

"Receive the goods immediately!" Quan Bing ordered loudly.


Everyone immediately got out of the ship and greeted them...

Seeing the arrival of these five delivery guys, everyone has completely believed the words of Quan Bing and Mingcheng. They know that this time the Xingma Group will play with fire and burn itself. If they come to the Galaxy Fleet this time, If they come with the sincere intention of contributing to the galaxy, then the outcome will of course be extremely beneficial to them. However, they are constantly playing tricks, and all their actions are for their own selfishness, so the outcome will naturally be different from theirs. Quite different from what I imagined.

No matter how smart you are, don't think that others are fools. You can fool others and get all the benefits for yourself. What you need to know is that there are many smart people in the world. No matter how smart you are, there will definitely be others. Be smarter than yourself!

Moreover, in many cases, intelligence must be built on a solid foundation. If you don’t have the platform and strength of others, no matter how smart you are, it will not be as powerful as others!

Just like this incident, although Chenxing was very smart and racked his brains to come up with many powerful tricks, which even amazed the people of the Galaxy Fleet, he didn't know who the opponent he faced was and how terrifying it was. , and how strong he is, if he had known how powerful the forces behind the hacker trading platform were early on, I am afraid that he would have worked honestly for the galaxy from the beginning, instead of pursuing his own selfish interests...

This is the fundamental difference between little cleverness and great wisdom. People with real great wisdom will never try to be clever, because they know that in the face of strong strength, any conspiracy and trick are in vain. Under all the power of Dao, everything is as clear as if it were placed under the sun. No one can escape the surveillance of the skynet created by Li Yun and Xiaoxing...

Therefore, you can only improve your strength in a down-to-earth manner, from the inside to the outside, from the body to the consciousness, from combat power to wisdom, from personal strength to the strength of the force... improve it bit by bit, and the final result will definitely be yours. The scope of control becomes wider and wider, and your circle of competence becomes wider and wider!

What we are least afraid of in this world is for people to play tricks, scheming, fighting for power, and fighting. But what we are most afraid of is for people with great wisdom to calm down and do things step by step that only seemingly stupid people would do. Some small things, these things may not be seen as powerful at the moment. Maybe some smart people think that profits and results are too slow. Maybe they think it is impossible to achieve at all. Therefore, those smart people No one will "waste" time and energy on something that is stupid, stupid, ineffective, or even impossible to succeed at all.

However, time will prove everything. As time goes by, these small things will pay off, and they will continue to accumulate and make progress. In the end, their achievements will be astonishingly great, so great that it is hard to believe. I can believe it, it’s so big that people can worship it...

Yes, the progress of the entire civilization does not rely on clever people, but on these people of great wisdom. It is their research and gains in various fields that can promote the upward leap of the entire civilization. This has been proven by countless proven by civilization.

These are two completely different paths. People who are clever will have short-term gains, and they will get the best of both worlds for a period of time, and they will be prosperous and rich. However, they may also make a mistake and regret it for eternity. Due to some Make mistakes, or get hit by smarter people, and end up with a sad ending.

This is what is said about seeing him raise a tall building, seeing him entertaining guests, and seeing his building collapse.

As for those who value great wisdom, they take a long road of hard work, a road of hardship, a road of no power, no profit, no wealth and no honor, and many are even nameless roads. They pay a heavy price and gain a lot. It's often just a little bit of Taoist breakthrough joy...

It is this infinite pursuit of Taoist realm that supports them to persevere until they reach the other side of victory...

Their perseverance in pursuit not only brought them fruitful achievements in the future, but also benefited the entire civilization. They received huge benefits from their Taoist achievements, such as the progress of the entire civilization. The transition relies on the accumulation and breakthroughs of countless Tao techniques!

One thing Li Yun and Xiao Xing know is that in a certain civilization called Huaxia in the previous universe, this civilization has been plundered and attacked by foreign powerful tyrants in its history. At the beginning of its founding, it was extremely weak and could be broken by bullets. All fields were attacked, restricted and bullied by foreign countries. At that time, two of the foreign powers had already developed nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs, and even spacecrafts, which had gone to the moon, etc. In terms of strength, they were not comparable at all.

These two powerful countries compete with each other in high-end fields. When dealing with other countries, they wield the big stick of nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs. Any country that dares to disobey will immediately use this big stick as a threat, forcing it to obey obediently. Obey orders and work hard to please...

Therefore, if you want to be independent, have a foundation for development, and gain the power to sit on an equal footing with the other side and negotiate conditions and demands, you must make breakthroughs in high-end nuclear weapons. Only in this way can you break the other side's nuclear threats and nuclear intimidation...

At this time, countless wise people in the Chinese civilization made a shocking decision. They tried their best to return to their home country from all directions, and all went anonymously to the most difficult and desolate desert areas of their country to develop nuclear weapons and hydrogen bombs. …

When these people left, even their wives and children didn't know what they were doing, and all their relatives and friends didn't know anything either. They just disappeared from the world and left so neatly!

This is because they have to do this. Only by doing this can they protect their wives and children, and protect their relatives and friends. What you need to know is that in order to maintain their advantages in high-end nuclear weapons, it is absolutely impossible for the two powerful countries to let them Other weak countries can easily possess the same nuclear martial arts.

Therefore, once they discover that other countries are planning to develop nuclear weapons, they will send out the most terrifying assassination teams to kill those researchers one by one, because this is the most effective way to strike.

Including their relatives and friends, they may be the targets of these assassination teams. This situation has happened repeatedly in other countries, but in Chinese civilization, these assassination teams failed for the first time.

They couldn't find the whereabouts of those researchers, and they didn't know who the researchers were, so they couldn't carry out assassinations.

Researchers abandoned all glory and wealth and all fame and fortune, and devoted themselves to pursuing research and breakthroughs in high-end technologies. Many people died midway due to various reasons, and many people did not reappear until decades later. , as everyone knows, and at that time, the Chinese civilization had become a high-end nuclear power and had the power to compete with those two powerful countries. Everyone in the civilization enjoyed the benefits brought by the achievements of the researchers. , until a long, long time...

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