The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3449 Melon Advances

( ) At the same time, everyone also felt secretly chilled by what Ba Tie and Shaomai mentioned. From their descriptions, it can be heard that Ling Daozi's judgment was completely correct!

The hidden evil is really growing and becoming more and more powerful!

After three thousand years, the evil thing can evolve to the point where it is completely impossible to deal with, and its appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and it simply wants to suck all the people dry. How can it continue like this? !

What Guowei, Yi Xing, Lai Huan, He Mu, Lin Yang, Drake, Popov and others are most worried about right now is whether this evil thing will be brought to the Milky Way with the arrival of the Red Dragon Clan?

It would be a big deal if it happened, because the evil thing has evolved for nearly three thousand years and is definitely more powerful now. So is it necessary to adopt any targeted strategy against the Red Dragon Clan?

If no measures are taken, the consequences will be unimaginable!

After this question popped up in their minds, they got out of control. They were extremely anxious and asked Ling Daozi secretly...

Little That time three thousand years ago, they not only broke out in the old, weak, sick and disabled, but also appeared in young people and babies. So, now that three thousand years are about to pass, it is conceivable that during these three thousand years, , the evil things may become more numerous and more powerful. Once they break out again, will they appear in some strong adults?"

"Oh my god..." When everyone heard this, they were completely stunned!

Everyone couldn't help but tremble. When they looked at Ba Tie and Shaomai, their eyes had changed slightly...

Fairy Meiping said in a trembling voice: "Xiao Ling, are you saying... Bashuai and Shaojunshi might also have this kind of evil thing on their bodies?!!!"

"Impossible!!!" Batie and Shaomai shouted in unison.

"But why?" Fairy Meiping asked curiously.

Ba Tie said: "I have looked inside my body countless times and found nothing abnormal at all. Moreover, my cultivation level is still improving. Of course, my mind is also very clear. There are no symptoms after the spell is fulfilled." …”

"Yes, my situation is similar to that of the Marshal. My overall condition is extremely good!" Shaomai quickly agreed.

"This..." When everyone heard this,

Can't help but look at Ling Daozi again...

Little He is much stronger than others, so it is understandable that evil things dare not approach him, but..."

"But what?" Batie asked quickly.

"The evil thing is worried about you two, but it may attack other people, such as the soldiers in your army. Why don't you let me check to see if there is any evil thing hidden in them..." Xiaoxing said.

He had brainwashed these people for a while before, just to let them understand that the so-called fulfillment of the spell was not necessarily God's will, but might be something they didn't understand yet. Now, he knew that he wanted to make these people understand completely. , they must see the evil thing with their own eyes before they know how serious this matter is.

In fact, Xiaoxing has discovered that the evolved corpse poison molecules have invaded the bodies of everyone in the Red Dragon tribe. Even because the Qingque tribe has been with them, these corpse poison molecules have begun to enter their bodies through some contact channels. , this risk is getting bigger and bigger!

If this Qingque clan returns to the clan, it will cause disaster sooner or later.

However, he does not want to directly extract the corpse poison elements from the bodies of Batie and Shaomai now, because after all, they are the leaders of the Red Dragon Fleet, and it is not appropriate to attack them directly, so as not to cause them uneasiness. Once you start looking into it, it will become much more natural.

Sure enough, when Ba Tie heard this, he immediately sent an order to summon a group of soldiers. Shaomai general called his disciple Meigua over and asked Ling Daozi to check together.

When Melon heard that he wanted to check for evil objects, he suddenly felt a little panicked. He didn't know what was going on. Could it be that there was something evil hidden in his body?

Just when he was a little flustered, he suddenly saw Ling Dao's hand raised, and he was involuntarily caught next to him. He also felt a spiritual light under his hood. He didn't even have time to react, and he froze!

I don’t know how long it took, but Melon finally came to his senses. He shook his head and realized that he was lying limply on the ground. His whole body was weak. He tried to get up but staggered and fell down again...

He raised his head and looked around, and found that everyone around him was looking at him, with great pity in their eyes...

"Where is this? Why am I here? What's wrong with me? Master! Master!! Master!!!" Melon didn't know what was going on and screamed desperately.

