The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3423 The formation shows its power

"Boss, the dark night has arrived in the center of the Guanxi tribe!" Zang Xin said loudly.

"Let's go now!" Hardaway ordered.

"Yes! Boss!!!" Everyone responded in unison.

The five Willy spaceships started immediately, like five sharp knives thrusting towards the important place in the Guanxi tribe...

Soon, five spaceships arrived over the mountain range. "Boom-" "Boom--" "Boom-boom--" they fired directly. The flames instantly rushed into the sky and the fire spread along the direction of the mountains. , like a fire dragon crawling on the surface of Guanxi Star...

"Start grabbing now!"

Hadaway gave an order, and countless small boats flew out from the five spaceships. They were so densely packed that they almost filled the entire sky. These small boats rushed toward the depths of the mountains like an army of leeches, making no sound, but letting people know. Everyone who saw it felt frightened...

Such a well-trained robbery mode is much more powerful than the ordinary space pirate fleet. It can be seen that the Willy Group has already been very familiar with this aspect...

However, what surprised the people on these small boats was that they found that the cannonballs fired by the fleet in front did not penetrate the protective formation of the Guanxi tribe's stronghold. All the small boats and people were blocked by an invisible barrier. It is outside the important area and cannot be entered!

The situation quickly spread to Hadaway, Zang Xin and others, and they were also surprised!

This kind of situation has never been encountered before. The cannons of the Yiwei fleet can be said to be indestructible. They have been invincible during many robberies in the past. No protective means can stop them. Unexpectedly, they missed this time. !

"What's going on? Is the Guanxi tribe's protective formation that powerful?" Hadaway shouted.

"Boss, I was a little worried just now that our first-level artillery shells were too powerful and might even destroy their clan treasury, which would be more than worth the loss, so I asked them to use second-level artillery shells..." Zang Xin reacted and said.

"Second-level artillery shells? Why not use first-level artillery shells? Send first-level artillery shells now!!!" Hadaway yelled.

"Boss, if you want to send first-level artillery shells, you have to get those boys back!" Zang Xin sighed.

"Let them come back immediately! The Guanxi tribe has successfully angered me. Even if they can't grab it this time, they will be blown to pieces with first-level artillery shells!" Hadaway roared.

"Yes! Boss!!!" Zangxin quickly ordered the boats to return.

However, what surprised him and Hardaway was that

After the order was given, it took a while and no boats came back, not even one!

"Strange, didn't they receive my order?!" Zang Xin said in surprise, feeling a little bad in his heart.

What happened tonight was so different from the previous actions, which made Zangxin feel an ominous omen...

He immediately issued another order, but did not wait for a small boat to come back, so he asked Jerry and Snowdin to lead a team to personally inspect...

After Jerry and Snowdin left, Zangxin suddenly thought of something and shouted: "Not good!!!"

"What's wrong?!" Hadaway asked urgently.

"We must have been fooled! We must leave immediately!" Zang Xin shouted.

"But why? Jerry and the others haven't come back yet!" Hardavich said.

"Boss, we've been struggling here for a long time, why didn't any of the Guanxi tribe show up? Not even a spaceship was seen. Could it be that they are all dead?" Zang Xin said.

"That's... right, where are they? I still need to grab more to refine the cauldron!" Hadaway shouted.

"Return the cauldron? Leave quickly! If you're too late, it'll be too late!" Zang Xin shouted.

"No, we have to wait until Jerry and Snowdin come back, right?"

"Leave them alone! If they can come back, they will come back. If they can't, they must be trapped inside!" Zang Xin said anxiously.

"Are you sure?!" Hadaway said suspiciously.

"I am extremely sure! Boss, in fact, I lied just now. We used first-level artillery shells. I said that we used second-level artillery shells to ease the mood and atmosphere and give everyone a little confidence. But now it seems that our first-level artillery shells They were unable to blast away their protective formations, and the small boats they sent out disappeared mysteriously and must have been trapped inside. Although I don’t know how the Guanxi tribe did it, I guess it must have something to do with the high-end equipment they recently purchased. Related! The level of those high-end equipment is extremely high and cannot be matched by our spaceship, so now we have no choice but to escape first and then make plans..." Zang Xin said loudly.

Hadaway felt uneasy after hearing this, and said quickly: "Okay! Let's go now!!!"

The five spaceships were ordered to start immediately and headed towards the stars...

Artus, who was watching the battle, saw it and said anxiously: "Xiao Ling, they didn't go down but ran away. What should I do?"