"Okay! Master is here, you're okay! It's okay!!" came a voice, it was Shaomai.

After hearing this, Melon quickly turned around and found that Master Shaomai was indeed here. He was immediately relieved and asked: "Master, what happened just now? I feel like I fainted, and my whole body is warm. It’s like being in a hot spring, why did you fall to the ground when you woke up?”

"Oh?! You said you felt like you were in a hot spring just now?" Shaomai said in surprise.

"Not bad! It's like soaking in a hot spring. It's so comfortable! I really want to soak in it for a while! I feel much refreshed now, really!!!" Melon exclaimed excitedly.

"So, you didn't collapse because you were exhausted, but because you were too comfortable?" Shaomai pondered.

"Yes! I feel like my whole body is full of strength now, like a new life! Oh my god, realm seems to have improved! It has been promoted to three levels! Three levels!! Three levels..." Melon screamed crazily, Let everyone who heard it be dumbfounded and look at each other...

Shaomai suddenly came to Melon. After careful inspection, he found that just as Melon said, his cultivation level had jumped to three levels at this moment, and his spiritual power level had soared at least three times! ! !

Moreover, at this time, the vitality in Melon's body gurgled like a fountain, filling his entire body, giving him an intoxicating aura...

It can be seen that this promotion is completely natural and not forced. Melon has indeed made a solid improvement in his cultivation!

"Oh my God... thank you so much Xiaoling! Did you know? It was Xiaoling who caught the evil thing from you just now, so that you got such great benefits!" Shaomai said loudly.

"What? Which Xiaoling?!!!" Melon was a little confused when he heard this.

"Turn around and look..." Shaomai hummed.

When Melon heard this, he turned around and saw Xiaoxing. He finally remembered what happened just now and couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Thank you Xiaoling!!! You are simply my great benefactor... My cultivation has been stagnant for many years. It’s really incredible to think that I have broken through all of a sudden and been promoted to three levels in a row!!!”

Little It’s a natural thing!”

"Wow!!!" Everyone was in an uproar, and they suddenly lost their composure!

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Especially the other people who were called over for inspection became excited one by one because their situation was somewhat similar to that of Melon. So, would what happened to Melon also happen to me?

Ba Tie, Shaomai, Meiping, Shuixin, Guowei and others thought of more. It seemed to them that it was possible that people could be upgraded to three levels in a row by removing evil objects, but it was indeed true. Too young. You must know that if a person has been entangled with evil things for so many years, the essence in the body will be almost exhausted. Even if the evil things are eliminated, it will take a gradual process to improve immediately. It will never be like Melon Just like that, it was upgraded immediately.

So what is the key point in this?

What Melon said just now actually revealed this secret, that is, he said that he felt like bathing in a hot spring, his whole body was warm and extremely comfortable!

This feeling is the secret of upgrading, and you can naturally tell it based on the levels of Ba Tie, Shaomai and others.

Moreover, they can all see that Melon's whole body is now filled with a strong aura of vitality, and his whole person seems to be shining. His charm is endless, and it makes people want to rub his body and touch the light. This vitality Where does the breath come from?

There is no doubt that it was Ling Daozi who brought it to him!

What Melon didn't know was how terrifying the scene everyone saw just now was. Now that they saw Melon's appearance, everyone felt extremely lucky for him...

Because, they saw with their own eyes that Ling Daozi grabbed a large ball of colorless and odorless energy from the melon. Everyone could feel the amazing vitality of this energy, but they could not see anything in it!

Could something evil be hiding in it?

Only Shui Xin could vaguely see some of the foreign objects, and at the same time used his spiritual consciousness to observe the shapes of some of the foreign objects. This sight made him feel shocked and his face changed drastically!

Because he found that the appearance of these foreign objects was extremely terrifying, as if they were covered with spikes, and each one looked different, but the raised spikes all looked so frightening...

While observing, Shui Xin quickly drew the appearance of the foreign object he saw, which immediately made everyone's faces pale with fright. They didn't expect that there was such a terrifying foreign object hidden in Melon's body. It's no wonder that his cultivation realm has been continuously improved. It has been in stagnation for many years...

Being entangled by such a terrifying foreign object, it is already something to be thankful for if you don't lose your life, let alone being able to improve your realm...

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