Little Your opponents, if you want to take revenge, it will only take a quarter of an hour."

"This... is a pity! I still want to catch Hadaway and ask about my missing son and daughter..." Artus sighed.

"Senior, that happened thousands of years ago, so there is no rush. Moreover, if you want to know about your son and daughter, you can also ask them from the person you just captured!" Xiaoxing reminded. road.

"Yes..." Artus said suddenly.

The senior officials of the Guanxi tribe quickly led the team and followed Xiaoxing to the important place of the tribe. They saw that except for the trees outside that were burned by fire, everything else was safe and sound.

"Very good!"

"The formation Xiao Ling set up is so powerful!"

"That's right, it's incredible that they can even block their fierce artillery fire!"

"It would be great if we could buy this formation..."

"Yes, this formation can also capture enemies. Those small boats were caught in it..."

"Oh my god, I have to buy this formation no matter what, so we won't be afraid of those space pirates anymore!"

"That's right..."

These people were full of praise for the formation set up by Xiaoxing. The reason was obviously obvious. This formation not only protected the family's important land very well, but also contained all the small boats sent by the enemy!

There is no need to fight with them at all, and the other party has already surrendered. Where can I find such a good thing?

Artus couldn't help but feel overjoyed when he saw the countless small boats captured in the formation, as well as Jerry and Snowdin, the two top executives of the opponent sent over from behind. He quickly asked Xiaoxing: "Xiao Ling, what about your formation?" Can the law be sold to us?”

"This won't work!" Xiaoxing refused.

"But why? No matter how much money you ask for, I am willing to pay!" Artus said quickly.

"Senior, this is not a question of money, because this formation itself is a priceless treasure and is not for sale, so no matter how much money you pay, you can't buy it!"

As Xiaoxing spoke, he put away the cage-clearing formation and shook out the captured boats and people, only to see that they were all trapped well...

"This..." Seeing this scene, Ates felt very reluctant to give up, but since Ling Daozi didn't want to sell it, he had nothing to do.

Fortunately, this formation was used to capture so many people in the Willy Group. With these hostages in hand, there is no need to be afraid of Hadaway.

Moreover, as Ling Daozi said before, as long as you upgrade your own fleet with the purchased high-end components, your combat power will soon surpass that of the Willy fleet. At that time, it will not be a question of whether you are afraid of them or not, but you will have to take the initiative. To find out their revenge issues...

"Senior, the fat guy is their third child Jerry, and the thinner one is their fourth child Snowdin. Maybe they know the information about your son and daughter, why not ask them..." Xiaoxing reminded.

"Yes, thank you Xiaoling!" Artus said suddenly.

He immediately interrogated Jerry and Snowdin, but he was extremely uneasy and worried that he would get some bad information.

In fact, he had a premonition in his heart that his missing son and two daughters would definitely not end well. Therefore, whether to ask or not to ask was still a very tangled matter, but this time the Willy Group came to his door. , it is impossible not to ask...

Jerry and Snowdin were arrested, and they felt extremely regretful, and they kept yelling at Zangxin and Hadaway. They actually ran away regardless of their own lives and deaths. They didn't even have any brotherhood. They were completely naked. interests!

They didn't expect that after so many years of hard work, they would end up like this, which made them have the urge to wake up...

However, they also know that their sins are serious, and I am afraid that such an end will happen sooner or later. Either they fall into the hands of the Guanxi tribe today, or they fall into the hands of others tomorrow. Unless they stop doing this underworld business, but it is impossible not to do it. Yes, you must know that once you are a gangster, you will always be a gangster. This is the fate that people in the gangster cannot escape. Generally speaking, there is only one way to the gangster...

After hearing Artus's question, the two of them felt a move in their hearts, feeling that an opportunity had come!

Because if you are worthless, you will most likely be killed by the other party with a single blow. But now that the other party is asking for help from you, with their cunning, they naturally know that this is a life-saving straw for you, and you must hold on tightly. …

"Senior, are you talking about your son and two daughters? When did they disappear? What do they look like?" Snowdin asked.

"Yes, your fleet came to rob once about three thousand years ago, and they disappeared during that incident. As for their appearance, they look like this..." Artus said while taking the portraits of the three of them. Show it.

"Eh? Is it them?!!!" Snowdin's eyes lit up and he shouted.

"What? Do you recognize them?!" Artus asked anxiously.

"I have an impression. I seem to have seen it somewhere. Let me think about it..." Snowdin narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

Jerry said aside: "Fourth, I seem to remember where I saw these three people on a colonial star, right?"


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